as you are probably aware iWork is being shut down. But i still don't understand from the email, where to exactly store my documents. As iworks beta is part of icloud system.  where do you then store your documents in the cloud when this service is closed.Â
The iWork Public Beta allowed me to share Keynote presentations with anyone via the web. Now Apple tells me the Public Beta is being replaced by iCloud. How can I share a Keynote presentation online via iCloud? Must the presentation be downloaded to view?
Within the past week, Photos (beta) in iCloud no longer opens. I receive the same error message every time.Â
I eliminated the possible error of network by testing at home and work, but I'm not sure what the missing resources could be. I've tested it on a MacPro and MBP using Yosemite (10.10.1) and the latest Safari but Photos beta will not open online. Encountered this problem of Photos in iCloud not opening?
I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question, but today my Apple Account forced me to change my Apple ID. Just moments ago, with all my prior Apple ID info intact, I downloaded the Beta for Messages. Is that involved?
Cant access iwork on icloud/ Clicking icon takes me to store to get program which I have done. No luck. Read the document but the computer is not doing what it says it should do. All the other modules work just fine.
I have 2 computers and want to use iCloud with iWork docs, but my files don't show up. Software is up to date and iCloud turned on, but all I get is the intro screen like "Pages for iCloud" with buttons at the bottom "Get Pages for IOS" and "Learn More". My Contacts and email was working from moment go, but what do I need to do to to use iWork in iCloud?
Info: MacBook 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iMac 24-inch 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with OS 10.5.8
I have heard that .mac and mobileme were supposed to be some unworkable system.But so far iCloud seems to be a practical joke, or a way around dropping the service entirely.There appears to be no way to create a document using the applications in iWork, on a Mac, and "share" them using the "Cloud", except for "iWork", which Apple is killing this summer. On an iPad, though, the only documents that can be accessed are copies from iTunes, iDisk (which I think dies this summer too) and webDav? So already, the supposed way of seamlessly syncing my documents depends on separate and apparently conflicting methods. Yet, all of Apple's literature would have me believe that all these apps are compatible, and use, this vaporware called "iCloud".
I would really prefer Apple saying they can't make it work.I can start using Microsoft Office 11 and set up something that approximates a webDav, but then will apple kill that on the iPads? This is starting to look like a worse mess than it was before. If you can edit a photograph, how much harder can it be to edit text?
I have just switched to OS X Lion, in the hope of using iCloud with iWork apps.I have the latest Pages version ('09) and after spending two hours reading forums, I have just understood that:
1/ I cannot save docs to iCloud without buying the iOS app on one of my mobile devices.
2/ I will have to wait for the next Pages release, for iCloud support on OS X.
3/ Using a $2000 Apple laptop only enables to view docs created by iPad or iPhone devices.
I just wanted to save my Pages doc to iCloud, in order to have it ready on my Mac at the office on Monday.I sometimes wonder whether Apple is joking or not.In addition to this, the item "Trying iWork" is grayed, thus no way to try to push that damned doc to iCloud.I cannot believe there is such a poor iCloud support on OS X Lion.
My add-ons are all installed, and enabled, but most are not working. The plugins are all just gone, such as flash. I installed flash again, restarted, and it still doesn't have flash.
On my iMac and MacBookPro I cannot save .pages documents to iCloud iWork. They appear on the iWork screen, but I cannot retrieve them.
However, from my iPad it is no problem!. After editing in iPad and save the documents to iCloud back it is possible to download these on my iMac or MacBookPro without problem.
I have just purchased a Macbook. I've been using iWork on my iPad for 5 months, and would like to see my pages, numbers and keynote files on my macbook. I'm wondering how I do this? If I change a documents contents, will it change on the macbook also?Â
How do I transfer iWork's files to icloud when iworks ends. I keep getting emails telling me to save documents. When I click on icloud from my browser, the files are still in iworks.
what to do to be able to still use Pages and Keynote on imac to save my work. I apparently cannot upgrade to Lion... So now what? Has anyone tried to add another 1 G ram to the machine and apply the Lion Upgrade ? Surely there is a way to manually save? work on i work
I like Safari's U.I. very much, but, everytime I load around 5 pages at the same time it starts to freeze and give me the rainbow circle on the mouse pointer. If I open the same sites with Camino everything works great and even faster than Safari.
