Software :: Programs Spontaneously Will Not Run

Nov 9, 2008

Sometimes programs just won't open and the error -10802 (I think that is the number) shows up. I searched it on the mac website but nothing come up. Generally everything runs, but sometimes things just stop opening. When this happens programs that are already open will work (for example if word is open I can make a new document), but things are a lot slower, and particularly in firefox I noticed once when this happened that I was typing faster than the computer was able to show my text. When I restart my computer things return back to normal, but it usually happens again after a few days. What could be the reason behind this error? I recently removed all the music from my computer to make space, and ran an anti-virus program.

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OS X :: Mac 10.5.6 Shutting Down Spontaneously?

Feb 13, 2009

My mac os x 10.5.6, (2.8 Ghz Intel Core Duo, 2GB 800MHz DDR2 SDRAM) keeps shutting itself down spontaneously - no error message occurs before or after it shuts down, and when i press the power button on my mac i get no response.

I have to turn it off at the power point and turn it on again.

I have a power surge board and only my mac is plugged into it so i'm pretty sure it's not a surge problem.

It seems to mainly happen when the screen saver comes on, and i have checked all of my system preferences and i havn't selected to turn off hard disk's at any time etc. I have no idea why it's doing any of this!

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OS X :: Mac Pro Waking Spontaneously From Sleep

Sep 24, 2008

I am having a problem with my Mac Pro waking from sleep spontaneously at night. It doesn't always do so, but when it does it seems to be at the same time, 00:42. This morning I opened console to see what was going on at this time and this is what I got: [Log] So it would seem that eye tv is the culprit. I then went to open the in the System Configuration folder and found 2 entries for EyeTV under wakepoweron which correspond to the times listed above (i.e. 09/24/08 00:42:30 and 03/31/32 06:00:00). I have tried dumping the into the trash and then restarting, but a new file is generated with the same entries, and also opening the to delete the entries, but then get an error saying I don't have appropriate access privileges to save the file (even when I change privileges under 'get info' to read/write I still get the same error message).

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Intel Mac :: Restarts Spontaneously -- Not While In Use

Mar 14, 2012

My imac has been restarting while I'm away from it, as if instead of going to sleep it just does the restart.  Nothing much has changed in terms of usage, i.e. no new software, etc.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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PowerPC :: IBook Spontaneously Shutting Down?

Sep 18, 2007

My iBook (about 3 years old) all the sudden started continuously restarting. The screen would dim and a black window would appear saying that the computer needs to be restarted with a picture of the power button symbol behind it. I have done that and now the same thing keeps happening every time my computer turns back on. It has happened 4 times in the last 20 minutes. One time as soon as it restarted, it shut itself off as soon as the desktop appeared. Does anyone know what this means?

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MacBook :: My Computer Has Been Spontaneously Restarting Itself

Mar 17, 2012

My computer has been spontaneously restarting itself. This last time I wasn't even at the keyboard, I was across the room.  I don't know what to make of it, completely baffled.

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Intel Mac :: Input Source Spontaneously Changes?

Jul 5, 2012

I use the Dvorak keyboard setup as my input source, and never change it. Recently my machine has started spontaneously switching back to the standard U.S. keyboard -- distracting, to say the least, when I suddenly get weird windows opening or gibberish appearing in documents. This has happened in both Mail and Mellel (a 3rd-party word processor) so far. I can't find anything about this problem in the forums; how to re-stabilize my choice, or how to investigate it further?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Pro :: External SATA Drive Spontaneously Disconnects

Oct 2, 2009

Machine is an early 2008 Mac Pro. I'm connecting two external SATA desktop hard drives via eSATA (NewerTech Voyager S2 enclosures) and a Newer Technology eSATA Extender Cable (connected to the 5th and 6th internal SATA headers). One of the drives is used as a Time Machine backup disk. This TM disk has been periodically disconnecting and generating warning messages about improper ejection. It reconnects with a restart, but usually will disconnect again within a day. I swapped the drives in the docks, so each was connected via the other dock, cable, and internal header. The same problem persists - the TM disk disconnects periodically despite having switched docks.

