Software :: Driver For Installing Win7 On Mac With VMware Fusion
Aug 26, 2010
I have an iso file of Windows 7 Enterprise (32 bit) that I want to install on my Mac with VMware Fusion. I went through the steps and when I clicked install, it starts then this message pops up: "A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing. If you have a driver floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive, please insert it now." I can click "Browse," "OK," or "Cancel".
Macbook Pro
Mac OS X
Version 10.5.8
2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
4 GB Memory
I have the edu version of Windows 7 64 bit home. I'm using Fusion 3 and am trying to install Windows 7 as a new machine. I'm running from the ISO Win 7 file that I dl'd from here, which is 5.43 gb in size.
When I start the new machine process, it begins the installation but then hangs with the following error message: A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing. If you have a driver floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive, please insert it now. If the Windows installation media is in the CD/DVD drive, you can safely remove it for this step.
I have the Windows 7 RC .iso (it's 64bit, I should have that one, right? Macs are 64 bit not 32 bit?) file and I want to install it through my VMware fusion app. Please note, this is NOT the beta for Windows 7, it's the newer RC.
How in the world do I do this? Some online guides say to set it as Windows Server 2008 x64, others say Windows Vista 64.
Could someone take me through the process of installing it? Or link me to a video or proven article? Setup goes through usually but the next time I boot into Windows 7 it tells me there was an installation error and Windows could not find the startup disk.
Alright, so I've installed Windows 7 RC on my iMac with Boot Camp. Booting straight into Win everything works fine (I had some issues trying to connect my Wireless Keyboard and Mouse, but it's fine now). I have 3 issues:
1. Firstly, is there any way for me to access my files stored on the Mac partition in Windows (e.g. Music, Videos etc.)? I tried using HFS+ Explorer but it I get stuck at the 'AutoDetect Partition' phase because it says "No HFS+ Partition found". Any ideas?
2. Now I've also got VMWare Fusion running on my Mac, and when I start it, it detects my Windows partition and so I load Windows through it. The OS loads up fine, but for some reason it doesn't detect my WiFi adapter and so the Internet in Windows doesn't work (it works fine via Boot Camp). Is this normal (since maybe the WiFi is already connected through OS X so won't work in Windows at the same time)?
3. Lastly, I've installed the VMWare Tools in Windows, and it seemed to go on without a problem, but for some reason my 'Unity' option doesn't work. The button is there, but when I click it the Win7 window disappears. I figured, OK, probably just loading or something, but nothing happens. The VMWare main screen still shows that Windows is 'Powered On'.
Before you ask, I had found some old games a few months ago that I wanted to play for nostalgia sake, so I made some Windows 95 and 98 virtual machines. It was pretty easy actually, since I just used Disk Utility to create images of the install discs. VMWare had a nice guide on their site that helped me get networking setup properly also.
But then I got to thinking, it'd be pretty fun to try and get Windows 3.1 up and running as well. I was able to make images of some MS-DOS 6.22 install disks and got that installed just fine. My problem actually comes when trying to install Windows itself. I was able to get the install files from 2 different sources. The first was just a folder of ALL the install files from 6 different disks, and the second was 7 different ZIP files from 7 different disks. I tried creating a single image from the first source, and 7 different images from the 7 unzipped folders from the second source, but on both attempts I'm unable to access the A: drive in DOS to start the setup. It gives me an error message about reading from the drive, followed by the standard "Abort, Retry, Fail?"
Has anybody else tried to get a Windows 3.1 virtual machine up and running and come across this problem? I even tried Googling for the exact lists of files contained on the 6 disks from my first source in order to try and split those up and make the necessary images, but unsuccessfully.
I'll like to install Mac OS 10.4.6 in VMWare Fusion for stuff that I need to use 10.4 in. How might I do that? I've noticed they support 10.5 and 10.6 server but why not client? and why not 10.4 intel?
I have the install disks with me, if I need to make an iso or cdr of it, I know how.
Hello, everybody. I just discovered this forum, having finally taken the plunge and bought a Mac Pro to replace an aging Dell PC. (My wife has had a MacBook Pro since early last year, which is what convinced me to switch.)
My main use for the new machine will be photo processing, including astrophotography. I will obviously be able to use Photoshop natively, but will have to use Windows for one or two astro packages (and also for occasional use of an old Windows version of Mathematica).
So, my questions:
Am I right to think that it is possible to install Windows with Boot Camp and then also use the same Windows install under Fusion? If so, is there anything special that needs to be done when first doing the Boot Camp install?