I do not want to quite switch to Camino, because its UI is ugly, but its really superior to Safari on speed terms and has the same compatibility as Firefox, because its Gecko engine (?). I will miss Top Sites and Safari's UI so much
How your Safari works? Is it fast and freeze free?
I have a: Macbook Pro running Mac OSX 10.5.8 (Office 2008) Word, Exel, PowerPoint, (Iwork 2009) Numbers, Pages will not save:. I tossed the Word Plist file and that did not work. I have run Virus Barrier X5 and found a about 10 files with Virus 'W97M/Pinky.B' "Quarantened" them and still have the problem.
The problem started -- I think -- when I was doing heavy editing between Numbers and Word. But I don't think it is related (though who knows at this point). Without these programs I'm rendered pretty useless.
props to Stuipdboy1000 on the heads up under Quick Links you can see iWork '11
Quote: Originally Posted by Stuipdboy1000
It's an official photo from the App Store page on Apple's website, not from the store itself. seems like Apple might have an iWork 11 release soon Apple edited the picture on the website to take out the '11 but it was there earlier
I need to update iWork on my Mac cos iWork 08 docs don't work on my new iPad. But iWork 09 is about 18 months old now so surely will be updated soon. Would anyone who is learned in the product cycle of Mac apps care to hazard an educated guess on an update?
what's the different between I download iwork on app stores and buy iwork software?and one more question about Pages in iwork is that can Microsoft office word open the document create by Pages ?
Is there any talk of an update of iwork '08 during Macworld '09? I am a switcher to Mac as of last month and I really like pages instead of word. I've been using a trial version and I'm going to buy it, but I was wondering if I should stick it out by using google docs in the event that they release iwork '09. By the way, in case any admins are reading this post, why don't they include Apple software in the Buyers Guide?
So I used the iWork '09 trial for 30 days now and now I have a box version and I want to simply use the buy function from the trial to upgrade to the full non-trial version. It has: Quote: If you've purchased an iWork '09 box, you'll find the serial number on the Installing iWork '09 booklet. There's only one problem, there's no serial number on the booklet! How do I install using the buy function or do I have to install the full iWork suite again on my computer? Seems kind of silly. If so, do I need to then uninstalling one of my versions of iWork '09? And if so, which one? How do I tell the difference at that point?
Some of you might be wondering and about to comment on the fact that I should have just bought the online version and saved the hassle. The reason why I bought the box is because I could get it for $39 at my girlfriend's campus computer store.
I know this probably has been answered elsewhere on this forum...but I can't find it. I already own iWorks 08. Is there enough of a difference/improvement between 08 and the 09 that would make it worth getting (I am a cheap Presbyterian you know)? From what I have read it seems that most really love the 09 Keynote.
I've just purchased a Mac from my friends friend (via eBay) and it's an awesome machine. It's not the latest MacBook and cost me �466, the OS is Version 10.6.3, 2GHz, 2GB 667MHz DDR2 and an Intel graphics accelerator.
I was just wondering, when I load up for example Firefox and close it using the X at the top left, it appears to be closed, but upon right clicking Firefox icon I get the menu and it says 'Quit', I thought once you close an application using the X (like Windows) it closes the instance of that application
Love OS X and Safari. Can't stand the constant "Are you sure you want to close this tab" message that always pops up when closing tabs with forms.
Finally found a way to get rid of this. Type the following into Terminal:
/usr/bin/defaults write DebugConfirmTossingUnsubmittedFormText -boolean No
Thought I'd pass this along; I searched here and haven't found this tip posted. This probably belongs in the OS X forum, but hey, I never look there and would guess many of you here don't either.