I am using my work computer at home, I opened entourage and its as though its the first time I have opened it, no sent or received messages or accounts! I have been going around in circles, in the office 2004 identities there are 4 Main identities? I have switched users and still cannot retrieve any data, also I have just found out that I should have Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Entourage Preferences & Library/Preferences/com.microsoft.DatabaseDaemon.plist they are not in Library Preferences?
I have a network of about 40-50 Macs running Tiger or Leopard and they are all using Entourage 2004 configured for Exchange.
This means that their mailbox email is backed up on the Exchange Server.
However, in Entourage users can archive email out of their mailbox into an area within Entourage called 'Folders On My Computer'. Once the emails go in there its removed from their mailbox. My concern is that this area of Entourage is on the local hard drive and we don't backup local hard drives. We tell all users that their documents must be on the network fileserver to get backed up nightly.
Does anybody else here look after networked Macs running Entourage with Exchange and have a backup plan for the local Entourage database ?
When I have links in my mail, when I click on them they go into Firefox. How do I set it up so that they go into Safari instead without taking Firefox off my computer (I need both).
Been using Entourage 2004 since, well, 2004 or so, but have had thoughts about moving over to Apple's Mail application (especially since a Mac repair guy told me that Microsoft is thinking about not supporting it anymore past the next version of Office).
Just wanted to pick people's brains about the pros and cons of each, and which application you prefer. I'm leaning towards Entourage because of the simple functions it has that Mail doesn't seem to (e.g.: next message/previous message arrows within a mail message window, ability to file messages into folders from within a mail message without dragging), but Entourage seems to have a mind of its own when it comes to randomly declaring incoming mail as junk and I've missed a few important e-mails because of that (even though some addresses are in the address book or from safe domains).
I am about to purchase my first mac, having been a PC person all my life. Currently I use Outlook 2003 extensively. There are an awful lot of emails, callendar entries etc which I must hold onto and be able to access. This is vital. In migrating to Mac (a move well over due) I am anxious that I can transfere my Outlook files (emails/contacts/callendar etc) into Entourage. I would have though this would be possible using PST files - however some internet research has led me to beleive this might not be the case.
I have searched for this item in the forums here on cnet and someone came up with the following like. [URL] which I cannot seem to get to bring up anything useful. Do I need to be using my Mac to be able to view this page (I find this unlikley). Does anyone know how I can efforlessly transfere from Outlook to Entourage?
I'm running Entourage 2004 on OS 10.5. For the last week we've had an issue with receiving emails. For several days it wouldn't download any, presenting the error "An operation on the server timed out. The server may be down, overloaded, or there may be too much net traffic." (-3259 )
" Halfway into this, it downloaded the bulk of the emails from the days it hadn't connected, but never finished and gave the same error again. Emails can still be sent fine. It's an AOL email account.
It's set up to receive from an IMAP server as [url]...
It's set up to send from smtp.aol.com, overriding default port with 587, password required.I started to set up a new account with this email, and when it tried to verify the account settings, the IMAP settings verified fine, but the SMTP settings didn't.
I'm new to the world of Apple and i was wondering if possible, is there a way to view my emails straight out of entourage(i was using outlook 2003). Is there a way to transfer the .pst folder over, or can entourage be configured? At the moment I'm having to go through Safari to get to emails.
My Entourage 2004 DB is corrupted. The database utility tool is unable to repair it. It gives me an error "an I/O error has occurred". I tried EntourAid and that doesn't work either. When the repair starts, it soon crashes the app with an error -36.
Microsoft Word gives me an error "unable to load Microsoft Framework Library". Not sure if this is related.
Have already repaired permissions, run Onyx, EntourAid, etc.
Did a regular upgrade of Leopard to Snow. Ran Entourage data base utility. Nothing happened. Waited 5 minutes figured that was long enough. If I can't fix a damaged data base, it may not be worth the upgrade. Can't get Office 2008 until late December. Suggestions? Reinstall Office?
i was saving some files to disk yesterday to free space on my hard drive and today my laptop has a different interface for microsoft entourage and everything from my entourage calendar has been deleted. i did not download a new version of entourage. i have not lost any data from any other programs.
