Windows On Mac :: BootCamp 2.1 And Perfectly Running Win7

Oct 24, 2009

After loads of headwork I may have a perfect running Windows 7 on my MacBook Pro. I was running XP but decided for a change, installed 7 but had the issues with sound, keyboard, bluetooth etc etc tried a few things but no joy. So went to Vista instead, things worked fine but didn't partition enough space so another reinstall was needed, then came the brainwave if everything is running smoothly in Vista surely if I upgrade to 7 it should still work, ok I was a little wrong 90% of it did.

I even had sound, bluetooth issue was resolved just needed to uncheck 'allow computer to control sleep thing' just needed to sort out the keyboard backlight, eject and fn keys. So in my wisdom I reinstalled bootcamp 2.1 update, ignore the messages that come up it will install...reboot and voila all Working! I will be rigorously testing this over the next week so will post back any issues, hopefully there wont be any. By the way I am using the x86 version as my MBP doesn't support 64bit. So in short:
Partition > Vista (make sure fully updated) > Upgrade to Windows 7 > reinstall Boot Camp >

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Windows On Mac :: Running Win7 (BootCamp) For Significant Amount Of Time

Jun 14, 2010

I'm a potential switcher and I'm still going back and forth between a top of the line Thinkpad T410 and MBP 15. A big reason I'm heavily considering the MBP is that I'm interested in using Mac OS, if for nothing better than it being different and new. I'm a long-time Windows guy, and I'm actually pretty impressed with Windows 7, but I have admired Mac OS from a distance. A recent line of thinking has been: I might as well get the MBP because it can run both Windows 7 and Mac OS, whereas the Thinkpad T410 can only run Windows 7. Since I've never really used Mac OS, my fear is that in a month, i'll miss Windows 7 (unlikely, but still a possibility...). In the event that I used MBP as primarily a Windows machine, I've heard that it runs hot and the power management support is poor at the moment. I plan on leaving the MBP plugged in as a desktop about 90% of the time.

So several questions:
1) Do any of you run Windows 7 through bootcamp for a significant amount of time on your Macbook Pro's?
2) Apart from poor battery management, how is Windows 7?
3) Just for reference, is there eventually going to be improved power management support and driver updates? (From what i googled, it seems like they missed their 2009 deadline, but I can't seem to find any word that they intend to eventually release updated drivers)

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Windows On Mac :: Reformating Pre-existing Win7 Bootcamp Partition And Reinstall Windows 7

Oct 12, 2010

i'm using macosx 10.6.4 and bootcamp assistant 3.1

now here is the problem my windows 7 is infected with virus (thats why windows suck big time) and i need to reformat my windows 7 and reinstall a new windows 7.

how am i supposed to do it? insert the installation disk and do like how we initially installed windows 7? just format the partition and reinstall again? i just want to make sure so i ask before doing anything.

or can i do this? i use winclone to restore? any1 have any idea? i'm new to all this i dont know how to do it. i have backup using winclone but how do i do it? do i still need to format then only use winclone?

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Windows On Mac :: Win7 On Bootcamp Not Seeing USB HD

Jul 20, 2010

I just installed Windows 7 on my bootcamp partition. I have a macbook pro intel. Everything is loading fine, i ran the windows 7 update and all things are up to date. I now need to load my bootcamp drivers. I restored my Snow Leopard image file onto a portable HD. Double checked in osx and everything loaded fine.

Now, my problem is.. from Windows 7, when I plug in my usb hd, it does not load. Is there a reason why windows does not recognize the usb hd as a bootable install disc? When I am back in OSX and plug in the drive, it loads just fine. Anyone know if there is something I can do to get windows to boot the usb drive? The last resort I want to do is burn the image file to dvd.

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Windows On Mac :: Will Win7 64-bit Work With BootCamp Or 32-bit?

Aug 26, 2010

I want to install bootcamp with using Win 7 but I have both 32 bit and 64 bit versions. Am I able to use 64 bit without problem or do I need to stay with the 32 bit version? I am using a iMac (early 2009 model) with 8 GB ram and ATI 4850 HD video 512 MB ram.

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Windows On Mac :: Possible To Install BootCamp On Win7 64-bit

Sep 16, 2010

Is it possible to install Boot Camp 3.0 or higher on Windows 7 64-bit when dual booting with Leopard? What I've been reading suggests I need the Snow Leopard disc for Boot Camp 3.0+ and Windows 7 compatibility, but I only have the Leopard OEM disc.

