OS X :: New QuickTime Player/Cocoa Desktop In Latest Snow Leopard Beta
Mar 6, 2009
As expected, Apple overnight equipped its vast developer community with a new build of its upcoming Snow Leopard operating system that includes significant changes, such as a redesigned QuickTime Player.
People familiar with the matter confirm the build number to indeed be 10A286, as was predicted by AppleInsider in a software-related news roundup published earlier in the week.
Among the changes developers will see in the latest beta is a completely redesigned QuickTime Player -- believed to be QuickTime X Player -- which sports "a new minimal user interface*focused predominately on playback," those people say.
Also widely distributed outside Apple's walls for the first time is a new Cocoa-based Mac OS X desktop envoirnment featuring updated info windows and contextual menus.
Those people familiar with the software say Apple informed developers about a dozen significant issues which are still plaguing Mac OS X 10.6, and which will need to be ironed out before the software can transition closer to a final candidate stage. Several months of work are believed to remain.
Build 10A286 arrives about four weeks after Apple equipped its developers with build 10A261. Around that time it was reported that Snow Leopard would include Core Location and Multi-Touch frameworks for third-party developers, and also deliver more intuitive printer driver delivery.
Specific to the 10A261 build were a handful of visual tweaks, such as a Put Back option in the Finder and the ability to drill down into stacks via a new grid-view interface, each of which were documented in a series of screenshots.[ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
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Jan 16, 2010
I've just got a MBP that came with quicktime X. I assume this is the best/latest quicktime player but when I try watch some videos it wont play them, it just shows me a largish icon of the older Quicktime player icon. Anyone know why it doesn't play with QTX? I have tried downloading Quicktime 7 to just view these videos but half way through setting up it stops me putting it on my hard drive something about already there and to check software for updates.
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Apr 9, 2012
I had to uninstall all apple products because there STUPID upgade won't work with SpeedBit, therefore I had to put Quicktime Pro 7 in my external hard drive, but when I uninstalled quicktime, I wrote down the key and also found out the purchase number, but neither keys work to get quicktime 7 pro back. All I want to do now is get my Quicktime 7 Pro Key to open said folder.
itunes & quiktime pro, Windows 7, itunes 10.61, podcasting
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Apr 24, 2009
With the introduction of Snow Leopard, QuickTime Player will assume more of a utilitarian role, with screen recording features reportedly joining the software's exiting repertoire of basic audio and video capture capabilities. People familiar with the latest betas of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard have been reporting over the past several weeks the addition of a 'Screen recording' option in the File menu of the new Quick Time X Player due to ship with the OS overhaul later this summer.
Similar in many ways to a feature long offered by Ambrosia Software through its Snapz Pro X utility, the option will allow users to capture in motion video their Mac's screen -- essentially video screenshots. Such a feature will be particularly useful for software developers and educators, as it will simplify the process of creating video tutorials, software demonstrations, and anything else best captured in live motion as opposed to still shots.
When selecting the screen recording option under recent pre-release distributions of Snow Leopard, a recording interface prompts the user to begin a video capture then disappears. A small footprint controller in the upper-right hand side of the Mac OS X menubar can be used to end the video capture. While its unclear if the feature is fully functional in build 10A335 released Thursday, it wasn't in earlier builds, often creating an empty .mov file, those familiar with the software say. An artist's mockup of the minimal QuickTime X Player window interface with the "trim" tools overlay.
QuickTime X -- along with the minimal-interfaced QuickTime X Player (renditions) -- leverages media technology pioneered by Apple for the iPhone OS. When it makes its debut on the Mac with Snow Leopard, it'll offer optimize support for modern audio and video formats resulting in extremely efficient media playback, the company has said. [ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
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Apr 20, 2010
I accidentally deleted quicktime player from my MBP running snow leopard and now when I try to re download the app it says I can't install it because I have Quicktime X on my computer. How do I go about reinstalling quicktime player?
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Apr 16, 2012
I just reinstalled my operating system, and I'm in the process of migrating files from my external drive back to my internal.I'm trying to use iTunes, but it keeps telling me I need QuickTime v7.5.5 or later, and the version I currently have (with no software updates available) is 7.2.1.How can I get the later version of QT so I can continue to use iTunes? I haven't encountered this problem before so I'm not sure how to get around it.
