Software :: Safari & Snow Leopard Multi Tabs Failing?
Mar 3, 2010
ever since upgrading to Snow Leopard when I am using Safari and browsing a page and then selecting 'open link in new tab', the tab opens and sometimes finds the link ok.
If I open 3 or more new tabs Safari fails to find the page.
This happens on many different websites. I thought it may be the modem/router but I am on a 10meg cable link and I do not get this same issue when using Safari on a PC connected to the same network.
Is this a Safari/Snow thing or is it just coincidence the way it has happened and it might be a router setting or something?
I use Firefox as my main browser, but I'll occasionally use Safari. I'm running Snow Leopard and this tab UI bug just started happening in Sarafi. Here is a screenshot: I've deleted Safari using AppCleaner and reinstalled from the Snow Leopard install disk, but it did not fix the problem. Its not a huge deal since I rarely use Safari, just wondering if anyone else has experience this? It happens if I click a link on a page and "open in new tab"
So I've only had my macbook pro aluminum body for about 4 months and after downloading the new system update, my laptopl just started acting weird and then it would just keep freezing with the pinwheel for extended periods of time. I've decided to verify and repair the disc, but to no avail, it didn't help. So, I backed up files in an external hard drive and erased my disc. However, after repeating to reinstall Snow Leopard at least 10 times, it keeps on telling me that it has failed to copy supported files. If I eject my installation DVD, it will just show up with a gray screen that has a folder and a question mark on it. I'm not sure what to do. I feel like I should take it over to an Apple store to consult with a Genius...but it is far from where I live. Any easy step to step advice on what I should do?
I have really tried to like the new Safari, but I can't seem to generate 'affection' for the tabs. One thing especially is irritating to me. Being over the address bar is bad enough, but when there's a bunch of tabs, finding a spot to 'grab' the window to move it is difficult.
Is there a way to move the tabs back below the address window like the older Safari? I hope this hasn't been asked and answered before. I didn't see it.
My kids HD just started to fail. Apple replaced it this AM, however my kid's TM backup is about 5 months old. I am trying to recover the data from the old disk.
She put the old disk into an enclosure and connected it to her MBP. As I try to copy as much of the drive as possible it gets an error, ejects, then reconnects and give an annoying message that I didn’t eject properly. This is making it very difficult to get all the data off.
I figured if I mounted read-only that it’d stop doing that, but it does not. I’ve run fsck, etc…
All I need is for this stupid machine to log errors and move on just like single user mode. However, I cannot use single user mode because I am 2000 miles away from the machine. And using Facetime to remote control my kid has pushed me to the edge. There has to be a way to make OSX as “unfriendly” as Linux. OSX needs a “pro” mode.
So, I ask again. How do I stop OSX from auto ejecting a disk when it errors?
I have a Mac Mini/Snow Leopard 10.6.8 10K549. I am trying to run Software Update and it is failing to install the Software Installer Update 1.0. I have run Disk repair and Repair Permissions including booting standalone CD and downloading the update - but just keep getting "An Error has occurred".
my safari upon opening shows a tab for the current window. i thought tabs only appeared when you have 2 or more concurrent windows open at the same time.
is there a way to hide the tab when you only have 1 window open?
Apple's Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard operating system will include tools borrowed from the iPhone that let developers determine the geographical location of Macs, as well as extend additional support for multi-touch to their apps, AppleInsider has learned. People familiar with the latest pre-release distributions of the next-gen OS say the software now includes the CoreLocation framework previously available via the iPhone SDK, which will allow Mac applications to identify the current latitude and longitude of the Macs on which they're running. Since Macs don't include GPS technology like the iPhone 3G, CoreLocation will utilize a Mac's existing networking hardware to triangulate the system's location in a manner similar to the way the original iPhone was able to use the technology to emulate a true global positioning signal. Meanwhile, those same people say that developers writing applications for Snow Leopard will also gain access to a new set of Cocoa-based programing interfaces for leveraging the multi-touch features of the latest MacBooks and MacBook Pros within their applications. AppleInsider first revealed plans for the new multi-touch framework in a an article from last June titled "Five undisclosed features of Apple's Mac OS X Snow Leopard." The report noted that the framework would "consist of code libraries and functions that ordinary developers can use to enhance their applications with the same multi-touch capabilities currently available in Apple-born apps like Safari and iPhoto, and do so with ease." Word of the new location tools in Snow Leopard comes on the heels of an announcement by Google that it will soon deliver its own software that will let iPhones and Macs broadcast their location information over the Internet.[ View this article at ]
For the second month in a row my company has grossly exceeded its bandwidth limit.The culprit is our Mac server automatically downloading ~15GB of updates in a given day of the month, most recently the 21 March. Every update is labeled "multi-lingual voices" (version 1.0, post date 16 March 2012), each update's size 200MB to 500MB. There is no reference/description regarding what these updates are, only a product id e.g. "041-4502 (Multi-Lingual Voices)"
The server update settings in Server Admin is set to "all new" updates. Automatically copied. Delete outdated software updates.
