Software :: Warcraft 2 - OS Tells Me CD Not In Drive
Aug 27, 2008
Tried to run WARCRAFT 2 on classic, on a 1GH Powerbook, running 10.4. Classic loads up, lets me install the game, but of course, in the extensions manager, there is NO CD-ROM extension. So my first question is, has anyone run warcraft 2 in classic using 10.4?
But I am not one to back down from problem-solving...
Fine. Probably need to run OS 9.2.
So I have in my possession an old iBook. G3, 500mhz, 500MB of ram, running OS 9.2.2. Little computer works nicely. (9.2 was really ground-breaking!!!) Loads Warcraft 2 quickly as well. BUT, gives me the same error message. I've been playing around with extensions forever. I upgraded this iBook's hardware and installed a DVD/CD-RW. Could that be causing a conflict? If so, how would that be addressed? The CD-rom works though...
I'm noticing on the desktop, there are two icons when the CD is inserted. One that says WARCRAFT 2 and another that says, AUDIO1. The AUDIO1 CD icon of course, has songs on it.
I'm trying to run bootcamp to install windows, but it won't partion. It says "Verification failed. This disk could not be partitioned. Use Disk Utility to repair this disk."
I've repaired it, or least what I thought was repairing it.
I went to Disk Utility, highlighted Macintosh HD and under "First Aid" I clicked "Repair Disk Permissions".
It goes through the process and whatnot. Am I not choosing the correct repair? The button that says "Repair Disk" does not let me click on it.
I was told my date and time was pre 2010 ?!?! checked and yup it was showing Jan 1st 2001.. set the date and time manually charged the iphone via USB then went out.Tried to text my wife and noticed her number was no longer recognised (Number only showing, not name) and that all texts sent this morning where appearing at the bottom of my text list not the top as normal (Figured this out as the iphone had synched with the messed up time and date on the Mac). I re entered her number and when I try to call it it tells me the number is not recognised??
I'm frequently getting the problem that: many times the screen goes grey and a message box appears telling me that I have to restart. Often this is preceded by the fans gradually increasing in speed until they are runing at maximum speed. BUT the fans behaving that way is NOT due to overheating. I have to use the restart button to make the Mac restart. I have used reset button to reset the motherboard but that did not cure the problem. Anyone have any ideas about how to cure this problem? I'm running 10.4.9. The mac is a dual 1.8 (June 2004). 1.5GB RAM, two SATA internal HD�s (Maxtor), two external firewire HD�s (Seagate). All the HD�s are less than a year old.
In my perhaps over zealous approach to my new iMac i installed a random demo of a program called iGlasses. Now, whenever I open iChat, or anything which uses the camera it tells me i need to purchase iGlasses. I think i deleted the program, but obviously i haven't fully deleted everything. How can i now remove any traces of the program please?
every 10 minutes something popped up and froze saying that i have to restart my mac book. iz there a virus?? what shud i do so it wont pop up for me to restart every 10 minutes again?
Firstly, I know pretty much nothing about how to use Automator, nor do I know if it's even the right thing to be useing for this.What I would like to do is create a service that appears when I right click on a folder that sends that folder to DaisyDisk for scanning. I know that the application accepts folders via drag & drop onto the app (or alias). This is Plan B as I would much rather be able to simply work from within Finder via context sensitive menus.I've poked around in Automator in creating a new service, but I can't find a way to invoke or pass anything along to DaisyDisk.
I am trying to record something on my desktop and I recorded it with an application called iscreen recorder lite. I downloaded it off of the application store thinking it would save under a file my computer would recognize. When I tried to play the recording back again, my computer tells me it cannot read the file and I should see if the formatting is right. I checked and the file is under .mov which should be supported by mac
Im specifically looking for folks using a the Apple 4870 512Mb , any PC 4870, or a 4890 (Hell let me know if you are using the GTX 285 Mac edition also) in combination with a 30" monitor.
Im looking at this setup and I play WoW frequently , but that is the ONLY game I play..
I am new to macs, wanted the best they could offer before i became assimilated into the mac world so i waited for the new Mac Pro. Just got it and the only game i am playing is World of Warcraft. I have the 8800GT video card and 4gb of ram, the rest is as they ship it in their "standard version" of the new Mac Pro's.
I can't get over 60 frames per second with the settings maxed out. Even when i take the Multisampling to 24-Bit Color 24-bit depth 1X Multisample.
Everything is maxed out, everything. I know when i have the multisampling turned up to 4x i should be able to get over 60fps when i am like, looking at the sky or something, but i cant get it over 60fps. What do i need to do? I have read on some Blizzard forums about typing in commands like "/console GLFaster 0/1/2" but none of that is changing anything. I am running 10.5.2 of Leopard.