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Sep 2, 2009
I currently have the Win 7 Beta installed on a dedicated internal hard drive (in my Mac Pro). I originally installed it using Bootcamp, then later bought VMware Fusion 2.0 so I could hot swap between OS X and Win 7. Fusion detected my original Bootcamp installation; I didn't do any reinstallation of the Beta.
I upgraded to Snow Leopard last week.
I'd like to install the Release Candidate. I realize it requires a clean install (I don't want to mess with using the terminal workaround I've heard about for installing over the Beta). What's the best way to do this? Should I simply run the Snow Leopard version of Bootcamp and have it do a new install? Do I have to wipe and reformat the Win drive, or will Bootcamp take me through that automatically.
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Aug 12, 2009
I'm using the Snow Leopard Develpoer Preview, and the latest installer Image I have is 10A380, however everytime I installed the Win 7 (X64) and wanna install the Bootcamp 3.0, it just crashes after installing NV graphic driver and told me restart the computer and continue, but when I followed instruction and reinstall the Bootcamp, it just crashed again...
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Feb 17, 2012
as soon as I try to send a file to somone, messages disconnects to offline and then comes online again.
intel imac, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Mar 16, 2010
Apple on Tuesday afternoon pushed out another private beta of Mac OS X 10.6.3, asking its developer community to test font compatibility and stability alongside a handful of other components that have been in need of evaluation for the past several weeks.
Those other components include iCal, QuickTime and graphics drivers, according to people familiar with the beta software. The last private beta, distributed March 5th and labeled build 10D567, also listed those components as focus areas, in addition to Rosetta and third party printer drivers.
When it's released later this month, Mac OS X 10.6.3 will bundle an update to QuickTime X that improves security and compatibility while also enhancing overall reliability of the media software.
The Snow Leopard update will also include tweaks that enhance the performance of Apple's 64-bit Logic pro audio suite and deliver better compatibility with third-party printers and OpenGL-grounded applications.
Other fixes baked into the release target issues with mail messages displaying the incorrect background color and problems copying files to a shared Windows volume.
The latest beta carries build number 10D571 and weighs in around 700MB.[ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
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Jul 10, 2009
Apple on Thursday evening delivered to developers a new build of its forthcoming Snow Leopard operating system that addresses a number of outstanding bugs but also delivers a couple of interface tweaks.
"This Snow Leopard Developer Preview Update is recommended for all users running the Snow Leopard Developer Preview Build 10A394 or later," Apple said. "This update includes general operating system fixes for stability, compatibility, and security."
The new build, labeled 10A402a, weighs in at roughly 1.3GB and was distributed via Snow Leopard's Software Update mechanism. It's the second such build to arrive in that manner in as many weeks, signaling ongoing tests to the new version of the system's automatic software updater.
In their brief experiences testing the new build, people familiar with the software claim it to be more responsive overall, as Apple focuses on optimization and stability ahead of a release planned for this fall.
Additionally, developers have noticed a couple of obvious interface tweaks, the first of which has seen the Dock's contextual pop-up menus re-skinned in a charcoal motif with white text. In previous builds, these menus were know to sport the same interface as traditional Finder contextual menus, which include black text on a platinum backdrop.
Snow Leopard's new Dock contextual menus | Source: The Quantum Byte
Apple may also be fiddling with the design of other Mac OS X interface elements, such as slide knobs, which now appear to feature a deeper, more vibrant shade of blue.
At its annual developers conference last month, Apple said it plans to release Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard in September as a $29 upgrade for all owners of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.
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Mar 25, 2009
Was this not included in the beta build for WWDC? I can't seem to find anything online regarding it.
A good idea for the startup music: Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
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Nov 4, 2009
Apple has released a new beta of the Mac OS X 10.6.2 update with fixes for various performance issues dealing with AirPort, graphics drivers, and Apple TV, among others.
Those familiar with the build, titled 10C540 have said that it contains fixes for AirPort performance issues on the newly released iMacs and also resolves a problem which arose when plugging and unplugging a system to an Apple TV. A VMWare fix is also included, presumably for the newly released Fusion version 3.0.
The new build also fixes reported panic issues with USB, Apple Filing Protocol, and some video cards.
In the 10.6.2 update, Apple plans on fixing and tweaking nearly 150 OS X components.
