OS X V10.7 Lion :: Play Video AVI Files On Quick Player?
Jun 8, 2012I just updated my MacBook Pro with OS X Snow Leopard. How can I play my video AVI files on Quick player?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I just updated my MacBook Pro with OS X Snow Leopard. How can I play my video AVI files on Quick player?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
We are using quick time player plugin and embedded it in the html. We are trying the play the streaming video URL in the quick time player plugin using Safari 5.1 It is working fine with Firefox, IE and even safari 5.0. Able to play the stand alone video but not the streaming video URL.
Safari 5.1, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I don't get it, the new Quick Time Player does not open any video file...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was unable to play the file with my quick time player.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Is there a way to make another player as a default instead of Quick Time Player? It seems like the player doesn't support international dramas.
Info:Mac mini, 2011 iMac O.S.
My kids made a video, edited it in iMovie and burned it to a CD. When we put the cd into our macbook pro and play it through QT Player the video pauses and stutters and the audio is not synced up to the lips, and that's if and when the audio does come on. The CD is fine as it does play as it should on the pc desktop that we have. What are we doing wrong?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have Snow Leopard on my iMac, and I just downloaded the newest version of Flip4Mac ( today.
My previous version of flip4mac allowed me to play and skip through wmv movies in Quick Look, but this new version won't allow me to do that anymore.
The wmv movies still play fine in QuickTime and VLC Players (I added these applications to the preference pane for flip4mac as suggested by others), but they won't play properly in Quick Look.
Is there a way to fix this, or is the newest flip4mac version not fully compatible with Snow Leopard yet?
how do i get quick time player on my mac?
View 2 Replies View RelatedEver since I installed Lion I have had a problem opening attachments to emails which are videos. Most of them I can open with VLC and a few with WMV Player, but none with Quick Time. If they are on my iPad or iPhone I can open them with VLC and send them to others. If they are on my Macbook Air I cannot send them because the email goes without the attachment.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just bought this iMac in January and I've already had issues with Lion. First it was facetime.... now, I inserted a dvd-r that I already burned which has video files on them. The good thing, at least Lion recognizes that a cd/dvd is in the drive, the bad thing is that the dvd is already burned yet it keeps saying that I inserted a blank disc... which I did not.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm wondering if anyone knows of a player I can use that will play *.mkv files. Upto now, I've used VLC Player but the video I have that I'm trying to play is a 40min file and its 7.5GB because its 1080p. When I play the movie, the error that comes up is that the computer is too slow.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy MacBook Pro is amazing and all but when I try to watch or open an .avi file it tells me this:Yes I did click on the "Tell Me More" button and downloaded the Dvix Plugin but after all the trouble of downloading everything the .avi files still don't play.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7.
Whenever I select multiple files (video and/or MP3) to be played with QuickTime, a different window is opened for each file.
Is there a way or another player where the files selected to be played consecutively are all opened and listed in one window and played consecutively?
MacBook Air
im new to mac. I am looking for a video program that will play video ts files that I played on my old vista laptop/
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been googling for and app that would let me convert real media files to format that would let me burn them to dvd and play on a dvd player and that can also be played in quicktime. A free app maybe?
View 2 Replies View RelatedQuick Look has stopped working for MP4 file types. If I rename to M4V, Quick Look shows previews and thumbnails in finder. I have run:
$ qlmanange -d 1 -t test.mp4
It reports:Content type UTI: public.mpeg-4. Generator used: None. If I tell it to use -c public.movie, it does show the preview. What do I need to do to get my Quick Look working again?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
How would I burn it to a DVD quickly so I can use it on my DVD player?
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhy won't my quick time player play an mp4?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
i had vlc as my default player for video files when i first installed it but then when i updated it to version 1.02 its not the default for any file. i know there is a way to make it the default player for individual file types, but i would like it to be the default for ALL video files. i have looked in the preferences but couldnt find anything. How can i do it
View 7 Replies View Relatedmy quicktime player won't play an SIC avi file. Do i need an upgrade?
i was experimenting with Quick Time Player and recorded my voice. How do I erase this test? How do I record to a CD Instead of the Hard Drive?
View 3 Replies View Relatedmy friend always sends me videos in WMA format.
is there a free play that i can download that plays this kind of format?
I have transferred some files from my a JVC Everio camcorder (full hd). The file type is .TOD, but I can play them when changed to .AVI. Anyway, the problem is - I can only play them without lag in windows media player. What is the problem? Am I missing a codec or something?
View 4 Replies View RelatedOnce in a while, a flv (flash) video I have download from the internet from sites like YouTube (using CosmoPod) will not play video when opened in QuickTime. The space for the video is there in the QuickTime window, but it is all black. Audio plays fine. This only happens for some flv files and I can open them all just fine with VLC and Adobe Media Player. Any idea why this is and/or how I can fix it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIve been having problems playing .avi and mp4 files. I try to open them in Quicktime, Realplayer and VLC. Every time the program closes unexpectedly after a few seconds without playing anything. VLC does the best by at least playing some sound for 5-10 seconds before closing. These files used to work fine only a matter of a week ago. I tried re-installing all 3 programs but with no luck, I tried re-installing codecs like perion, divx and xvid with no success. The only files that continue to play fine are mpg, flv and wmv. I have no idea whats going on.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I play wmv video files on my computer?
Just wondering if you can play MP4 video files on OSX without having to install or buy anything. I've had such a pain with my windows machine in trying to find codecs to play these files.
Just wondering if the Mac is also easier on this end too. I can't wait till Leopard because I'm jumping off this windows ship asap.
what happened to this quick look function?[URL] maybe i'm doing it wrong but i cannot seems to get the icon to play anything.
View 5 Replies View RelatedCould someone offer me any advice why Quick Time Player would not open after upgrading to Snow Leopard.
View 24 Replies View RelatedQuick Time player is not working and I can't see apple videos. What can I do?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)