I have some short videos I tried to download onto Youtube, the sound is fine but the picture is in slow motion or only some frames are shown. I've been told I need to reduce the size of the movie to below 100MB. Is there a way of doing this. Once the film was edited I exported for Web. It plays fine on my computer desktop but not on Youtube.
I want to make a movie on imovie. I recorded something on my camera and put it on iphoto. There is no iphoto video section. To find the video i have to click the day i added it. I went to imovie and clicked iphoto video. It said no matching video, How can i take that video and put it on imovie
Maybe I'm just not seeing it, but is there any way to adjust iMovies audio levels (besides the basic fade in/out) or having it fade out when another clip comes in. Is there a way to control the volume of any part of an audio clip?
I found that every time when I want to update the iphotos and imovies and the native apps in the mac book it is needed to use the first apple id that used for the first time you turn on the mac book.Since that id is not used now and i want to change it, any body knows how to change it? And although my current admin id has changed, but still when updating iphotos the very first id is needed.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), current
i hav the nu macbook pro 13" an i'm totally nu to macs. so i go to youtube to watch vids an the whole page loads but it wudnt play the vids. i hav flash player fr macs installed.
i just got a 10.2 apple g3 ibook this morning. cheap on ebay, it worsk brilliantly. but i need a few pointers on how to get youtube working, and where to find open office for this version of mac.
I have a very reliable connection, mediacom online broadband and I've been trying to upload this .mov video that's about 700 MB in size and it hasn't been working. I've been leaving my computer on at night and I would wake up with it saying error. I've tried the beta version the regular version it just ends up stopping somewhere and not working anymore. I'm now trying to upload with plugging it into my router via ethernet instead of using wifi if that makes it any faster. I'm getting real tired of trying to upload time after time after time. Is there any freeware that I can use to upload to youtube so it's more reliable? I don't want to make the file smaller and have worse picture so it can upload faster.
How do you download videos from the HTML5 video player in YouTube? In the flash version it was sufficient to type alt-cmd-a to bring forth the activity window, then locate the .flv file in progress and double click it to start downloading to the local hard drive.
Now Safari (v5.0) does not seem able to do the same with the HTML5 videos. I imagine that there is maybe dedicated software for this, but I would like to know if there is a workaround with the Safari built-in functions.
On Youtube there used to be a Subscription bar that would have all the recent video's by the people you have subscribed to in and you could skip to the next video in your subscription etc. Now it seems to have gone for me though and I don't see any way for skipping to the next video in your subscription without going back and clicking on subscriptions then choosing the video. Is it the same for everybody else or has anyone still got the subscription bar there?
So I'm new in this forum and I've got a HUGE problem with Youtube and my iBook G4 that started recently.
Whenever I enter to Youtube and start loading any video, the system crashes, not only Safari but any application that is open at the time.
I've uninstalled and installed Flash Player, updated the system and Safari as well as tried using another browser (Firefox) with no results.
When I disable Javascript from Safari the system does not crash and another thing I noticed is that I can watch embedded videos on other pages but not directly on Youtube.
I know, silly question. However, I've searched this forum and read about people having core shut down problems and how when playing any type of streaming video or media, the computer slows down. If they do slow down and over-heat... is it because of an issue that can be fixed? Or is the MBA simply not a machine to use for streaming media?
Im a PC user i bought a G4 tower (mirror door) with hardware upgrades. I need to upload Football film (high school) from imovie or maybe final cut express to you tube.
I can not even see youtube video on the Mac (Panther). I would really like any info about a solution. I would hate to go back to PC editing. I feel Mac is better for me to upload film and edit. Please what do I need to do ?
I have owned an MBA for about 6 weeks and on the whole love it.
There is a lot of talk and posts about the 'youtube' issue, but I am interested in the technical explanation.
For instance I watched a 2 hour, fairly high resolution movie in iTunes yesterday and my MBA didn't break a sweat. But after 5 minutes of youtube my fans are blowing hard.
What is so demanding about youtube? I hear it is because it is 'Flash based'. What does that really mean and why does it place such a high load on the processor?
On MBA Rev2/SSD after watching 3-4 minutes into a video, on a flat wooden desk, in the new "Watch in HD" format which is suppose to be 720p, the fans rev to 6200rpm and temp at 80C. Mind you I am still in safari and not watching YouTube's full screen mode. And recovery times for the fan to slow down even when it's back to 50C is a bit long. Is this normal behavior for a Rev2?
I used to use Media Snap to download YouTube movies or music, but the app doesn't work anymore, and the softwaredeveloper doesn't update it anymore. So what do you use for downloading YouTube movies/music?
I have 4 tabs open in Safari, each one has a Youtube video loading in HD and its really loading slowly, taking forever. Is this normal? its a MacBook 2.4GHz Unibody that I just got a few weeks ago. just checked iStat memory shows wired 173mb active 1.04gb inactive 292mb free 330mb.
Basically what is the best YouTube downloader? I will primarily want to save music and not the videos, but both functionality would be good. Mainly house and dance remixes because the releases are often a long way behind some radio stations.
I know the quality is rubbish etc on the sound but I like listening to music before it is released and have it on the go, I guess by doing this it can tide me over until I can buy official releases.
I'm running iMovie 4, I do believe it is, and youtube is not recognizing my videos as a correct format to upload. The videos are .mov but I also read something about them needing to be mpeg4. How do I convert the videos to mpeg4?
i tried clicking every single button inside the youtube video like the pause, full and annoations, then i took my mouse out and i tried to right click the settings, after opening it, the settings box was INSIDE the video, and i cant click it, sooo, is it my mac or is it youtube problems, since its in beta mode, coz, if its my mac ima go to the technitions