Some components slated for fixes include: AppleBacklight, Battery Menu, Dictionary, Expose, FileSync, Family Controls, Fonts, Front Row, HFS, Inkwell, iPhoto, MobileMe, OpenCL, Parental Controls, QuickTime, Screen Sharing, Spell Checker, Spotlight, Time Machine, and USB.
Mac OS X 10.6.2 is expected to be released sometime in November and will reportedly be around 480 MB in size.[ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
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Mar 4, 2008
Apple this month continues to plug away on a small but significant update to its fledgeling Safari web browser, most recently making improvements to the application's handling of web forms and faulty Javascripts.
The cross-platform browser update presently dubbed Safari 3.1 was first made available to the company's developer community last month. Since then, only one external revision has been spotted, arriving last week in the form of three distinct distributions.
A public beta for versions of the Windows operating system carried build number 31A15 and weighed in at 18.5MB, while versions for Mac OS X Tiger and Leopard arrived as builds 8S3021 and 9B4021, weighing in at 48.6MB and 38.9MB, respectively.
In a set of release notes reported to have accompanied the latest distributions, Apple advocated "significant performance, stability, and compatibility improvements" over the builds released just three weeks earlier.
Specifically, the company said Safari 3.1 accepts large amounts of text pastes into forms much faster than its predecessor and that the browser now logs all nasty and unsafe Javascripts to a system log file for later review. In addition, a pesky bug that prevented earlier builds for uploading photos via web forms to online auction sites has also been fixed.
The Mac maker offered no update on the browser's more compelling enhancements, which include support for downloadable web fonts, HTML5 video and audio tags, CSS transitions and animations, and a new SQL storage API.
Improvements to Javascript performance are also a significant focus of the upcoming release, which uses an unreleased version of Apple's Webkit frame work that has proven to be up to 2.5 times as fast in Javascript operations than that of the current version included with the existing Safari 3.0.4 software. [ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
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Sep 4, 2010
have in the past few weeks uprgraded from tiger to leopard.Everything has been ok but i think i might have deleted some vital part of Quicktime player when i tried to clean up.I only realised this when i decided to get Quicktime player pro which i have paid for and have the key..I have tried to download quicktime from apple support website and just about any other website for that matter but zero.zilch.Installer takes me through the process but i get no player.
I have tried to remove all components of quicktime but to no avail.the download intalls but goes nowhere.Have tried to maybe 'jumpstart' it by double clicking quicktime time movies but there is just nothing going on.
Model Name:PowerBook G4 15"
Model Identifier:PowerBook5,8
Processor Name:PowerPC G4 (1.5)
Processor Speed:1.67 GHz
Number Of CPUs:1
L2 Cache (per CPU):512 KB
Memory:2 GB
Bus Speed:167 MHz
Boot ROM Version:4.9.5f3
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Mar 29, 2012
Digital movies play just fine on my camera, a NIkon Coolpix but once I import them to either quicktime or windows media player they do not play smoothly. Any ideas why or what I can do to correct this?
quicktime or windows media player , Windows XP, camera digital films won't play
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Aug 20, 2014
I successfully installed Adobe flash player. Latest version. How do I set this as my default player application?
The websites I use just keep saying to install the flash player.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 8, 2009
What's the latest build #?
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Jun 2, 2012
How do I get latest Mail application to work on OS 10.6.8?
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Jun 2, 2012
I would like to have a start-up DVD of the latest/last version of Snow Leopard, and I understand that I can purchase a Snow Leopard DVD from the Apple store. Is it the latest ie 10.6.8, or the original.Â
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Jun 22, 2007
The Thread topic says it all - does anyone know if the new Finder is now fully Cocoa based or is it still using Carbon? I am sick and tired of network hangs and such stuff which happens with the current Finder (Which seems to only work single-threadedly) and am looking forward to Leopard and hoping that it has been rewritten.
Somehow I have this gutfeeling, that they put this "Eyecandy"-Feature Coverflow on top of the old finder and changed nothing underneath.
