Power Mac :: Get Rid Of The Spinning Rainbow?

May 16, 2012

How do I get rid of the spinning rainbow- my computer is soooo SLOW!

Mac Pro

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OS X :: Cause Of Spinning Rainbow

Feb 2, 2009

Just curious as to what the spinning rainbow is caused by. It's been happening more frequently lately and basically I'm locked up while the spinning rainbow is displayed.

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Spinning Rainbow And Hanging With New HDD

Dec 7, 2010

This is the second time I installed a new toshiba 1tb hdd on my macbook pro unibody and after some use I get the spinning rainbow and lots of hanging and do some checks with drive genius and it told me again I had bad blocks on the HDD. When I first installed I tried checking for bad sectors and nothing appeared but now that I used the laptop they appeared.

Now tell me what I am doing wrong because this is the second time it happens with the same brand ,model and capacity of HDD.
1. I format the drive to mac
2. Install mac on the hdd running with an external hdd enclosure
3. Restore my data with carbon copy cloner to the new drive
4. Install on the Macbook physically
5. Run checks for verification of smart disc and permissions fixes.
6. Update OS if needed

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OS X :: Spinning Rainbow Wheel Of Death

Dec 30, 2005

Why my safari freezing on me daily? I am often opening new tabs and viewing 4 or 5 pages at once, and while they are loading it seems to be stuck on the annoying spinning rainbow wheel, ultimately leading me to end the program for not responding.

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OS X :: Keep Getting Spinning Rainbow Wheel On MacBook Pro

Aug 6, 2010

I have a brand new macbook pro, and whenever I use itunes, iphoto or firefox. I get the spinning "wheel of doom" about every ten minutes. It only lasts about 30 seconds, but happens even when I only have one application open.

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OS X :: Site Freezes With Little Rainbow Pinwheel Spinning?

Sep 13, 2009

I have 512 mb of RAM on my ibook G4. Lately something is eating it up. I looked on the Activity Monitor and couldn't see anything different. Now when I open more than one page on a website, the RAM goes down to about 29 mb. and then the site freezes with the little rainbow pinwheel spinning. I can't get it to stop with the Apple/period technique.

Also, I have over 3 gigs of virtual memory but it's looks like it's not being tapped into so that I don't run out of RAM.

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Applications :: Firefox 3 And Rainbow Spinning Pinwheel

Jul 4, 2008

Ever since upgrading to Firefox 3 on both my Mac Pro and my Mac Book Pro I am repeatedly getting a rainbow spinning pinwheel. Firefox will work for 2-5 minutes and then I get the rainbow spinning pinwheel for about a minute then Firefox will work for 2-5 minutes then the spinning wheel again. This is how its been since I upgraded to Firefox 3. I never had this problem with Firefox 2. This is very frustrating because Firefox is my preferred browser.

The extensions I have installed are:
AdBlock Plus
Foxmarks Bookmark Synchronizer
Tab Mix Plus
PDF Download

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Intel Mac :: Stop Spinning Rainbow In Imovie?

May 11, 2012

how to stop the spinning rainbow in imovie

Info:iMovie '08, iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook Air :: Stuck At Login Screen With Spinning Rainbow Wheel

Dec 11, 2014

I have tried to login but it is stuck loading and shows the spinning rainbow wheel and hasnt moved changed in a while what do I do??

MacBook Air

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Applications :: FCP 6.06 Dropped Frames And Spinning Rainbow Wheel While Importing / Sort This?

Oct 5, 2010

I am using FCP 6.06, I imported video from two different video camcorders: Canon GL-2 mini-dv and a Sony Digital 8 TRV340. Importing from both of these cameras went pretty well, i had some dropped frames while importing, nonetheless it went pretty well. However, when i drop any of the footage into the timeline and I press play, it will play for a few seconds, hang up (spinning wheel) and then gives me a window that says: RT extreme has determined that these were caused by slow disks, please try: Increasing the speed of your disks, Decreasing the number of RT layers, Limiting your RT bandwith. AS of now i currently use a 1 TB Western Digital "My Book" for my scratch disk. I have tried everything I can think of and I am working on a Wedding video.