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Mac Pro :: The Internal Hard Disk Ejects Spontaneously?

Apr 20, 2012

I have a problem with 2 drives. Was ext. HD Samsung 1.5TB, but I put them like internal on my MAC OSX 10.7.3. After that Those drives start ejecting spontaneously.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Desktop Files Get Locked Spontaneously?

May 27, 2012

Recently (in addition to other seemingly unrelated password problems), files on my desktop became locked. Finder asks for a password to delete them. I believe an Apple Genius said thought this was normal behavior, but we've never had that happen before on this computer (Mac intel core 2 duo v10.7.4) or anyother of our Apple computers, which are several years old.

So, is this suspicious activity, or is this a normal feature of the OS?

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.7)

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MacBook Pro :: 15" Has Started Spontaneously 'dying'?

Jun 30, 2012

I have an early 2011 15" MacBook Pro, and about three weks ago the screen suddenly went completely black. I can't remember what I was doing at the time, but I don't think I was inputting in any way. The only way I could revive it was to press and hold down the power button until the boot-up tune started playing. I thought it was a one-off, but it has now happened twice more. The last time was this morning. I had opened the lid to wake it from it it's overnight sleep, looked at one text document and close textedit. Then I saw I'd received an email, (I always leave Mail running), so I clicked on the Mail icon and opened the message. I was just reading the message -and not inputting- when the screen just went black without any warning whatever. The Apple logo on the lid also went out. 

I closed the lid and left it twenty minutes to see if it would wake up normally when I re-opened the lid, but no, I had to press and hold the power button to re-boot. There was an error message displayed when my computer came back to life, but it wasn't very informative. It had a complex report log, which I copied and saved, but it means nothing to me. I believe that data was then sent to Apple. I don't remember this happening before I upgraded from 10.6.x to 10.7.4 in mid-May, but it didn't happen straight after the upgrade so I can't be sure it's related. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Shutting Down Spontaneously Running OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

Dec 6, 2014

Twice my macbook pro has shut down on me spontaneously. I recently got the logic board replaced. What could this mean? What do I need to do differently?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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Mac Pro :: Computer Spontaneously Restarts - 1gig RAM Module I Installed?

Mar 3, 2006

I've been using my MacBookPro (1.83ghz) for 3 days, and today it began acting funky. It has spontaneously restarted about 10 times today. It restarted itself about 4 times in 10 minutes just now. Twice it has restarted as soon as the previous restart completed, before any programs have been launched, and with no peripherals plugged in. Other times it has spontaneously restarted with only Safari open, and with Illustrator CS open. Any ideas about what might be happening? Anyone had this issue? Could this be related to software? Or the 1 gig RAM module I installed?

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Applications :: Keynote Crashes - MacBook Spontaneously Restarts

Sep 21, 2008

MacBook Core Duo, Leopard 10.5.5, Keynote 4.0.3

Periodically when I play a Keynote presentation my MacBook will spontaneously restart. I've searched many different forums and found many others with the same problem, but no working fix yet. I have a huge presentation next week and obviously I can no longer trust Keynote to do it (quite a few ugly stories on the other forums about embarrassing keynote crashes in front of large audiences).

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Email Sends Spontaneously - Nothing Visible In Sent Mail?

Mar 28, 2012

Over the past several weeks, occasionally my computer emits 2-4 dongs and then the email sent sound, and then it does it again, and again until I either shut off the wireless connection or shut down Mail.  There is nothing visible in my sent mail or nothing that I can see anyway.  I have scanned my computer with VirusBarrier X6 with an uptodate definition list and it does not find anything.My console report during this time interval looks as follows... with the mail line at the end of the sequence when I reopened "Mail"    


Mac OS X (10.7.2), Two Alu iMac and 1 MacBook Pro

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MacBook :: Unable To Open Programs - Programs Are Not Displaying

Mar 25, 2010

I have a question about using my new samsung tv as a monitor for my macbook. I have all the cables and such and my TV reads the computer. It actually shows the desktop background, mouse, and the toolbar on the tv...
BUT....when i try and open a program such as safari or itunes it does not display the program on the monitor but rather on my macbook screen. It shows the program open on the tv monitor but it shoots off the screen and then opens on the macbook screen.