I did a search on these forums, but came up with nothing. I have two virtual machines set up with VMWare Fusion, one is my Boot Camp partition for Windows XP Professional, the other is Mandriva Linux. In both of these virtual machines, the internet doesn't work. I tried changing the network settings for VMWare Fusion to both NAT and bridged, and neither of them work. It's a little annoying because there's not too much you can do without an internet connection.
Does anyone know how to get Snow Leopard to work in VMware Fusion? When I go to make a new Virtual Machine I can't select the .dmg. I even tried to convert the .dmg to .img but that didnt make any difference.
I have a DVD for my physics class that only can be opened in Windows for whatever reason (I also have a game I want to use). OS X recognizes it, but when I boot into Windows 7 (RTM Build 7600) in VMware Fusion, I see no sign of it.
Running Fusion on my 2+ year old MBP has become a near hopeless frustration. When I first got the machine, it ran pretty well, but it hasn't for quite awhile now. It tends to be sluggish to the point of uselessness. Currently, I'm doing a trial of Fusion 3. I'm a licensed owner of the prior versions.
I don't need it much, but when I do, I really need it. I gave up on using it with Windows 7, which is fine, XP will do. Once in awhile, I'll run it and all will be well. Other times, most of the time, it's unusable. I see no pattern to what makes it run well or not. Earlier today, I rebooted and started Fusion all by itself and didn't run anything else. Didn't help much.
Anyone had these problems and found a solution? I see lots of people with problems and plenty of others without. But not many who've bridged the gap.
Okay, so my friend lent me VMWare Fusion 2. And it works perfectly. But my mother, is concerned that it may receive Viruses. Is it likely that it will recieve viruses? I have a firewall and AVG Free Virus Protector on it.
I was trying to load the software and a message said "only load on a intel processer system". The mac mini I have does have a intel processer, so why will it not load, is there a way around it?
I am a new Mac user. I bought a used Mac with VMware Fusion installed so I could use QuickBooks. I no longer need to use QB. The Fusion is taking up too much of my hard drive. Would like to uninstall it.
Today I went to run WinXP under VMWare Fusion 3 and got the following errors: "Unable to retrieve kernel zone size" "Failed to initialize monitor device." "Cannot find a valid peer process to connect to" It won't start. 1. Can I roll back 10.7.4 to 10.7.3? 3. Can I re-install 10.7.0 on an external disk or partition and run from that? Then I could recover some files from WinXP. (Last backup of WinXP is a couple weeks old). Other?
I tried searching around and there are many threads regarding parallel vs fusion but my question is if either or both could run Win 7 64 bit. I read that Parallel is somewhat faster than fusion.
I have a Mac Pro 2009 2.66 quad with ATi3870 and 6 gigs of ram. I used to run a boot camp Win7 RC partition with first Fusion 2 and then 3. It worked fine. Now I bought Win7 Ultimate and I'm getting ****** graphics performance in Fusion. The screen updates slowly. When I move a window there's noticable tearing. Fade effects don't really show fade but a few fading frames of the animation.
I am going to the University of Georgia next year. I am buying a Mac, but I will need to run Windows for a test program called sofTest. According to UGA, sofTest does not work with VMware Fusion or Parallels, only Boot Camp. If I create a Boot Camp partition and install Fusion on that partition, can I still use Boot Camp when I need to?
I have Windows 7 installed in VMWare fusion. Is there a way to directly boot from that installation into non-virtualized W7? Would bootcamp or something be able to read and boot from that installation?
I want to boot directly into W7 for gaming. The virtualized performance isn't really cutting it.
Had been running my boot-camp Windows XP on my MBA using VMWare Fusion. A new version just got released, and I quickly upgraded.
After the upgrade, VM boot up takes for ever. Even after that, the performance is too poor. I tried uninstalling and re-installing VMWare tools, but the install doesn't complete.
I installed Vista Home Premium on a bootcamp partition. When I load it up in vmware, the graphics really take a fall. Is this normal? I have to use the vista basic theme since it won't let me run aero!
Just did a fresh install of Windows 7 RC onto my Boot Camp partition. Using VMWare's Fusion (v2.0.4) to load Windows 7 up on my Mac. However, it blue screens as soon as the Windows 7 logo appears during boot.
I have it set up to emulate "Windows 2008 Server x64" as detailed in VMWare's post to get Windows 7 working.
What's going on..? Any ideas how I can sort this out?