I got the hard drive and need to back it up. the problem I have is, I only have a windows pc. and of course i cant see the hard drive on windows. Is it possible to view and backup the hard drive on a live cd (linux).
I recently installed a new 250 GB hard drive in my 800MHZ emac. I did a nice clean install of 10.4 on it and all was going well. The problem is that it randomly freezes after about 10 or 20 minutes. Mouse locks up, keyboard doesn't work.I tried pinging it from another computer and there was no response. I hold the power button in to shut it down and when it reboots it works fine for a while and then freezes again. I checked the console and it had this:
Mac OS X Version 10.4 (Build 8A428) 2006-02-10 20:36:25 -0500 2006-02-10 20:36:26.072 loginwindow[84] FSResolveAliasWithMountFlags returned err = -1407
I ran the disk utilty checks and they come up clean. I have tried reinstalling os x with no luck.
I have tried to migrate hardrive content from the emac to our imac with no luck. We still need to get eveything off the emac. What is the best way to do this? Take the hard drive out and then what?
We have a macbook in the same situation if you can answer that one too.
I have a 13" Macbook Pro with only 160GB of internal hard-drive space. I have an external hard-drive that backs everything up, but before I work on getting a better hard-drive for inside my MacBook Pro, I want to make sure of a couple things:
1. When I start up my MacBook Pro after the "procedure" it will put everything back to exactly how it is, right? Like, to the point where it doesn't seem like there is a new hard-drive in it?
2. Will my iTunes account remain the exact same? I don't lose all of my music, do I?
3. About how long will it take to reinstall everything?
I've been looking into this a lot the passed few days, but there are a few answers I just can't find.
First of all, I know how to physically take apart my mac and put the new hard drive in. I have the new hard drive, and the tools I need.
The method I chose (before I looked into how to xfer data using macs) was to use time machine to make a backup of my entire hard drive on an external, which I did successfully.
However, before I take apart my mac and instal the new hard drive, there are a few things I want to be clear on, and I can't find the answers to.
Will I need the leopard OS disc for the new hard drive? Or does time capsule back up the OS as well, and give me some sort of prompt (doubtful)?
I have the pre late 2008 macbook pro, and it came with leopard. I haven't upgraded for several reasons I won't get into. My question now is, should I have the leopard OS disc? SHouldn't something like that have come with my mac? I ask because I feel like I should have one, but I don't remember getting one and can't find it anywhere. I always keep things like that.
And lastly, if I don't have the leopard OS disc, what do you think is the cheapest way for me to back up and xfer my data?
I have external hard drives, my new hard drive, and my old hard drive. Would it be cheaper for me to buy one of those things that directly xfers the data from one internal drive to another, or to buy another leopard disc? Is there a way I can just order the leopard disc I should have already for cheaper?
I have an external drive that is the same size as the internal drive in my mbp. I have bootcamp partition. How do I back up both partitions onto my external drive?
Im using a macbook pro 13" retina, running yosemite 10 10.
I use a 1Tb ext hard drive for storage, rather than the macs internal storage, I am thinking of using a 2Tb ext drive for back up. When I back up will the attached 1Tb ext drive be backed up at the same time?
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10)
I have an external hard drive hooked up to my airport extreme. I have approximately 5-6 Gbs on it and it is for shared office files. I would like to be able to automatically back this data up off site. I can't seem to be able to do it with mobile me, and I don't want to have to unplugged it and take it off site to back up. Mobile me would have been great.
I have a question that I should probably know the answer to, but I don't. I have a Western Digital My Book on the way and I am going to back everything on my Macbook up on there so I can do an archive and install.
Is it possible to put applications like Mac:Office 2008 on the hard drive so that I don't have to install it again, or can you only back up certain files on externals? I am not very familiar with backing up data.
In case my computer is stolen again, I need to back-up /duplicate my hard drive. Any recommendations for best/proven products? Looking at Seagate Free Agent but unsure of software unless it comes with it.
Can anyone tell me how to tell Time Machine how to find an external hard drive (that is attached to myiMac) that I'd like to back up? If recoginizes it in a window for selecting a drive to back up to, but I can't seem to find any window to tell it what drives I want backed up. It backs up the internal hard drive on the iMac.
Our office is using our Airport Extreme Hard Drive to share our company folders and documents. The entire file size is about 5 GB. What would be the best way to back up this Airport Extreme Hard Drive to an outside location?
Does anyone know of an application that will let me back up sync certain folders on my computer to my external hard drive. Because I use two different computers (iBook and a thinkpad(Windows)) I need to keep them both the same (Documents wise) So, I have an external hard drive. Which I would like to be able to sync certain folders on my ibook to my hard drive. I am running iBook G4 Mac OS X 10.4.11.
I have a 250 GB disk in my MacBook Pro, and I would like to buy a bigger one (500 GB, probably). In my previous experience from the Windows environment, there was an application called Norton Ghost, in which you could easily clone the disk, and when the cloned one was inserted into your PC, the OS could not tell the difference. Is there something similar for the Mac OS X, so that I can replicate my hard drive and thus install the new one in my Macbook without any hassle? I know that Time Machine is a possibility, but after restoring my system through TM once, I found out that after the restore there were some minor additional steps that had to be taken; however, the cloning technique means that you plug your disk and you are ready to go, so this is what I am looking for. I have one more additional question: I currently use a 500 GB external firewire disk for Time Machine. Will its size be sufficient for backing up the new 500 GB drive?
I recently converted over to a Macbook Pro from PC and had all of my PC data saved to an external Hard Drive. I can retreive the data fine, but I can't save anything to the Hard Drive. I have plenty of room on my Macbook, but old habits are hard to break and I like to back everything up at least once a week.