1. What are these multi-lingual voices updates, where and why are they used?
2. Can I restrict these updates from automatically downloading, whilst retaining the "all new", automatic copy, setting for the remainder of my other updates?
Earlier this week I did a clean re-install of SL and now in safari 4 I cannot remember how to get the tabs back like they where in safari 3 - under the address bar. I have search on here and also in google, but they did not retrieve much.
If I have an event, starting on Friday, going on Saturday and and finishing Sunday, is it not possible to get this to show in the month view? I know it shows up in the weekly view, but it would be more helpful for me to have it up show up like this so I can get an overview of the month's forthcoming events. Or if it, are there any mods/addons etc that can enable this?
I'm thinking of making the jump and making my first Apple computer purchase. Time machine will be a welcome native backup solution, especially since I can do it over the network automatically. However, I've read that Time Machine naturally requires HFS+ formatted disks. But I will still have my Win7 laptop for gaming purposes, and of course that requires NTFS or FAT32 for writability. My question: Can I just take a TM compatible external drive, split it into two partitions, and then specify that each computer backup onto its own partition with its own file system?
Also, I receive a "Server cannot be found message" when attempting to access Facebook and Youtube. Almost all other pages seem fine but I just receive error messages when attempting to view these few. I am using a new wireless network and wondered whether this could be the problem.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.4)
Safari keeps failing to open web pages. Software is up to date, cache has been emptied and reset, and the webpage works on other devices. What is going on?
I just got a new MBA and I have never had a multi-touch mac before. I saw once that you can swipe finger gestures to go from tab to tab in safari. How do I do that?
OK, I'm a little stumped by this: I open a new tab that is blank...not even showing history. When I type in an address on the blank tab (2nd tab), the 1st tab changes and the 2nd tab stays blank. In order to view multiple pages, I have to use New Window. After several windows.
So, I have been using Safari for a while now, I like it for the most part but one thing that bugs me is how the tabs work.
I open alot of tabs, which works good, but when I select a tab and close it it goes to the tab to the left. When I close a tab I would like to go be viewing the last selected tab. Eg, if I am on tab one, and open a new tab to view something, then close that new tab, and it happens to be tab 10, I want my view to be tap 1 again. Right now it goes to tab 9 if I close tab 10
im converted to safari 4, i had a panic with it once, went to firefox but to slow, an chrome is not ready yet for everyday stuff, so since 4 is out of beta (hopefully no more system panics), im using it as my main browser,
the question is can i save my tabs, not bookmark but save when i close safari, i love this feature that all the others have.
In the new Safari 4 released today, is there any way to bring back the tabs on the title bar? I loved this because, believe it or not, that extra space really enhances my browsing.
On safari if you open a lot of tabs they use to all compress so you can see all your tabs. Can anyone confirm on safari 4 that you can't do this anymore?
If you open a collection of say 19 tabs, you can't see them all at the same time
I want to be able to open new tabs automatically when I click in a top site link. At present it only opens the clicked website in the same window/tab. I've tried defaults write TargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool true. This does nothing. It has worked before i updated to Snow Leopard. I must be missing something.
I read on osxhints that there is a way to get tabs on top in Safari four, however this does not work when in Snow Leopard, so im asking here if anybody knows how to force them ontop?
I tend to like to keep a lot of tabs open at once, but once I try to open a twelfth, there is no more room and it goes off to a side-bar. Is there any way to have safari make a second row of tabs for folks like me?
[URL] ctrlSwitcher is nice but having to press ctrl with a number with one hand is uncomfortable. Is there another software that is similar but offers CMD key combination instead of the CTRL? I asked this on here [URL] but nobody found an answer to it.
I have tried all your online support facilities to try and gain an answer to this highly irritation and obstructing technical issue with YOUR software. Safari tabs keep automatically reloading - it appears you are well aware of this technical issue as there are people complaining on the community (most of which I cannot follow as I am not an IT expert) - where is your support? What are you doing about this problem?
Info: imac 20" 12.6ghz Intel core 2 duo 256mb Vram 1GB Mac OSX v10.4, Mac OS X (10.4)
I usually have several tabs open in Safari. Sometimes when I reopen safari, it only opens 1 or 2 of my tabs, and then I have to dig through my history to find the other pages. This is at least the 3rd time this has happened and I'm getting sick of it.
I will browse the internet, click back on a tab, and the site will refresh. Highly annoying for when you are streaming radio, music etc.If I am downloading, when the page refreshes, the download stops, so I have to start again.
Yes you guessed it, it's about the small air. I wish there was a hack to let you have the safari 4 beta tabs on top a la (the otherwise unremarkable) chrome. I can't find one though...