Software :: Partition Around 30 Gb For Work Drive

Oct 17, 2008

I am trying to partition around 30gb for work drive my my macbook. I've already bootcamp-ed my hdd, the question I wanna ask is, is there anyway I can do a partition of 30gb and being able to see it whether I'm in OSX or windows?

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Windows On Mac :: Won't Work With Additional Partition / Enlarging BootCamp Partition

Aug 31, 2010

So my iMac came with a 1TB hard drive and I installed Windows 7 x64 but only gave it some 93GB. I have a two-prong question:

Can I add a third partition to my drive after I partition for BootCamp? My main partition ("Macintosh HD" by default) is over 900GB large and I'd really like to cut that up into 2x450GB, for example, in addition to the 93GB BootCamp partition.

Second, once partitioned, is it possible to resize the BootCamp partition to make it bigger after it has been set up?

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Applications :: Won't Work With Bootcamp Partition / Can't Delete Partition

Jan 25, 2009

Is it possible without having to reformat my whole disk aka put osx back on there again?

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OS X :: Partition Error When Increasing Partition Size Of Macintosh HD Drive

Dec 31, 2010

I have just recently deleted my Bootcamp partition in Disk Utilities, and now im trying to increase the partition size of my Macintosh HD drive. When i go to the partition map and try to increase the size. The same error always appears. "Could not modify partition map because filesystem verification failed" I have attached an Image of what my partition map looks like right now.

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OS X :: Using External Drive With HFS Partition And NTFS Partition?

Feb 12, 2009

I am trying to format my external drive to have (2) partitions. A NTFS for backing up my Windows computer and a HFS for backing up my MacBook Pro.

This is what ive tried:

1.) Create 2 partitions on my Mac in Disk Utility. 1 partition HFS, 1 partition FAT32. After doing this both show up in OSX but neither one shows up in WinXP. I was hoping the FAT32 would show up in WinXP so I can convert it to NTFS.

2.) Create 2 partitions in WinXP using Disk Management. 1 partition is NTFS and 1 is FAT32. Connected the drive to my MBP and both partitions mounted in Finder. I then opened Disk Utility and tried to "Erase" the FAT32 partition to HFS. The process seemed to be working but then it changed the name of the partition to disk1s1 and nothing else. The partition doesnt mount in Finder or WinXP.

3.) Create 2 partitions in WinXP using Disk Managment. Both partitions as NTFS. Connected to MBP and both partitions mounted in Finder. Opened Disk Utility and tried to "Erase" one of the NTFS systems to HFS. Same thing happen as #2, renamed the partition but didnt do anything else. The partition doesnt show up in Finder or WinXP.

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OS X :: Partition Hard Drive Back To 1 Partition?

Jul 30, 2009

I had my hard drive partitioned into 2, where one was mac the other windows xp. I received this macbook as a gift from my sister so i wanted to reformat everything into mac. I popped in the Mac OS x install cd and just installed it. Now there is two hard drives and I am not able to re-partition it where i can bring it back to one again...I was suppose to delete windows first before re-formating my macbook.

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OS X :: Creating 3rd Partition On An Already Double Partition Drive?

Jun 23, 2010

So here the deal. I have a single hard drive in my MacBook Pro. Its made up into 2 partitions (one for os x and the other for data). I want to make the OS X partition into 2 separate partitions (so I'll have a total of 3) without erasing any data. I want to use that new partition to install windows. When I select the OS X partition, and set it to format at NTFS, it says the size cannot support the filesystem (25GB in this case). What size does it have to be then? Or should I format as FAT32?

I know FAT32 has a 4GB file size limit so I don't want to do that because I want to install some games on the Windows partition. How should I go about doing this?

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OS X :: Partition Error When Set Up Partition On Drive

Aug 31, 2009

I'm trying to set-up a partition on my drive but I keep getting an error telling me there isn't enough room on the drive when clearly I have plenty of room. Pic attached.

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Mac Pro :: Won't Work With Partition Space For Cloning

Mar 21, 2009

Quick question: I'm cloning/backing up my 250GB boot drive which has all my sys, apps and docs on it. I have a larger 320GB target drive to back up on. But I want to partition it up into 2 partitions. One for the boot clone and the other for other junk. When I go to disk utility it says the Total Capacity of my 250 is 238.1 GB. So, should I partition my target clone partition at say 240 GB (to get more out of the 2nd partition)(or is that inadequate when my source drive gets full up at a later date) or 250 GB or 256 GB (to be really safe)?

I'm using Carbon Copy Cloner and want to do a block level copy

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MacBook :: Windows 7 Wouldn't Work On The Partition?