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Intel Mac :: Freezes And A Spinning Rainbow Colored Ball Spins On The Desktop?

Mar 26, 2012

My iMac freeses and a spinning rainbow colored ball spins on the desktop.  What can I do to prevent this?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Power Mac G5 :: Hard Drive Constantly Spinning

Oct 19, 2007

I've had my G5 for a couple years. I keep it under my desk, so I don't hear much from it, but I have noticed that the hard drive is constantly spinning. It's been doing it for as long as I can remember. Any ideas why, and whether I should expect a failure because of it?

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Power Mac G5 :: Won't Boot Past Gray Screen With Spinning Gear

Nov 23, 2007

I started this topic on the Garage Band forum because I was having trouble with Garage Band '08 when my computer crashed and will not restart afterwards. Garage Band was crashing 2 out of every 3 attempts at recording, and I would have to use Force Quit to escape and start over. Then, while I was in the middle of a very complex project involving Garage Band, iTunes, Finale (music notation program), and Microsoft Word, the computer froze up and I hit restart, thinking that would solve the problem. Big mistake - the computer has not been able to restart since then. I have a late 2005 G5 power mac with 1 GB of memory, 230 GB hard drive (or something like that) and no additional gizmos installed, running OS X 10.4.4. I had upgraded to iLife '08 a month or so ago and have had problems since with unusual crashes and freezes, especially involving Garage Band '08.

When I boot, I get to the gray opening screen with the gray apple logo and the spinning gear (is it really called an "intergalactic frisbee?"), and no further. The fans come on (and begin to ramp up to a huge noise after two minutes or so), the white LED light comes on steadily. I've disconnected all peripherals except my keyboard and mouse (Kensington USB keyboard and Logitech Mouse, both of which seem to work OK still). I can use the keyboard to open the CD/DVD player, and I can start the computer with both the Apple Installer disk and with Disk Warrior 4.0. I've repaired everything I can find with both programs, verified everything available, used Disk Warrior to examine corrupted files, and removed all the .plist files that it said were broken and could not be fixed. The only thing I can't find is that it says I am missing a "tmp" folder in my HD/private/ folder, which I can't seem to locate on the directory on Disk Warrior. Both programs say that all my hardware is fine, and that everything else is OK too. Puzzling. I removed the battery and tested it (it was OK), replaced it, and reset the PMU button on the motherboard even though I know all you have to do is unplug the back for a few minutes or so.............

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Power Mac G5 :: MacBook Pro - Tiger Won't Boot Past Grey Apple Screen W/ Spinning Gear

Nov 12, 2007

I have a 1.83 Ghz MBP with 512 mb of RAM (lame I know). The other day someone was using my computer to burn a CD on iTunes when all of my programs began failing. On instinct I rebooted my computer to solve the problem. Alas, now I cant boot past the grey apple screen, and the gear is spinning away. Saddest part of the story is that I had time set aside to back up my computer the day after this happened . Anyway what is the best thing to do from here? I haven't made any moves to fix it yet really, so what is the best thing that I can do to try and get my files back?

MacBook Pro
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
Grey Screen, Spinning Gear

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MacBook Pro :: When Press The Power Button, It Is Just Running On The Apple Logo Screen With The Spinning Gear

Apr 20, 2012

When I was working on my MBP last night I noticed the computer slowing down, then a sheer black wash went over the screen and a prompt saying I need to manually power off and then power on the computer with several different languages below.  When I did that the computer made the on sound, opened up to the apple logo in the center and the spinning gear below.  But its stuck there!  I can definitely hear the laptop running but it hasnt budged for the last 12 hours. 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.0.x)

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Intel Mac :: What Does The Whirling Rainbow Mean

Jun 3, 2012

I'm finding when I try to open an app, I see a whirling rainbow circle and it's very slow to load.  I've cleared my cache, etc.At this point, I'm not sure if this slow load is from my ISP provider or if my IMAC needs a tune up.   


