Software :: How Can I Add Framework To My Cocoa App
Apr 24, 2008
How can i add GCdrawKit framework to my cocoa application?We are using xCode version 3.0 and Lepard machine.
When i run the program it displays the following error in the debug window after adding GCdrawkit (by using add-<existing framework):
[Switching to process 3272 local thread 0x2f1b] dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/GCDrawKit.framework/Versions/A/GCDrawKit Referenced from: /Users/Newtok/Desktop/vinitha/Simple Inspector/build/Debug/Simple Inspector
Reason: image not found
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Jan 13, 2004
I just installed MS Office for OS X on a brand-new Powerbook G4 running 10.3.2. Unfortunately, I made 2 mistakes. I didn't delete the Test Drive before installing, and I may have overwritten one of the cache files (in Documents:Microsoft User Data: Office X Identities: Main Identities: Cache) with an older file.
Right now, whenever I start any MS Office component (Word, Excel or PP), I get an error message: "An unexpected error occurred while trying to load the Microsoft Framework X library."
The program then works, it's just irritating (and a little worrisome).
Based on info I found on various newsgroups, I tried removing and re-installing Office again (I had already removed it, deleted the Test Drive, and re-installed it). Didn't work.
I also checked ownership and unlocked status on files in:
Microsoft User Data: Identity:
Library: Preferences
Applications:MS Office X:Office
and couldn't see any problems.
I ran Disk Repair to verify and repair permissions.
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Aug 17, 2008
Recently, I have discovered a quite strange shortcut � first in Safari then in any cocoa apps. If you select some text in browser url bar and press Cntrl+L then the text will be shortly highlighted. It looks very similar to the keyword highlighting during search trough web pages. Take a look on short screencast and you will get what I mean � on my blog (in russian) or youtube.
Such yellow few seconds highlighting happens also in Google search bar of Safari, in TextEdit and so on. Interesting is that the Control+L shortcut disapear in Safari 4.0 Preview.
I have no idea what is the reason to use this shortcut. Is it programmers error? Easter egg?
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Oct 2, 2010
Does anyone know if Firefox 4 is Cocoa or Carbon. If it is none of those than what exactly is it.
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Jun 22, 2007
The Thread topic says it all - does anyone know if the new Finder is now fully Cocoa based or is it still using Carbon? I am sick and tired of network hangs and such stuff which happens with the current Finder (Which seems to only work single-threadedly) and am looking forward to Leopard and hoping that it has been rewritten.
Somehow I have this gutfeeling, that they put this "Eyecandy"-Feature Coverflow on top of the old finder and changed nothing underneath.
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May 29, 2010
The title says it all, is Google Chrome for Mac Carbon or Cocoa?
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Jul 12, 2008
I install MAC OS in my PC. I am beginner in this. I am working in cocoa application. I see apple video for create code. But one thing I get different interface builder. In video interface builder contain instance, class, image, sound, nib panel. But in my interface builder there is not any panel.
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Aug 25, 2009
A while back i started programming a little bit for fun, when i restarted my mac i got this error and i can't close or hide it, force shutdown or click OK, its really annoying i have to drag it down in the corner, here is a picture:(URL)
Looks like there is a logo of western digital hard drive, witch i dont have so i dont understand what that is.
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Jun 22, 2012
mail error cocoa 512 can't delete messages
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Oct 2, 2009
I am trying to find an application that I used when I was much younger in the classic environment. It was called Cocoa and was a basic game/application builder that was object-orientated and worked around creating rules for each object. I can remember that the sample level involved moving away from a dog to get a key and open a door - not specific I know but it is something...
I've been trying to find it, but it is hard to find considering there are so many other things called Cocoa. Hoping that someone else knows what I'm talking about, where I could find it or if it's been brought to OS X.
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Mar 6, 2009
As expected, Apple overnight equipped its vast developer community with a new build of its upcoming Snow Leopard operating system that includes significant changes, such as a redesigned QuickTime Player.
People familiar with the matter confirm the build number to indeed be 10A286, as was predicted by AppleInsider in a software-related news roundup published earlier in the week.
Among the changes developers will see in the latest beta is a completely redesigned QuickTime Player -- believed to be QuickTime X Player -- which sports "a new minimal user interface*focused predominately on playback," those people say.
Also widely distributed outside Apple's walls for the first time is a new Cocoa-based Mac OS X desktop envoirnment featuring updated info windows and contextual menus.
Those people familiar with the software say Apple informed developers about a dozen significant issues which are still plaguing Mac OS X 10.6, and which will need to be ironed out before the software can transition closer to a final candidate stage. Several months of work are believed to remain.
Build 10A286 arrives about four weeks after Apple equipped its developers with build 10A261. Around that time it was reported that Snow Leopard would include Core Location and Multi-Touch frameworks for third-party developers, and also deliver more intuitive printer driver delivery.
Specific to the 10A261 build were a handful of visual tweaks, such as a Put Back option in the Finder and the ability to drill down into stacks via a new grid-view interface, each of which were documented in a series of screenshots.[ View this article at ]
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