Windows On Mac :: Parallels 3.0 & VMWare Fusion Together On The Same Boot Camp Partition?
Oct 13, 2008
I'm currently running Parallels 3.0 (XP Pro) off of a Boot Camp partition on my Macbook Pro. I'd like to give VMWare Fusion an audition, and am wondering if I can run it off that same BC partition that Parallels uses -- or if that will create some kind of conflict that might damage the partition. I'm not talking about having Parallels and VMWare running _simultaenously_ -- only installing them both to use the same partition.
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Jul 13, 2009
It says that the drive has changed and I have to unmount and then remount it, but i don't really know how to do that and it doesn't seem to work
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Aug 12, 2009
i tried to install bootcamp while i still had vm ware fusion but i got that error saying backup the disk, format the drive into mac osx journaled and restore info back to that disc. So i uninstalled vm ware fusion and got the same error again but when installed vm ware fusion again the windows account was still there with all the files on it.
If i completely remove the windows account from vmware fusion and then intall bootcamp will it work if so how do i remove it.
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Jun 14, 2009
Alright, so I've installed Windows 7 RC on my iMac with Boot Camp. Booting straight into Win everything works fine (I had some issues trying to connect my Wireless Keyboard and Mouse, but it's fine now). I have 3 issues:
1. Firstly, is there any way for me to access my files stored on the Mac partition in Windows (e.g. Music, Videos etc.)? I tried using HFS+ Explorer but it I get stuck at the 'AutoDetect Partition' phase because it says "No HFS+ Partition found". Any ideas?
2. Now I've also got VMWare Fusion running on my Mac, and when I start it, it detects my Windows partition and so I load Windows through it. The OS loads up fine, but for some reason it doesn't detect my WiFi adapter and so the Internet in Windows doesn't work (it works fine via Boot Camp). Is this normal (since maybe the WiFi is already connected through OS X so won't work in Windows at the same time)?
3. Lastly, I've installed the VMWare Tools in Windows, and it seemed to go on without a problem, but for some reason my 'Unity' option doesn't work. The button is there, but when I click it the Win7 window disappears. I figured, OK, probably just loading or something, but nothing happens. The VMWare main screen still shows that Windows is 'Powered On'.
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Jul 30, 2009
I have recently got my first mac, and unfortunately I do have to run Windows-only software at school.
Is it possible to have a Boot Camp partion and a Vmware Fusion at the same time, so that I can run the "small" applications using Vmware Fusion and the applications with high system requirements using Boot Camp?
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May 15, 2009
I installed Vmware Fusion 2 awhile back and liked how I could share the pictures and music folders between my Mac (which they were stored on) and the Vmware Fusion 2 Windows install. However, i was disappointed on how sluggish it was. So I (after some initial trouble) partitioned my hard drive and installed Windows 7 on the Boot Camp partition. However, now i cannot share folders between my mac and windows. Is there a way to do this?
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Apr 29, 2010
I'm ready to upgrade my MacBook 13" late 2006 model to a new 15 inch pro, and realize that, especially in the college environment where many professors demand windows, I should run it somehow. I've been doing extensive research for the last hour on the best way to run it, however I'm in a complete deadlock. Some people say just do boot camp, but I don't mind paying up to $100 extra if it will really be much smoother. Even when I try to compare the differences between VMware and Parallels (the latest versions of both), I don't see anything hugely significant. Plus, I see just as many complaints about both of them (I'm reading 1-star HORROR STORIES on amazon of each one), and really, really just want a smooth experience. So, my dear MacRumors friends, I come to you for advice. Which of the three programs do you recommend?
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Nov 5, 2010
I know with Boot Camp, you need to create a partition and install Windows on it. Is the same true with Fusion? Or during the install process, Fusion will create the space needed?
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Mar 17, 2010
Is it possible to use both Parallels Desktop 5 and Bootcamp on a 32GB partition? In other words, do I need a separate partition for each program or can I have Parallels use the same partition that I allocated for Bootcamp.
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Apr 27, 2009
I have on my hard drive a Leopard partition and a Windows 7 partition. I am looking to delete the Windows partition and then have the full hard drive as one Leopard partition, hopefully without any reformatting. Firstly when I installed the Windows partition I did so through bootcamp. I also have parallels 4.0 and so I was able to set up a virtual machine (VM) of this bootcamp partition. I want to now completely get rid of windows on my machine though I am not sure of the best way to do so. I guess working backwards is best: delete the parallels VM then delete the bootcamp partition? Is this the best way to do it? Will the deleted space on my hard drive be converted to space on my Leopard partition?