Also the mouse disappears from the tv monitor screen on the left side only, and when it does it becomes visible back on the macbook screen! Any tips or suggestions on how to get the programs to show up on the monitor instead of the macbook screen?

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Folder Modification Dates Spontaneously Changing

Sep 3, 2014

I discovered that a limited batch of folders on several different hard drives had all taken on the same modification date, which was several days ago. It is truly maddening because I keep the contents of may enclosing folders sorted by modification date for critical reasons, and now these spontaneously changed folders are far out of order. 

To make it more maddening, I'm using a program designed to allow changing of the modification dates, which has been working fine on most of them, to change the dates to the same as the latest date of a folder's enclosed contents, but one of them keeps changing it's modification date to right now if I merely twirl down its "carrot" or viewing arrow in list view! 

NOTE: I had downloaded and run the Onyx program to fix an issue that OpenPGP had with contextual menus not showing up. Their page recommended running the Automation pane of  Onyx as the solution. I just found out that I ran that on the same date as the folder modification date changes. Could it be the culprit, and if so, how and why?

iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), 2.9 GHz Intel Core i5, 8GB memory

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MacBook Pro :: Spontaneously Reboots - System First Freezes For Roughly 30 Seconds

Dec 1, 2014

I have a mid-2010 Macbook Pro with a 2.53 GHz Core i5 processor and 8 GB of RAM, running OS X 10.10.1.  For the last few weeks, at apparently-random intervals, the machine has been rebooting while I've been using it.  I can't tie this to anything in particular that I'm doing.  It may go a couple of days before a restart, or it could be like today, where it's happened five times in the last four hours.  I've tried resetting the PRAM and the SMC without apparent effect. 

When the reboot happens, the system first freezes for roughly 30 seconds--the mouse pointer won't move, it's unresponsive to keyboard input, etc.  The system then appears to power down--the screen and external monitor go dark, fans stop, keyboard backlight goes out.  A few seconds later, it powers up, gives the boot chime, and goes through the normal boot sequence.  At no point does it give the "your computer was restarted because of a problem" message, and I don't see anything in the Console app that looks like a kernel panic. 

About two years ago, the logic board was replaced to address a somewhat-similar issue--the system had been freezing and could only be recovered by a hard power off (holding down the power button for several seconds).  

I'm not sure where to start looking for the cause of this problem, since I can't figure out anything in common with the circumstances surrounding the reboots.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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MacBook Pro :: (2007 Intel) Freezes Or Spontaneously Shuts Down And Crackling Comes From The Speakers?

Jun 3, 2012

My MBP (2007 intel) freezes or spontaneously shuts down and crackling comes from the speakers. Sometimes this happens together all at once? It happens with and without peripherals.It does not seem to be linked to a specific program or peripheral use. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Downloading New Programs To MAC?

Sep 5, 2009

I am a totally new Mac user and am struggling with the concept of these .dmg files that are downloaded to my desktop when i install a new application (example firefox) and then when i try to delete this file after the installation completes it appears the program requires this to run?

What do you typically do with the files after installaion? Is there a default setting someplace that tells the OS to dump and store these some place else in my HDD?

I also dont understand the icon that then gets placed on my desktop of the (in this example) firefox application... it looks like a new drive but its actually how i start the application? is it the equivalent of a link in windows or is that the .exe and my default file save settings are screwy?

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OS X :: Uninstall Programs?

Oct 12, 2010

This is probably a very simple task, but how do you uninstall programs on Mac OS X?!? I have the Macbook, and I can't seem to figure it out.

