Hardware :: Western Digital USB Hard Drive Not Showing Up?
Feb 15, 2008
i just got a 150gb western digital hard drive...i have a 17" G4 powerbook running leopard...when i plug it in it does not show up nor can i feel the hard drive turning...however i plugged it into my friends new imac as well as my other friends macbook and it showed up instantly?
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Mar 20, 2010
I have had this for a day now, and since I backed up using time machine when I plug it in it ejects within a minuet.
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Sep 21, 2007
Is there a site, preferably independant, which lists compatible hard drives for Mac laptops?
Also, if I buy an external enclosure, can I clone my current hard drive to it, with partitions and all, and have the Mac-store just stick it in without having to re-install Tiger?
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Sep 23, 2009
I am interested in getting a 7200 RPM hard drive for a Mac Mini. Which brand is preferred by other users here - Western Digital or Seagate?
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Apr 30, 2012
I've been using a 3TB western digital hard drive flawlessly for months now. I'm posting here because the only thing that has changed within the time frame of my WD hard drive no longer working is updating my Lion install to 10.7.3. When I plug my WD hard drive into either of my macs (which are both running 10.7.3 , one is a macbook, the other an iMac) the external hard drive shows up on my desktop, and within 5 seconds will disconnect itself and I'll then get a warning telling me that I didn't eject my hard drive properly. I was starting to think it was my USB or power cable until I plugged the WD external into my old Compaq laptop that I'm running Linux on and it worked flawlessly!
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Aug 17, 2006
So the 4200rpm drive in my 867mhz powerbook finally decided to bite the big one, so now after frantically backing up whatever I could I'm in the market for a new drive. I want 80 gigs, 5400rpm and an 8mb cache, and have basically narrowed it down to either: Western Digital wd800ve or Seagate Momentus 5400.3 ST980815A Does anyone here have either of these drives running in their laptops?
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Apr 15, 2012
I have a Western Digital 2 TB MyBook Studio II external drive that has been working fine. Now, it will not show on my desktop when it mounts. It does show in the sidebar and I can access the drive and files there, but I want the icon to show on the desktop. I connect it to my machine via an onboard Firewire 800 port, and the drive is the only device using that port. I have another Western Digital MyBook drive that mounts just fine (it is my Time Machine backup) via USB. I have 2 La Cie Firewire drives, and 2 OWC Firewire 400 drives, all 4 of which mount using a Firewire 400 hub that connects to a Firewire 400 port on my MacBook Pro.Â
I have repaired the disk (reports nothing is wrong), but I feel I have some setting for the drive in the wrong position. I just can't figure out what to do.Â
MacBook Pro 2.5 Ghz., Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4 Gb of RAM
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Oct 27, 2007
I have a Power Mac 2.3Ghz (see spec in sig) with the standard 250GB Maxtor 6B25050 hard drive. I was wondering, how I could increase the speed of the computer? If I upgrade the hard drive to something like a Western Digital Raptor X 150GB 10kRPM SATA drive would this provide any performance increase over the standard disk? Memory-wise I never have any "page outs", so I understand that a memory upgrade will not increase the speed of my computer.
Power Mac G5 2.3GHz, 1GB Ram, ATI Radeon 9650, Bluetooth KB and Mous
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
IBook 800MHz, 512MB ram
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Sep 10, 2009
1) Is the Western Digital 1TB RE3 3.5 HD recommended for the 8 Core MP? Or am I better of sticking to the WD 1TB Black Caviar? 2) When ordering my HDD do I also need the cables? Or do I just need to order the drive as it is?
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Apr 30, 2007
I have a WD External HDD. Everytime it goes to sleep it disappears from my Finder in OSX and then I have to turn the power off on the HDD and turn the power back on for it to reappear in my OSX. It's rather annoying - in Windows it just stays there and you click on the icon and it will wake up. Is there any way to force OSX to search for the HDD or something and not delete it every time it goes to sleep?
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Apr 6, 2010
Well, as some of you may think that VelociRaptors are dead, they aren't. They were great few years ago when there were no SSDs for reasonable price but got then owned by SSDs due their fast speed. WD has came up with two new VRs, 450GB (299$) and 600GB (329$). They are both 10 000rpm drives and improvements for last generation are 32MB cache instead of 16MB, SATA 6Gb/s, 0.4ms seek time (was 0.75ms) and transfer speed of 145MB per second (was 128MB/s). Platter size has also increased from 150GB to 200GB so they were able to keep the same form factor (3.5") and come up with larger capacities.
