I am having two problems with the Mail app that perhaps you all could help me with.
First, when I send out emails with links in them, 50% of the time the link is cut in half; the text is there, but the clickable part of the link is only for half of the test.
For example it would show up like this:
I know the recipients can just copy and paste the whole email, but I send these emails to a lot of family friend members who aren't computer literate. Plus it's just a hassle for the reader.
My second question is that whenever I reply to an email, my emails don't display the image that was in the original email. It just says "attachmentXXXX" at the bottom. Is there anyway to fix this?
I'm running MAC OS X version 10.3.9 on an iMAC (1.8GHz).
Lately I've noticed that when safari loads (Safari 1.3.2 (V312.6)) certain web pages, they either load only partially or not at all. Some pages flash constantly. I'm also seeing a pop up window that states that "safari can't open the page .... because it cannot establish a secure connection to server...."
With IE, certain websites bring up the message "the application internet explorer has unexpectedly quit. The system and other applications have not been affected."
So far, I have attempted changing the firewall settings, security settings to no avail.
I run an internet connection with connexus that otherwise appears to function properly.
Prior to the above, there seemed to be no major issues with my iMAC.
On a couple, but not all, of my financial institutions webpages, I can't download the statements and save them as pdf. When I click the pdf link, a page opens showing the statement, but to see it all, one has to scroll the screen. When I try to print it, by clicking File on the toolbar, the pulldown menu gives me only the option of Print Largest Frame which prints only what is visible on the screen in the window. When I try to save by going to File, then Save As, a window opens for print options giving me two format choices: Page Source (html) or Web Archive, but no pdf. The statements never download, nor open as pdf.
What is odd, is that this issue is not common to all financial institutions. On some, the statements read, load, save, and print as pdf just fine. I have updated the Adobe Reader, and all software on my Mac.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Safari 5.1.3
It happens so often nowadays.. When I login to my Facebook, it wouldn't load any images, where it will all be blank..Also, few web pages are not loading in Safari, whereas it loads well in other browsers.. I am using Macbook Pro.. Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4.. Safari Veersion 5.1.7.. Has anyone faced this issue ??
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Starting yesterday Safari just won't load any webpages at all. It will start, the window opens and after that nothing happens. No matter what url I use.
I do have a stable internet connection. Firefox and Chrome both work fine but I do want to use Safari.
I bought a brand new laptop from HP in September and within a week of getting, adding nothing more than a few starwars games, I installed Safari 5.x (I'm not sure the exact version). I opened it up and no webpages would load. I can access settings, open new tabs, the works. I simply cannot browse to any website at all. I can type in a web address and the loading bar starts, but then hangs all day at like 10%.
All other web browsers I've used work fine. So I uninstalled it. Again today I downloaded and installed safari 5.1.2. Same thing. I'm wondering what the problem is and have tried the netsh winsock reset trick and reinstalling etc. Nothing has solved it. I downloaded 4.0.5 while typing this and that does not seem to be working either. iTunes works fine. I have no proxy settings. My firewall is turned off. Could there be some other program that conflicts with Safari and only Safari?
Win 7 64bit Home Premium Intel i7 2630qm 2GHz Quad core Radeon hd 6770m 8GB ddr3 RAM 750 GB 7200rpm HDD (200GB free) All drivers up to date
Okay I don't know what the deal is, but lately Safari has been having issues connecting to websites. Randomly happens on basically every website out there. Could be in a forum, press next to go to the next page and the balcnk page pops up unable to connect. It's Safari that's doing it, everything else is fine. I don't know what was pushed by Apple lately, but whatever it was, it broke Safari. It's getting annoying to say the least. The fact that it just randomly decides that it cannot load a page is so aggrivating. You'd think it would be able to load a page from cache that it just was at, nooo, it claims it cannot connect to the site and you have to reset Safari, exit, and HOPE, that it will actually let you visit a site that you frequent often... like even Apple's own website. There is something seriously wrong with it at the moment and it's getting to the point now where I will probably just stop using Safari altogether. It's just that annoying. How would you like to call your Mother and have the phone tell you no such number exists? Funny, I've called it a thousand times, but the phone is now telling me it doesn't exist. Then poof, it decides it does exist. Then it doesn't. Then it does.