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Software :: Rainbow Wheel And Mac Freezing

Jul 11, 2009

I got my mac the summer of 2007. Recently I have been having a problem with the rainbow wheel frequently coming up every few minutes. Sometimes it goes away and others I have to restart my computer completely. My computer has also been running slower lately than usual. I don't know if the 2 have any correlation with each other or not. I did the disk repair it utilities, and also the thing with running the test with the disk, and it didn't seem to help, maybe I didn't complete them or something, I'm not sure.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Keep Getting The Rainbow Wheel?

Mar 4, 2012

I'm using a Macbook Pro. I keep getting the rainbow wheel (2-3 times in 5 minutes) even using the simplest apps like safari or even just doing the the right-click. I have reformatted 2x and with a clean computer, I still get this problem. Sometimes the wheel goes away after about 15-30 seconds, sometimes my macbook pro just hangs and I have to manually reboot it. I have been to an authorized apple service center and they have told me there is no issue with the hard-disk, so I'm quite confused. I also noticed when I first got this issue, my spotlight was indexing. And when I finish reformatting it, it indexed again. But my primary problem lasted beyond this indexing. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Rainbow Wheel On All The Time?

Mar 25, 2012

have had issue with the iMac beeing too slow, rainbow wheels turning, keyboard and mouse unresponsive, have to hard reboot computer.  Problem started some time ago, cannot empty wast basket.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.3.x)

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Spiny Rainbow And Now Computer Frozen

Nov 22, 2010

I have a 2006 MBP (that may or may not be the problem) that freezes when I do anything. It happened sort of gradually. First, I was just getting the spinny rainbow when I had too many windows open or something. Then, it started just happening just because, sometimes only a couple minutes after my last restart. Now, I can't even open certain programs with it crashing right away (Safari, iTunes, iChat, Software Update.)

Safari doesn't even really open, it bounces in the dock then just sits there without being highlighted, but makes my computer absolutely unresponsive. I am able to use firefox (which I'm using right now, this is my only computer), but it won't be before long that I see the spiny rainbow again.

Stuff I've done so far that hasn't worked: Reformatted
Took to 'genius bar' who could only tell me that I may need a new HD
Installed new HD

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PowerPC :: IMac G3 Crt Screen - Rainbow - Dimmed Out

Apr 11, 2010

I have an iMac G3. The specs are: 600 MHz G3 /Graphite 1 GB RAM 40 GB HDD CD-RW Mac os x tiger 10.4 Here are the 2 problems with the screen/ crt: The problem with the screen is that it's not as good, as it used to be. I have another g3 imac (450 MHz Sage) and my dad pointed out that the sage imac's display is much more sharper then my 600 mhz graphite. And i had a look at at it and my dad was right. Also their are lines going down the sides of my screen (which you can barely notice on the sage imac) is their a way to fix this? Also another problem i have with the screen is that I am seeing rainbow affects on the screen. I read online that the anti-glare film/coating is scratched (but thats with different crt monitors eg sony 21" etc) Is their a way to fix that as well?

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Software :: New MacBook Pro Freezing (Rainbow Ball)

Sep 4, 2009

I've recently purchased a 13in. Macbook Pro Unibody (July 2009; 1st time mac user). 2.26, 160GB, OSX 10.5.8. All software upgraded and running latest version. 98 GB free memory. Recently while watching movies using Quicktime or surfing via Safari, the mac would just freeze. A rainbow colored spinning ball would appear for 15-30 seconds and freeze the application and sometimes the entire system. I can still move the cursor but cannot click on any program. I've tried the disk utility and repairing permissions. (although after verifying the same list would show up.