My copy of Office for Mac 2004 Entourage 11.4.0 was corrupted today when downloading mail. Accessing mail via Blackberry 8330 showed that physical gaps were email messages that weren't in Entourage Inbox.
When I attempted to do anything--click in gaps to get missing messages, delete messages, etc., I got a screen saying Unknown Error (4362).
Two days ago, all my saved and sent emails (except for the last 2 or 3 days) disappeared. I believe I had a corrupted database. I imported a rge backup file from a week ago and got all my emails in the "Saved" folder (whew), but that backup did not have the "Sent" folder, so I still do not have all my sent emails.
How to I recover my sent emails either from the rge backup file or some other way [VERY IMPORTANT]?
Is there anyway to recover the week's worth of emails I lost, saved and sent, from the backup to the crash [not as important]?
I'll no longer be using Entourage, so I'm just looking to recover these emails, and possibly import them into Thurderbird.
I've seen lots of threads go by about importing e-mail from one program to another, and my case is seemingly simpler, but I have had no luck so far.
I want to import into Entourage the e-mail from a backup of the disk. I know how to import mail into Entourage from other e-mail programs and I know how to import mail into Entourage from an archive created by exporting from Entourage, but I cannot figure out how to import from a backup of the folders under the "/Users/(username)/Documents/Microsoft User Data" folder, under which is where Entourage stores mail.
I've just installed new Mac Leopard to my G5 (old version was Tiger), but the Microsoft Office Mac 2004 did not work: I could not print out any M.O. documents? I did google and found that MO Mac 2004 work with Leopard, but somehow not on mine!!
Since upgrading to Snow Leopard, MS Office 2004 for Mac v 11.5.5 keeps crashing MacBook 2Ghz 2Gb RAM. Frequently happens during simple Excel column totaling or Powerpoint formatting. No problems (yet) in Word. Previously worked without problem in Leopard. Please don't tell me to switch to iWork
I'm running office 2004 on my MBP. Normally I would just hit file, print, print to adobe PDF to convert to a PDF and everything worked fine. Now i'm getting an error message when I try to do this...anyone ever had this happen to them?
Initially last week computer would not load desktop. Grey screen with spinning gear only. Had HD on computer saying completely full in Disk Utility. Backed up data at Apple Specialty retailer Small Dog Electronics. Reformatted HD and reinstalled Leopard. Desktop loaded OK. Bought external HD , transferred backed up data into ExHD and proceeded to transfer necessary files back onto iMac internal HD. Plenty of HD space remaining.
Computer worked fine for one or two days. Stopped working after son interrupted software update. Have grey screen, spining gear again.
Disk utility repair messages:
Mac HD Disc Repair failed, no valid packages (-9997) Reserved fields in catalog record have incorrect data ( repeated many times) Invalid Leaf record count, should be 1479 instead of 147.
I just got my brother's 2004 G5 installed, which runs on OS 10.3. Is it technically possible to download OS 10.4 (guess still Tiger) from the Apple site? Do I need a regular installation CD-rom or is it not possible at all?
As you can hear from my question I'm a total rookie if it comes to Apple.
I have a MaxMini with OS X 10.5.7 2 GB ram 98 GB of available HD space Office:mac 2004 installed
All was fine until yesterday. If I click on a document file or on the word icon the splash sheet is isplayed and all stops there. When I force a quit it shows "Word (not responding)" Excel and PowerPoint are fine.
I am trying to upgrade Office 2004 to version 11.5.6. I am current in Office upgrades but when I try this upgrade the installer hangs and I get the "not responding" message. I have tried both auto and manual installs and turned off and on the computer.
I got a mac remote so I could show powerpoint presentations by remote, but although I can run all the Mac applications remotely, I can't run powerpoint. I have a MacbookPro running OSX10.6.2. I tried iREd lite without success.
I have updated to lion and my office 2004 does not work. I need to buy and install office 2011. do I need to uninstall 2004 first? THe remove office application does not work as it requires power pc which is not supported by lion.
How do I insert photos into a MS Word document and get the text to wrap around it, with a small buffer around the photo so the text isn't jammed against it, (like in iWeb).