Three times in the last week or so my iMac's screen has just turned white (once with almost a ribbed pattern with thin grey vertical stripes evenly interspersed) and become completely unresponsive, with the only option being a hard reset. It's happened under a variety of conditions: while surfing in Safari, while working in Aperture, and once without doing anything (I was on the phone sitting by my computer). Each time I've restarted it everything seems to work fine for a couple days, but then it happens again. I've never seen anything like this and I figured after the third time it's time to ask for help. Does anyone have any ideas?
So my 20" 2.4 Imac crashed on me twice tonight. A box popped up telling me to hold down the restart button for several seconds to restat. The second time I did this it just sits with a white screen and give three loud beeps over and over. Is there a fix for this? Is it my ram? I'm at a loss.
My step mom has an iMac. The first gen intel one and the other day out of nowhere there was a white screen with a folder on it and now when you go to start up the iMac the screen just stays white.. What would be the cause of this and what should I do to fix it .. thank you
This is perplexing me: I've only had my iMac 21.5" for a week. I posted here about the white screen issue after the 1st s/w update. Now, on every restart I get the same *but only when* my USB ext HDD is plugged in; unplug it & it starts fine, plug HDD in and it mounts, checked external HDD with disk utility - AOK. Never had this problem with my old 20" iMac! It's still in DoA period so is it best to get it swapped out?
I ran software update and got (iPhoto, itunes, Security patch) so I ran it and downloaded everything except the Intel Security Patch. So I restarted and decided to try again. Restart didn't work as it got stuck and I had to reach around and restart by holding down the power button. When it came back up, I got the white screen with the grey apple logo and the spinning clock like icon..... spinning and that is where I am stuck, left it off all night and tried it in the morning, same thing.
I did try:
-resetting pram (nothing happened) -restart in safe mode, holding down shift key (nothing, stuck on screen)
I would try to start up from the OSX disk except I have a DVD in the machine. I am thinking it was that security update that didn't download fully that is doing this but how do I get the imac, "unstuck"? or how do I manually eject that DVD to put in a OSX start up disk?
This happened many months ago but my imac evetnually started. Today I have tried several times to start my imac and can't get beyond the white screen.I get the mac sound at when it is trying to start up but then freezes at the white screen.
I bought my Imac at the beginning of '06 and it's been great but today a small white line appeared running vertically all the way down the screen and over the dock and menu bar. it's white during boot up and then yellow after everything is loaded..does anybody have an idea what this is or how to fix it?
I have a Mac 10.4 (I would check but I can't get on my computer) had been running slow As I can see, many other Mac users have encountered the same problem that I now have: the dreaded �blue screen of death�. About a week ago, any internet browser that I tried to open (Safari, Camino) would freeze after loading its home page, and tell me that the application was not responding. After force quitting and restarting each program a couple of times, with no positive response, I decided to restart my computer to see if that would do the trick. Upon booting up, it then started the same sequence that it is still doing now: first a grey screen will briefly show, then a white screen with the apple logo and a turning dial beneath it.
Then my computer would go to a blue screen with a turning dial under it, where it would freeze and just keep showing the turning dial. So I looked everywhere to try to find a solution. I came up with this
"OK, restart your computer, hold down Command-s and type in the following:...............
For some reason, a friend of mine is having issues with her new iMac (one generation back). Here is what she emailed me about the situation:
Here�s what happens in greater detail. I quit or force quit all open applications. I press the ON/OFF button until the screen goes black. I wait several minutes and press the same button ON. I get the Apple cord sound and a blank white screen. The Apple icon does not come on; nothing happens. That�s when I close it down again and disconnect it from the back and reconnect it (a few seconds). Then I press the O/F button and the Apple cord sound AND the Apple icon come back, the system revs back up. All all is well � except for the ball coming back...
I was updating my iMac with mac os lion and it was installing the update when there was a power shortage and the iMac turned off. Now when I turn it on it won't get passed the white screen with the Apple logo and the turning thing, what should I do? The update I was doing was the Mac OS X Update Combined version 10.7.3
can anyone tell me why my screen on my imac is all white? the last time i use it was 6 months ago because i had to move. so i unplugged it and now i wanna use it again but when i turn it on, it's all just white on screen, i try to reinstall everything by using the disk but still nothing, can anyone tell me what's wrong with my computer?
I have an inch wide white stripe that runs from the top to the bottom of my screen. This is on an Imac. The cursor disappears when going through it but pops out on the other side. It doesn't move but I can drag my window back and forth to view the part the stripe covers.
Any ideas or should I locate a local mac repair person?
My iMac 20" is giving me white screen with the question Mark folder, some smack head formatted it and now it won't respond to the install disk, it won't even beep on a pram reset and there's no chime?
