OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Machine Not Incremental Despite Disk+device Names Matching
Apr 6, 2012
So after replacing my OS X disk drive with a larger-capacity one, I make sure that the drive has the same name (Macintosh HD) it had before.Â
Then I go to "Sharing" in the preferences and use the name "Alex's MacBook", with the exact same type of single quote, to match the name used on the TM machine disk (under Backups.backupdb).Â
Next I am expecting Time Machine to do an incremental backup.Â
No such luck: Everything gets copied.Â
What happened? I have had trouble in the past with Time Machine not allowing me to see the history when inside the star-wars-like TM interface, but the files were all there (I could still sudo and copy back anything I needed by hand). The backups were incremental.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 23, 2014
I ran an experiment with Time Machine. Last Monday I attached a freshly erased 2TB Time Machine external HD to a Mac Mini with 400GB of data on the internal 1TB HD with no exclusions. I left the Mac Mini off network -- no wifi, no ethernet -- and did not use it for one full week. Today the 2TB Time Machine HD has only 35GB of free space.Â
Why is Time Machine filling up the HD with incremental backups when the computer is not in use?
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Mar 24, 2012
OS X 10.7.3 all updates. Is it possible to set time machine to do incremental/delta backup of truecrypt container? I have big container - 10 GB and time machine backup every hour backup complete container. So at end of day I get 24 * 10 GB = 240 GB. Is it possible to have something like dropbox which only sync changed bits of truecrypt container?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jan 16, 2010
I started using Time Machine on Jan. 9th with an initial backup onto my LaCie Firewire drive (MBP 17inch SSD with three partitions). That backup was about 55GB. I am using the 'regular' settings on Time Machine - the LaCie Drive is the only item on the exclusion list (I guess Time Machine put it there itself). Since then TM does its thing every hour. When I enter TM I see all those backups. However, there's a big difference between the 'NOW' and all the backups, even the one just an hour ago. E.g., the download folder has now 47 items, whereas the backups all show 35 (the number of the initial backup). The Entourage database has also grown, but any backup shows the size of the initial backup.
I verified this by restoring a database and opening it in Entourage and sure enough the last message shows a date of Jan. 9th. TimeTracker shows many backups since the initial backup with 0 bytes or some smallish number of KB - only a few are in the MB range (total is around 150MB since Jan. 9th). Bottom line, TM does not really backup incrementally. Has anybody experienced this malfunction? What would be the solution to this problem? Any tweaks, settings to change? I'm using a Firewire 800>400 cable (9-pin to 6-pin, 24K gold-plated connectors) from SIIG - could this be the cause? But why would the initial backup work just fine plus all the others allegedly being performed?
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Jul 13, 2009
I have a Mac Book Pro. Due to the total amount of files and data, I keep my media files on an external drive connected via USB to my Airport AEBS. Of course, I connect wirelessly to the AEBS.I use Time Machine to back up my computer onto an second external drive also connected to my AEBS in the same fashion.However, TM does not allow me to choose the files or folders from the external AEBS drive containing all of my media files to also incrementally back them up using Time Machine. It should. I wish it would. Why won't it? Can I make it work that way? If so, how? TM is the best incremental backup program I've seen. I really want to back up my media that way. But I don't want to tether my laptop by connecting an external drive directly to it, and I don't have the space to store my media files directly on my laptop.
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Apr 10, 2012
I transferred all my information from my old computer to time machine and now onto my new great iMac. I have user names that I want to delete. How do I do this? Also, is there a way to transfer photos from iphoto in another users name into my user name?
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Feb 17, 2012
My IMac keeps freezing on time machine finding backup disk, it selects it fine and authenticates, the ready nas pro drive works fine other than this nothing shown in logs and firmware up to date, used to work fine.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 27, 2012
I had an issue with my hard disk on my imac in which I had to re-format and reinstall the OS. Since 10.7 is not available as a "rescue reinstall disk", I had to reinstall 10.6. When that finished, the install asked if I would like to transfer my stuff from Time Machine. I said "yes". Unfortunately, my time machine disk does not show up! Migration Assistant thinks my "macintosh HD" system disk is the only disk available as the time machine backup. So I skipped migration. I went ahead and did all of the OS upgrades to get back to 10.7.3. I re-connected all external disks (I have 4-the time machine disk included) and tried migration assistant again. The only disk migration assistant still thinks is available as the time machine backup is the macintosh HD system disk, not the one called "Time Machine Backup". Time machine backup is a western digital 2TB usb 2.0 disk.  I decided this morning to re-do everything again (since I still could not get my data back).the same thing is happening! Migration Assistant thinks that the macintosh HD is the time machine disk and does not see any others - even though the disk is there and mounted!Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iMac, iphone, ipod
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Jul 2, 2012
trying to restore from time machine. I restart holding down the command and R key but the menu does not start. I also tryied verifying my hardware restarting holding the D key and the diagnostics does not start also?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 20, 2014
We have two Macs. I use my Mac for work and Time Machine to keep a backup of my Mac every hour. Occasionally (every few months) I'll unplug the external hard-disk from my Mac and use Time Machine to backup my wife's Mac. Hence, two Macs, both using the same hard-drive to backup to. Recently there is only the space on the disk for Time Machine to keep backups of my Mac from the previous day.