(I wish to get rid of windows because I am having problems with my mac sleeping. I just want to see if windows is the culprit. Hopefully it is as I have tried everything else including an SMC reset, short of reformatting and installing.) I have backups of everything btw.
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Sep 15, 2009
I just purchased a new iMac (2.66 c2d & 4gb of ram), Parallels 4, and Windows XP. I would like to get great performance whenever I use Windows XP and would like to know which installation procedure would help accomplish that.
Would Parallels provide me with a better user experience by installing Windows directly via Parallels OR by having Parallels utilizing a Boot Camp Partition? Which is better and why? Also, how much memory should I allocate to Parallels/Windows XP?
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Jan 29, 2008
Hello, everybody. I just discovered this forum, having finally taken the plunge and bought a Mac Pro to replace an aging Dell PC. (My wife has had a MacBook Pro since early last year, which is what convinced me to switch.)
My main use for the new machine will be photo processing, including astrophotography. I will obviously be able to use Photoshop natively, but will have to use Windows for one or two astro packages (and also for occasional use of an old Windows version of Mathematica).
So, my questions:
Am I right to think that it is possible to install Windows with Boot Camp and then also use the same Windows install under Fusion? If so, is there anything special that needs to be done when first doing the Boot Camp install?
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Jun 25, 2009
Is it possible to use both Boot Camp and VMware Fusion to access a particular virtual Windows PC? And if so, which should I set up first?
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Jun 3, 2009
I just purchased a new iMac (2.66 c2d & 4gb of ram), Parallels 4, and Windows XP.
I would like to get great performance whenever I use Windows XP and would like to know which installation procedure would help accomplish that.
Would Parallels provide me with a better user experience by installing Windows directly via Parallels OR by having Parallels utilizing a Boot Camp Partition?
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Jun 29, 2009
I'm a total Windows newbie and I'm having trouble moving programs that I've installed onto Parallels 4.0 into my boot camp partition. Is this even possible?
If so what is the best way to go about quickly accessing programs from the Parallels virtual machine?
Could I burn them to a disk?
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Mar 29, 2009
I am going to the University of Georgia next year. I am buying a Mac, but I will need to run Windows for a test program called sofTest. According to UGA, sofTest does not work with VMware Fusion or Parallels, only Boot Camp. If I create a Boot Camp partition and install Fusion on that partition, can I still use Boot Camp when I need to?
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Jan 21, 2009
I have a problem with my boot camp and vmware fusion. For some reason my internet won't work when I am on vmware but it works fine in boot camp. I look under hard ware manager and it says the ethernet controller isn't installed but i dont know where to find the driver for it. I've tried reinstalling vmware, deleting the virtual machine, uninstalling/reinstalling vmware tools and under setting Connected is checked and i have it set at NAT and have tried all the other options.
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Jun 15, 2010
I wanted to to know and make a post comparing VMware Fusion 3 and Parallels Desktop 5 with the new updates. Which one is better in running multiple OSs at the same time. Do they support hypervisor. Cause i want to create a virtual environment to learn Server 2008 and Mac Os Server. Which one would be better to use VMware Fusion 3 or Parallels Desktop 5. As I said before I want this thread to be used to compare the two programs so if anybody else has question post them more question the better, of coarse if we get answers.
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Dec 26, 2009
I am an architect and I will be mostly using my new imac to work on Autocad 2010 along with a couple of other windows based applications. I understand the concept of the three methods of using windows but I do not know which would provide the best performance whilst working on Autocad, without it becoming a laborious task to load it up everyday.
I will be rocking dual monitors so I quite like the idea of Parallels or VMWare so that I can have Windows open on one monitor and Leopard on the other. But will this have a negative effect on the performance of Autocad? Also, which of these two is the better?
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May 7, 2009
I'm having pretty bad difficulties with Windows 7 and Parallels Desktop. I know it's not supported yet, but some folk have it working. I can boot up, but I can't install Parallels Tools. I changed the Configuration to "Windows 2008 Server" like someone suggested in another forum, but fails to boot up.
Seems like VMWare are offering a better helping hand than Parallels Desktop - and while it is not supported yet by them, they say that if you use Windows 2008 Server Config everything works apart from sound.
So am I best giving it a bash with VMWare's Fusion? 30-day trial for free. But I'd rather try get Parallels working since I paid for it.
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Sep 3, 2010
I just uninstalled VMware Fusion from my MBP. However, I don't seem to see that the 40GB I dedicated to the Windows 7 I installed is freed. Please, how do I do that? I need the 40GB to make my already slow 160GB 13'' MBP faster!
