PowerPC :: How To Get Driver For Alba 10MP Webcam For Mac Ibook G4
Dec 7, 2009
Have just purchased an Alba 10MP Webcam (from Argos Ireland) - which according to it's description is plug n play and Mac compatible but I've plugged it into my ibook and no go?
I have just purchased the Alba 10mp Webcam from Argos as it states that its compatible with my Macbook. Due to my Isight no longer working and the resets not fixing it i've had to buy a usb webcam as i use MSN and Skype a lot to chat to family.
I have a iBook and would like to get a webcam to work with MSN Messenger for Mac 5.1.1. Unfortunately my budget does not stretch to an iSight. Can someone advise on a compatible webcam that would work with Tiger and MSN Messenger.
my friend recently inherited a g4 iBook running leopard. these ones were just before apple began adding webcams. hence there is no webcam on this laptop, does anyone know of a good webcam that is compatible with OS X leopard and the g4 iBook.
I got a used printer Canon BJC-85 and realise with my very limited knowledge that it does not have the correct/updated version of driver for my iBook G4. It only mentions PowerMac G3 in the installation instructions. A friend told me that you can download the appropriate version for my laptop from the internet, but I don't know how to do this. Could you give me any advice about how to do this?
have tried Logitech C250 but software supplied does not appear to support Mac..- skype download is okay. Guess it is because it is old. Most cameras seem to be for 10.4 and over.
I have a G3 iBook and just the other day the display stopped working. There were no signs of the display going bad, it's just went. Am I able to boot the iBook via Target Disk Mode on my PowerBook and run the iBook Hardware Test CD on it? Also, can I reboot my PowerBook and choose the iBook as the startup volume?
I know how to do Target Disk Mode but the latter I'm not sure about.
I have an ibook G4 which connects wirelessly to a netopia router via airport card (under keypad on laptop) Recently came across Evocam and sounds like great software as just what i wanted to keep an eye on my dog whilst i am at work
but the problem i am having is that i can not view this webcam remotely (eg from work) I think i have tried every avenue but no direct help hence my query is being posted here! So what have i done so far:downloaded the 15 day free trial (not going to buy unless it works)got that going ok and interface showed IP and 8080 port clicked on view in browser and hey presto it work - but that is on local "internal" network and wont work over internet - so found out about port forwarding static IP etc so set a static IP which starts 192.168..... and got up router browser and opened/configured port to 8080. - still not working then was told i need my public IP when configuring the IP in the airport network page (sys pref - network - airport) so i did this and again came up fine on evocam interface but then realised I had no longer internet access so had to revert back to the original IP's, sub net mask DSN numbers so i could go online to see what i did wrong which is where i am now.
I understand from other forums and FAQ's that this is suppose to be pretty straight forward but i don't no where i am going wrong so this is my question need help to set up evocam on ibook through wireless and configure airport/ip/router CORRECTLY to make this work. I have been in contact with evo support team over a number of emails but it all general info i am given and no step by step MAC process (for instance it says go into base station to port map view airport admin untility I go to this but no base station shows up for me to click on or re-configure is it because i just have apple airport card and not base station.I would appreciate it if anyone can help or know the steps i should follow to get this up and streaming my dog while at work
My brother's iBook G4 (800Mhz, First Rev) has completely splattered itself and we're getting a new Macbook for him under insurance. My iBook G3 (White, 900Mhz G3..the last G3 Rev of the iBook) has a failing hard drive.
Now, could I swap out those two drives, at least to recover stuff? And is there a specific method of opening up the iBook G4 so that I don't break stuff (I've already messed with my G3..and ended up with a dozen extra screws ^_^
Mainly the aim is to salvage the hard drive and swap them out; replacing my faulty iBook G3 one with the iBook G4 one which is perfectly fine.
Right now I have a G3 iBook (900 MHz, 640 MB RAM, Combodrive, 40 GB HDD). I'm looking at a G4 iBook (1.2 GHz, 768 MB RAM, Superdrive, 60 GB HDD).
How much faster would the G4 be over my G3. I figure that after selling my G3, the G4 would only be another $200ish on top of it. Would this be worth it?
I just bought a parts ibook from ebay, but I managed to fix it, except there was no hard drive. I currently have a 6 GB HD in it with OS X.3.9 on it, but I want tiger. I have the tiger family pack, so I have a license for it. It only has a CD-ROM drive, so I am wondering if I can buy a 40 GB HD, and clone the one from my G4 onto it.