Jan 16, 2009

So I partitioned my MacBook's hard-drive so I could put Windows 7 on, using BootCamp. That all went well, except for some reason, the Windows 7 wouldn't work on the partition, according to the installation program. So I thought "Oh well, I already have Vista and XP on Parallels." I returned to OS X, and went to Disk Utility. I erased the partition I created, and when I tried to resize the original partition afterwards (so it took up the whole hard-drive again), it... failed. The computer froze.

I held down the power button for several seconds, and then it shut off. When I tried turning it on again, the computer said "No bootable device found. Insert bootable drive and press any key."

(Just for giggles: imagine a 16-year-old kid who paid $1600 to get a computer in this situation. Yeah, that's me.)

After I calmed down from my panic attack, I restarted it again and held down the option key. Thankfully, it gave me the option of starting in "Macintosh HD." Everything fixed... right?


I was on the MacRumors forums when my computer froze (stupid "grey screen," and it makes your music skip over and over which is really annoying). When I shut it off and turned it on again, once again it gave the same warning about a bootable device!

What do I have to do to make it so the HD is the bootable device?

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OS X :: Won't Work With Clone HDD With Leopard And Bootcamp Partition

May 18, 2010

I am looking for a way to clone my HDD that has Leopard and BootCamp XP Partition all in one shot without having to do 2 seperate backups.

Also after I have the image, I would like to deploy to around 150 Mac Minis not at the same time atleast 2 or 3 at a time.

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Software :: Setup A Bootcamp Partition Will Continue To Work?

Nov 4, 2007

using the bootcamp beta on tiger since the release of 10.5.... I know that people who have already setup a bootcamp partition will continue to work. but rumor is that the bootcamp utility will no longer work (and create new paritions) on tiger.

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Windows On Mac :: Won't Work With Leopard Resize Bootcamp's Partition

Mar 17, 2008

With Leopard's new Disk Utility, can a Bootcamp partition be non-destructively resize? Or is it still necessary to clone the Windows install, redo Bootcamp, and restore Windows?

I found my Bootcamp partition is too small and will need to be resized eventually (or, rather, games are much much larger than I realized ). But I really don't want to reinstall Windows to accomplish this.

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MacBook Air :: Won't Work With Optical Drive / Can't Work With Remote Disk

Aug 4, 2008

So I have a MacBook Pro, and my Dad has a MacBook Air. I was wandering if I needed Wi-Fi to access the optical drive on my MBP through the MBA using remote disk

Will they find each-other without Wi-Fi?

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MacBook Pro :: Made Boot Camp Partition Bigger - Now VMware Fusion Doesn't Work

Jul 13, 2009

It says that the drive has changed and I have to unmount and then remount it, but i don't really know how to do that and it doesn't seem to work

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MacBook :: Migrating Contents Of Hard Drive To New One / Hard Drive Has Partition For Bootcamp?

Jul 27, 2009

I have an aluminum unibody macbook from October 2008. I'm looking to upgrade the 160 GB hard drive inside to a 500 GB one I'm considering from Newegg. Would it be possible to migrate/copy/clone the entire contents of my current hard drive to the 500 GB one? I also have a section of my current hard drive partitioned for Bootcamp. Would this affect my ability to transfer everything over?

If this is possible at all, how can I go about doing so? If there are steps laid out somewhere, I'd appreciate a referral. Sorry if my question is a little elementary, but I did a search on these forums and also google and nothing really came up

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OS X :: 1TB Hard Drive - Partition Or Not?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm going to buy an iMac with 1TB hard drive. I'm currently using a MacBook Pro with 320GB hard drive, and I haven't partitioned it yet. Is 1TB too big to be one partition? How do you guys partition your hard drive.

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Windows On Mac :: Is There A Way To Partition Drive With XP?

Jan 28, 2009

I have a seperate 1TB internal drive on my mac that I've formatted for XP64. Is there a way to partition that drive with XP on it so I can install Vista too, that way I will have 2 500GB partitions one with XP and the other with Vista? OR will I have to swipe everything and make 2 partitions my first step?

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Mac Pro :: Partition The Boot Drive ?

Jun 1, 2009

I have my mac pro set up so that I have a boot drive with pretty much all my apps and stuff. And then, on a separate drive, I have my home folder. Basically, it's set up as detailed in this article. My boot drive is on a 500GB hard drive, and currently takes up only ~30GB. Since it is a 500GB drive, I don't use much of that space at all. Is there a way to partition the drive, without having to delete/reinstall anything, so that all of that data is stored on the outer areas of the HDD, so they're accessible more quickly?

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OS X :: How To Partition A Hard Drive

Jun 4, 2009

I'm trying to partition the internal hard drive on an Alu iMac so it also has a small FAT32 formatted portion, the only problem is, when I go to disk utility FAT32 is not an option under the drop down menu for formats. All it lets me do is Mac OS X Extended (Journaled) or something like that if I recall correctly.