I'm tired of my brother getting terrible grades, not doing anything, and complaining about lagging all the time so how can I go about blocking world of warcraft from our network? I have a time capsule and found out that WoW uses port 3724 but that's all i know... If it can't be done with the network then how would I be able to block it on his computer without him being able to fix it with just a reinstall? (he has a PC)
I sold my friends my eMac, and he is having a problem with Warcraft 3. Now, I own it too, and have reinstalled it and downloaded patch on the machine so many times over the years. Now, when he installs the latest patch, it says TFT could not be opened. Could using my discs fix the problem? Regular Warcraft 3 still works after patched.
Ah, nothing like zero-ing out a disk and installing from scratch.
Except, like 13 World of Warcraft discs say otherwise.
My question is whether or not I can just drag my entire WoW folder to an external drive and drag back after the reformat. I don't want to use time-machine or migration assistant, because I specifically want to wipe everything else out, just not WoW.
Also, bonus question: iLife 09 is on which disk from the bundle that came with my iMac? And I can install that after I install SL right?
Warcraft III lan. But when we desided to play online, only me or my brother could play online. So i bought the game, so i could play online with them. But when i was supposed to un install the game, so i could install it again, i had a problem. I deleted all my files to the game, and now i can't install the game again. When i put in the CD again, there does popup a window where i can press: Play Warcraft III. And when i press it the game doesnt start. It just close the window, and a new window (The same as the last one) popup.
I'm trying to install Warcraft 3 on my Macbook Pro, and everytime I try to install it, it says something about how powerpc doesn't work on macs anymore...
I'm ordering a Macbook Pro next week and I'm curious as to which is going to be the best setup. I plan to play World of Warcraft on it (as well as use it for my work). Ideally I'd have liked the 13" because I prefer the smaller size but out of these setups which would be best?
13-inch: 2.4GHz with SSD (would the 2.66GHz make a significant difference?) or Baseline 15-inch: 2.4GHz
I don't mind running the game on medium settings, although I'd prefer not to run it on it's lowest. I would be using it for raiding 10 and 25 mans. I'd expect 25fps min in most situations, but would like more.
Is this achievable on the 13"? I just don't want to order one and find I'm disappointed, given the cost.
Since I got my Macbook Pro back in June, boot times and loading times of apps seems to of gotten longer. I ran iDefrag to see what was going on and the most fragged file was lichking.MPQ which, as most of you may know, is the new World of Warcraft expansion. it is a large file (2.4gb).
iDefrag reported my HDD being 28% fragmented.
My question is, should or do I need to defrag? It has been asked a 1,000,000 times I know but I just can't seem to get a simple yes or no answer anywhere.
Some people say yes, some say no and some say defragging my mac caused a hard drive failure etc..
I usually have a few simple apps running at the same time...
Currently a UML App, Adium, Firefox, Skype, Mail & iTunes, and obviously... WoW.
For some reason, every now and again, it freezes, then returns to it's normal (high) FPS... anything I can do to speed it up? I'm thinking whether it's really worth buying it 8800 GT?
I'm really interested in the itablet or macbook touch as they call it. I'm also an avid player of world of warcraft. Do you think the game will work on a tablet?
1 - I have an early 2008 iMac 24" and ordered Snow Leopard disc from Apple 2 - After installation of Win7 64 bit and problems with boot camp 3.1 drivers support then tells me my computer will not run windows 7 64 bit and sends me a list of non-compatibles. Sure enough mine is one.
3 - Several respondents help me and it appears that 64 bit will run but still trouble with keyboard/mouse.4 - uninstall 64 bit and install 32 bit and related boot camp drivers5 - numeric keypad on apple keyboard still does not work with office 20106 - just tried to update drivers for win 32 but it says more current ones are installed??? I guess that is from the attempt to install 3.1 for win 64 unsuccessfully?7 - Now support lists computers that will not run windows 7 and mine is not on that list.
right now i'd be a happy camper if someone could just tell me how to get the Apple keyboard that came with my iMac and the numeric keypad working when in Windows or Office.
I just got an i7 27" iMac, and while its wonderfully in every way imaginable, I have an issue with my graphics card or drivers or something.
Two examples proving an issue:
I run world of warcraft and look in the video settings and I can't set anything to max at all, also a red bar assuming my graphics card is way out of its depth or something.
Also tried to run Left 4 Dead 2 from steam and in the menu I get some images come up as pink checkered squares and it always freezes when loading a match.
I have a previous gen iMac (got it in Aug 2008) and It runs well.. And was wondering how WoW runs on the base MBP.. And in comparison to the base iMac from last year?
when ever i log into world of warcraft. and start playing after five minutes my screen will just shut off but the computer will still be running. maybe the video card ?
Ever since I started playing WoW my MBP would get pretty hot to the point were my keys were burning my fingers, this would happen after around an hour of playtime. Two days into playing my laptop started freezing a lot, it started freezing up everything being unable to do anything (it would freeze for around 30sec then unfreeze for about 10seconds then freeze up again) This also kept happening even after I wasn't in game, so it came to a point were I had to format the mac, it works fine now but I'm afraid to play WoW again because of this freeze. Also, I played SC2 & Heroes of Newerth with no problems.