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Apr 3, 2012
This just started yesterday, I was trying to send an email and computer froze. Only way to quit apps was command tab Q...but computer was still frozen, had to hold power button to restart then happened again several times, It may have to do with hitting return or using the numberic keypad. Ideas anyone? Maybe alittle off subject but my computer will not mount dvd's as of 2 weeks ago...I'm under warranty, but live in the middle of nowhere.I did repair permissions and verify disk.
latest safari, Mac OS X (10.6.8), imac i7 first generation
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May 21, 2012
I am noticing that the Java applet in Chrome often crashes since I updated Java a couple of weeks back. Also, Chrome downloads the frame of some Web pages only, without the central part of the page which presumably is Java-dependent.Â
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Jun 4, 2012
I was doing google searches yesterday, and I clicked on a link, and a site opens a whole bunch of pop up windows, you know how it is..so I quit Safari altogheter. After that I kept doing google searches, and I noticed that when I clicked on link a specific site of an association that is legit, it redirected me to one of those shady pharmacy website. So that was weird.I reset safari,came here, then I got the anti flashback tool, my mac seemed cleared. I got clamxav. I checked www.dns-ok.us. It all seems fine.I don't install things on this machine, I had a new hardrive installed not long ago.Do I have the latest Java, do I need to update? this is the Java version i have -build 1.6.0_31-b04-415-10M3635
Mac OS X (10.6.8), Imac 23' Core 2 Duo
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Jun 16, 2012
I have deleted programs, old files Always download and install the latest updates. I have even installed that Mackeeper software. But my Macbook pro is running like extremely slow.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 4, 2009
Development build 10C535 of Snow Leopard update 10.6.2 retains Intel Atom support after the previous build had killed compatibility with the processor.
According to the developer blog which initially told of the Atom incompatibility, the latest build of OS X 10.6.2 does retain support for Atom chips. It was previously reported that support for the Intel chip had been dropped, a move that many believed was Apple's attempt to stop the small but burgeoning "Hackintosh" netbook community. This all may change when the final 10.6.2 build is released, but as of now Atom support has returned.
Intel's Atom processor is a low-power, low-cost chip which is intended for notebooks and ultra-mobile PCs. No current Apple products use the chip, but a community has formed around installing Snow Leopard on so called "Hackintosh" netbook PCs which use the Atom processor. This unauthorized use of Apple's operating system has grown in popularity since the release of small, inexpensive notebooks such as the Dell Mini 10v, which allowed for easy installs of OS X.
Last year, it was reported that an executive at Intel had publicly vouched for the Atom processor to be used in Apple's tablet. With the buyout of chip designer P.A. Semi, many believe that Apple is instead designing its own chips for the platform.[ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
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Dec 8, 2009
I am a very happy mac owner and recently decided to upgrade our studio workhorse to 10.6.2. The update process went flawless, the machine however felt very sluggish afterwarths. I went on this excellent board to seek some help and found a little cleaning tool that solved a lot of the problems but only left the machine slightly less sluggish.So now I completely reinstalled the machine and I am still having the feeling it is sluggish .
Let me explain my setup:
8-core 3.0ghz, 4GB RAM (4 dimms, apple mem, replaced once), 4 x500gb spinpoints in a 3xdisk raid 0 volume and 1 HD for the OS.
The main purpose of the machine is running Cinema4D 11.5 and After Effects CS3. There is no illegal software on the machine and everything is filed and backupped in a professional way. I know it is a bit short on RAM but for now it works nicely. Now my problem is that Expose feels sluggish meaning it takes 3 second for it to pop up and as soon as I save something I can wait for another 3-5.
I closely monitor my RAM through istat and I know everything will grind to a halt if it comes above 71% total memory usage, in my case this always happens. It feels like there is a permanent After Effects render running!I don't know what to do because I already reinstalled the OS to a formatted HD.I hope this excellent community is able to answer my questions.
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Mar 7, 2012
I am having problems with programs automatically shutting down when I try to open them. The problems are with ITunes and Skype. I know that Skype is an internet program, and this might be a problem, but I never had this happen before... EVER. iTunes only starts up half way, then it brings up an error box.
I had no problems until I updated in Feburary. Can I uninstall the last update and restore to the old one?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 2, 2012
I have had this problem quite a while now:When I open an .avi file it automatically opens using QuickTime. I'd like that because it's the best player for Apple.The problem is however that I can only hear the sound, there's no image/video.I use 10.7.2. (now updating to 10.7.3), but it already did this before I had OSX Lion installed.If I search for new updates it doesn't come up with an update for QuickTime.Any other player works (although VLC's the only one I tried so far).
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Feb 5, 2012
Can't print from Appleworks after installing latest Security Upgrade and latest Brother printer software. Other apps seem to be OK. Appleworks crashes when it tries to bring up the print dialog box.
MBP 13" and iMac (late 2006), Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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