OS X V10.7 Lion :: Where Is The Services Folder In Library
May 5, 2012I used Terminal to make my Library folder appear, but there's no Services folder inside.
iMac 21.5 Core i3, Mac OS X (10.7.1), iPhone 4, iPad
I used Terminal to make my Library folder appear, but there's no Services folder inside.
iMac 21.5 Core i3, Mac OS X (10.7.1), iPhone 4, iPad
It appears that the Library folder that is in the Home Folder (e.g./Users/Home/Liberary)has been made invisible in OS 10.7.x. However I have seen it because after converting samples Logic showed me the folder and its contents. I would very much like to move the samples from their present location in this folder on the startup disk to the EXS 24 samples folder on the external RAID array that is dedicated to this purpose - - but I don't know how to make the Library folder visible.
Mac Pro (Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 24GB RAM/MOTU 2408 mk3 audio interface
I know it's under System/Library, but it's not there! I let my brother change some of my icons on my MBP, although he said he didn't change the Finder or Trash Can icons. Is there another way I could access the folder because now I'm just curious about where the heck it is!
Edit: NM, I found it by going through the hard drive file instead of actually using Finder...if that makes sense.
I followed the instructions, but now I do not see any calendars to sync or any mail accounts to sync in the Info section of iTunes.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
If you click on your mac HD icon and go into the 'users' folder. Ther eis an icon with a house. This is what I think is called the 'home' folder. Usually, there is a folder in the 'Home' folder called 'Library' and I cant seem to locate it. Where did it go?
iMac, iOS 5.0.1
I've been fooling around with Automator for a few hours trying to look for little ways it can handle my repetitive stuff. I've figured out some pretty neat tricks, but I also have a slew of unwanted folder actions and services in my context menus and for the life of my I can't figure out how to get rid of them. The folder actions are especially problematic since they mess with my files automatically. Googling it isn't turning up anything nor can I seem to find anything in Apple's help documents. Is this some kind of huge joke being played on me here or something? Has no one ever wanted to disable their automator tasks before or something?
View 4 Replies View Relatedon my Mac, using the Finder, on my folder, I don´t have the library folder as I should.I think it is strange.When I go to the time machine, the Library folder it is there, but the folder has not the same colour as the other folders (it is light grey) !!!!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm having trouble locating this folder. It's not under Users/(user name) folder. Is it hidden somewhere? Spotlight search also fails to pull it up.
iMac (20-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I just noticed that my Library folder is missing from my home folder. I have the one on my hard drive but not in the home folder. I did a search for it and cannot find it. I went into Time Machine and found it way back in November of 2011....it did not show up after that. It was about that time when I installed Lion...maybe in that process I lost it from my home folder. If I can't find the missing one....and I can't.....should I restore the old one in Time Machine? I started to do that but then I got the question about do I want to have it REPLACE the old one (I don't know where the old one is to replace), do I want to save BOTH files, or do I just want to leave the old one. I would leave the old one if I knew where it was but I don't. What should I do.....should I check 'replace the old one?" Then the library folder will be one from 2011. Does that matter? I don't want to do the wrong thing.Â
View 10 Replies View RelatedI did the shift/commend/g sequence and up came the library, but I want one folder in my sidebar on the finder. How do I do that?Â
Mac OS X (10.6.7)
How do I show my Library folder in Lion? I need to access Apllication Support and other folders usually in the Library.
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Can't find my Library folder in Lion. Would like to use it again. I went to terminal and put in chflags nohidden ~/Library as it was suggested to me but no luck.
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I'm trying to organise my Word templates (Office for Mac). The file location is users/me/library etc but in Finder I have no library folder.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I think some files are hidden, and one I'm looking for is in the User/Library folder...which isn't there.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I created a new service for displaying my local weather. I followed the MacBreak Video to do this: [URL]
It works perfectly when I click on "Run" within Automator. My my new service shows up in the System Preferences/Keyboard Shortcuts/Services and I was able to give it a Keyboard Shortcut. However, it does not show up in any menu,ie, Finder/Services.