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Windows On Mac :: 2.72GB RAM Used By Win7 On BootCamp

Oct 10, 2009

2.72gb is only being used by my win7 on bootcamp. anyway to make it use my full 4gb memory?

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Windows On Mac :: Reinstalling OS X - What About Win7 BootCamp

Mar 17, 2010

I have recently been having problems with OS X. It has got so bad that I can't even boot into OS X anymore. My Windows 7 bootcamp install works perfectly though. I'd like to reinstall OSX. What will happen to my windows install? Will reinstalling OS X somehow damage my Windows partition?

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Windows On Mac :: Win7 32 Or 64-bit To Install With BootCamp?

Mar 21, 2010

I have a iMac with 3.06 Ghz with 8 GB Ram. I plan on using BootCamp and Win 7 but not sure if I should try 64 bit or just stay with the 32 Bit? I have the extra Ram, 8 GB to work with and I think 64 Bit might use it more than the 32 bit version. Has anyone out there used 64 bit with 8 GB ram?

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp Not Recognizing Win7 Pro X64 DVD

Aug 8, 2010

I'm trying to install win7 on my MacBook with bootcamp but I cant get pass the start installation step. I have the burned dvd in my drive but bootcamp doesnt recognize it.

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Windows On Mac :: Running Win7 64-bit With Parallels 4.0

Nov 11, 2009

I received parallels 4.0 as a gift 2 months ago and did not install the software. But now, as win7 is out, I am really interested to get it installed, but is it recommended to run Win7 (64-bit) on Parallels 4.0 and not the latest version of Parallels? Sadly, I could not get it exchanged for parallels 5.0 in my local stores. Will it crash or lag my macbook pro? My system is 2.66GHz and 320GB, bought in oct 2009 mbp.

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Windows On Mac :: Want To Get A MBP - Running Win7 With VMware

May 25, 2010

I'm going to college next year and seriously looking at the 13 in MBP. I think it's the perfect blend of portability, power, etc.

However, I will need to run Windows 7 Professional, as I will need to run the app Minitab, which is for PC only.

I was talking to a fellow classmate who i would consider a computer geek. He knows much more than i do and he explained how I could run 7 on a MBP.

Here's what he said:

1.Buy MBP, VMWare 3, a copy of vista.

2. Install the vista into the VMWare 3 and have vista set up as the virtual machine.

3. Go to windows' students 741 webpage and "upgrade" to 7. the upgrade.

5. Done, now I can start VMWare3 with windows 7 and install any PC apps like Minitab and run with VMWare.

Is this correct? Is there a simpler way? I am a bit concerned with the "upgrade" part of the procedure. I would like to install 7 from the get go but 299.99 for windows 7 pro is too expensive.

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Windows On Mac :: Sysprep Win7 With BootCamp Drivers

Nov 22, 2010

I haven't actually done this. I just want feedback. We have a 'universal' ghost image of Windows 7 at work that we've created that works with all our computers (has all the drivers for computers we support). I'm looking to piggyback that image and just add in the BootCamp drivers. However I'm curious to know:

-Which BootCamp drivers would I be adding to the sysprep drivers folder? BootCamp 3.0, 3.1 or 3.2?
-Would the drivers be enough or does Windows actually need the BootCamp software installed?
-If BootCamp needs to be installed in its entirety, is there a way to have BootCamp silently install upon boot? More importantly, is there a way to install BootCamp 3.2 without having to go through 3.0 -> 3.1 -> 3.2.

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Windows On Mac :: Win7 Partition Not Visible In BootCamp

May 21, 2009

I installed Win 7 in bootcamp and everything was working fine. Then I started to play around with rEFIt to install Linux as a 3rd OS. I managed to install everything but since the driver support in Linux was poor, I decided to wipe out Linux + rEFIt and return to the initial setup (OSX + Win7 in bootcamp). I deleted the Linux partition and rEFIt but now, my MBP starts and I hold the option key, I can't see the Windows drive anymore. The (NTFS) partition is still there and I can access all the files from OSX but I can't boot it.

