IMac :: Screen Not Coming On Startup - Logic Board Dying?
Jul 8, 2010
My iMac chimes when I press the start button but the screen doesn't come on. It's making a whirring noise so it's doing something. There's a DVD in it but it won't come out when i press the eject button on my keyboard. The iMac also doesn't show up on the network of my MacBook which it usually does. I was having a few problems earlier this week with the screen doing strange things - occasionally turning off, then coming back on. It was suggested that it might be a dying logic board but I tried a Apple Hardware Test this morning but it said no problems found. I have some files backed up but desperately need to get some recent documents off it [I know, I should have backed it up more often ]. Is there any way to get access to the files on the hard disc?
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Jul 22, 2010
I have a small, well its not a problemm but anyway.
My macbook (late 2009) Is taking ages to start up. I just recently had my Logic Board fixed (headphone jack screwed up) and after picking it up from the shop it takes ages to start up... First there is a grey screen for about 30 sec. then the apple logo appears with the turning wheel thing for another 50 sec....
I do have over 40% harddisk space left... I only have BTT as a startup item and in /MacHD/Libary/startupitems i only have PACESupport....
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May 13, 2008
so i've got a system with a fried c2d board. i can pick up a cd board for $150 plus shipping which is good for me. to find a comparable replacement, i'm looking at ~350 and i'm just not feelin that price as im on a budget.
i'm not concerned about the speed decrease as im just trying to get this thing rebuilt.
i understand that there are different heatsink assemblys..vertical vs horizontal. however, i do not know how to tell the difference and i am also unsure whether or not my c2d heatsink will work on this board i receive.
the logicboard possess a t7300 c2d and model # is 820-2279-a, it appears.
i cant find anything on that model, except for on ebay.
and i totally cant find the serial number on this macbook. under the battery on the tray has no serial number listed, and i've read through this documentation [URL]
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Dec 24, 2006
I had a fault where my powerbook would not start up. Apple replaced the logic board and now the screen is a very strange colour and flickers.In the video I use the hot corner and the dog changes to the right colour but the windows do not. its very strange.I will have to take it back to apple in the new year but is there anything I can do to improve the image. Its so hard to look at like this.
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Mar 18, 2009
First Mac Attack, must say I like working on these things, I'm working on a friends late 2004 ibook g4 that seems to boot up fine, but with lines across screen exactly like this one found in google images. Most of the info I've come across seems to point to a logic board failure, but also have seen posts relating to LCD failure. wondering if any here have encountered this and what eventually found was problem. This ibook is litterally on the verge of just being replaced anyway. I'm only working on it because It's a first, and believe the education is valuable.
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Jun 26, 2009
As the title implies, I've got 3 year old G5 iMac sitting as a paperweight at my desk. At least half that time ago the logic board died and I was quoted a repair bill of around $900. I couldn't go with it, but I couldn't decide what to do with it either. I now have to get rid of it and since I know that this model had lots of issues with logic boards I'm hoping some of you will have some good advice.
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Nov 7, 2009
I got a mac mini out of warranty (core 2 duo 1.83 ghz) that just died on me. I went to the apple store and they sent it in for a diagnostic. They confirmed that the logic board is dead and will be around $350 to replaced. I'm still weighing my options and was wondering if anyone can direct me to a site that sells replacement logic boards to see if I'm better off doing the repairs myself?
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Mar 10, 2012
My IMac would turn on I would hear the fans spin/whirl but know "ping" noise to tell me it was powering up. Screen was dark.So I replaced the power board. This did not work. So now I've been told that the logic boad needs to be replaced.
Info:iMac G5 (17-inch)
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Apr 23, 2012
? the logic board of my iMac failed. It was replaced by Apple, but they couldn't tell me why this had happened. Looking for answers to avoid future problems.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 31, 2006
I purchased a 1.33 G4 14 inch ibook exactly 13 months and eight days ago. The logic board is toast as of today. i.e. flashing colors and flickering screen. I took it back to where I purchased it and many other apple items {powermacpac it Portland Oregon}...and I was told that it was a $600 dollar repair...unbeleivable...I now have a $1050 dollar paperweight. I called apple support to find out if they would fix the computer since we were so close to the warranty end date. n the end...I shoulda bought applecare.
