Software :: Address Book Syncing - Entries Missing?
Aug 4, 2009
I am trying to isync my nokia e71 with my mac. I think I may have done some weird syncing thing on my phone resulting in many numbers disappearing from it so I want all the entries on mac address book to be updated. This should solve all the problems as on mac address book they're fine. Without manual updated all 500+ of them, do you know of a speedy way of doing?
I use a Mac running OS X 10.4.11. This morning I tried opening my address book and got the "spinning pinwheel of death" that lasted 10-15 min. "Force Quit" wouldn't work, so I had to hard reboot. When I tried to open my address book all the entries were gone. I back up everything automatically continuously on an external hard drive and when I try to access the address book backup file, it says "You cannot open the application "Address book" because it may be damaged or incomplete".
Just started with MAC Snow Leopard and I have a question: Is there anyone who has already succeeded to delete address book entries/groups in Snow Leopard 10.6.2 ? I googled for no particular answers.
I needed a phone number last night...when I went into the Address Book, the contact and related page was gone. This is very scary as I have numbers for relatives in a foreign country, and other important information contained in the Address Book. Â
I started a new card, entered the info, saved the data, and closed the Address Book. When I went back it was gone AGAIN!Â
I am having this BIG problem with address book in Lion. There are hundred of thousands of unknown entries in my address book. More than twice I have deleted all of them they come back again. My MacPro is hard to use when it happens, I can hear the sound of the hard drive working and if I open the address book app then it slows down the MacPro. I was thinking about uninstalling the address book app and the reinstalling it but I do not know of to do that or where to use the info in order to do that. I would like to be able to keep my good entries, but what can I do!
After syncing with iCloud (three computers and a phone) suddenly I am seeing multiple entries for the same contact in the address book and multiple entries in the calendars for the same event. How to stop this and how to delete the multiple entries without having to manually delete each item? The new Address book does noit seem to have a list view that shows the entire address book 9only shows addresses with two or three alphabets. Is there a setting to prevent this from happening? The value of iCloud is lessened when these issues crop up and there seems to be no defined method to fix the problem. I see numerous entries on the Support Community boards with the same problem.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iMac Core Duo and MacBook Air Lion
New entries in the Address Book on my MacBook Pro do not show up on my iPhone and iPad. Changes to existing contacts do! Who understands what's going on and what to do to remedy this?
I have noticed that company entries in the Address Book don't seem to work like "person" entries in Mail. If I have a "person" named (for example) "John Doe", I can email that person just by typing "John Doe" in the To: section, and selecting from a list that populates automatically. However, if the address-book entry is for a company (e.g. Dave's Florist), it doesn't seem to work at all. And since Mail doesn't seem to have "address" functionality that lets you select from the Address Book, it seems like the only option is to go into the address book, copy the e-mail address, to back to mail, and paste.
I'm running Leopard with all the latest updates. I did some googling to see if I could sync my gmail contacts with the OS X address book. I found this link:
Magic, I thought. However the prefs pane in address book on my system does not have Google listed, only Exchange, Yahoo and MobileMe. How do I get it to add Google to the list? Failing that, are there other methods for syncing gmail contacts with address book?
Syncing Address Book with Numbers is what I am trying to do. This is for customers and if I update something in address book I would like numbers to update when I open the file.
This should be easy, brand new SL install and an existing gmail account. I have the email configured. Have calendar configured and syncing. But contacts, when I set up syncing in Address book, nothing syncs. When I exit Address Book and reenter, the option to sync with Google is no longer checked. I re-enable it and it does the same all over again. When I try the process with another account, it works like a charm. So what does that mean? How can I "fix" the gmail account in question to get it syncing?
I would like to use google's exchange sync tool for my address book and calendar. My concern is that just turning on the exchange sync will completely mess up my address book. What is the best way to begin syncing the address book through google exchange while avoiding address book chaos?
So the company I work for gives Verizon cell phones to their employees. This is good because I get free cell service, and bad because the version phones I get are crappy. I just upgraded to an LG enV3 and really want to sync it with iCal and address book on my mac. I wouldn't mind getting some music on there too. I have been searching on the internet for a half hour now and haven't found anything.
I really don't care what I have to do in terms of software hacks, firmware, whatever. Just sick of having Verizon cripple the technology on their phones so I have to pay for their crappy data transfer service to put things on there. The obvious solution of "go buy an iphone" is unfortunately out of the question right now.