I do not want to reformat my External Hard drive as there is ALOT of information on there that would be lost. So, how can I copy things over there, or drag them over to the External? When I try, it gives me the circle with the line through it.
And if you have time, tell me about Time Machine. I am interested, but it seems like alot of work, because I would have to copy everything off the hard drive, let Time Machine reformat it, and then copy it back. Seems VERY time consuming.
External hard drive is 2TB and has approximately 90GB on it.
I have a macbook and I'm having trouble backing up my pictures on an external hard drive. The Macbook won't install the backup drive soft ware? It is a new Seagate hard drive from costco.
G4 eMac 1.25, OS 10.4.11 What maximum capacity of internal hard drive can I put inside my eMac? 250 Gb drives (in NZ) are selling for under 40c/Gb, and I definitely need to increase the hard drive size in the eMac.
The present installed HD in the eMac is a Seagate Barracuda ST340015A, manuf. 2003 Capacity: 37.27 GB Model:ST340015A Revision: 3.01 Serial Number:5LACNJ0R Its spindle speed is 5800 rpm, whereas most modern drives are 7200 (or faster). Will that affect any proposed hard drive change?
eMac details: Machine Name: eMac Machine Model: PowerMac6,4 CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (1.1) CPU Speed: 1.25 GHz L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB Memory:768 MB Bus Speed: 167 MHz Boot ROM Version: 4.8.2f1
I have a regular USB keyboard, not a mac one, so is there a button I can press to open my CD drive? I clicked F1-12 and nothing. Airport extreme card - Ive been reading posts on forums about the eMac and they said the regular Airport card isn't made anymore but the extreme is. Naturally, I was hoping my mac would require the latter so I could easily run out and buy one at an apple store. Unfortunately I found out they don't make the airport extreme anymore either. It's available on amazon and ebay, I know. BUT....does anyone know anything else I can use besides the airport extreme? I want to get hooked up to the internet before Monday so I can use AIM in my room and do some work over the weekend. Anything that I could find at Best Buy or some other store? Or even any alternative ways of getting the internet to work wirelessly (even just temporarily while I wait for the card to come in)? I've been googling a lot but google always want to change my "emac" to "imac" .
CD Drive - I have a regular USB keyboard, not a mac one, so is there a button I can press to open my CD drive? I clicked F1-12 and nothing.
Airport extreme card - I've been reading posts on forums about the eMac and they said the regular Airport card isn't made anymore but the extreme is. Naturally, I was hoping my mac would require the latter so I could easily run out and buy one at an apple store. Unfortunately I found out they don't make the airport extreme anymore either. It's available on amazon and ebay, I know.
My PowerBook G4 (Alum) died. I've had it for 4 years, taken it with me to Alaska and all over the lower 48, and have had nothing but happy experiences. I knew she was gonna go, but I was hoping she'd hold on until I could afford a MacBook. Alas, no. The problem appears to be the ability of the logic board to communicate with the hard drive. I can hear the HD spin, but even with Disk Warrior, I cannot locate it. The Mac Geniuses at my local Apple store confirmed this and gave me a shoulder to cry on. I've run Disk Warrior, Disk Utility, and tried finding it using the target disk mode - no luck.
The problem is that I've got 4 years of teaching materials, 6000 songs, and irreplaceable pictures on the HD, so I can't bring myself to just trash it. It's true that you only fail to back up you stuff once. This is my once. I've heard that with PC hard drives, you can just drop the old HD into a USB HD box and use it as an external HD. I can't afford professional data retrevial, and I want to give this option a try if it'll work with a Mac HD. Any ideas or suggestions?
i just installed a new 2nd, (750 gb) hard drive into my g5 because my first 250gb is nearly full. I'm trying to launch logic but the file is way to big. It wont let me install this program from my new, second hard drive because the message i get is that it supposed to launch from the primary or running hard drive. Can anyone tell me how i can make my second hard drive my new primary hard drive? I got the .dmg for my leapord osx. but not the originals anymore. can anybody help me with this. i'm pretty sure it's simple, i just don't know how to do this.
I have an iMac G4 with a failed HD. I know this because it boots from my external drive. Does anyone know where I can find the Hard drive part # and a take-apart guide?
My friend gave me his old Apple cube G4 + 15" Cinema display in like 1000 pieces. Its completely teared apart. I tried a lot, but it doesn't work. The original IDE cable wasn't included, so I bought one for 2 cents. It should work or not? Maybe the powersupply. I'm not sure. I don't believe actually that the hardware itself, like the motherboard is broken. When everything is into place and I connect the cube to the powersupply it boots immediately. I don't have to do anything. Harddrive spins and the superdrive makes some noise as well. This repeats itself every 5 seconds. The screen is connected and gets power through DVI, but no display. Both the cube and display have touch enabled buttons to switch it on, but they do not respond (I guess).. Motherboard gives 2 light. DS1 is green, DS2 is red.
I want to put my old 15" PowerBook hard drive into an external case. I pulled the hard drive out of the PowerBook. And I purchased a NexStar CS 2.5" SATA to USB 2.0 external case. But the connections don't match. What do I need to do? Do I need to buy some sort of adaptor? Hard drive is a Hitachi 120GB 5400RPM (model # HTS541612J9AT00) 2.5" Sorry, these photos are blurry as hell. Picture of hard drive pins:
Pins are in the following configuration (1's represent pins):...............
I have a 1.25 ghz eMac with 1 512 stick currently in. What's the max amount of ram that I can put in? And, do I have to look for anything else except for "DDR SDRAM?" Do I need a certain PC number?