Still can't beat SSDs in speed but the price is five times cheaper per GB than in SSDs. Very detailed and massive article available in AnandTech (thanks Eidorian for letting me know about that site, love it!)
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Dec 13, 2010
alright so i bought a 2TB External Hard Drive and i was wondering if we could you the hard drive as your main hard drive like the Mac system files ect...? because my current one (250GB is kind of small) compared to the 2TB
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Dec 27, 2010
I received a WD My Book and the Apple Airport Extreme for Xmas. I connected the External HD to Airport so I could use it as a network drive for Time Machine and some extra storage. Everything works great, but the WD My Book has its own power supply and on/off switch. Is it okay if I never turn it off, or should I turn it off when I'm not using the extra storage?
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Aug 5, 2009
Does anyone know if the new Western digital scorpio blue drives - 750gb and 1tb.. fit in the Mac Mini? Or the Macbook pros come to that?
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Aug 12, 2009
Just recently got myself a Mac Pro with the standard 600GB HDD, I'm thinking of buying a 1TB drive to give myself some more space. I've decided on a Western Digital, 2 models actually and I need some suggestion in deciding which one.
- Western Digital Caviar Green 1TB
- Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB
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Aug 17, 2009
I bought a Western Digital MyBook 1TB external hard drive a while ago and it was working fine with my Powerbook G4 running Tiger. But when I wanted to have it connected to my Intel Mac Mini running Leopard it always has a few problems.
1. It randomly disconnects and the message for external hd not ejected properly.
2. When I try to copy a large file to it like a 500MB file it goes so slow and when it looks like it will finish I get the error code -36
3. After all the problems 1 and 2 it won't eject and when I try to unmount it from disk utility it says it can not be unmounted.
I have tried to reformat the drive for mac with the extended journaled and partitioning and erasing with boot disk procedures. Still nothing seems to work.
I don't know if this matters but I bought it at a Walmart and it wasn't mac formatted. Would I have to specifically buy a mac formatted external hd in order for it to work in leopard? Or can I some how format this to work properly on my computer. I also have an Iomega 120GB drive that I bought a few years ago from [URL] and it works flawlessly on both my PB and MM.
I just have a hard time believing that only certain hds will work for an intel mac running leopard. I thought all hds were the same and could be formatted to run on any system.
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Nov 11, 2009
I pulled up the information and it said i was only using 35GB and it said I only had 600 some MB available. I tried deleting a movie file from it and the available space amount did not change. I added the movie file back on to it and it took away even more space! I now only have 273 MB available on a hard drive that should contain much much more.
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Jan 1, 2010
i have a macbook pro running snow leopard. i have a western digital 1tb my book home edition. i have used it many times and had no problems. i have not used it in the last two weeks and when i tried to plug it in today, it looked okay at the beginning, lights were blinking and the drive was spinning but it didn't mount. it wasn't recognized and so i unplugged to try again. now...when it is plugged in to the wall, the light blinks about once per second but the drive doesn't turn on or spin. when i plug it via firewire into my computer the light turns off and the drive continues to stay off. as far as I know, the drive was not dropped or damaged or removed improperly (with the possible exception of what I just did). because it is not on, it will not show up in disk utility either.
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Feb 13, 2010
I recently upgraded my macbook pro 2.16 to a western digital scorpio (WD3200BEVT). The first day I did not notice the noise at all.. Now it seems to have a clicking noise every 5-10 seconds. I also have a kernal panic today which is the first in 2 years..
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Feb 16, 2010
So here's the deal. I got a new WD Passport Essential + Smartware (the new one) as it was on sale. So I partitioned it with GUID map gave a nice Mac OS Extended Journaled partition then I made a FAT partition, went to my cousins PC and Ubuntuized the FAT partition with Unetbootin. I couldn't test it there because I went in a rush. Got home and tried to boot it. And of course while pressing alt it didn't recognize it. Did a little searching and supposedly Western Digital drives don't work well with PPC macs when it comes to booting. I can't test it with a LiveCD or a Windows machine. I would say it was because of the PPC issue but this is an intel mac.