Info: 2010 3.33GHz 6-core Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5), / 5870 / 27" ACD
Safari 7.0.4 on my MacBook Air (OS X 19.9.3) has stopped loading certian web pages -- it was working fine from my home network, but using my T-Mobile 4-G hotspot, it does not work anymore.
For several months now safari has not been loading web pages properly (not them all, it is a bit random, but maybe every 3rd or 4th page I open?). The blue loading bar gets to about 1.5 inches from the end and stops. I can then click on the bar and refresh and it loads no problems but this is highly inconvenient and I can't seem to fix it.
I have reset safari, updated all software, I am on a mac book pro, I have Version 5.1.5 safari.
Would this be an internet problem rather than a software problem? How would I check.
It's not very convenient when you're doing something important like trying to get tickets for an event and then it jams, and you know you need to refresh but if you refresh you've lost the tickets...
Safari will not load photos/images on web page. It will load on a test user side I created, but on the main side it will not. I have empited all caches. Software is up to date, OSX and safari. Firefox loads all images, but I'm not running that as the defaut browser.
Everytime I start up Safari it will open up all windows that were open during my last session when I had quit the application. It will also not open to the homepage listed in preferences as well when I start Safari.
Info: iMac 24" 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo 3 GB RAM, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
I just imported some new photos into iPhoto but when I try to copy them to a flashdrive it comes up with message The operation cant be completed because it isnt supported.Any other album pictures can be copied.for the life of me I can't work out what is different.
After 5.1.7 Update today, Safari loads facebook with broken compoents. I can't see my messages and many buttons don't load on facebook. Is there a way to install a clean copy of Safari?
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 4GB RAM
After updating to the newest version of Safari, Facebook no longer loads correctly.When loading the page it looks like this.I'm trying to figure out if this is happening for everyone or just me.
I am having the same problem in the apple store page. In Firefox works just great, but on safari wont load. I tried restoring safari, restaling it, and also cleaning fonts cache.
Ok, over the last week a problem has been occurring in my gallery where all my images won't load (or fully load). I have tested the page in Firefox and ie7 and they load fine. I checked in the activity window in safari and a few images get stuck when they're about 98% loaded. This only happens when I clear my cache or someone is visiting the page for the first time. The images that don't load are completely random (different ones every time). Is there something in my code that safari doesn't like? Below is the link to the gallery page.
I've avoided asking this question for over a year but I just can't take it anymore.
Ever since I got my first macbook pro(Tiger) in 2006, I've had a pretty poor web-surfing experience when it comes to pages with a large quantity of images.
Whether it's in Firefox or Safari, it seems it takes forever to load jpegs, gifs, pngs, etc., much slower than in Windows.
And more often than not, it'll often just stop trying to load some of the images and leave empty frames instead. An annoying side effect of these situations is that I won't be able to load other websites in separate tabs until I wait 2 or 3 minutes at least.
It almost mimics what happens when you just plain lose your internet connection. My best example is www.fark.com.
Sometimes posters will post large quantities of images, 100+. Heck, what am I saying, sometimes it's not even that much but Firefox and Safari will still choke trying to retrieve the pictures.
I set aside the macbook for this very reason because I often open multiple tabs at once when I surf..and if one of those tabs just happen to be image-intensive, my whole surfing experience will grind to a halt until whatever process is happening times itself out.
I THOUGHT the problem would be fixed with Leopard..but it hasn't. I've searched the forums but I haven't found anything useful, although I've caught small stories here and there of people having the same issue, but nothing widespread.
The whole problem starts with image files...and sometimes it doesn't necessarily need large quantities to choke. Just a modest amount will do sometimes.
Any ideas?? Is it my router? (WRT54G) My DSL connection? (Yahoo SBC) It happens on either wireless or with cable. My windows boxes don't have this problem.
Not having images load is bad enough, but having your browser stall is just insufferable! (I'm also using a brand new Macbook Pro so this problem stems across two revisions)
My Safari won't load google images. Google itself works, and I can search all day long without fail, all the links are fine. But if I'm using google images, nothing loads up. I have deleted my history, emptied my cache, and finally reset safari, still nothing. Google works, its just google images I can't access.
However, I took my macbook into my local Apple store and as you guess, it worked a treat (making me look silly!). So this led me to believe it must be something with my internet connection, something in my modem settings. My parents have a HP Windows vista laptop, and google images works fine for them. And they use the same wifi network.
