Software :: Cannot Open My Iphoto Because Application Iphoto Quit Unexpectedly
Jun 7, 2009
I cannot open my iphoto because i am constantly receiving the message "the application quit unexpectedly" I have tried everything!!!!first & foremost I have archived & installed osx already 2 times.I have tried holding down the options key and building a new library..doesnt work.I have typed in fsck -fy and rebooted and rebuilt disk permissions.i cant seem to find the file etc its not in my preference folders to erase it
It only bounces once in the dock and says "App Quit Unexpectedly.."
I tried to reinstall it with a .pkg but it's the same result...I can restore the application with the restore disk if I have to...But all the other iLife apps work...
A little over a week ago I did a software update--not sure what exactly was updated. Since then, Software Update, Safari, Pages, Numbers, iPhoto (not sure yet what else) won't open. Within seconds of clicking the icon to launch, they crash with the message, "Pages quit unexpectedly." I tried restarting MANY times. Is my computer toast? My other applications still work like Word, Firefox...
I just updated iPhoto and received the attached message when I try to open iPhoto. "You can’t open the application “iPhoto” because it is not supported on this type of Mac". How to resolve this.
PowerMac G5 OS 10.5 Leopard - I am getting this error message. If I start up from Install Disk and try to Reinstall the OS, it throws an error message stating "Cannot verify Disk." If I start up from Install Disk, it goes directly to OS Installation without utility options. If I DO NOT Start up from Install Disk, little is recognized, including Main Menu Bar at top. If I insert Install Disk, it does not recognize a disk was inserted to work off. This all happened when: I chose to do a clean restore on the HD to sell the PowerMac. During the process, I had to stop it and I followed directions. Quit Install and select disk to restart from. I chose my HD and proceeded.
Since downloading 10.5.1, I have had the message below pop up about every half hour. Almost every time, I click "Report...." to send to failure to Apple. I have also tried clicking "Relaunch," but that done nothing to fix the problem. Half an hour later, the popup comes back again. It has happened now more times than I can count. I have tried to research what this application is, but to no avail. Does anyone have any idea what I can do to fix this or to at least get rid of the pop up?
I just bought an iMac G4. This machine has been great, until a few hours ago. I was surfing Camino, when I went to go to IE for Mac (to check my Gmail, because Camino crashes when I go to Gmail) and then the same website I typed in on IE [URL] showed up in Camino. Of course, Camino crashed. Then, Camino started itself back up again, automatically surfed to [URL], and crashed again. Then Camino started up again...(and so on)
So I chose to force shut down the computer via the power button (which was probably a bad choice). When I got back on, I tried starting Camino. It crashed almost as soon as I clicked on it. I tried again...same thing. I soon came to realize that everything to do with the internet (Camino, Safari, IE, AIM) crashes the same way (almost as soon as you click on it). You ask how it crashed? Just the normal "This application unexpectedly quit" type.
Entourage stopped opening on my system a few days ago. When I attempt to launch I receive the message in the subject line. This happens from both the alias and the program icon. I am on OS X 10.5.6 and this is the first time I've had any trouble w/Entourage.
I just moved from windows to apple and when I opened mail and set my yahoo account in it, the application downloads all my messages {about 1200} and so far all is ok. But as soon as I click on one of these messages or any RSS, the application quits and I get " mail application quit unexpectedly" msg.
I know that there are most likely a lot of these threads around, but I feel like I've tried about everything. This all happened this morning when I was about to open my itunes. It wouldn't open, instead an error popped up saying that it quit unexpectedly.
I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I installed that freaking Google Notifier and I have been getting this message "The application GoogleUpdateChecker quit unexpectedly" every 30 minutes.I already uninstalled it and this message is still popping up.How can I delete this file so this message won't pop up again?
I did a software update, and now Safari, iTunes, and just about every other application (software updater, pages, etc.) won't launch!When I click on them I get an error message "The application quit unexpectedly".I just got my macbook, and it doesn't work
Since upgrading to 10.6.1 I've found that every time i wake my MB from sleep, applications keep quitting left and right, and I get these "application quit unexpectedly" messages. It's happened with Entourage, Safari, iTunes, Dashboard. It's getting pretty annoying. I've tried resetting the PRAM but that didn't help. Does anybody have a clue what to do?!
My itunes randomly, even after several restarts and re-installations, won't open and always says that itunes has "unexpectedly quit". I don't know what to do. This is what the error reads:
The icon starts to open and then I get an error message. Some of the apps are Adobe Reader and various Garmin apps. The message is "<name of app> quit unexpectedly" and then it gives a long list of computer info. This happened suddenly and I don't know why. I have used the Disk Utility App but it has not worked.
Whenever I try to open iTunes I get this message saying that iTunes quit unexpectedly while using the libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib plug-in. It did this a few days ago so I tried re-installing iTunes and it worked after rebooting but it didn't work this time.
I have a new MacBookPro using Max 10.6 and IPhoto 8.1. I am trying to import photos from my old computer (a 2007 MacBook) but IPhoto is quiting unexpectedly.
My new iPhoto '09 is quitting after downloading about 5/five/pictures from desktop or folder or other files. The number of photos in the folder is about 80. I did try not to use import cmd. and just slide few /8/ from desktop into iPhoto - is not taking - quitting after download of 3. Was no problem with download of original software. Was no problem with iPhoto '08 ever. My next step will be to uninstall whole iPhoto'09 and download again from the disc, but I am hoping for shorter solution.
When I connect my camera to my PowerBook, iPhoto becomes active but never shows the camera. When I connect a card reader with the card from the camera, it mounts in the Finder and iPhoto becomes active, but iPhoto never shows the card.
I've tried trashing iPhoto preferences, shutting down/restarting (hoping to refresh USB), even reinstalling iPhoto from scratch. I don't know how many times I've been able to import directly from my camera since the iPhoto 7.1.4 update was released, but I think it's been quite few. Most recently, I trashed the single cache file/folder for iPhoto to no avail, except now Image Capture crashes when I try to show its Device Browser, even after trashing its preferences.
I'm using iPhoto 08 (7.1.5). I just tried to upload a bunch of photos from a Canon Powershot camera. The previews showed up normally, I hit "import all," and they appeared to import normally. When it finished, it asked if I wanted to delete the originals on the camera, and I said yes. Then it gave me the "quit unexpectedly" message. When I reopened iPhoto, my new photos were not under Events, and "Last import" shows stuff I imported last week. But the photos were deleted from the camera. there's some way I can get the photos back! It did take the time to upload, so hopefully they're on my computer somewhere? I've uploaded photos with the same camera and version of iPhoto many times without problems--the only thing that's different is that this was more photos than I usually upload at once--about 150.
My iChat refuses to open. Every time I click on it to open it it will not open at all and a window will come up saying "The application iChat quit unexpectedly". How can i get my iChat to open and is someone or something hacking into my computer?
This has happened multiple times now since installing Yosemite. The problem displayed above is that after force quitting I can't open an application all. Even though it's not running anymore, as proven by the black dot that would be under the icon if it was. I've had this happen with 2 different applications: Steam and Google Chrome.