I was off of my iMac for an hour or two so my screen saver when on. I went to wake the computer and it was frozen. I tried using the keyboard and mouse to wake up the computer from the screen saver, but it would not work, so I powered the iMac down manually from the button on the back. I let it sit for 15 minutes, then I tried to start the computer up again. Now at start up, I get to a blank white screen with the spinning moving pin wheel, and that is it.
I have a new MBP. I was trying to transfer stuff from my iMac to the new MBP using a thunderbolt cable and pressing down the 'T' key while restarting my iMac.
Long story short, there was not enough room on my MBP so I just continued on without transferring anything. Disconnected the thunderbolt and my iMac is still on a white screen with a floating thunderbolt. How do I proceed?
i bought the 2009 refurbed 27"er and returned it 3 times due to yellow screen problem. for the 4th replacement they decided to send me the new model.
i have the 3rd and 4th replacements sitting here side by side.the 3rd replacement, which has a yellow corner is light years better than the new one. the new screen doesn't have yellow's a perfectly consistent yellowish brown tone. the older one has a yellow corner, but is much more illuminated and very balanced white. the max brightness of the new one is only 3/4s of the max of the old one.i tried configuring it to no avail.
are all the new models like this?it's quite a bit snappier, but the screen is worse than the last 3 that had yellow patches? it almost seems like it was a return and it shipped from cali rather than asia?
At work, we have a 17" G5 iMac from back before the iSight was put in. We're an Apple shop, so we have the new iMac actually on the floor for people to try out. The old G5 this thread is addressing is up on a shelf, but we want to turn it on as a display model. We plug a temporary mouse and keyboard into it, but the machine never gets past the white Apple screen with the "I'm thinking" animation. After a minute or two, the fan turns on full blast, but the white screen remains without any signs of moving on. What is our problem?
I own a 17" g5 imac and today I was just browsing on Firefox and all of a sudden the screen became checkered with thin pink and white lines. It is most noticeable on the menu bar and anything that is grey or white in color. It is not checkered on the blue background behind my desktop photo. I have an external monitor plugged in as well and the same thing is happening to that monitor.
I have a powerPC imac G5 OSX 10.5.8 1.5GB DDR RAM ATI Radeon 9600
Here is a screen shot: Haven't reformatted it yet. Hope there is a better solution. Purchased it used about a year ago. No warranty.
My brother got an iMac and yesterday he tried to install windows xp with boot camp. But unfortunately he made a mistake and the iMac shut down. Now the mac is stuck with a windows xp in it, and when he tries to start up the computer, it says "the start-up sound" and just stays with white screen. It sounds like the mac reads from the xp cd when it starts, but I can't get the cd out.I have looked everywhere and tried everything:
Hold down the primary mousebutton while it's starting, Hold down "fn" and the "eject" button while it's starting, and hold down "alt" while it's starting
I can't find any "pin-hole" to a paperclip or something.
The day after I installed the update(10.10.1) for Yosemite, regularly my iMac suddenly stops working by showing a white screen. After 10 seconds, the iMac reboots automatically and again shows a white screen. Than, it stops. No action. No noise. I'm always obliged to stop the iMac by pressing the start button and restarting by holding the 'shift' key otherwise I have to look at a white screen again! In the save modus, I can work(typing this story) and restart the iMac. After a while, the whole show starts again. What can I do? Installing Yosemite again and whiteout the update? Can I undo the update? This once, I made no backup before the update(Murphy's law).
So for the first time in over a year since I purchased it, my iMac crashed twice.The first time was this morning, i went to do something and the screen went black, and my secondary display got black and white lines. I had to restart. And the boot screen with the apple logo hung around for a while.
Then, later on the screen went whacky after trying to wake it from sleep (not full sleep just display sleep) and had a bunch of moving lines and then I couldn't see anything. So luckily I got a picture. After restart, it seems fine.I'll call apple care in the morning, but thought i'd try my luck here.
Since the last itunes update (May be a co incidence) , my 27" Mac keeps crashing with a white screen and flickering It then wont restart most times, even when using boot up options such as option, Cmd P+R. even removing power!waiting and restarting etc on most restarts wont work its a white screen.
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
On my mid 2007 Aluminum 24" Intel Imac shows nothing but a white screen when powered on even though according to the diagnostic LED lights which are all powered on and green the logic board, video card, and everything else are speaking back and forth to each other perfectly fine. Does this mean the LED screen is bad or (from what I've read) is it a possibility the hard drive is bad? I know the optical drive is bad and will not spit out any discs. The #1 reinstallation disc for the OS is stuck inside right now. Before I order a new screen, inverter, and optical drive I figured I should ask in here to see if it is just bad hard drive or something else. Wouldn't the LED diagnostic lights tell me if the hard drive was bad?
My screen had black and white vertical lines pop up over the entire screen then went blank and now at a restart the password then loading spinning circle happens then I get a blank white screen.It's a 27 in Intel iMac that is about 2011/12 purchase