My most beloved Kitty girl had to be put down the other day and I SO want her photo as my desktop. I took an old photo of her and cropped it and went to (on Iphoto) share and set desktop and I had it perfect. Then I played around with other photos of her to see if I liked them better and when I came back to her photo and did a set desktop it was WAY too big. I went to the original on my camera and transferred it to I photo - fixed it and did a set desktop but it is way to big.
So today I went to my friends house for a party. Her and her friend were taking pictures on photobooth. But when I went to the desktop the icons for "Macintosh HD" and everything else on my desktop were 4 times as big than it's supposed to be.
As stated in title, the desktop picture will randomly revert to a picture I had up there months ago, usually when I run the battery all the way down on my unibody MB, but also when I change display settings when i plug into an external monitor.
Do I just need just reset the PRAM or is there something else I'm missing.
BTW, I have searched and I know I only have a few posts...
So i dropped my macbook last week and turned it on and the screen is just grey, so i bought an external monitor and hooked it up and everything works fine except when i turn it on all I see is my desktop picture, no icons or anything. What could be the problem and is there a way to fix it?
I just restarted my mac (Powermac G5 OSX 10.4.11) after I opened iTunes and found no songs in my music box and the song I tried to open wouldn't play. when the computer started up all my desktop picture were gone and all the folders on the desktop were also gone. All the system settings were reset. The content in my storage is all there except a folder which I had open when I restarted - my music folder is basically all gone (including all the music I was working on) except for the one folder I had open in the music file. I would hate to think all the folders are just gone.
my system preferences is not working, i was trying to change my desktop picture and it says loading pictures and comes up with a colour wheel, i have left it for a few days and nothing has happened.
I'm looking for a Picture Frame that will always remain on my desktop. A widget will only show when you hit the dashboard icon and then disappear with a click. I would like a picture frame that will remain on my desktop and automatically shift through my selected photo's.
Information: 2.66Ghz Quad Core Mac Pro Mac OS X (10.5.6)
One of the relatives were complaining about a fuzzy/colourful line over their iMac screen.. I figured it would be a display/hardware issue.. Until I remote desktop'd into the machine. Somehow, the line is showing through Remote Desktop..
Its' just on the background, and stays over the background picture no matter what (I've tried to change it, etc.) Tried to repair permissions too - nothing.
Pictures are displayed in the system preferences/desktop & screen saver window. However, when I click on an image to make it the active desktop wallpaper, nothing happens. I've rebooted. Now what?
For the last year, I've had the same desktop picture on my iMac screen (picture of a cruise ship). I've never noticed this problem until today: the lines and contour of the cruise ship are imprinted on my screen. When I change my desktop picture to a solid color, I still see the lines and contour of the cruise ship! Is there a way to fix this or is my monitor pretty much garbage. As a graphic designer, these lines are very distracting and I can't work like that...
I Set my desktop picture from iPhoto. I shut down and the next time I start up the default galaxy pictures appears. How do I get my selected photo to stay as my desktop image?
I can not see my desktop background picture, I can only see a blank grey screen. I check the system preferences and it says that I have chosen a desktop picture from my pictures file but it is not showing up.
I just bought a MBAir for my daughter, and I created an admin account for myself and a managed account for my daughter. I don't want my daughter feel uncomfortable that her old dad appears sharing her computer and monitoring her. Is it possible that my account icon/picture is hidden or removed from desktop while I am still able to use the account?
I set the desktop background picture to photos on Aperture through right mouse clicking to "change destop background".
All the photos fhrough Aperture are present. I click the photo and it changes. I also use the screen saver using aperture photos. All of these photos are on an external drive and has been working flawlessly with Lion on my older imac.
Last week I bought a new imac with Lion. Everything is working the same as above except for when I shut down the imac. When I boot it back up, the mac supplied image of the milky way appears and the photo I had on the desktop prior to shutting down has been replaced by this.
The external is mounted and the screen saver after 5 minutes will show my Aperture is just the desktop photo that has been replaced..
I was cleaning up some of the unused pictures that came pre-installed with Leopard on my iMac, such as the abstracts and solid colours, that are used for changing the desktop backgrounds; but after getting rid of the original pictures and folders I am still left with the folders as being able to be selected when I try to change a desktop background.
I can't use the minus sign to remove the folders from the list.
Is there some other way of removing the folders?
It's not really a big deal, but it is kind of annoying having empty folders showing up on the list.
I have a mac lab that is managed by workgroup manager on a mac server. Do you know of a way to disable the right click and save image as desktop picture. I have students that keep changing the desktop background. I haven't found a way to disable it. I have it setup so they can't get to any of the preferences.
I have a custom desktop picture on computer. However I want to edit the actual picture (not change to another picture) & I deleted the original some time ago. Where is the actual picture stored so I can edit it?
Info: macbook pro C2D 2.66 , 4gb ram, 320 gb hd, Mac OS X (10.7)
I am running a clean install OS X, including my third-party applications, and this five-year-old machine has never run better. However, an anomaly has arisen. Whenever I push play (iTunes) my desktop picture disappears briefly, replaced by a neutral gray screen, before reappearing. As I write this, I quit and re-launched iTunes and the problem still exists. I am loathe to restart my computer as I am in the middle of some pressing business. I will check back if a restart resolves this issue, otherwise, feel free to comment.
With iTunes running, pushing Play starts the song and one-second later my desktop picture disappears briefly. Pushing the button (Pause) again stops the song but nothing else happens. I am currently listening to iTunes DJ and just now the O'Jays started playing and without my doing anything, the desktop picture disappeared and reappeared. I have iShowUHD and will make a recording of it, if it continues.
Info: 24-inch iMac 2.8GHz (early 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I select my desktop picture, and it puts it as it. But once I shut my computer off and turn it back on, it's back to the Lion desktop picture. But when I go into the system preferences, it says that my picture is the one that I selected before.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 15" Retina Display Macbook Pro
The Dock doesn't appear. Spaces is greyed out and won't stay enabled. Desktop picture cannot be selected (stays standard blue screen). Screensaver does not work and cannot set hot corner.
I have deleted the dock plists, restarted, repaired permissions, updated to 10.6.8, restarted again. Still no dock, no Spaces, no desktop picture change, no screensaver.
How did this begin? I had lots of large-memory apps running (eg. Photoshop, Garageband, Pages, Audacity, etc) and then there was a freeze, I can't remember which app – probably Photoshop) and I had to shutdown using the on/off button.
After that startup, all the problems were present. :-( (I've looked at related Dock-crash posts here: I do not have installed: Parallels; Fusion.)
Info: 2.8GHz Intel Core i5, Mac OS X (10.6.6), 4GB; 1TB ; 27"
When I go to "desktop & screen saver" in System Prefs, I have a mystery picture I cannot get rid of and it has been passed from Mac to Mac, OS to OS. It says it's on my desktop with the other pics that I see on my desktop that are actually there. I click on the picture to get its name or location and I get this ".UserImagesWelcomeSecondaryIm". So I try to find this location...nothing. I try to spotlight this exact phrase, NOTHING. This picture has gotten unbelievably annoying because I can't locate the physical file to delete it. I believe it may have been an image that was dragged off a browser onto the desktop.
I am using safari as my web browser. Often I find an image displayed on a website is too small for me to see. Is there a way to enlarge the image or to zoom beyond what is embedded into some sites?