ICloud :: Change The Primary Account On Device?
Jun 23, 2012setting up my new macbook I typed in the wrong iCloud account. How can I change the primary iCloud account on this device?
MacBook Pro
setting up my new macbook I typed in the wrong iCloud account. How can I change the primary iCloud account on this device?
MacBook Pro
My nephew and i haave a mess with our accounts I want to remove my name and put his in I want to add his email as the primary and remove mine completely Can this be done
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to set/change from primary iCloud account to second account on Mac? i have two account in iCloud. the primary account doesn't syncronizing to my other device coz in my other devices such as iPad, iPhone are using second account.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.2), iPhone 3Gs, iPod Nano 5G, New iPad
I bought an Imac my mistake I put my personal email. I have a company and I want to buy itunes and iclouds but it tells me that primary email does not mach.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
How can I make my secondary iCloud account my primary iCloud account?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I changed my address on mail, my ID and address of my apple account, but the main address of icloud is always the same. How will I do it ?
Info:MacBookPro, iOS 5.1
Transfer my iCal Calender data to my primary iCloud account
Transfer my iCal Calender data to m
I want to change my primary e-mail address that I use with Apple ID - says Select Edit next to “Apple ID and Primary Email Address.” But there is no 'edit' on that section there is on every other but not that one.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), I'm a beginner!
I can't receive any email in my new [URL]. I wanted to change my Icloud IMAP account but i dont know how. Since I lost my phone i had to make a new gmail account and i can't make any changes
iPod touch
How do I change the email address on my iCloud account.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
how to change my mail account on my mac to I cloud? since i have changed to Icloud on my iphone it seems that I can't access the old mailserver anymore. What do I do?
iMac 20-inch 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5)
I have changed my email address and iCloud keeps asking for the password for my old email address. How do I change my email address for my iCloud acct?
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
I have changed my apple ID how do I change my Iclound account to suit the new apple ID
iPhone 4
My wifes icloud email account keeps using my name even after changing it to hers? how can we stop this
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
How do I change the name in the iCloud account details in system preferences? For some reason it has picked up a wrong name and everytime I try to change it it does not memorise the change but keeps defaulting back to the wrong name. It therefore means that everytime I accept an invite for an appointment in Ical it shows the wrong name.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan change or delete mail me account on iPhone and iPad, but not on mac
How do you change the email address your icloud account is registered with? I use my old mac.com address but icloud registered me with me.com which I never use.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't know if this is the right place to ask this question, but today my Apple Account forced me to change my Apple ID. Just moments ago, with all my prior Apple ID info intact, I downloaded the Beta for Messages. Is that involved?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
New 17 MBP. Drivers do not allow the primary monitor to be changed from the Laptop to a second monitor (when extended). Am I missing something?
View 11 Replies View Relatedis it possible to change a local account to a open directory account
Mac mini Server (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Lion Server
We had a HDD fail on one of our office Mac laptops (a power pc G4). Apple repaired it and I restored all files etc from a backup. I was the administrator during the restore. Before I could get back, the user changed that account to a standard account and changed the name. Now there is no way to change the account back, because there is no admin to authenticate the change. Anything I can do? I am not an advanced computer/Mac person.
View 21 Replies View RelatedI created a new admin account, and now I need to get all folders like Music, Documents, Video etc from old admin account. So, if I loged in as a new admin I see all folders with red sign in the coner and don't have permistion to see them or move. What are my options?
I do have Time Machine backup from old admin account, but it also doesn't let me open folders from the new admin.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2.93GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
can i share an itunes account with more than one device?
iPhone 4S
I've been changing the permissions on some of my folders and files in my normal user account so they can be accessed and changed by another account. Problem is, I have a program that saves new files into a particular folder. When it saves the new file, the permissions are the default, meaning I have to change them myself in order to make them writeable by the new account. So my first question is - is there a way to make my first user account always save files with a set of permissions that I specify?
My next question is - what should these permissions be? Both of the accounts are admin accounts. Should I therefore set group to be 'admin' and give rwx permissions to the group? Or is it possible to set owner to 'admin'? Can a file be owned by a group? Looking forward to your answers! This UNIX stuff is fun!
I keep getting a pop up saying, anotherdevice or network is using my ip adress, so im unable to get to the web. I have reset my router and airport extreme but it still keeps giving me that pop up. Do I change my IP adress and how.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn the sound preference pane, the input and output devices have 2 properties. the Name, and the Type.
Just being curious, but how can I change the Name attributed to a particular input/output device?
How to add another device to icloud - find my iphone?
Info:iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have an iPhone, iPad, and a Macbook Pro..Notes I create on either iOS device sync with each other. But nothing appears on my Mac. iCloud seems to be working for other apps. Just not notes.
Time Capsule / Time Machine, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My laptop and ipad was stolen. I have an icloud account, i can see my 2 iphones and the laptop but can't see my mac laptop which is the devise I used to set up the account and now I can't locate where it could be?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there or will there be a way for us to store all our data/files on our Mac Book Pro up to iCloud now or sometime soon.Appears Apple is moving us to store all our data/files/music/ video etc.on iCloud.Will we soon be able to back-up our files to iCloud using "Time Machine"?
Mac Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.1)