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OS X :: Can't Partition Of USB Hard Drive

Jun 15, 2009

I've got a USB hard drive. Every time I try to partition it with Disk Utility, I get an error message saying it "timed out". The hard drive used to be an OS X boot disk. The only partition it has at the moment is the blank 200MB EFI partition.

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OS X :: How To Un-Partition Hard Drive

Dec 14, 2009

I've just bought a used iMac and for some reason it has 3 partitons but two have nothing on them. I've gone into Disk Utility and deleted those two but now the main Partition is still only showing as having 80GB of free space instead of the 200GB it should have. What can I do?

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OS X :: Is It Possible To Partition The External Drive

May 22, 2010

Have a G5 Imac, Intel Macbook and a 1.5 TB external drive for backups. I created 3 partitions on the external for backups for both computers and the extra partition for storage of some rips.. Is it possible to partition the external so that the Imac partition (HFS+?) is bootable and the Macbook partition (GUID) is bootable?

Thanks for any advice..

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Intel Mac :: How To Partition The Drive

Jul 5, 2012

Hi.I would like to partition my drive so I can add WXP onto it.I've been told how to do the proccess,but I keep hitting a brick wall. 

I go to disk utilities>select disk>partition... 

It there i am unable to go any further.I know I need to select how many partition I want with the Partition Layout,but the drop down menu whcih says "current" is greyed out. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Remove Hard Drive Partition

Feb 4, 2007

I realize this may be a stupid question but here goes... I have recently installed Windows XP with Boot Camp and now realize more than ever how much I hate XP and was wondering if it were possible to remove that partition all together from the hard drive, and I guess have it added back to my Mac OS side. I think i know the answer but just want to be sure.

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Mac Pro :: Benefits To Partition Hard Drive?

Feb 16, 2009

It seems as if many people on here use dedicated boot drive with faster read times for applications. I was wondering if partitioning my boot drive would be beneficial in anyway. My boot drive in Bay 1 is a 1TB, it stores everything except my iTunes library, then in Bay 2 I have another 1TB drive that I use CCC weekly to mirror the data from drive 1. If I was to partition the boot drive to use store my applications, and system software and moved all my data (documents, pictures, videos) to the partitioned part of the drive would there be any benefit?

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OS X :: Partition Hard Drive In Mac 10.4 / Tiger PPC?

Feb 16, 2009

how to partition a hard drive, so I can boot a my Leopard image-file from a separate partition. who has enough patience & time to guide me through to complete this common task. I did the follow things so far to make a separate partition for my disk-image (Leopard Installer):

1. Launched Disk-Utility on Tiger 10.4.11 OS X.
2. Clicked on my hard-drive (149.1 GB).
3. Selected "Partition" in that menu (seen above the Volume Information).
4. Selected "2 Partitions" from the "Volume Scheme drop-down menu".

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OS X :: Partition External Hard Drive Into FAT 32?

Mar 11, 2009

Recently I bought a Mac OS X Leopard, which comes with the Bootcamp. I have the XP operating disk, and Virtual Box, which is another program like Bootcamp. Instead of the bootcamp way of rebooting every time you switch between operating systems, Virtual Box allows both systems to run simultaneously. Instead of taking up space on my hard drive, I purchased a Seagate FreeAgent (Desk Edition) 1TB external drive.

I need to partition this drive in two, to allow the combined running of PC and Mac OS X using Virtual Box. The formats I will be using are FAT 32 and Mac OS Extended (Journaled). The latter is very easy, as I can simply do this on the Mac. However, the FAT 32... Since I am splitting the external hard drive in two, my XP PC cannot create a partition using FAT 32 which is greater than 32GB, and if I create the F32 partition using the Mac it won't be recognized by the PC operating system.

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Windows On Mac :: How To Partition Hard Drive For XP

Apr 24, 2009

I am installing XP on my mac laptop and am not sure how much space to partition. The laptop's total space is about 235GB with currently 50GB free.

I will only be using Windows for a few specific programs: Autodesk: Toxik, Mudbox, Motionbuilder and Cleaner XL. I probably won't be using the programs too extensively either, I mainly use Maya and I have the OSX version of that.

Based on that info I was hoping to get a rough estimate on how much space I should partition for XP, I don't want to go too low and not be able to install and use everything but at the same time I don't want to put too much space on the XP partition either and end up with wasted space.

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OS X :: BootCamp Hard Drive Partition

Jun 21, 2009

As soon as I bought my Mac I created a partition for Windows on Boot Camp. I later realized that I didn't need it, but then it was too late, 30GB of my Hard Drive was already partitioned. Is there a way to revert the process and re-claim my 30GB to use with the Macintosh system?

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