IMac :: How To Sort Out Buzzing When Put To Sleep

Aug 31, 2010

I have recently bought a new i7 27" imac and when the imac goes to slep it seems to crackle/buzz very very faintly.

I phoned apple who told me to do the following:

Turn off the imac.
Hold down ALT, CMD, and R, and then hold the power button.
Then still holding ALT, CMD, and R press the P key.

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IMac :: 24' Hard Drive Fan Buzzing Noise?

May 25, 2010

I've owned my iMac for a little over a year and I started having a weird buzzing noise coming from a hard drive fan. Downloaded iStat, everything runs at idle speeds (hard drive fan at 1200rpm), so the speed is not an issue. Sounds like a mechanical problem. Also downloaded FanControl, and once I increase the fan's speed to 2500rpm, the buzzing noise goes away, but now I can hear the fan It kind of defeats the purpose of having the expensive computer, that used to be virtually silent. I am in remote location in Alaska, where we don't have Apple store and the only way to fix is to ship it to mainland. Apple warranty is over, but I still get additional 1 year of coverage from Amex credit card, but I would much rather prefer to to fix it myself. Any suggestions on possibly replacing the fan myself? I am really debating whether I should ship it to Apple and trying to go through American Express with warranty. That would be complicated and I would end up without a computer for a few weeks.

Late 2008 iMac 24'. 3.06 GHz, 2GB RAM, 500GB Hard Drive, NVidia GeForce 8800GS.

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PowerPC :: IMac G3 (slot Loader) Buzzing / What Part

Jan 22, 2008

I bought a second hand iMac G3 off eBay for a pretty good deal, and am trying to figure out where the buzzing is coming from.

It doesn't come with any CDs so I don't think I can do a hard wear test, but I've noticed it is happening even when the display is off, and is in sleep (although it gets less audible in sleep).

Another thing I noticed is that in OS X it will stop after a while of not using it, despite the screen being on and still showing the image, is this the hard drive stopping? When I go and touch a key or move the mouse it starts again.

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IMac :: Yellow And The Buzzing / Backlight Bleeding On Week 6 27"?

Feb 9, 2010

How common is this? I prefer darker backgrounds and this may be an issue.I'm over the yellow and the buzzing, but this too? Don't take me the wrong way - I love my Macs but I can't say I'm crazy about this..See attachment. Ignore the image noise, the big spot that bothers me is on the top to the right.

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IMac :: Desktop Images Not As Sharp On 27" / Sort This?

Nov 21, 2009

Anyone notice that Apple's desktop images ( nature themes, etc) are not as sharp on the 27"?

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OS X Yosemite :: IMac Wake Unexpectedly From Sleep Mode Then Goes Back To Sleep

Nov 30, 2014

My iMac wake unexpectedly from sleep mode then goes back to sleep 00:10-00:15 later.  Yosemite is current.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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IMac :: Send Stereo High Quality Audio Over Bluetooth To Some Sort Of Receiver?

Feb 3, 2009

A couple of years ago when I got a tv for my room, my dad built a rack of shelves into the wall, one for my tv, one for my stereo and one for random stuff. It's always been nice, but restricting. I like to move my room around, and My desk is forced to stay right next to that rack to transmit audio to my receiver via a hard wire. Seeing as my iMac has bluetooth built in, I was wondering if it is at all possible to send stereo high quality audio over bluetooth to some sort of receiver that would feed into two RCA plugs... Now, I'm not talking audiophile quality, this is just a $400 sony rig, no crown audio here, but I dont want it to sound like those old 900mhz wireless headphones with all the interference. Is this at all possible? Or am I doomed to either staying put, or running 5' of cable under my carpet?

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IMac :: A Weird Humming Noise/buzzing Noise?

Aug 19, 2008

I'm new to this forum and I just bought a new iMac 20" 2.66GHz, I turned on my computer and noticed a weird sound (buzzing or humming noise) not loud but loud enough to here I notice when I messed with the Brightness it went away is there something wrong with that or is that a known issue?

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IMac :: New 27" Imac Takes Ages To Go To Sleep?

Aug 15, 2010

just purchased a new 27" Quad core i5 and it takes about 5 seconds for it to go to sleep, and then makes a loud noise after.

My hard drive is also noisy, it whines and drums constantly.

I also have got yellow tint on all sides of the screen.

I live in NZ so if i will not get a new replacement, instead it will be sent away to apple which will take forever

by the way it is the older 27" (late 2009) version.

