QuickTime :: Keep Getting The Mistake 2093 When Opening Player
Apr 15, 2012I keep getting the mistake 2093 when opening Quicktime player for windows.
View 4 RepliesI keep getting the mistake 2093 when opening Quicktime player for windows.
View 4 RepliesCannot unload quicktime or get to load new quicktime can not run on windows xp I get error code 2093. Went to open the quicktime exe folder and running as me do not see how to override or check administrator box.
iPhone 4, Windows XP
I recorded a video using PhotoBooth which now will not open in any of my players, QuickTime, VLC, HandBrake.
Finder tells me that it's a QuickTime Movie file, but QuickTime Player says "QuickTime Player can't open "Movie on 4-12-12 at 8.20 PM" because the movie's file format isn't recognized."
Why won't it open, and how can I get it to open? Additionally, I recorded a different video this morning and it plays just fine.
QuickTime Player, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have the new Macbook with Snow Leopard. How do I get DVD Player back? I put the applications disc in and DVD Player didn't show up...
Also I have the OS X disc but I don't want to reinstall my OS and wipe all my data.
So how do I get DVD Player back?
After updating Quicktime to 7.2 it has gotten really slow when opening a movie, VLC on the other hand does this in an instant.
I can open Quicktime Player itself pretty fast, but when I want to open something, I get the beachball spinning for about 5-10 seconds, only then I can switch to the player and watch it.
This is really annoying.. I don't want to use VLC, because it is not that stable and I hate to use its FF feature. Is there something I can do about it? I tried downloading QT player from Apple and reinstalling.
have in the past few weeks uprgraded from tiger to leopard.Everything has been ok but i think i might have deleted some vital part of Quicktime player when i tried to clean up.I only realised this when i decided to get Quicktime player pro which i have paid for and have the key..I have tried to download quicktime from apple support website and just about any other website for that matter but zero.zilch.Installer takes me through the process but i get no player.
I have tried to remove all components of quicktime but to no avail.the download intalls but goes nowhere.Have tried to maybe 'jumpstart' it by double clicking quicktime time movies but there is just nothing going on.
Model Name:PowerBook G4 15"
Model Identifier:PowerBook5,8
Processor Name:PowerPC G4 (1.5)
Processor Speed:1.67 GHz
Number Of CPUs:1
L2 Cache (per CPU):512 KB
Memory:2 GB
Bus Speed:167 MHz
Boot ROM Version:4.9.5f3
Digital movies play just fine on my camera, a NIkon Coolpix but once I import them to either quicktime or windows media player they do not play smoothly. Any ideas why or what I can do to correct this?
quicktime or windows media player , Windows XP, camera digital films won't play
I successfully installed Adobe flash player. Latest version. How do I set this as my default player application?
The websites I use just keep saying to install the flash player.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have had this problem quite a while now:When I open an .avi file it automatically opens using QuickTime. I'd like that because it's the best player for Apple.The problem is however that I can only hear the sound, there's no image/video.I use 10.7.2. (now updating to 10.7.3), but it already did this before I had OSX Lion installed.If I search for new updates it doesn't come up with an update for QuickTime.Any other player works (although VLC's the only one I tried so far).
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I can't open quicktime player. I just downloaded the newest free version from the apple site. When I click open it says "could not open because the specified format is not supported" I think that is a problem with what opens it? Everything is set to open with Textedit, I don't remember how or why. How can I get quicktime to open?
View 24 Replies View RelatedToday I updated my System to OS X 10.6.3, which included a Quicktime update
After updating I can't play certain mp4 movies anymore with my Quicktime X Player: I can hear audio but I don't see video.
What is so strange about it that until today I was able to view them without any problems.
I still can watch them with VLC player.
When I click on file info, I see these codecs: AAC, H.264, MPEG-4 SDSM, MPEG-4 ODSM
How can I solve this problem? I am using OS X 10.6
What's this control in QT Player X? Sometimes it appears when I'm using QT Player, but it never sticks around long enough for me to see what it is or what it does. How can I reliably get it to appear, and what does it do?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 12GB RAM
I have a few h.264 -mp4/m4v files that QTX can't open, but Quickview and QT7 handles with ease. The files have been made using Handbrake. Examining the info windows in QT7 on one movie that does work and one that does not, does not tell me much. they seem pretty identical. Info copied from opened files in QT7.