So now I'm stumped!
I have had my 13inch Macbook since February, and up until a month ago, I could load anything in google images. However a month ago I had to have my hard drive replaced when I upgraded to Snow Leopard. I apparently had a corrupt drive, so under warranty I got a new one - so the computer I am with now only has a hard drive that is 5 weeks old - I have no parental controls, no anti virus software, nothing that I could think of that might affect it?
I've had problems for a while with Safari sporadically not loading images on some web pages. The problem was so irritating that I ditched it in favour of Camino.
Now Safari 4 is out, I'm trying to move back, but the problem is still there.
It typically happens when viewing a page containing lots of images. Here are two I have recurring problems with:
A bit of Googling shows I'm not alone, but there doesn't seem to be any proper explanation of the problem or a solution out there. Clearing the cache solves the problem temporarily, but it quickly returns and there's no rhyme or reason to what will or won't load. I've also tried resetting Safari and deleting the prefs file (which I guess do the same thing).
This started occuring very suddenly for the past week or so. I especially cant load anything related to google. Not even youtube. No matter the connection, wired or wireless, different networks, or the web broswer. How do I fix this!?
I have a MacBook running OSX 10.4, and I'm using Firefox 3.0.9. For nearly every webpage that I open, the error log gives me an error like "Expected (blank) but received (blank). Declaration dropped." This isn't a problem for some webpages, as they'll load fully, but for others, they won't load at all. This is a really frustrating problem, and it just started all of a sudden yesterday. I didn't install a new web browser or any new extensions, and I've done virus and malware scans, and I can't seem to find the problem. Could it be a problem with extensions, or with my system, or perhaps my Internet connection?
I was watching a video on Hulu, and suddently I got a error that the website could not load. Since then, I can't load most pages (yet oddly I have found one page that still works.) Network diagnostics says that everything is working fine... and I can still connect to everything just fine with with my MacBook and iPhone on the same network. I have the same problem whether I am trying to use Safari or Google Chrome..
I was tempted to put this in the 'Safari' section, but after a little more trial I thought it went deeper than that. The issue is, for about two weeks now, i'll be surfing the web and then head to one of my commonly visited websites (namely Wikipedia, Google, Huffington Post, and this website) and though I'm fully connected to the internet, the pages won't load and i get the "Server Not Found" noitce.
I don't, however, have this problem with ALL webpages when this is happening to the others. Gmail, Facebook, Mediaite, etc. all have no issue and they work just fine.
Primarily I use Google Chrome as my browser. So the first thing i did was clear the cache to see if it would help, but nothing changed. So i opened both Safari and Firefox and they both suffer the same problem. After about 60 seconds the issue goes away and all things are normal again. About 10 to 15 minutes later, if I'm still surfing the web, the problem may creep back up again. I can't say for sure but I've noticed that this typically happens when I first try to go to those pages after a few hours of not using the net.
When this happens, I've also tried loading these pages on my iPhone and iPad during the 60 seconds and have encountered the same problem. Using a Wireless internet connection thru a cable modem.
My computer is connected to the wireless internet, and other devices such as my brother's laptop and my cell phone are connected and working off of the internet fine. However, my computer is not loading webpages, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. It just all of a sudden stops and the blue bar won't go any further. I tried running the safari under the guest account and it worked fine.
I am unable to load web pages because the server says there is no data on my iMac running Mavericks 10.9.2 although there is no problem on my iPad mini.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
I just got a new macbook air with SSD, 8gb memory... it was running fine all last week but this morning I'm getting all sorts of memory errors and page load problems across all browsers. I haven't installed/uninstalled anything and haven't changed any system settings recently. Some pages load fine, both others load without stylesheets, others time out, and others throw memory errors:
I'm going to try and keep this as simple as possible. Last night I went to use my imac and for some reason every wed page I would try and go to either wouldn't open, would time out, or would load so slowly as to be almost no use at all. I reset my modem (I use a wired, ethernet connection) and everything was fine with the internet connection (or so it seemed) because I checked to see if I was able to torrent for instance and that worked just fine. The problem seemes to be based solely around browsing the internet (using both safari and chrome).
My iphoto is not working. When I open it, the picture loading swirl thing spins and never stops! Like it wants to load the events but it never does. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it twice and no luck! I Just got this computer a month ago. I have also tried the command+option to fix any problems.