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Windows On Mac :: One Win7 License For Bootcamp And Fusion

Feb 5, 2010

I'm thinking about buying a original Student Win7 license. It's really cheap and I think it's worth it since I (unfortunately) use Windows (Vmware Fusion) everyday to work (.NET developer). But I would like to play some games as well, but I know Fusion is not the best solution. Can I buy only one Win7 license and install in the same machine twice? One on a Bootcamp partition and another on a Fusion VM? Will I have problems activating both copies?

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Windows On Mac :: Win7 Unusable When Running Through VMWare

Mar 17, 2010

I've just installed Windows 7 on my new iMac and when running it through VMWare it's extremely slow and basically unusable. Thought it would be super-fast on the i7?!

My set up is as follows:
Windows 7 64-bit on 50GB Bootcamp partition
VMWare 3 using 2 processor cores & 1500MB Ram

Things improve marginally if I use the ultra basic visual theme.

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Windows On Mac :: Win7 Install On BootCamp Without Optical Drive

Oct 24, 2010

I have a MacbookPro6,2 (mid 2010). I replaced my optical drive with an OptiBay 500GB hard drive before I realized I wanted to do bootcamp. So, I did a lot of searching and found that I would be able to install windows 7 onto my bootcamp partition using Parallels 6 (from an image of the retail windows 7 disk). The install from parallels was successful so I used parallels to install the bootcamp drivers to the windows partition.

However, when I try to boot to the windows partition, it starts up, displays the 'starting windows' message w/ the windows icon then BAM--Blue Screen of Death flashes on for less than a second and the machine restarts. I can't even read what the error is, thats how quickly it restarts. I also searched the partition looking for the BSOD error log but no log was generated.

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Windows On Mac :: VMWare / BootCamp - Win7 Copy Not Genuine

Oct 26, 2010

I have windows 7 installed via Bootcamp. Then I installed VMware and had it point to my BC partition. I never noticed it doing this before, but now it keeps telling me that "this copy of windows not genuine" when I run in VM (not sure if the Bootcamp partition - version says this; I'll test it now) I was fairly confident that there was no licensing issue since the "point to BootCamp" option even exists.

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp Drivers Crash Win7 Bootup

Nov 4, 2010

Got a MBP i5, installed win7 pro on it, tried to install the bootcamp driver from the provided disk, after the install and restart it would crash during windows bootup, I manage to restore it to get back to windows. There is blue screen that pops up for a second, cant seem to read the code though. So far I've manually install some of the basic drivers like sound and videocard, but would like the bootcamp options in the control panel, what should I do?

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Windows On Mac :: Win7 Beta Installed To BootCamp Via VMware

Feb 9, 2009

This will outline a simple and easy method to install the windows 7 build 7000 to a boot camp partition, using only vmware fusion 2. This is novel because it can be accomplished without a superdrive and without burning a dvd.

1. Use boot camp assistant to make a windows partition.
2. Mount the windows .iso file in fusion and set the bios (F2 during virtual machine boot) to boot from the virtual dvd-drive.
3. Run the windows install
4. When windows wants to restart the first time, shutdown the virtual machine.
5. Reboot the mac and boot the windows partition, boot camp style.

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Win7 With BootCamp And Upgrade Discs

Dec 21, 2009

I just bought a Macbook pro a few months ago and I love it. However, I do need windows for some things and I am pretty set on installing Windows 7 with bootcamp. A relative of mine bought a dell and was sent the free upgrade discs. He got an oranage disc that says Operating System on the front. It also says Windows 7 Upgrade Option as well as This DVD supports 64-bit edition only. Lastly it says For Use Only as an Upgrade to a Qualifying Dell Windows 7 Upgrade Option PC.

My question is are the setup files on there and everything I need to successfully install Windows 7 on my mac? My guess is yes, but I really do not want to mess anything up so I wanted to make sure! It came with a gray disc that has a product key on it and is labeled Upgrade Assistant and says Insert this DVD before upgrading to Windows 7. Not sure if that matters or not. Can I use this disc or these discs to get myself Windows 7 on my Macbook?

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Windows On Mac :: Win7 Runs Fine In Fusion, But Not In Bootcamp

Jan 10, 2010

I can run Win7 perfectly in VMWare Fusion, but I can't Bootcamp into Win7 (my MBP will just reboot without ever getting to a Win load screen). I previously had Vista installed and could do both without any issues. I know that Apple hasn't yet released an update to Bootcamp, but I was under the impression that this had more to do with smaller items (sound, trackpad performance, temp management) than it did with outright catastrophic fail.

