We have an eMac - OSX Version 10.3.9, 700MHz Power PCG4, 384MB. We need to update this as much as possible to accommodate a newer version of Office - now getting too many emails with attachments that are using more up to date software. What do I need to do?
When I check for software updates only itunes and random other updates show up but not security updates or safari update. When i check installed updates I realized my last security update was 2011-004 and I still have safari 5.0.6.
So a while back I had final cut pro installed, and eventually deleted cause I no longer needed it. I used AppCleaner when removing to try and make sure I got it all.
Well every time I do a software update it wants to install "Pro Applications Update" and "Prokit Updates" Which are updates for final cut pro and its related apps.
Any idea how I can stop it from wanting me to install these updates for something I no longer have?
I am trying to install the new updates for Aperture and iPhoto. When I tell software updates to check for updates, it tells me all my software is current. I know there is a new version of Aperture and iPhoto because I installed them two days ago on a different computer.
I can't get the Firmware updates or any other software updates.I have an old MacBook (2006) which doesn't have an intel chip! and it keeps saying this: The Installer could not validate the contents of the CoreFP package.
When downloading the new updates, is there a folder where these updates are stored in? Only problem is a new update which is like 500mb, we have 4 macs in the house and don't want to have to use up all our GB usage downloading this update 4 times.
I handle all the maintenance for three macs. My own mac Pro, my wife's Macbook Pro and my mother's iMac, all intel and purchased within the last year.
All are running OSX 10.5.8, except my mother's which is at 10.5.5. My mother lives in another state and she only has dialup.
Downloading a 60MB file takes all night when I'm there. Last update I did took me a week to download and I don't like tying my mother's phone up all night in case she needs to call an ambulance.
Is there a way I can download updates using software update and my cable modem to my Mac Pro and then burn them to DVD and install them on her machine?
Anyone know if Apple is going to update their Macbook line with LED displays, multi-touch, etc, or if the Macbook Pro's are getting an update anytime soon???
If I remember, it's usually about this time of year it happens.
There are two available now through Software Updater. Sorry, I didn't get a screenshot. One was Java for 10.5 and one was a Security Update. Approx. 47MB total. Restart was required, no problems with that.
When do you think that they will next be updated as I want to get one for university but am willing to wait for a little while.
Is there any chance they will be updated before Christmas? But my course I am going for is Civil Engineering and don't know if I will need programs that are windows only.
Are there any programs that can be used on a Mac that would be useful for that course?
I just got done reformatting my laptop and am in the lengthy process of installing all the updates (I have Tiger). Well Software Update is claiming there are no more updates available to me. But this is not true. Thats not true I have Safari 3.04! How do I make this thing realize there is updates to give me!
So after upgrading to Leopard I'm having a problem with the most unexpected thing... Software Update.
Right after the install I updated to 10.5.1, updated QuickTime, RDC and iTunes.
Now, however, every time I run Software update I quickly get the window that says "New software is available for your computer", but no updates are listed and the Install button is "greyed out".
Going to Software Update properties I see: Last attempt: Failed. Error occurred while checking. Monday, November 19, 2007 2:07 AM.
ive managed to re-sleep-able-it after i turned off "wake for ethernet admin call", but now i updated to 10.5.6 and it just fails to sleep alltogether. it just stays awake..
I have a MacBook with OS X 10.5 and I was looking at some of the updates I had installed and wanted to delete some that were irrelevant and that I shouldn't have installed in the first place. Somehow I deleted everything in the "Installed Updates" list, I know they are still on the computer because when I check for updates nothing new shows up. Is there any way to repopulate this list with the updates I have installed and is there anyway to remove the ones that I downloaded too hastily or should I just carry on since it is not a major issue? Of course I did not have Time Machine up and running yet.
Every time my Mac checks for updates, it finds about 1.2gig of new instruments for Garageband and an iWeb update, but I don't use these and don't want to waste bandwidth on them. how to exclude these without always having to de-select them when downloading updates.
I have 2 iMacs , both with the same processor speed and everything(got the best one) the problem is my left imac never updates unlike the right one. the right one always finds update to all my applications and i update them so i go on other mac to update it too but it shows everything is up to date, but it is not! it wont even let me open itunes because thats so outdated.
What do you think is the problem? This one has been causing random errors latly and im thinking of taking it too apple but im thinking if i get it replaced, will my registration key for iWork is go away , being forced to buy another one?
My iMac hard drive died and I got a new one installed from Apple and my dad's friend installed Leopard for me and he started to download and install the updates from Apple and I don't know if he stopped the install midway but when I tried to download and install them NONE of them install. I called Apple and they told me to try something in Disk Utility with "verify disk" and it didn't work still and then they sent me something about trying to Archive and Installing but it seems really complicated. Is there anything else I can try?
I've been using Tiger since it came out, both at work and at home!!!I work in prepress and all of our Rip Servers cant utilize Leopard, so we are still on Tiger, 10.4! Had no reason at home to upgrade either, until NOW!!!Just ordered i5, was wondering how much different Snow Leopard is from Tiger
Before Snow Leopard, I could just force quit a Software Update after it was done to avoid restarting. Now Apple makes it so I can't even use my computer while it is being updated. How does one keep Software Update in check?
Treating me like a dumb computer user makes me seriously consider switching to Linux. I want my freedom back!
I ran software update and when the updates were finished downloading it told me to restart the computer. So I clicked restart. When I got to the blue screen with the turning gear it stayed on that screen for a while. Not just a minute or 2, I think at least 10 but possibly even more because I left the room for a while since it seemed to be doing nothing.
I came back in the room after a while and the computer was on the desktop. Should I be worried that it took so long to go from the blue screen with the turning gear to get to the desktop? Do you think my updates installed correctly, and would there be any way of knowing if they didn't?
A security update (from like March or something) and Safari 5 just simply won't install. They are both downloaded, but when I click install it either shows a spinning loading thing for a few seconds, or the install thing for a few seconds, but then it just restarts.