OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Do Apps In Launchpad Keep Rearranging Themselves
Mar 17, 2012
I have a variety of apps in Launchpad and I have them arranged just how I like them but then I shut down my MacBook Pro at the end of the day and the next day my apps are in completely different locations. It is really quite annoying to have to rearrange them manually after I boot up my Mac.
I just received my iMac from FedEx today and got it all set up, but whenever I try to rearrange the icons on my dock, about 5-10 seconds later they just rearrange themselves randomly or sometimes go back to their previous location before I moved them myself.Â
I never had these problems with Snow Leopard on my last mac I found a suggestion to go to ~Library/Preferences and delete 'com.apple.preferences.plist' but I couldn't find it in that folder or anywhere on my local HD for that matter.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have two rows of installed apps packed in folders at the moment (and still so much space left on the first page), but Launchpad is putting every App I purchase over the MAS on a new (second) page. Is that a known issue? How can I fix this?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Mid-2010, Core i7, 15" Antiglare
It is called "how to remove app from launchpad" but actually talks about deleting the app by means of launchpad. So how these actions are actually done? I mean, there's a lot of apps I do not need in the launchpad - like small utilities I rarely use. Yes, i know I can arrange them into folders and move these to some pages of the launchpad, but still. If they write "remove from launch pad" there must be a way to do exactly that.
Can I customize the layout of Launchpad? I've deleted apps from my applications folder but they're still in Launchpad with an unsightly question mark icon. Is there a way to fix this?Â
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), Intel Core i7, 8 GB DDR3, 120 GB
I'm trying to remove some apps from launchpad. I can't find them in the applications folder or anywhere with finder. Tried dragging them to Trash but they just 'fly' back to the Launchpad.Â
For some reason I have two copies of each of the microsoft office apps in my Launchpad.How do I get rid of one without deleting the program? Using OSX Lion 10.7.4
When I open Launchpad I can't see the app icons, only the names. I am able to click the names and the apps will run. I can see the icons in finder, however. Also, keep in mind that my computer has virtually no storage left. Here's a screenshot:
Trying to install Google Earth, I wound up with 2 Google Earth icons in my Launchpad. Why is it so difficult to delete an icon from the Launchpad? I deleted Google Earth from my Applications but there still remains a Google Earth icon on my Launchpad. Why is everything on this Mac so difficult?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), I do not have iWork
I upgraded to CS6 yesterday and could install the programmes properly. Once I launchpad to start using the new Phptoshop though, I couldn't find it anywhere. I moved the app outside the CS6 subfolder and placed it into the actual apps folder. It didn't appear anyway and this way I wasn't able to launch the app neither.
I downloaded a couple of apps that I decided I didn't need, so I moved them to the trash. When these apps were downloaded and installed, their icons were added to Launchpad, but when I deleted the apps, the icons remained in Launchpad. These were not downloaded from the Mac App Store. Is there an easy way to get rid of the icons? It would seem that when an app is deleted, the respective icon should be removed at the same time.
Every time I restart my machine the first page of the icons on Launchpad moves around. There is no obvious pattern to this, just a general shuffling of the icons. Anyone identified a cause/solution for this?Â
I recently installed an application to my macbook pro. However when I installed it the uninstaller also shows in the launchpad. It is so unattractive and I was wondering how to get rid of it? Everytime I open lanchpad I see it. Dragging to the trash does not work, it only works if I want to uninstall it.
I'm running OS 10.7.3 When I first installed, I could rename folders (I know how to do this). Now, I can no longer change the folder names.Â
I searched these discussion topics and found some posts about quitting the Dock process and trashing Dock prefs. I've done all these but there's still no success.Â
For some reason a whole bunch of new icons showed up in my Launchpad all of a sudden. I haven't installed anything new that I know of, but I'm wondering if this happened after an Apple update. Here is a screencap: [URL]. What these little script icons are for? They do not exist on my other Macs.
I want to change the effect of the background of launchpad. I know it is somehow possible... But I don't know how again. I found some websites and they told me to press Command + B, but that does not work for me!Â
And if you know how: Is it also possible to change the folder background of Launchpad?
Just got my Mac. Know a lot about Windows, Mac OS is new. Installed Adobe CS6 Design/Web Premium and noticed that all applications are shown in the launch pad INCLUDING the uninstall applications. I want to remove those from the launch pad.