I recently downloaded skype to use on my eMac running OSX 10.3.9. However, I cannot get the program to open. The little icon on the dock just bounces once when I click it and nothing happens. If I click again it will bounce again, but will never open. What do I have to do to get it to work? I have skype on my other two PCs and it works fine so I know there is no problem with firewalls or anything. Even if there was, the program should still open it just wouldn't be able to make calls.
So I have a Macbook pro and I have Lion and my computer continues to occasionally freeze while I am running skype. This issue has also occured while I was running Imovie as well. I took it into the Apple store and everyone checked out ok. And when the screen freezes it sometimes goes all black or a grey textured background.
This is my first post and I hope you guys can help me. I know what I'm about to ask has been asked numerouse times, but I still can't find an answer that satisfies me. So, I was using the screen-sharing feature of Skype and my girlfriend wanted me to show her The Sims 3 game. I was running Safari, MSN Messenger, Skype and a full screen instance of The Sims 3. My Macbook Pro crashed in the loading screen of the game and the fans turned on at full screen.Since that happened, I'm hearing the fans more constantly.
I have reached this website after scrawling to find a solution on the internet. I hope someone can help me with this problem.I have a 4 years old G4 ibook (OS 10.3.7), and have been using it for internet, skype and foto-storage mainly.Situtation:Yesterday I tried to use the internet (Firefox browser) and skype, but the skype didn't work at all. Since firefox was not working properly either, I did force quit and restarted the computer. I attempted this several times until I could use both applications (never had any problems before). However, Skype didn't work, and in the end, I could not quit firefox at all. At last I did force quit again, and saw white screen with apple icon at the centre when restarting. No time-spinning mark, the apple just sits there.
Troubleshooting that I have done: I called up support center, and they told me that it's very likey that the computer is stopping at "'carnel" stage (I'm sorry but I don't know what this is). The possibility that it's got something to do with HD is 50/50, so I may have to send it to repairing service in the worst case. They told me to try using Disc Install CD1 to check/repair something wrong in my computer. So I followed the instructions and inserted the install CD and restart the computer with "c" key. The computer read the CD and Installer window showed up. As instructed in a manual, I used First Aid in Disc Utility, and tried "repairing disc". After a while it said "1 HFS has been repaired". It also said that Macintosh HD doesn't seem to have a problem", so I quit the disc utility and restarted the computer.
Against my expectation, the same white screen with apple came up on the screen and sits there with no other movements.I'm afraid of trying somethinig without further so I hope I can get the same story or ideas that someone here might have.
On the right hand side of my desktop when I download a program it seems to put an icon or doc on the right hand side. Like right now I have a skype dmg file I can't delete as it says Skype is in use, then right above that is a seperate skype icon that even if I drag to dock it still stays on the right hand side (like a copy), then I downloaded open office again and it put the install icon there (like when you open and you drag your program to teh applications folder)
I have a Macbook running Leopard and an iMac running Tiger. I am looking to upgrade Leopard to Snow Leopard and Tiger to Leopard. If I were to purchase Snow Leopard and install it on the Macbook, would I then be able to use the copy of Leopard that came with the Macbook on the iMac? I am not trying to use 2 copies of the same thing on different machines, I just want to put a new os on one machine and move the existing one to another.I am reluctant to purchase the Mac Box Set version of Snow Leopard for the iMac because I do not want or need iLife and iWork.
I've had an iMac for just about a year and over time I guess I just didn't notice but the machine always ran very quietly. At the same time the back of the computer would heat up so bad that it would nearly burn my hand if I left it there. Well last week I decided to upgrade to Lion from Snow Leopard and when I did the install failed and froze up the hard drive. I took the computer in to the apple store and they determined that it had to have a new hard drive installed because the old one (only a year old) had a physical malfunction (was broke). So anyway I have my iMac back and get it started up, backed up from time machine, and then finally get Lion istalled - and now all of the sudden I notice that the fans in the computer are CONSTANTLY blowing - I can hear them spinning and can hear the air venting out of the back of the computer - and the computer is STILL really hot on the backside of the screen.
