PowerPC :: Nothing Blew / Popped - Mouse And Stuff Not Lit Up?
Feb 4, 2007
just 20 minutes ago my montior on the g3 was running fine and I left it go i come back to it and wake it no Screen nothing blew or popped is there is reset button also then agian something else happend my mouse and stuff isnt lit up either hard drive? all was working fine until know
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May 14, 2009
So, I have the latest 2.5 G5 quad.
The power supply recently blew on it so I had the local Apple shop replace it. I brought her back home and powered her up for the first time and the fans are on full blast the whole time.
Usually the fans would be on high during start up and while shutting down...but they would ALWAYS slow down when OS X is loaded. Now they are on high all the time.
specs: 2.5 quad, 6.5 gb RAM, 2x 500gb HDD's, GeForce 7800GT, 10.5.6 (I know 10.5.7 is out...I'm installing it tonight, as it took over an hour to install on my iMac's)
I know I can just take it back to the tech, but if I can fix it with a simple setting then I'd like to try that first.
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May 6, 2008
My K key on my labtop popped off last night and I can't get it back on. Does anyone know how to pop it back on or if it's broken where I can buy a replacement key?
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Mar 4, 2009
Is it bad for Macs to leave them on a long time when you're not using it?
My nephew once told me he puts his PC off when he goes to school for example, because it would be better for his pc.
Does this count for...
- My PowerBook, running on cable (not battery, whatever)?
- My (to buy) 24'' iMac?
Reason is I sometimes want to leave my stuff on to upload or download stuff...
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Oct 13, 2010
Harddrive blew on my macbook and its out of warranty. Can I just buy a harddrive and install it and put in the Mac OSX installation CD and it will be ok. Or is there something fancy formatting i would have to do before installing.
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Jun 1, 2012
I think I blew up my MobileMe. I had recently moved my Mac over to Lion, so was ready to make the switch from Me to iCloud. I found the process somewhat confusing over the course of things (which took place in stages over several weeks). Somehow I ended up with two AppleIDs. Fortunately, all my purchases were with the old, main one. But when I moved to iCloud, it moved it with the new one. I ended up deleting the iCloud new accound off my iPhone and iPad and reinstating the original ID there. But probably lost all that was in my Me account (I think a couple of photos and some files that were on the iDisk). I'm mostly posting this so others will possibly check their accounts before making the move to iCloud. Others might not be so lucky to not lose anything important in this switch.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 24, 2012
I have a keyboard key that popped out, could someone help to tell or show me how to put it back on?
MacBook Pro
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Jun 6, 2010
So I basically just opened my MacBook Pro from when it was charging and the Caps Lock key randomly popped off. It's a brand new i5 15'' HR AG model, really no excuse for that to happen. The closest Apple Store is about 40 miles away, so if you can tell me how to put the Caps Lock key back on myself I would really appreciate it. I tried just putting the bars through the circles and pressing down and it just falls back off immediately, doesn't click on.
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Mar 26, 2012
The left arrow key camne off my aluminium keyboard this evening and I can't seem to get it back in place. There are a couple of plastic 'scissors' under it, the larger one appears to have a pin on the end of each leg but one pin seems to be missing.
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Apr 9, 2012
has this happened to anyone. I left it plugged in over a weekend as I always do and when i opened it the keyboard had popped up on the left sde under the qwertasdf keys. like a hard drive popped a cork. has this happened to anyone else?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 29, 2014
"Warning your computer may infected" on a new tab popped up, and just recently Ive been having many popup tabs with random things on them. When I tried to exit the Warning page, I got the warning that I may have two trojans on my computer.
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Apr 1, 2012
I don't understand how it happened, but a school I work with has had the SUS rip through 80Gig in a few days (Snow Leopard Server 10.6.8). Same as with my home server (Lion Server 10.7.3).
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Jul 13, 2010
I know that there are most likely a lot of these threads around, but I feel like I've tried about everything. This all happened this morning when I was about to open my itunes. It wouldn't open, instead an error popped up saying that it quit unexpectedly.
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May 27, 2009
I got an eMac (short for educational Mac) from a friend. Anyway, I wanted to try to get some function out of it seeing as I'm a Linux guy and a windows guy, Apple is something new to play with.My mouse no longer works with the Mac and I don't know why and for the life of me with all my experience with Win. and Linux I can't fix it. I have two that I've tried, both of them were Microsoft mouses that had worked previously but then one day they stopped. I can move around with the keyboard but the mouse is a no go. Does anyone know what I might have done to screw up a perfectly functioning mouse? I know they are connected correctly because when I plug it into the USB port the laser light comes on, problem is the cursor in the screen doesn't move.
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Sep 10, 2010
This is sort of a double post, but since this problem is way down in the original thread and pretty much a different problem (with no replies) I figured it might be worth a new post.
On this 1.25ghz Tiger emac we picked up, the OS loads, and everything seems to work for a minute of so, but then the mouse stops working.
Actually the pointer still works, but I can't click anything, almost like the desktop is frozen. This does have a swollen capacitor, so I'm, not sure if that's the problem or if I just need to reload to OS.
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Nov 18, 2007
I installed a USB wireless adapter driver into my G4 with OS9.2.2 and since then the mouse, keyboard & drawing pad don't work. Has anyone had this problem and had success in fixing it without spending a fortune?
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May 17, 2008
I have a G4 iBook with a 1.07 MHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 60GB HD running Leopard OS X 5.2.
It has been running like a charm, and suddenly, the screen image starts moveing with the mouse - the desktop, all open windows, websites, everything.