SPECS ibook G3- 500 MHZ 192 MB RAM CD-ROM currently has 6 GB HD ibook G4- 1064 MHZ 1.25 GB RAM Combo drive 40 GB HD
I need to stream a video of my choosing using amsn in OsX. I found an app named macam that is suposed to do just that, among other things. I followed the intructions but I just can't get it to recognize the dummy webcams.
I've had to perform a complete clean re installation on my main HD to get my G5 Cypher dual core 2.63 running again with leopard. Somehow when I screwed the main HD it locked me out of my other internal HD and every Firewire drive connected to the computer. Those drives will not show up on the desktop. Is there a back door way for me to unlock them. In Tech Tool Pro, they show up as locked. I tried repairing the permissions with TTP, but it failed. My gut is telling me I might have to buy some data recovery software to get my files off those drives and then reformat them.
So, I'll spare you guys the details, haha, but I am stuck trying to decide between getting an iMac Intel or a MacBook Pro for my home use computer. What would be the advantages of one over the other? I just really love the fact that a MacBook Pro would be portable yet powerful. And yes, I have this iBook for portability to school and such, but if I want to do extensive work on the couch, I could bring a MBP vs. an iMac. What do you all think? Are too laptops redundant?
Dual 2ghz Power PC G5 with Leopard 10.5.8Recently had it in for a repair, not with Apple (that expired a longggg time ago) because it would only turn on intermittently. They fixed this problem, citing bad components and also replaced the broken optical drive. However when they gave it back to me it was incredibly loud, they stated that they had to reconnect a fan and that was probably what caused the power problem in the first place. I'm pretty sure though that I had disconnected it unwittingly about a week after the power problem started when I opened it up to change the battery... believing that may be the problem at the time.
I had a Dell 1100 laser printer working on my iMac (G4 ball type) using a GIMP printer. I had to reset the queue and lost the driver. I can't remember which GIMP driver I used. Also, although I have loaded the latest GIMP s/w, I can't seem to get to them in Tiger 10.4.6.
It just came to my mind that at some storage place of mine, I have an old special edition (grey) iBook that i bought in 1999, if I remember correctly. Can't look it up right now, but I think it had one USB port, one ethernet port, a CD-ROM drive, and it was running OS9.
Is anyone of you still using old iBooks, and what for? Would a version (which?) of OS X run, or would you suggest staying with OS9? Kind of sad to have it just laying around - it was amazing, back in the days.
We are trying to install/update to the NVIDIA 270.00.00f06 driver for the PNY Quadro FX4800 for Mac on our MacPro 3,1 with OSX 10.7.4. The system tells us "No Driver Update Needed for this System", and will not allow driver to be installed. Can anyone advise if the current driver is automatically installed or provided by Apple Updates. If not can you provide proper instructions on how to properly update the driver. Also how can we confirm what driver version is currently installed.
Jim Teames 7/03/2012
Info: Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4), PNY Quadro FX4800 for Mac, 10GB mem
Just purchased a iBook G4 1.33 Ghz, 512 MB of Ram running Leopard. I must certainly plan on upgrading ram but I am wondering how bad will the deafault specs be with leopard?
I had my iBook G4 a few years ago, and since I was about eleven when I had it, I'm not sure I always took the best care of it, but it's always worked pretty much fine up until about a week ago. It's started shutting down randomly. It also sometimes randomly goes to sleep in the middle of things. In particular, it doesn't seem to like starting up, or the internet, especially if I'm on youtube. I've tried a PMU reset, as it worked once before when my laptop wouldn't start up, but it hasn't worked properly. It's worked from anywhere from a minute from the time I start up again, to about a day or two at most, but it always seems to shut down again.
I really don't know what else to do with it... and I don't understand how computers work at all.
Yesterday I was on facebook when my ibook g4 went black and turned off. There wasn't any beeping/flashing or anything but it won't turn on. When I press the little button on the battery 5 yellow lights light up so I guess the battery's fine but the laptop itself just died. If i can't get it fixed mum won't buy me a new one and i'll just have to deal with it.
I remember hearing about it on a website, is there any rough tutorials to go about this? Don't ask me why I want to do it, my friend said it can't be done, and I just want to show him up. he also thinks macs are dumb, so hes not so smart in the brain.
A couple of weeks ago, out of the blue, my Ibook 12" started turning off by itself.
At first it would turn on again, I was able to check the HD with the Disk Utility, which reported a fault in the HD. Then after a few times it wouldn't turn on anymore. I couldn't hear the chimes sound and the fan (or HD) would start running pretty fast.