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May 8, 2008
I'm looking to get this titanium powerbook but it has a broken screen, possibly bad backlight? I can get it for a good price and I would love to have it to replace my ibook. I don't know the specs for sure but I am positive I think it's the DVI version since it has the keyboard that looks like the ibooks(same placement for the keyboard release latches).The guy said it worked fine on an external monitor but just recently he said it won't boot now and it now makes a high-pitched whining sound. Anyone know what that is? I'd like to use it as a headless mac until I locate a new screen for it.
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Apr 21, 2012
8 month old MBP 15" i7 4GB RAM 500GB HDD, took it in last week to get the logic board replaced (computer wouldn't boot up) and now it is running fine, although at random times the display will go haywire and I am forced to restart the comp (manually). Why is it doing this? Do I need to update something? Is it related to the new logic board at all?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 3, 2008
My 17 inch iMac G5 1.8ghz seems to have died. For a while it's been refusing to power up and then powering up randomly but now it wont power up at all. I've looked on the logic board and reset the SMU etc but I can only get the first LED to light up. I think this means the logic board has died. Is it worth replacing the logic board and can it be done easily myself? Or should I just bite the bullet and pay out for a new alu intel iMac? I'm in the UK btw, any ideas on logic board prices?
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Oct 4, 2009
OK, so I did something truly stupid. I managed to splash water on my macbook. I hit a small cup of water (about 2 oz) with the end of the computer with the CD drive. It immediately shut off. The next day, I set it outside to dry in the sun and by midday, all was well. It functioned just as it always had. This continued through last night. This morning, when powering on, all I got was a white screen (no tone). After doing powering up while holding command-alt-r-t (a sequence I found on a help board), it will now make the tone, but maintains the white screen. I am slowly accepting that I am an idiot and the computer is probably a loss. Multiple internet searches have suggested it is either the logic board or the hard drive (at the very least). Any ideas?
My dad is a computer programmer, but does not use macs. He looked at it and just shook his head. I am very non-computer savvy (I know how to turn it on). He did say if it is the logic board I should be able to retrieve all of my (non backed up) files on the hard drive. He said he really doesn't think that it is the hard drive.I also am learning that it will probably be cheaper to replace than to repair. However, I am willing to try anything which might help.
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May 5, 2010
I have a 2007 Macbook Pro with the Nvidia 8600M card, and my screen went out. I had my logic board replaced, but my computer just doesn't feel the same. Should I be worried of any other issues?
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Dec 7, 2010
I can't seem to figure out how to remove the logic board from a G5 w/iSight that I've been given to have a look at. What happens is that the unit powers on, the LCD display slightly brightens (getting power) but stays dark, and that's it. No beeps, boops or other responses beyond that. If you remove the RAM chips, the LED power lights gets mad and blinks at you, but that's about it. On the board itself I get the two diagnostic LEDs lit. The third never even flickers.
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Feb 11, 2006
My iMac died a few days ago. I shut it down the previous night, and then in the morning when I went to turn it on, nothing happened. The screen display doesn't turn on, nothing. I opened it up and did the LED tests, and found that the first one would turn on, but none of the others would. The apple site says to take it to a store and have it fixed.
Now, I bought my mac on December 19th, 2004 ( what a day that was). At the time, I didn't think I'd need to buy applecare or anything. So about how much do you guys think it would cost to replace the logic board? And also, how long would it take to have it replaced?
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Nov 7, 2009
i need some advice on what to do next, my Intel 24" iMac has failed, diagnosed as a faulty logic board by the Apple Genius. I purchased the iMac in Dec 07, and I deliberately did not purchase the extended warranty as this is a desktop unit, that in 20 months of ownership has never been moved, dropped or transported anywhere.
I have no option than to either pay for the repair - �380 or sell on eBay for spares...!
I informed Apple about the Sale of Goods Act, and they have put the owness on me to prove it was faulty from date of purchase...! They have informed me that I need to visit an Apple authorised service centre where they will run a test and produce a report, which will determine if the fault was there in the first 6 months of ownership.
