PowerPC :: ITunes Consuming 12 Percent Of CPU On G4
Sep 26, 2008
I saw itunes consuming 12% of cpu when doing nothing! iTunes in my imac and mb keeps at 0%, why the hell this doesn't happen in the powerbook? Version 8 in the three macs.
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Jul 5, 2012
I got a new MacBook Pro 15" retina display, migrated my data from my old mac, and now the Dock application is consuming a ton of CPU on the system. I have found many other threads in these forums, many of them quite old. They typically suggest a problem with VMWare fusion or Parallels, neither of which I have on my system. They also suggest removing the com.apple.dock.plist file and killing the application, which did not help, nor did removing all applications from the dock and quitting all other applications.
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 1, 2009
Take a look, all occurred right after downloading and installing latest iTunes. Report crash held 100% of CPU for quite some time. Systems Extension error popped up and could not fix under disk utility.
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Aug 22, 2010
I've recently switched to a MBP after years using Windows/Linux.
Time Machine sounded ideal but seems to have issues with FileVault (if I wasn't on the same network as the NAS the logout process took >15 minutes, presumably whilst it looked for it).
I'm currently using the bundled Memeo Backup software. It works okay except it doesn't have any way to delete old files from the backup and is rapidly consuming space on the NAS.
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Mar 21, 2009
What is the minimal percent on my HD I should have so that it can run without slowing down?
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Dec 3, 2009
My late 2008 15" MBP 2.8Ghz typically shows a CPU temp above 100 degrees Celsius ~ 216 F when using Handbrake. What is considered a normal operating temperature range? Also Activity Monitor show that Handbrake is using more than 100% of the CPU how is this possible? What does it mean? How can you use more than 100% of the CPU?
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Mar 8, 2010
I'm having trouble get percentages in numbers. I want to get 5% of one cell and display the answer in another. Whats the formula for this.
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Oct 10, 2010
The battery on my MBP (2007 2.33 Core 2 Duo) has started to die, just like the three others that came before it. It seems like it's only been a year or so since I got a new battery. Yesterday, I was using it unplugged and the computer shut off when the battery was around 58%. I have never seen a battery shut off that early. The worst I had seen before that was a previous battery that would die around 35%.
A couple questions:
1. Is there something I am doing that is causing my batteries to keep dying so quickly? An Apple Genius told me that keeping the computer plugged in all the time can burn out the battery. I don't really want to bother putting the computer through unnecessary charge cycles to keep up the battery life.
2. Is there any way to recoup some of the lost battery life of my current battery, or is it just dead?
3. In replacing the battery, should I buy another Apple battery from the website, or are there better quality 3rd party MBP batteries?
4. On a side bar, I am thinking about purchasing a new MBP, but I am worried that the battery will have the same problem, and it will be much more of a hassle to fix because everything is internal now. I hate having to hand my computer over to Apple Care for a whole day and be without it.
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Nov 3, 2010
So I bought a macbook pro 13" about a month ago. I've been running coconut battery tests on it and the battery health is only at 89%. This is super upsetting to me. I went to the apple store and they ran their diagnostic test only to tell me that my battery is within specification, so they wouldn't replace it. The health they calculated was 91%.
What should I do? This seems unfair to me.
Coconut battery stats:
Battery capacity: 5141 mAh
Original battery capacity: 5770 mAh
Battery load cycles: 27
Age of your mac: 4 months
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Nov 16, 2010
So I just opened Coconut battery, and it is saying that I have 101% battery capacity. How is that even possible? In the other hand, iStat says 100%.
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Aug 10, 2008
I usually have my screen brightness set to a few ticks above the lowest, but when my screen shuts off (after 3 mins or whatever I have it set to in the control panel) and gets turned on again, the brightness is set to max. If I then drop the brightness by one tick, it drops to where it was set before. It doesn't do this when I close the lid but it does go to full brightness when I restart the computer and as I enter the windows desktop it goes back to what it was set at.
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Mar 20, 2010
My iMac has 4Gb RAM and this morning I had a problem with the blued process chewing up memory even though Bluetooth was off and I don't ever use it. After a bit of searching I found the probable cause. Anyway, whilst looking at the above issue, my system was really crawling but the memory usage wasn't over 70% and CPU usage was low too. The swap space usage had jumped up to 4Gb and all the time I was opening new Safari windows researching the issue. The system was getting more and more sluggish and the swap usage was growing but memory usage stayed at 70%. Why wouldn't it use the last 30%?
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Apr 25, 2010
After using Google and MRoogle I still haven't found a solution for this. Mail CPU usage spikes to over 100% and the MBP gets extremely hot. I then have to force quit Mail. I am using MobileMe and all the lastest updates for Snow Leopard.
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May 7, 2010
I've had my Macbook Pro for just over 2 years and recently bought one of the 2010 models. I'm about to sell my old one but when I downloaded Coconut Battery, I saw that my battery holds a lot less charge than it did when it was new: Have I been doing something wrong or is it just low because the laptop is 2 years old? If it's something I've been doing, I don't want to make the same mistake with my new one.
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Jun 16, 2010
I tried to install Flash 10.1 that's just been released. It hangs at 95% and then does jack all. I can uninstaller but I can't for the life of me get it to install. I flaming well hate Flash but I need it to view the F1 on the BBC.