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OS X :: Uninstalling Programs On Mac?

Sep 6, 2005

I've just switched over from XP and have been problems with uninstalling programs off the Mac (osx tiger). In XP there would normally be a control panel which would show a list of programs on your computer which you could either modify or uninstall. There doesn't appear to be one in mac osx so I decided to drag the file from the applications folder to the trash. It appeared as though everything was fine until I ran a search in spotlight to still find some of the files still on my computer. I was uninstalling Limewire if this helps. I would like to rid my computer of everything associated to this program.

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OS X :: IM Programs That Support Web Cam

Jan 29, 2009

I have been looking for a program that supports web cam on a 10.4.11. I'm willing to try pretty much any program.

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OS X :: How To Install Programs On G4

Jul 28, 2009

My first Mac, a G4 M8570. Friend gave it to me and it has 10.2.8. I download the Firefox installer "Firefox 3.5.1.dmg" and it sits on the desktop. All of the tutorials say that Macs are so easy to install programs, just drag the installer to the applications folder, which I did. Now it sits in the applications folder. Is it installed? Nothing happened, no progress bar, no indication that anything happened. When I double click on it, the Firefox logo appears briefly on the toolbar and bounces up and down very nicely, but quickly disappears. Or sometimes the Applications icon appears instead and does the same thing. I didn't know Macs were so difficult to use! The Firefox download did say it was for OS X 10.4 and above, could that make a difference?

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OS X :: How To Override The Other Programs

Sep 17, 2009

My computer is a G5 but the first generation with a 1.8 GHZ processor. It currently has Tiger 10.4 installed but does have many extra programs Word, Excel,power point etc. If I install Leopard 10.5 will these other programs remain on my computer or will Leopard over ride them? Because I purchased this unit used off of Ebay I do not have any of the discs that would re-install the above mentioned programs. Then again I seldom if ever use any of the programs and wonder if Leopard would be more advantageous or should I leave well enough alone?

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OS X :: Can't Install Any New Programs?

Oct 25, 2009

Can't install any new programs for some reason, Installer has vanished from my system - wouldn't be a problem IF i had the install disk, would it! Any way of downloading installer anyone knows about? I got the powerbook 2nd hand - it's been awesome till now and a new one is not an option...

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OS X :: Keep Two Programs Active At Once?

Dec 22, 2009

I just bought myself a second monitor, and I was wondering if there was a way to, say, keep iTunes visualizer full-screen while browsing the web on the other monitor. Basically, is there a way to keep two windows/programs active at the same time?

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Mac Pro :: Which Utility Programs Do Use For Osx

Jan 19, 2010

Running snow leopard.I know there are automatic scrips that run at times such as 5am but if you dont keep your computer on all night everyday there are programs that can run those scrips manually.I've heard of programs such as onyx and cocktail.What do you use? Whats the best overall program?

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OS X :: Some Programs Not Even Run / Install?

Feb 15, 2010

Tonight, my sister comes to me saying that her MSN program won't startup properly. She's running OS X Tiger I believe (Her computers a couple years old and as far as I know she didn't upgrade to leopard or snow leopard) and this problem just started happening today. I asked her if maybe she had got a virus or installed any software before this started happening and she said "No." although I don't know how true that is. Regardless, I told her to try and run a virus scan to check, and she came back to me 15 minutes later saying that she tried to install a virus checker but when she tries to install it, all that happens is her finder "refreshes" (so to speak) - The top-bar at the top of her screen goes invisible and then slides back into place once the application refuses to run. No notices pop up, the application simply does not start up. The same issue is happening for her MSN program, too. From what I saw, Firefox is working just fine, as well as a few other apps on her Mac. Is it a virus? I'm not too sure since I unfortunately don't have a mac (yet)!

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Mac :: Application To Run PC Programs

Apr 8, 2010

it was possible to run PC/windows programs on a Mac.Such as .exe files can't be run on a Mac is there an application that would allow this?

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