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MacBook :: Buzzing, Vibrating - How To Fix It

Mar 23, 2010

Well, I have a late 2008 13" Macbook Aluminum, (I've had it since Christmas of 2008) and just yesterday, I noticed a weird buzzing-like sound coming from the inside of it. There's also a faint vibrating feel to it. I felt around, and the vibrating feels like it's coming from under the middle of the keyboard more severely. The buzzing occasionally sounds like it's getting faster, and then slower, faster, slower, etc.

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Mac Pro :: Mac Pro Buzzing Fan And Hard Drive Noise?

Sep 1, 2006

I received my nice new Mac Pro yesterday. 2.66GHz With one 160gb drive and one 500gb drive and some other customisations which, for the purpose of this are not relivent.

My first and most serious problem is a rhythmic clicking, which according to technical support is a known issue and is to do with my hard disk drive. The noise comes from the top front side of the machine and clicks at around 200bpm at all times. It is very audible and unnexceptable and for this reason Apple are replacing my machine.

The second problem which I believe to be more of a design flaw is noisy fans. I obviously know fans make noise but this is an intermitent buzz, at a constant frequency. It sounds like a bee is flying about in my machine and varies according to the angle of the machine and wheither the superdrive bay is open.

As you will understand I am very dissatisfied. My machine took 3 weeks to arrive and is riddled with problems.

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MacBook Air :: Buzzing Sound Coming From Fan?

May 4, 2008

I noticed that when I move my MacBook Air when the fan is running, it makes a slight buzzing/grinding sound. Is this just air hitting the fan at a different angle or is it a bigger problem that needs to be fixed ASAP?

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MacBook Air :: Buzzing Noise On New Rev B - How To Repair

May 14, 2009

I purchased a Macbook Air from Amazon. The display is excellent but i've been having this constant buzzing noise going. It's very irritating and I'm not sure what is causing it. I definitely didnt hear this noise in my rev A Macbook Air or in Macbook air sin the Apple store.

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MacBook :: Fan Making Buzzing Noise

Jul 22, 2009

I was just downstairs in my basement using my macbook and I decided to come upstairs and when I got up here I noticed that my fan is making a weird buzzing noise. I can tell it is my fan because when I make the fans spin faster in smcfancontrol the noise gets louder. Could this be something that is in the fan or could this be a more serious problem? I can take the back case off and check but I just wanted to know if this could be a serious problem with the fan. Is there any chance I could have bent something by carrying it wrong?

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Intel Mac :: 27 Buzzing While Sleeping Or Shutdown?

May 11, 2012

When my Imac 27 ( 2011 version ) is shutdown or sleeping there a buzzing "electrical" sound ( like an high tension cable ) behind the screen. 

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: Loud Buzzing Coming From It

May 15, 2012

About 5 mins ago i rebooted my Mac, and in the boot process something started to buzz horibly. I was in a dark room, so it was very scary for me and very late too... Being scared i pushed CTRL+OPTION+SHIFT+POWER so it shut down imeaditly.

I powered it on, no buzzing. But OS X did not boot at all. Just stood there. Now I'm booting of the recovery DVDto disable my EFI pass, so i can boot verbose. 

Info:MacBook Air Mid 2009, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook Air :: Making A Buzzing Noise?

Sep 2, 2014

i opened it and it started making a strange low buzzing noise

MacBook Air, OS X Server

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MacBook Pro :: Why Is The Power Adapter Buzzing

Sep 9, 2014

Why is the power adapter buzzing and the mouse pad jumping around when plugged in?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Air :: Fan Making Constant Buzzing Noise

Mar 16, 2008

I have had my MBA for almost a week, and I've had no issues so far. Until now. This is the case: The fan operates as it should. It stays on 2500 rpm at light use, and increases with heavier use. At 2500 rpm I was not able to hear it without putting my ear next to the keyboard. That was yesterday. Today the fan produces a new noise. It isn't very loud, but clearly audible at 2500 rpm in a quiet environment. It's a low, constant, buzzing kind of noise. It also increases with fan speed.

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Mac Pro :: Slight Buzzing Noise Around Power Socket

Nov 2, 2008

The power socket at the back of the mac pro makes a kind of buzzing noise. Only for a short amount of time though. I have have never heard this before as it isnt that loud at all, and only cam across it by chance. I kind of figured out that it might be the electrical current.

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MacBook :: Buzzing Sound Coming - How To Prevent

Jan 11, 2009

I purchased my Macbook in August 2007 and have no problems until Christmas this year.

It started buzzing and I wasn't sure what it was, until a week later I got a folder with a question mark at log-in, from what I understand my hard-drive died. I replaced the hard-drive myself within a few minutes, very easy and no problems, and it runs perfectly.

It's been two weeks and it's already buzzing again. I take very good care of my Macbook but I do transport it from class and back everyday.