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Jul 27, 2008
Brand new battery wont charge above 47%. Plug light is green and shows charging.
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Jan 31, 2012
I usually keep my mac connected to AC power and probably once a week I try to drain the battery. It only has 28 cycles. I bought it last year on november and today when I removed the ac power, a little while after I realized that the battery health went from 88% to 77%! What can I do? I am doing everything that mac says to keep a healthy battery!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Feb 5, 2012
If I use my battery to 98% and I charge it, it shows it as fully charges. My cycle count is 4 and it is the 13'' mbp. It is 2 weeks old. I already calibrated it.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), I have had this for 2 weeks now.
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Mar 31, 2012
I just bought my macbook pro not long ago. around 2months? And my battery is going down really quick. 1% every 3 mins and I only have firefox on and my backlight is turn off. My brightness is turn on to the middle. I was looking at my friends macbook. Doesn't seem to be going down so quickly.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 19, 2012
I have been experiencing the fan running at high rpm and the computer completely slowing down when there is slight pressure applied to the bottom of my macbook pro. I went on Activity Monitor and it shows kernel_task running at over 100% cpu usage. I have already tried resetting PRAM and SMC but those did not work.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 5, 2012
my macbook pro not charging. the battery is running low on 20 percent i puted it on charging it says not charging and light in charger is green what the problem can be?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
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Jun 20, 2012
I bought a new battery for my sisters new used MacBook Pro. The instructions with the new battery was not to charge the new battery until it's was down to 2%. And, how many hours should she expect the battery to last until it needs to be charged? This is with normal web surfing with some streaming. The MacBook Pro is a 2.3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with a 15" screen form @ 2008.
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Nov 23, 2010
I'm having a strange issue with my MBP 1, 1. It's recently picked up a new habit that I find to be rather annoying. When the battery gets down to between 5 and 10%, the laptop will just shut off. No hibernation, no sleep, just a hard shutoff. The battery seems to be in good health; although it does have a high cycle count, I still get around 2 hours of usage out of a charge. I would think that a calibration would solve the problem, but with the hard shutdown, would that even be possible?
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Dec 22, 2010
So when I bought this the guy said that Apple installed a new battery on it recently. I believe him because when I downloaded the iStat Pro widget it said only 2 or 3 cycles which is because I calibrated the battery. But I just finished charging and the light is green. But it says the charge is only at 97%. I don't see why it should be like this. Also when it's not plugged in the battery only lasts maybe 3 and half hours from just surfing on the internet. But I thought it was supposed to last like 6?(I'm thinking that since mine is an older model, that could be it.
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Jul 31, 2009
Ok so to start off, my Macbook Pro is around 3 years old. With my original battery having been through 350+ cycles, I had to buy a replacement. So I did some research and found that the Fastmac battery was my best bet for a long-lasting, reliable battery. I would say that Ive had the Fastmac battery for a bout 6-7 months without any problems whatsoever. However, recently Ive been noticing the drastic change in battery life. I installed Coconut Battery yesterday and discovered that my current battery capacity is 2266mAh with the original capacity being 5800mAh and 213 cycles. I also should note that the battery drains 1% a minute with no programs running (besides the Activity Monitor, which showed no strange behavior). Now luckily for me, My Fastmac battery is under a 1 year warranty, however I just wanna verify that it is a fault with my battery and not anything on my Macbook's side causing the battery to drain so quick. The last thing I want is to receive my replacement and then have to go through the same process 6 months later.
Also here is the Battery Information from the System Profiler.
Battery Information:
Battery Installed:Yes
First low level warning:No
Full Charge Capacity (mAh):2266
Remaining Capacity (mAh):1414
Amperage (mA):-1449
Voltage (mV):11421
Cycle Count:213
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Aug 22, 2009
It's saying 99% Charged. Is this normal?
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Aug 30, 2009
Any reason this would be happening..?
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Oct 5, 2009
I noticed that my battery cycle (according to istat) switches over at 15%. So as son as it switches over to the next cycle I plug in the adapter to make the battery run a cycle from 100%-0.(I know the cycle in 100%) But it still switches over at 15%, that means that the battery ran only 85% of its capacity. How can that be? Is it possible to reset (delete) battery cycle data?
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Mar 5, 2010
I have a 5-year-old PowerBook G4. I remember I changed the battery about a year or two ago, because when I used to take it to classes in college, and use it unplugged, my laptop would shut off in less than an hour (more like ~30 min) when it reaches ~30%. After I got a new battery, it went back to normal, and lasted much longer. In the past couple of days, I noticed that within about 5-10 minutes of using my PB unplugged, battery goes from 100% --> ~85%, and then all of a sudden shuts down.
When I plug it back in to a power supply, and it starts back up, it starts recharging from 0%... this seems a little extreme. I haven't noticed this problem because I almost have it plugged in these days, as I usually use it at home or at work where I have a power supply available, and I use it for a few hour period at a time. Does this seem purely like a battery problem?! (ie. it's just time for a new battery...)
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Apr 15, 2010
Why would a battery one day out of the box only be capable of charging to 6808mAH / 6900mAH? Could it just be a matter of the battery not being calibrated yet?
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