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Mar 19, 2008
Just purchased a Mac Pro (my first Mac after being a long time PC user) and need some advice for carving up the disk partitions to run some other operating systems on an additional 500GB Seagate HDD.
I want to run Windows XP on a 100GB partition of the Seagate drive and use the addition space, about 380GB, to run Solaris and Linux for work specific simulation programs via VMware Fusion. I know I could run some Linux programs on OSX, but I�m trying to keep work and personal data completely separate.
I installed XP using Boot Camp with no problem on the 100GB partition and left the rest of the disk as Free Space.
My problem is getting the Free Space partitioned so I can use it to host the other OS�s running VMware Fusion. When I use the disk utility to partition the rest of the disk, it goes into �Modifying Partition Map� and hangs. I left it on all night and it didn�t finish.
Is there an easy way to make the 380GB left on the Seagate drive usable for the OSX or do I need to do something different? I�d like to avoid re-doing the Boot CampWindows layout since everything is working great on that side.
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Jul 2, 2010
Im thinking about getting Vmware or Parallels using it as a virtual PC to access my Bootcamp partition.
I'm just wondering if this is even possible (im new to virtual pcs).
If it does work, will i be able to access bootcamp directly from booting it natively?
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Oct 9, 2010
I have Windows 7 installed in VMWare fusion. Is there a way to directly boot from that installation into non-virtualized W7? Would bootcamp or something be able to read and boot from that installation?
I want to boot directly into W7 for gaming. The virtualized performance isn't really cutting it.
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Nov 5, 2009
I have windows 7 installed in bootcamp.
I made it a VM for Fusion 3. Installed VMWare Tools.
If I wanted to transition to Parallels 5...
Would I (most likely), uninstalled VMWare Tools, reboot.
Then tells Paralells to make Bootcamp a VM.. then install the Parallels Tools.
My basic wonder, is can I do this. or will I have to fully reinstall the entire bootcamp partition to make the switch.
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Apr 22, 2009
I have Vista 64-Bit installed via Boot Camp and was wondering if it was possible to then install Fusion with Windows XP because I have some older software which is made for XP.
So basically can I have Vista Boot Camped and Windows XP Fusion running on my Mac?
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May 10, 2009
I have installed Fusion 2 in the past and was going to install a boot camp partition so Aero would properly work. However, i am having a lot of trouble getting boot camp to work. So i was wondering are there an major advantages to having a boot camp partition over just having Fusion installed?
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Oct 24, 2009
Last night I installed VMWare Fusion and Windows 7 on my Unibody MBP running SL. When I use Fusion, my computer slows to a crawl. I spent a few hours getting Windows set up and installing software last night.
I would like to try using Boot Camp instead, but do not want to lose all of the software and files that I have installed. Is it possible to set up Boot Camp, and keep the same Windows setup?
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Feb 12, 2010
When I got my MacBook 1 1/2 years ago, I made a Boot Camp partition that I thought was 32 gigs to use with Fusion. I'm not doing much on Windows, but all my financial stuff is on MS Money, so I needed to have a way to access it. Over time, it seemed that the partition was getting smaller. Although (I thought) I'd allocated 32 gigs, the Windows partition was only 5.9 gigs, and I only had a few hundred MBs of that to work with, and Windows is constantly telling me I'm running out of space. So, I've been trying to figure out how to expand the partition.
I used Winclone successfully . . . except that because my Windows partition was formatted in FAT32, it went back to the original size of 5.9 gigs. Then, I followed the instructions to boot into the Windows HD and convert it, but when I went to do that, nothing happened. (I clicked on the Windows HD, and the screen went blank.) After that, I resigned myself to re-installing Windows and making the conversion then. The XP CD went through the whole set up and then said there was a disk error and wouldn't do anything.
I don't know what to do next. I have my xp partition back up, via Winclone, but I still have no space. I'm not that computer savvy, and I don't want to keep messing with it, but the current setup isn't sustainable.
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Jul 16, 2009
im using boot camp for windows 7 and recently started to use vmware and ever since then the start up time is horribly long when before it was very fast. it takes a long time to get to the log in screen and then when i get to the desktop it stays black for a while longer. its not the worst thing in the world and a small price to pay to be able to run my boot camp partition alongside os x but i just want to make sure vmware is the culprit because if it isn't i might need to do some more digging to find the real problem.
btw im talking about starting windows through boot camp not through vmware.
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