I just updated my MacBook to Lion, and I used to have a folder when using Leopard called "Library." I can't find it anymore. The only way to get to it is to open Xcode 4, make a Cocoa application, build it, then right-click the target, then click "Show in finder. This is what the library folder looks like after I do that:
I can still click the folder and it will show me its contents, but once I leave the home folder, the folder dissappears, and I can't find it:
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Model of 2008
I can't see the library folder under my user account, but some files are still showing a file path from there.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.53 intel core 2 duo, 4gb ram
My User Library folder has disappeared again. Using Go to Folder ~Library no longer works to get to my Domain.sites file.
I recently did a software update and it no longer works to find my Domain.sites file.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
When I open Finder on my iMac, then click on my user name in the sidebar, I am not seeing the Library folder for my user name. I need to modify some of the application support folders for specific applications, but I cannot find them using Finder. These folders are specific to my user name and are not located within the Macintosh HD/Library folder for the entire computer.
They should be in the path Macintosh HD/Users/[my username]/Library/Application Support/[application name].
But for some reason, the "Library" folder doesn't even show up in Finder when I click on Macintosh HD/Users/[my username]. It's visible when I open one of the applications and use preferences to access folders in the application support folder for that application, but not when trying to get to the same location using Finder -- which I need to do in order to copy and paste some of the files.
Info:iMac, MacBook Pro, iMac G5, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iPhone 4S, iPod Classic (160 GB)
I Can't Find my Library Folder (suddenly after I Downloaded OSX Lion).
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I'm going to reinstall OS X. But before doing that, I want to delete the files in folders named Library one by one and see what could happen. Will that cause any trouble that will prevent me from reinstalling OS X successfully?
MacBook, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
With the update to OS-X 10.7.3 did anyone lose the entire Library folder from their user directory? I didn't notice until I started working on the installation of an application (beta version) and found the my entire ~/Library/ folder gone, all 57+ GBytes of it. I'm restoring it from Time Machine two days ago, but I wonder what happened with the update to completely remove it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedDoes the folder "user/username" in Lion contain a folder "library", like it does in Snow Leopard?
Final Cut Studio '09, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have manually backed up all my files under User folder without using any of system backup tool(due to technical issue, i have no other option rather than copying manually). I have erased all hard disk and would like to copy everything back to Macintosh. Then the problem is when I tried to copy old Library folder to Macintosh HD user folder, it is saying I need to input password to continue, then I entered password and it still says i don't have permission.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a hard drive on my 2008 MacPro that's problematic and so I bought a new drive and installed Mavericks on it and am booting just fine on the new drive. There is however, one folder in the Library/Preferences folder that I need to copy over to the new drive. All the tricks for accessing the Library folder work great on the start up drive, but I can't seem to access the Library folder on the old drive (both drives in the MacPro as it has 4 drive bays), even though the drive will mount. How can I see that Library folder on the old drive? Note while I can mount the old drive, I can't boot to it.Â
View 1 Replies View RelatedI used to have two finder services set up so that I could select a number of image documents and have it convert the images to a PDF, or that I could select a PDF and convert it to images. Since upgrading to Lion when it came out, these services have been gone! In the meantime I've set up these automator actions as applications that I can drop the input files onto, but I would really love to have my services back. (I just now fixed my "PDF Improver" service that I used to have, would it be the same in this case [ie moving the old service to /Library/PDF Services]?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
Just upgraded to Lion and I can't find my library folder inside the users folder. I'm having issues burning dvds. What should I do?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
i have linked up my AD environment to my Lion server. I have all my users populated perfectly and i have added a few email address values for users. When i try and login via webmail to my account it will not login. When i look in the logs it shows that its trying to authenticate to the local server and not the AD server for the user. how i can fix this so that it uses my AD credentials and such for email also?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I just upgraded to Lion, and noticed in my users section, there's no "Library" folder. In Snow Leopard I used to delete the 'caches' folder (inside Library) every few weeks to clear the clutter. What to do? Here's a screen shot. "Library" should be between "Downloads" and "Movies," but it's not.
View 7 Replies View RelatedSuddenly noticed that some Items in my right-click menu were changed into Chinese, then I found Services in Keyboard Shortcuts are changed too, how can I retore it back the system language?Â
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