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Jan 22, 2010
I've recently been having problems with my iMac G5 iSight after downloading iTunes 9. After a series of freeze-ups, i noticed a visual anomaly appear on my screen. Little hash-marks all over the display were present, and playing DVDs or iTunes visualizer would result in a checkerboard pattern. After doing some research, I found out this was a logic board problem, and it was not uncommon for iMac G5s. However, I kept using my computer for a few more months when it then started freezing two minutes after boot up. I figured it was time to open up the computer and take a look. But after spending the 3.5 hours opening the machine, removing all of the cables and screws, I couldn't find any visible damage on the board. No swollen capacitors like everyone was complaining about. The only strange thing I saw was some discoloration on a few circuits near the USB and Firewire outlets.
I've decided to replace the logic board myself for around $370, and I was wondering about a few things.
1. Would the new logic board come with a processor, or would I need to pry it off of my old one, and re-attach it?
2. Would I need to go through a lot of re-programing and software issues if I replaced my logic board, or would it just start running right off the bat after replacing it?
3. Is this operation worth it? Because I have come to like my iMac after 5 years of use, and I would like to know if fixing it would give me a decent amount of usage before I would simply need to replace it
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May 17, 2007
I have an imac G5 20" that is approximately two years old. About 2-3 weeks ago it started acting a bit would lock up on std apps (firefox), it would always lock up after being revived from sleeping etc. I ran the hardware test and everything checked out. Then a few days ago it wouldn't boot. I get the chime, I hear the drive spinning, then the fans kick into high gear and I get a screen with a folder in the middle with a "question mark icon" and a "finder icon" displaying alternatively inside the folder. So I booted up the hardware test dvd and the test failed 27 seconds in with the following error code:
2GMC/2/15: built-in
Logic Board Error Detected
Are there any other steps I should be taking before taking in for service?
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Feb 25, 2010
I've got a 20" 2.1GHz iMac G5 iSight on my bench that doesn't power up.
I've tracked down the issue to a grenaded IC on the logic board.
The IC is an 8 pin SOIC chip, to the right of the power connector, just above the ALS connector. It is labeled UE300.
If you know what this guy is, can send me a good picture of one, or can provide me with the numbers from the IC, I can get this mac back to life.
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Apr 17, 2009
I'm somewhat new to the forums, and found a really good deal for a brand new macbook air (rev.1). I'd like to know if it is possible to replace the logic board in my macbook air with a newer, nvidia-gfx based logic board. As in, will it fit, does the same power supply run it, same peripherals (airport, keyboard, etc) work/interface with it, etc?
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Nov 3, 2010
i am about to upgrade my old harddrive and thought while i have it open i might have a look at the wifi chip on the board? but where is the chip? for about 1 year now my wifi just wont connect to the router unless im like standing right next to it, even sitting on the couch which is litterally just about 2 meters away it still will not connect, at the moment im using a wireless dongle and all is dandy, but if i can just have a look at the board when i have it open i could tinker and see if anything has come loose a bit. Is it possible for something like this to even come loose?
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Jun 25, 2012
My son's 17" imac PPC G5 was not booting up. After a trying a couple of things I got it to boot using Disk Warrior and reparing the file directory. At that time I also ran DW's hardware test which said the drive was fine. My son hard restarted it shortly after I fixed it and it wouldn't start up again. Just a gray screen, no apple logo. When I tried to use DW again it told me there were problems with the hard drive and it couldn't fix the problem. I tried to fix the hard drive in target disk mode using Disk Utiltiy and Drive Genius. No luck. So I pulled a working drive out of my Mac Pro and reformatted it and swapped the internal drive of the iMac with it. There were no DIP switches to set. Started up the imac with a Leopard retail disk thinking I would just install a fresh system onto the replaced internal drive of the iMac. Disk Utility on the leopard disk didn't see the hard drive. Now I'm beginning to think it's a logic board problem but I can't find the original disks to do a Hardware test with. Is there some other way to test a logic board? Or some other idea that I'm not thinking of that could be wrong with the machine?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), ATI 1900, 8GbRAM
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Jan 17, 2010
Anyone know where I can get it cheap ?
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Oct 9, 2009
I have a macbook pro 17" 2.4GHz (non unibody). I accidentally applied 220 VAC to DC adaptor terminals and burned the logic board (and also the fuse on the left I/O board).
