I have run into a situation with my iCal calendars and iCloud. It's a long story, but basically I ended up deleting one of my calendars off of iCloud (and subsequently off of all of my other devices). I had made a backup of my ~/Library/Calendars folder as well as the com.apple.ical.plist before I was modifying it, and tried to restore the calendar from the Calendar folder. I now have a situation whereby my calendars appear correctly in iCal, but iCloud is not picking up the deleted calendar (the others are still syncing fine). I was looking at trying to unsync/resync, however, iCloud threatens to delete all of my calendar data off the machine but leave it in iCloud, which is not helpful to what I am trying to accomplish. System has latest updates to 10.7.3.
How can I get this particular calendar to sync with iCloud again?
I have just migrated from mobileme to icloud. I now have no calendar on my ipad and only one child's calender (out of three childrens +2 other calendars) shows up on my macbook and entries are changed to wrong days. I have everything on my iphone but do not want to plug it in for fear of losing all data (I do have a back up on an external HD) How do I get all the correct data from my iphone calendar to the ipad and macbook? I have checked discussions and there are many similiar issues but no replies with resolution.
Apparently I allowed iCloud to delete all of my calendar and reminder information from my Mac.Can I restore it from iCloud, if not can I restore it from Time Machine?
I've activated icloud and its caused problems with my calenders. if i stop it will i loose all my calender events. Its duplicated and removed some for my mobile devices.
I have Imac.When we moved from mobile me to icloud, the calendar no longer pushes to icloud.Message in calendar is: The calendar url... was not found on the server. Make sure the URL is correct.
I need to print my entire 2011 calendar for tax purposes. How do I go about doing this? I never dreamed it would be so difficult! Help please. If I have to go week by week, I think I might be sick.
I have an iPhone with my Work calendar Synced with my work computer (outlook Calendar). Also, I have iMac 27" i5 with my Home calendar (iCal).This has worked fine and separetly for the last 3years.My home calenders allow me to organise my life with payments and is very important. My work calendar, well that speaks for it's self. I install iOS5 on iPhone and Lion on the iMac which unbekownence to me have iCloud syncing on and doing stuff that has totally corupted my iMac Home Calendar.My home calendar has my work calander mixed in with my home calendar and reminders popup every few minutes that I have already dissmissed.They won't stop popping up.The same one over and over and they go back a month or more.Additionally, when I try to add an event it sometimes puts it in very day instead of a monthly re-ocurring event and then it won't delete the event.I've tried to turn off iCloud, and it does all the right things and appears to turn off but then when I go back in it is on again.The Work Calendar (Windows 7 Office 2010) doesn't show any symptoms and has kept working as it should on my work computer as on the iPhone. Neither appear to be effected.I've tried all the delete files and reinsralls but iCal seems to just get more confused. It renames calendars and is totally out of control to the point of no return.I can't find any where which shows how to delete iCal and do a fresh install of iCal and not have iCloud sync.I have searched Google for months and months with no joy.What I need is to stop iCloud and it off permently as it appears to be a problem for how I use my apps. I do not want to use iCloud for calander or anything just yet.I need to get my original .ics backup in iCal that I have and working on it's own and with out the cloud or syncing.
Info: || iMac 27" i5 and 20" G5 || Macbook intel & iBook G4 ||, Mac OS X (10.5), || iMac i5 and G5 || Macbook and iBook ||
My freelance work life requires I keep iCalendar and Address book updated constantly. However, entries I make on my home Mac are not showing up on the on the iCloud website, a major problem. I don't understand why they are not updating.
After years of bad behavior from .Mac and then MobileMe, now iCloud is ALSO not syncing my calenddar events between my computers and my iPhone.Â
The only way I can make my computers sync with each other and my phone is by going to Calendar/Refresh All on the menu bar in Calendar. I thought this was supposed to happen automatically.Â
It sure seems that syncing in iCloud is just as annoying and broken as it was with .Mac and MobileMe.
I recently downloaded a local college baseball schedule to iCal on my Macbook. It shows up in my iCal calendar on my Mac. It has not shown up on my iPhone via iCloud. When I sync my iPhone I do not use any syncing buttons because everything is supposed to be synced via iCloud. This new calendar shows up in my Mac iCal but nowhere else (iCloud calendar or iphone calendar). What am I forgetting to do? I've ebven tried syncing with my cable, no difference.
Info:iPhone 3GS, iOS 5, Main syncing computer is MacBook
When I have a new event in Calendar on ICloud, I sometimes like to have "alerts" more than two days out. For instance my drivers license expires in July and I want a 30 day reminder but I see no way to set an alert that far out in the calendar in ICloud. ICal had (has) that ability.Â
icloud calendars is checked in system preferences, however my ical appears empty on my macbook pro. Why is my iphone calendar not synching with ical in macbook pro even though icloud preferences are properly set up?
When I enter an event into my Macbook, my iPad and iPhone show it in iCal, but when I enter an event into either my iPad or my iPhone, it does not show up in iCal on my Macbook. iCloud is enabled in my accounts, with Refresh Calendars every hour selected.
I have spend days trying to figure out why my appointments don't show up on the iCloud calendar. iCal on my Mac is just fine, all appointments are visible and working. I can get contacts on iCloud and Mail on iCloud but calendar shows up with no appointments.Â