As I do not have any AT&T service and I am stuck on "The Big Red" I am more than likely going to make the jump to the Android bandwagon. So, in preparation I am attempting to set up my Address Book to sync with my Google Contacts and I am not having any luck. I am running Snow Leopard with full updates. I go into the Address Book preferences and check "Synchronize With Google" and enter in my information. And...nothing happens. I found a thread saying you can force sync by clicking on the sync arrows at the top of the screen and going to sync now. This managed to sync about half of my contacts on the first try. I then tried a second time and it synced another quarter of my contacts, leaving about 30 to go. For the contacts it did sync, this system worked perfectly.
I have set up my Mac Address Book to sync with my Google Contacts. I have created some groups in my Google Contacts and I have created some groups in my Mac Address Book. These groups are not identical. After a period of time shouldn't they be?? What should happen in such a situation? How is the best way to manage Contact groups? I have an iPhone, and was looking at apps to create contact groups on it, but held back as I seem to be in a mess with my Mac and Google syncing, without adding to the confusion.
I have about 4000 contacts stored both the gmail contacts and address book, which is in turn synced to my iphone. I want to clean up some dupes and errors, but when I clean them on address book, it restores them from gmail when syncing and vice versa.
Is there a way to sync were a contact removed from either address book or gmail is removed from the other? I am trialling Spanning Sync but it doesn't seem to operate like that. Also, gmail stores all used email address as contacts by default but I don't want these to be synced across to address book. Is there a way to stop this?
In Lion, is there a way to merge or sync the address book on my mac with iCloud addresses? The data in these is different and I only want to use iCloud. I have about 1,700 addresses, so it would take forever to do manually.
I just upgraded to icloud yesterday. All my contacts synced okay, but when I enter a new contact in address book on my computer it doesn't show up in icloud online or on my iphone. When I enter them in my iphone address book, they do show up in icloud and on my mac. Â
my problem is that I have decided to use a workaround to get my Address Book contents into Outlook 2011. I am not concerned with further syncing at this point. I just want to get my addresses into Outlook and hope a better fix is offered at some point. About the only way I could figure out how to do this was to export my Address Book as vCard. I then imported the vCard file into Gmail and then exported that as a CSV file. It contained 550 addresses. I opened it in Excel and it contained 550 rows. Great so far. I then Imported into Outlook 2011 and chose import a text file. When the mapping window opened, it showed over 890 files instead of 550 and the fields were not mapped correctly.
Info: 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac 24"/2GB SDRAM/500GB HDD/7600GT, Mac OS X (10.5)
How to make the contacts I have through the Mail program sync up or copy over to my Address Book? Speaking of which, does anyone know how to delete contacts from my Mail? When I go to send an email it can populate the send field with previously-written to contacts, but I can't seem to delete some I don't need/use. That's when I found out that my Address Book doesn't reflect the same things which lead me to asking.
Info: Intel-based iMac 2.66 20 inch, Mac OS X (10.5.5)
I run Address Book and "Open at Login". I'm running MacOS X Lion 10.7.4 and Address Book 6.1.2 on a MacBook Pro. I have just recently noticed that though the Dock shows the little blue indicator that Address Book is running and the Ctrl-TAB shows that Address Book is running, there is no way to bring up Address Book's Window. This started about a week or so ago.
Info:iMac(2), iBookG4, MAcbook(2), MacbookPro, XServe, Mac OS X (10.6)
I went to sent a fax like I have always done, for years now. I select Send Fax, then Facsimile.There used to be a button that said Address Book so I could find the fax number to use. That button is no longer there. I now have to manually open the Address Book to find the number, then copy and paste it into the Fax (Print) dialog window.Over the weekend I did update my Brother printer driver using Software Update. Did this cause the Address Book button to vanish?
I just upgraded my macbook pro 17 inch to snow leopard 10.6.2 from tiger and all seems fine except that it has dropped some of the calendars from iCal (e.g. Personal, and Free), and also my address book is short 2000 addresses! Most annoying and rather odd. Anyone seen this, and have a solution? I went to the backup and tried to double click iCal events documents that are in the missing calendars but they still do not appear in iCal 10.6.
Address-book doesnt work after update from Snow Lepard to Lion 10.7.3 PB says your address-book is 5.0.3. PB says You have adressbook 10.5.3, yes, but now?
I have an iPhone 4S, iPad 2, and a Mac running OSX 10.7.3. I have recently noticed a problem that while ical entries made on the Mac will synch to all devices, ical entries made on the iPhone or iPad won't synch to the Mac. I have tried the troubleshooting tips on the apple site, including turning off icloud on the mac for calendars, but it still doesn't work. It essentially means I cant trust my Mac calendar to be up-to-date.
Deciding on whether or not to use iCal or my Google Calendar. I like the look and feel of the ical overall, but it seems nice that the google calendar will sync over the air with my phone.