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MacBook Air :: Rev B, Lines, Flickering, Buzzing - How To Avoid It

Jan 22, 2009

I just purchased the Macbook Air rev 2 120gb HD model. I it has the problems with the lines on the screen. It flickers on the one test image from the forums, but does not appear to flicker during normal usage. Also, it has a sort of CPU buzzing comming from the left side of the keyboard. It gets worse then I move the trackpad.

I was thinking of calling support on this, but I don't want to end up getting the same screen with the same problems. I was wondering if anyone has gotten any of this fixed. Is there some way that I can direct support so that they put in the correct model of screen.

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MacBook :: Whitebook Making Buzzing Sound?

Jun 2, 2009

My whitebook is making a buzzing sound that is coming from under the F4 and F5 keys, it can be heard a little with no background noise but when i put my ear close i can hear it much clearer. Does anyone elses macbook do this or does anybody have any idea what it is and should i take it to the apple store?

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Speakers Buzzing / Make Them Stop?

Aug 11, 2009

I just bought a refurb MBP 2.4... I'm noticing that at high volumes my speakers are crackling/buzzing/distorting/whatever you call it. I'm planning on taking it in tomorrow... Anyone have any experience with this?

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MacBook Pro :: Buzzing Sound From Left Speaker

Apr 6, 2010

Over the past few months or so, I've been noticing a sound, much like a buzzing, coming from the left speaker area of my computer. It seems to be near the area where I plug in the charger. The sound is not terribly loud, but when it's quiet in my surroundings, it becomes quite evident. I'm not talking about an audio-related issue, but I am just unsure as to what may be causing the sounds and whether or not I should be worried.

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MacBook Pro :: 15 Left Speaker Buzzing - How To Repair

May 30, 2010

My new MBP 15 has a buzzing left speaker at certain frequencies.

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MacBook Pro :: Making Humming/buzzing Noise?

Apr 4, 2012

Yesterday I started up my MacBook Pro that I've only had for about 9 months. I immediately noticed that there was a barely audible buzzing / humming sound coming the inside of the laptop, most likely in the fans. I don't know how long this has been going on, and I really don't know the cause of it. So is this something I should be worried about (the sound is barely audible)? Or is this something that happens after prolonged use of the laptop? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook Air :: It Is Not Working - It Keeps Buzzing, With The Screen Black.

Apr 9, 2012

When I try to turn it on, it keeps buzzing and the screen remains black.

MacBook Air

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MacBook :: Charger Buzzing From Block And Outlet?

May 21, 2012

My MacBook charger has always sparked a little when I plug it in (not every time, but often), which I've read is normal, but lately, I've also been getting a pretty loud buzzing sound both from the block and from the outlet. I have taken the disconnectable cord off the block, made sure all the connections looked clean, then made sure it was reconnected snugly, but I still have the problem. I've been having to unplug and replug from the socket several times to get the buzzing to stop (if it makes a difference, I always plug into the wall before I plug into the laptop, so the charger is plugged into nothing when I plug it into the wall. The sound starts as soon as the LED turns orange, and continues intermittantly, especially if I move the mouse. The block, itself, doesn't seem any hotter than normal). The cord is undamaged, but the prongs are a little scored up at the tips. It seems to happen more readily when the charge is below 65%. I did have water damage occur several years ago (I got lucky: The only problem I had was a messed up battery), but have had no other problems with my MacBook. I've only plugged it into an alternate outlet when the charge is above the 65% mark, and have gotten no noise from the other outlet, but can't say for sure if it's because it's a different outlet or if it's because my charge is above 65%. 

I am planning on bringing it in to see if I can get my cracked palm rest repaired (if it's covered despite being out of warranty, which I have read/been told by a fellow MacBook owner that it is) and to see about upgrading to Lion, and I plan to have them check the cord and battery (Which no longer warns when it wants to be plugged in and is at 349 cycles), but I was wondering if this is something I should be concerned about, and to see if anyone else has had an issue with it.

MacBook (13-inch Late 2007), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Laptops :: MacBook Pro Grinding/buzzing Noise - How To Avoid It

Oct 5, 2009

Let me preface this by saying I am probably taking this to the Apple Store about an hour away from where I live tomorrow. For A while my MacBook Pro 13" has been making a loud spinning/grinding noise on occasion. Normally, I'd just shut down, boot up, and it would be fixed. Well, yesterday, that didn't work. After being told by the support guy that my free phone support expired 14 days ago (Mac bought in June), he said he'd do what he could to help. I told him about the noise and held the phone up to it (it is coming from the right of the trackpad). He said he had never heard that before and said to take it in to the Apple Store. I've found an Apple Support article, but it doesn't shed a lot of light on the situation.

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