There were no visible damage on the logic board so I assumed only power input stages could have burned and started to investigate. I removed the battery charger IC, some burned mosfets; and I connected the adaptor plus input to the output of the battery charger block. So the DC/DC converters are now powered from the adapter, as in normal operation. Only difference is that there is no battery or charger stuff.
Now, when I press the power button nothing happens. If I connect the adaptor while pressing the power button, hold it for a while, release it, and press it again, it powers up. (Is this MCEverything from hdd to dvd to fans powers up but not the LCD. Fans start and remain running at full speed. Harddisk powers up but there are no noticable reads. That is, no os boot attempted. The mbp draws around 1.5 A to 1.75 A at 18.5 VDC(not sure if it indicates anything).
I'll do whatever I can to fix my board. I have MSc in electronics, skilled technician friends, and access to lots of tools, parts, and measurement devices.
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Mar 6, 2007
I just got a Dual 1 Ghz MDD. It's a big step up from my 500 Mhz Sawtooth!
The problem is that it (supposedly) needs a new logic board. I've been watching logic boards on ebay, but I'm not finding anything with matching part numbers. My logic board has the following numbers:
630-4373 EEHNNW
I guess the important numbers are the 630-* numbers. Perhaps one it the
'as designed' rev part number, and one is the 'as manufactured' rev part number?
I have the dual 1 Ghz processors; would they work on a 1.25 Ghz logic board? Most of the boards I see on ebay are 820-1476-A, or 820-1308-A.
What's the difference between the 820- boards and the 630- boards?
I don't have a complete service file for the MDD; can anyone email a copy?
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Sep 22, 2009
Anyway... I was planning on getting my hard drive replaced because it was making that weird noise I talked about and I still am... but. Something else happened to. My friends dog chewed my power cord (just a few bite marks) and it was enough to make the green like really dim so we unplugged it. Instead of trying to fix the cord... we just got a new one but the computer wont turn on!
The light does not turn red green or orange on the plug but the battery light blinks when I unplug the chord (the battery is dead.. all drained i mean).
Me and my mom took the computer to a store that does warranty repairs on both Macintoshes and Windows computers and they said they would replace whatever for free. Like the harddrive maybe the battery if that is what is wrong and the logic board. But well... we kind of never told them my friends dog ate my first power cord >>
I wanted to. but my mom and my friend said they wont replace it for free if we told. I sure hope there is no way they can find out of the 1000 for a new logic board is true. We dont even have that kind of money right now!
But do you think the couple seconds of not enough power from the chewed cord might have shorted out my psu or something?
Im just curious. I know my friend has a friend that took his laptop in for a similar problem... yesterday or the day before.
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Feb 21, 2010
After my MacBook Pro 2.5's logic board failed( and was replaced under AppleCare) after owning my MBP for just 17 months, activity monitor often shows asl ( system log file) manager at about 100% CPU. Fans spin at 5000rpm. Never had this issue before the logic board replacement. Also, Safari 4.04 frequently crashes; never had this issue either before, either. Occasionally, after restarting my MBP, the Apple doesn't appear on my screen but instead I get image of a folder alternating with a question mark. When trying to use installation disk to start up, under 'select the system you want to use to start up', Mac OS 10.5.8( the OS that's on my hard drive, will not show at's missing. After restarting several more times with installation disk OS 10.5.8 eventually appears as a selection. Why would these issues appear only after the LB was replaced. I suspect that the replacement logic board or its installation is not 100%. Something's not quite right there.
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Sep 1, 2010
Some of you probably will remember my post a week ago, saying that my MBP DVD drive killed my OSX Installation DVD. here is the conclusion of it, I took it authorised service center here in North Thailand. Waited for a week they sad they will change DVD drive and today it finally arrived. Around 11am they called me and said dude, we changed the drive the problem is still there cant install system. Your "Logic Board' is screwed, you have to wait at least 1 week for a new one.
Now what is logic board? Is that main board? Is it possible for computer to still work with a broken mainboard? I mean I didnt damage it, I had kernell panic and tried to re-install OSX so how could that killed my MPB? I still could boot into disk utility and format the drive was just unable to copy files.To be honest my MBP is 3 months old, i took a good care of it. And I'm very very very dissapointed in apple computers now, expensive and damn un-reliable.
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