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Sep 17, 2008
I have a 17" flat screen imac from 2003. I just bought a western digital external hard drive and it says it will work with os x 10.3+. I have os x 10.2.8 and it does not seem to work with my system (because I don't have os x 10.3 I guess) Do I need to return this and buy something else? if yes, what? Or can I make this work a different way because I am out of room!
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Apr 21, 2012
I used to be able to swap my Western Digital external hard drive between my PC and my Mac Book (Snow Leopard) and now with Lion I lost it, have to use iTunes on a PC to sync music to my iPhone !Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Dec 16, 2007
I have Western Digital My Book Pro II 2TB hard drive connected through FireWire 800 or 400 cable. The problem is that it shuts itself off unexpectedly all the time. Sometimes right after I turn it on, sometimes after 30 minutes. After turning it back everything seems to be fine, no loss of data. Anyone else experienced the same problem and can suggest how to fix it?
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Jan 3, 2011
I have a question about using an external USB hard drive. Currently I have a 1TB Western Digital "MyBook" attached to my 21.5" iMac. I am currently (and have been since I picked up this external drive) experiencing slow speeds on the drive. The slow speeds are primarily noticeable when (a) the drive has not been used for x minutes and needs to spin up, and (b) when I attempt to play music via iTunes or video via VLC directly from the USB drive. I've been copying the media to play from the USB drive to the iMac and playing it thus. Any ideas why the slow speeds are happening? Could there be a compatibility problem (i.e., USB HD is USB 1.x whereas iMac is USB 2?) or an incorrect setting (causing the slow access time for the HD?) Also any suggestions for upgrading the drive (SSD, FW)?
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Mar 9, 2008
I'm looking to increase my internal storage, and right now I'm potentially looking at buying a 2.5" external drive, and then taking out the 60 gigs in my macbook now and doing a switch. While I'd love to have two drives of equal capacities for time machine, the funds just aren't there right now. Anyway, I was looking at this drive: WD 160gb Passport Am I able to take this apart and put my current 60gb drive in it? And then use the 160gb for an internal? Or would it make more sense to buy an internal drive and an external enclosure. Also, should I instead get the Seagate drive, which is the same price, 40 less gbs, but a 5 year warranty. How likely are these things to break? Also, how does one go about switching the drives? I know the physical aspect of it, but how do I make sure OS X runs the same? I have a time machine backup right now, am I able to use that for a complete restore?
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Mar 14, 2009
I bought my 13inch unibody mac about a month ago and i dont want to save all my media files to the internal hard drive and crash it like i've done my last couple of computers so i bought an external hard drive. It came up as time capsule and backs up perfectly but I just want to know now that i have the hard drive how do i save directly to it and not on the internal hard drive.
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Apr 3, 2009
A few days ago the hard drive was working fine, but now it won't connect at all. I've tried using different usb cords and different usb ports. I plugged it up to my roommates MacBook and it connected. Then I tried it again a few minutes later on his MacBook and now it doesn't connect to that either. Is there anything else I can try to get it to connect?
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Oct 28, 2009
I have a 500gb WD MyBook external hard drive... I only have about 150 gigs on it, but it tells me that there are only 113 gigs left, which I have figured out is because it does not seem to actually free up space when I delete files from it. So, essentially, every time I add a file, the space that that file fills is filled permanently, even if I later delete the file. The only solution I've been able to find from browsing forums and googling is to partition my hard drive as Mac OS X Journaled (extended), but it is already partition thus. I don't have the space on my internal hard drive to move everything onto it while I completely reformat the external.
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Mar 25, 2010
I purchased a WD My Book Home edition. Followed instructions and correctly formatted for Mac.
Firstly *(and it now seems a fluke) on power up it switched on and appeared but ever since then, light does come on when I put the main power on but it wont show/mount on the desktop, unless I switch off the drive and back on again and even then it may not power up unless I unplug the power cable.
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Mar 8, 2008
I have a macbook 2.16ghz bought in June 07. Im wanting to buy a western digital 320gb external drive, which is supposed to be powered by the usb port. I read somewhere it takes 600 MA to power it, and someone said it took 1000MA to power it. In system profiler it says my macbook's usb supports 500MA, which really surprised me since its a pretty new computer. My question is if anyone has a 320gb passport drive on the same generation macbook i have that works. Or if you need a y cable to do it.
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