You can drag it to one side or the other, and still open and close applications, use them, use the web, send and received emails - everything, but the screen moves around with the mouse, and it is driving me crazy!
I have tried resetting all the settings - Power, Display, Appearance, etc.
I have reinstalled OS X 5.2
I have run Disk Warrior and got some errors:
"User differs on "Applications/ical.app/Contents/MacOS, should be 0, user is 502", and then several similar error messages regarding "Resources", always with "should be 0, user is 502"
In Macintosh HD/Users/oBookg4/Library/Preferences/ , Disk Warrior detected that "the Property List data is damaged and cannot be repaired"
"XML parser error:
Unexpected character at line 1"
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Sep 3, 2009
When the computer goes to sleep, either on its own or if i tell it to, when i wake it up, it does not recognize my mouse or keyboard. The goofy thing is, the mouse will wake it, but it still does not appear to have any input into the machine once OS X is up and running again.
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Dec 30, 2009
I have a PowerMac G5 2.0Ghz Dual Processor system that I m using with the newer slim Apple Keyboard and Apple Optical mouse. When I try to "wake" the G5 from sleep with either the mouse or keyboard, it wakes up, and simply goes back into sleep mode, however, if I "wake" the G5 from the power button it remains awake.
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Nov 12, 2010
I have a dual 1.8. What are my options on wireless mouse and keyboard.
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May 17, 2006
I have a Logitech Mediaplay Mouse that will not work on my iBook: it reads the receiver, but nothing about the mouse works. At first I thought it was because it must use a non-standard driver (and OS X isn't officially supported in the documentation), but after a little experimentation I've found that it works perfectly on my Cube (running Panther), my dad's Powerbook G4 (Tiger), my brother's Sawtooth G4 (Tiger), and every PC I have. My dad and brother don't use USB Overdrive, but the mouse worked perfectly with USB Overdrive on my Cube and it doesn't work on my iBook whether USB Overdrive is installed or not. I have never had any problems with peripherals and my iBook before. I love this mouse, so someone please help me figure how to make it work!
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Aug 3, 2008
I have a 12" PowerBook G4 (the very last revision in 2006) and I've never had issues with the bluetooth before (although I've only ever used it to move a few pictures from my phone to my laptop occasionally). This week, I bought a wireless mighty mouse and connected it no problem. Yesterday was the first day I used it and it worked like a champ all day. Today, I was using it and in the middle of moving it around, it just stopped responding. My trackpad still works fine, but the cursor stops moving with the mouse, the clicker doesn't work, etc. When I turn the mouse off for a minute and then turn it back on, it works for a few minutes and then quits again. The first thing I tried was to swap batteries, but that didn't help. Neither did a restart.
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Mar 31, 2009
The apple keyboard and mouse have stopped working altogether on my powerbook. They were working just minutes ago. Restart did nothing. Ideas?
Both USB slots are working.
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Dec 17, 2007
Im looking for any directions on a mod that will enable my pb to act like a Mac Book Pro with the two finger trackpad ctrl click function. Or an actual second button hardware Mod.
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Dec 16, 2008
I'm having some more issues with my cousin's iBook I'm trying to fix.First of all, it's running on Panther (10.3.9)So here are both my problems:- Here and there, the laptop makes this loud buzzing noise... it's like you are holding down the enter key somewhere you can't enter anything. It's not a GSM buzz or anything, but I don't know how to get rid of it. I've tried doing a couple of things, but it hasn't worked. Any ideas?- Secondly, I'm having some trouble with the mouse often. (I unchecked ignore accidental trackpad click).
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Sep 17, 2009
My friend just got a 1.25GHz MDD but he says he is having problems with it. He says that when he starts it up, his mouse light (sensor) flickers and the keyboard does not work. The only way to fix this is to unplug and replug in the peripherals. He also tried on his Studio Display connected via ADC and the same thing happens. Could a PCI USB card help his problems or is there some way to fix the current USB ports?
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Mar 19, 2009
I was trying to change the theme and I got magnifique and crystal clear not sure witch it is but I cant see the stuff like safari for example I cant see the file, edit, view, history, bookmarks, window, and help things but there there like I can click on theme and the thing will open
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Jul 24, 2009
a quick thing, i am running Safari 4.0.1 and have the history setting set to keep all for a month. However, when i go back into the history folder library/caches/metadata/safari/history, it only goes back 6 days.Unfortunately, i really need to get stuff on that 7th day and i can't seem to find it. Does anyone know how i can get it?
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Oct 27, 2009
i finally did it and bought a new MBP...now is there an easy way to transfer my itunes, photos and movies to the new computer? The guy at the store sold me a firewire cable with an adapter so my old Mac (the "pixar" iMac from about 7 to 8 years ago) with its 400 firewire speed could then be connected to the MBP...but I am scared... I would like to keep everything on the old machine for now and just copy them over...
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Apr 27, 2010
I ran into a huge problem today, it seems, and I'm hoping someone here can offer some help. Just for starters, I have a 13" MBP with Snow Leopard. So I tried logging onto my account just now, but accidentally clicked the guest one. In order to somehow undo that, I stupidly hit esc and then command+z repeatedly a few times. It brought me back to the login page, where I logged into my account, but when I did ALL OF MY STUFF was gone--files, pictures, music, folders, documents, etc.--and it was back to all the default settings. I looked through all the folders and everything is GONE. I tried restarting with no luck. I logged into the guest account too and that's also default (as per usual though). Does anyone have any idea how I managed this? Is there a way to fix it and get my stuff back? I'm freaking out because everything I ever needed is (was?) on my mac.
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