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Win7 - Difference Between BootCamp / Parallels

Jun 2, 2010

New to macs here actually new to apple also. I had a few questions regarding installing windows 7 on my late 2009 macbook pro 15". What is the difference in bootcamp and parallels is it? Does one run like a virtual windows in the background while bootcamp let's you boot in either osx or windows? I have a xps desktop from Dell that has windows vista pre installed. Now I bought a copy of windows 7 when it was released fro newegg. Now I assume I cannot use that disc and serial, is that correct? Since I use it on my xps desktop? I would need to purchase another copy of windows correct? With that said, which version do I purchase? 32 or 64 bit? My Macbook pro is pretty much already setup (apps, pics, music, etc) can i still install windows 7 or will it format my HD and i would need to then reinstall everything on the Mac side? What are the "major" cons to installing windows 7 on a mbp? So far I have gathered battery life being the biggest con, any others?

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp Win7 - No Drivers Installed For Internal Speakers

Nov 30, 2009

I installed Windows 7 and Bootcamp (Leopard) on my brother's late model White Macbook. Everything SEEMED ok, but now he tells me there is no sound. I don't have the laptop with me, but I had him dig through the installed drivers, and it seems there is a driver installed for the external audio jack, but no driver installed for internal speakers.

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Windows On Mac :: Best Graphics Driver For Radeon HD4850 Win7 BootCamp

Aug 3, 2010

I have a late 2009 27" iMac i7 with the Radeon 4850, I am running windows 7 64 bit on bootcamp for gaming. I was wanting to know if anybody has found which is the best performing graphics driver, I am currently using the driver installed via bootcamp 3.0, the driver from bootcamp 3.1 messed up the colour detail (would not display 32bit colours properly). Has anybody found a decent functional driver from ATI or have modded a driver for better performance? Those people who have successfully played top end games at high settings what driver do you use?

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Bootcamp Drivers On Win7 7600 Final Retail

Aug 20, 2009

so i just installed bootcamp windows 7 ultimate 7600 x86 retail on 100gb partition and for some reason when i try to install the bootcamp drivers off the install OSX cd it brings up a installer assistant for remote macOSX install and macbook air cd/dvd sharing (it looks like as if its recognizing my mbp as a mba). so that didnt work. im trying to install boot camp update 2.1 for windows vista 32 bit and thats not opening up to install....the only things ive installed so far are the nvidia 9M series drivers.

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Windows On Mac :: Install Win7 Via Bootcamp - Window Partition Shows Empty

Dec 29, 2009

I just upgraded my hdd a couple of mins ago from the 120 gig to a seagate 500gig , but before doing that i used "carbon copy cloner" to clone my old drive, as well as the 8gig partition i had there where i used to keep my copy of snow leopard (easier that carrying the disk around).CCC cloned both partitions perfectly.I named them Mac and Mac-backupthen I created another partition using disk utility and named it Win - this is where i want to install win7 via bootcamp. The "Win" partition is totally empty.

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Windows On Mac :: Way To Get The Wireless Mighty Mouse To Work In Windows 7 Running Via Bootcamp?

Sep 12, 2009

Is there any way to get the wireless mighty mouse to work in windows 7 running via bootcamp tried to pair it but no luck.

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Windows On Mac :: Open Up Bootcamp Partition (running Windows 7) In VMWare

Sep 4, 2009

So I am trying to open up my bootcamp partition (running windows 7) in VMWare and I get this error message: Cannot open the disk '/Users/brandonquirarte/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/Virtual Machines/Boot Camp/%2Fdev%2Fdisk0/Boot Camp partition.vmwarevm/Boot Camp partition.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on. It was working just fine before the upgrade to Snow Leopard but I am not sure if that has anything to do with it. I had to reinstall Windows 7 after I tried installing the Bootcamp 3.0 drivers so that may be more of the issue. I didn't test to see if would work still when I upgraded to Snow Leopard.

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp With XP2 - Games Not Running

Feb 24, 2010

So my kids wanted me to set up their computer with boot camp and Windows so that they could play games. We have XP service pack 2 installed. So far, Empire earth - wont run. NAscar Racing 20003 wont run. I want to try Sims 2 but is there something missing that these games are needing?

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