So now I am wondering if the originial problem was the computer heating up and if that may have broken the otherwise good hard drive? Also now that I have a new hard drive - should I be concerned about the fans being on ALL the time? I mean they never go off. Even when I leave the computer for hours and come back to it and the screen is asleep the fans are STILL buzzing away at top speed. Here is the stats on the computer at the time that I'm typing this note - there are no other programs running than Firefox and Mail. Also - I don't know what the optical drive is exaclty - but if it's the DVD drive (superdrive) - there is nothing in the DVD disc drive
my 4 year old IMac 2.4ghz intel core 2 duo with 2gb running 10.7.3 has been running really slow since I installed photoshop CS4 and upgraded to lion ( I have 137gb of free space on hard drive) I mean it wont quit out of photoshop I always have to do a force quit and most applications run really slow. Do I need a new computer , what should I go for to have a smooth running mac?Was thinking of a new IMac 27-inch: 2.7GHz with 4gb memory.
My Macbook Pro (from mid-2010) has recently started running EXTREMELY slowly, and the fan continuously runs loudly. From other posts, I have checked my activity monitor to see if any process is taking up a lot of the CPU % and have found that nothing seems high, except the kernel_task which, from what I understand, is supposed to be high. I have also attempted to reset the SMC which didn't fix the problem either. I have taken my computer to the genius bar 3 times now, and they keep telling me nothing is wrong (because it works perfectly there), but when I get it home the fan comes back on, and everything runs slowly.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
I had skype on my pc when I was on myspace. Worked great. Now I got my mac and got skype on the mac and now cant communicate with my friends that are using pc. What do I have to do to change this problem?
My Mac feels as if it is running slower these last couple of months. I have thought of pursuing a commercially available "clean up" product, but thought I would try the community first and also for pointers using the Mac's own internal diagnostics or system improvement capabilities. Any and all advice is most welcome. I have a 250GB hard drive that is half full, I always update to latest revisions and have an extra high-speed internet connection. Computer is not heavily loaded with apps and typically using Firefox for browsing. (MS Office for Mac as well, but usually limited to one program such as MS Word or Excel at a time.) No heavy graphics utilization. Videos from the internet load slowly and some are choppy. Even scrolling just doesn't seem "brisk".
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.53/4GB Ram
I currently have skype on my MBP, and am wondering if it is possible to buy a bluetooth headset (such as the jawbone), and use it to talk on skype, through the MBP? Would setting up the headset be as easy as a mighty mouse? or keyboard?
i've been using skype and it was working perfectly but i don't know whats going on .. no one can hear my voice !! although when i use the movie maker i can record my voice
so my colleague's computer, a G5 powermac, had to have the harddrive replaced a month ago. she was in thunderbird, OSX asked her if she wanted to install the usual software updates, she hit yes, and it all went blank and would only restart to a grey screen after. took it in the the store, they replaced the harddrive and migrated everything over to the new one. ever since, she can't get skype to work - no matter how many times we try reinstalling it, it just bounces once in the dock and then quits. there are other quirks too - in word, some of the icons show up as 'quicktime pict'.
we've tried running disk utility, deleting the plist and cache files related to skype, reinstalling quicktime, and nothing helps. any suggestions???
MacBook Pro 15-inch, Mid 2010 Processor 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 Memory 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 512 MB Software OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)
I am using Skype 6.15 (334). I made a call and now after the call has ended Skype will not log out, nor will it allow me to Quit. The Quit option is grayed out in the menu, both with & without the option key. I have attempted to force quit and restart the computer. Skype blocks any force quit or restart every time. I did not have any issues with Skype (or any other apps) prior to "upgrading" to Mavericks.
I have Skypes working on my G-5 and have added Macam and a Logic Tech Chat camera. The camera works well on my screen but is not seen by others when I contact them. I just get the small black screen in the Skypes window. Is ther another piece of software I need other than Macam for Skypes connection or.I did get a message on screen that Skypes had connected to my camera.
Information: G5 dual 2.7 Mac OS X (10.4.8) 23" Apple
when using iChat or Skype, only one speaker (R) works. I was told that it was designed this way to save battery power and bandwidth and that it was originally designed this way when most users were on dial-up isn't this called designing for the lowest common denominator?
I have a new macbook pro 15 inch and I downloaded the newest version of skype and I can't get the video to work every time I get "video in use by another application." My ichat and photobooth both work too. I've tried everything even deleting the camcamx5.component file but I don't have it.