Not working: JVT/AVC Coding, 720 X 384, MillionerAAC, Stereo (L R), 48,000 kHz
Working: JVT/AVC Coding, 704 X 400, MillionerAAC, Stereo (L R), 48,000 kHz
I cant reinstall QT on 10.7.3, can I?
Quicktime 7 opened my transformers.mov file just fine, but now it won't open under snow leopard.
View 8 Replies View RelatedWas wondering if someone out there can help me. When I get an email with an attachment & I opened it, it used to get saved on my desktop, but now goes to 'Downloads' after I installed SL. How do I change it back to download to mu desktop??
Now when I try to view a .wmv file it says that I do not have Quicktime player, which I do. I have to open the file via Quicktime & searching for it in my downloads folder. Have looked at the settings & appears to be OK....
I've just got a MBP that came with quicktime X. I assume this is the best/latest quicktime player but when I try watch some videos it wont play them, it just shows me a largish icon of the older Quicktime player icon. Anyone know why it doesn't play with QTX? I have tried downloading Quicktime 7 to just view these videos but half way through setting up it stops me putting it on my hard drive something about already there and to check software for updates.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was having a problem with Quicktime player so I thought I would uninstall the program and then reinstall. I come from the world of windows so that is why.
I dragged the quicktime player icon from the applications folder to the trash and emptied the trash. I went to download the player application from apple's website only to learn this thing is supposed to be built into the OS.
So now the question is how to restore this thing? I am on a 2011 MBP with Snow Leopard.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
How to open my Emails with Quick Time Player
MacBook, Mac OS 8.6 or Earlier
I was sent several mov. files in emails. When I attempt to play them, I am given a message stating that Quick time doesn't support the format.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a QuickTime 7 registration. The registration windows shows I have QuickTime 7 Pro. The Pro features are not enabled. Here is my registration. None of the Pro features are available.
2 MacBook Core 2 Duos - MacMini - AppleTV, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iPod Touch - iPod Classic - iPad
How do you delete videos from Quicktime Player?
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhy won't my quick time player play an mp4?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Everytime I double click on a QT file, it opens with Quicktime Player rather than Quicktime Pro 7 (which I also have). Can I change the default settings so it opens with QT Pro 7?Â
Mac Book, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
can I shoot in 16:9 with quick time?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy QuickTime player us not playing .avi files and says I need a codec I can't play no .avi files on QuickTime. How could I fix this because I want to play these files with QuickTime.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7.
how can i quit qiucktime player if command Q does not work
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I just downloaded a .mpg video file and when I tried to open it in QT it said that the file could not be opened. Any way around this like a plugin or something?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI digitised some old home videos and all worked very well, except that now some of them won't open on my iMac (OS X 10.5.4). The files are all .mov files and only one of them opens without any problems with Quicktime, with the rest i get a message saying "The movie could not be opened. This is not a movie file". At the Mac support counter I was told that I just need to download a codec and that should solve the problem - but I lost the piece of paper where he wrote down the name of the that codec and I can't remember what it was now... done tons of googling and nothing seems to match.
Trying to download vlc-2.0.1 dmg and I get a message that "Safari can't complete the download because there isnt enough free disc space". The staus on my hard drive shows 916 GB available, so I don't understand. Had no trouble with other downloads (Office 2011).Â
another program for opening windows media player?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2 iMacs 2012,2007
You used to be able to select "movie properties" in the previous QuickTime 7 but that option is not available in QuickTime X in Snow Leopard
Say, you have an HD movie which is on your hard drive, but in 4:3 format. You want to change it to 16:9 which is the widescreen format, to view the movie at its proper aspect ratio. You can do this in VLC, but my question is, How do you change the aspect Ratio in Quicktime Player X?