Mostly permissions differ relating to quicktime. is this normal?) The freezing action would sometimes happen 5 - 10 times a day but on some days would not happen at all. The programs usually running are iMail, Safari, Excel, Finder, Transmission, iTunes. Do I have to limit open programs? Add more RAM or HD space? Could it be temperature related problem? Room temp is usually between 27 degrees Celsius to 37 degrees when I'm outside. (working now overseas in the Philippines) Is this a hardware problem? If software, any program I have to install.

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MacBook :: Turned On - Rainbow Wheel Pops Up And Won't Go Away

Apr 13, 2012

Whenever I start my mac the rainbow wheel pops up and it wont go away.


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MacBook Pro :: Looking At Some Files On A External Drive And Then Just Got The Rainbow Wheel?

May 18, 2010

Well I had my first lockup today... i was in finder looking at some files on a external drive and then i just got the rainbow wheel. i let it set there for about 15 minutes no luck, then i manually stopped finder. After that nothing seemed to work right until I rebooted.Oh well that the first one since I got the thing...... Windows would have locked up 10 times over by now.

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Software :: Rainbow Circle Comes Up And Spins In Middle Of Activity?

Jul 30, 2008

I thought it was msn or firefox at first, but now I am wondering if it's the computer. What it does is I am in the middle of anything really or doing nothing and the rainbow circle comes up and spins and I can't do anything besides restart. I have a G4 Tower, 768mb ram and using 10.4.11.

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Mac Mini :: The Little Rainbow Beach-ball Is Showing Up Instead Of The Cursor?

Apr 22, 2012

I just bought a new Mac Mini and instead of the arrow cursor showing up, that annoying rainbow ball thing is there to take its place .I am becoming so annoyed. My old Mac (which was an OS X) did the same thing, but after leaving it alone the rainbow beachball went away.

The only thing that I just recently downloaded was adobe flash player! The rainbow ball only comes up when I've spent a good half hour on the computer. But after it shows up, it never goes away. And since I just bought the Mac mini I dont know how to shut it down properly, so I just press the power button that is located on the back of the Mini, after I do that the little light in the front fades and comes back again and then fades. Is shuting the Mini down like that making the little rainbow ball appear?And just yesterday my friend (Who is not good with computers) Did something that made the window that I was on big. The window covered the whole screen and just froze there. So I just pressed the ESC button and everything went back to normal. Then after that the rainbow ball showed up.

Mac mini

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MacBook Pro :: How To Get Rid Of Rainbow Spinball Without Losing Unsaved Documents

May 20, 2012

I am doing an assignment that's due in for uni tomorrow and the Microsoft word document has frozen to that rainbow thing, and I cant force quit it as its not saved I was in the middle of it.

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MacBook Air :: Vintage (rainbow) Apple Logo On My Air (pictures & Review)?

May 27, 2009

I did this on my white MacBook last year, but that was A LOT of work due to removing the LCD display to apply the rainbow insert. This time www.icolours.ca offers transparent stickers that nearly fits over the Apple logo which makes it A LOT eaiser to apply. It looks GREAT and took no time to do. I ordered 3 stickers incase I screw it up, but I didn't. I use a Speck case to protect the Air and keeps it looking NEW, I recommend it to everyone. I did it at my desk at work. The pictures are taken with my iPhone.

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MacBook Air :: Computer Is Slow To Load And Keeps Giving Me Rainbow Wheel

Apr 2, 2012

My computer is slow to load and it keeps giving me the rainbow wheel

Info:MacBook Air

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MacBook Pro :: When Open It (in Sleep Mode) See Rainbow On Black Screen?

Jun 3, 2012

When I open MacBook Pro (in sleep mode) I see rainbow on black screen. I have to keep the power button. I have this problem only when I open (after closing) my MBP. It started after an upgrade HHD to SSD (OCZ Agility 4). SMC reset did not help. I have MBP 13 late 2011 i5 2,4. Mac OS X 10.7.4.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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