Is there a way to delete backups of my wife's Mac to give my backups more space? Can I simply open the back up disk and delete a few of the backups of my wife's computer? or do I need to do something more complicated like partition the disk? or is there a way to tell Time Machine to keep more of my backups and less of my wife's?Â
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Aug 25, 2014
I have port forwarded port 46 (TCP and UDP) to port 548 a Mac mini server running Mac OS X 10.6.8, and I have Time Machine backup disk on it set as a share point with Time Machine support enabled. On my Mac Pro running OS X 10.8.5, I am able to connect via AFP to my server with the address "afp://my-ip-address:46" and can read and write on the backup disk share point. I tested that, and it works. When I am on the same LAN as the server, I can use that disk for Time Machine and have been doing so for years. However, I cannot do a Time Machine backup to that share point over the WAN. When I open Time Machine preferences, I can select the share point as my backup disk, but once I start the backup, it says "Backup disk not available" and fails to start.
In case you're wondering, I forward port 46 to port 548 instead of port 548 to port 548 to minimize hacking attempts. Last time I used a default port, a computer in Taiwan started spamming SSH authentication failures.
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Apr 2, 2012
I have a 500GB HD in my mini. I have a 2TB drive with about 1TB of files on it. Can I use some of the free space for backup and still use the rest for files?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 8, 2012
I have a 2 TB Seagate external drive and it is partitioned in 3 sections; 500 GB for my backup clone, 500 GB for Time Machine and 1 TB for extraneous extras.For some reason the TM backup failed today, now what?
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Jun 11, 2012
I have a USB disk attached to my Airport Extreme, and use it as the target of my time machine backups from my mac book pro (connected via WiFi). For the most part things work fine. But if my macbook goes to sleep, after it wakes up it often (not always) gets the next time machine backup to fail with a message saying that it cannot access the disk. At first I found a brutal method of correcting it: I would disconnect from WiFi, go to my AE and power cycle it. After it came back the macbook never had any problem with the disk. A little more exploration indicated that Lion wasn't unmounting the disk properly. The following works (but sometimes requires a few iterations): I'll go to finder, eject the disk, and disconnect from Airport Extreme, and then go to the terminal and do sudo diskutil unmountdisk disk1 (I first do a diskutil list to find out the right disk)Â
and then ask time machine to backup again. Many times I have to repeat this a few more times before it "takes". Has anyone else run into this? It clearly looks like a bug in Lion, since it never happened until I upgraded.Â
PS. I understand that Apple says that they don't support time machine backup to network disks. But they do to a time capsule! It isn't really different.
Macbook Pro 13, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jun 20, 2012
I have a Time Machine a a multiple partition. The TM disk didn't properly disconnect and now have disk error. I'm repairing disk through Disk utility. It's taking forever to fix. The drive is 400GB.I can stop repair but it's been repairing for an hour.
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 1, 2012
My time machine disk keeps ejecting itself in the middle of a backup. I have to reinsert it several times before it completes a backup.Â
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Jul 2, 2012
I have an external WD drive in a self-enclosed case, both purchased from OWC, used for my Time Machine backups. The disk and backups have been running just fine since I began using this disk over a year ago.Â
When I plugged in my disk yesterday (USB), it didn't mount. I ran Disk Utility on my 'Time Machine' partition, starting with verify disk. It reported that it needed to be repaired. When I run repair, it runs for several minutes and I see information of what is being done -- incorrect block count for file shutdown_time, incorrect block count for file permStore, etc -- but I always ends with "Disk Utility can't repair this disk" and that it needs to be reformatted.Â
I've run Repair Disk multiple times, all with the same answer so it seems running it again won't change the problem. Reformatting and starting fresh with Time Machine seems to be the only course of actionÂ
What specific issues should I be aware of as I reformat my Time Machine drive/app partition?
iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.4), MBP, 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7
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Mar 10, 2012
I have wiped my hard disk clean and reinstalled Lion. I don't want to restore the whole shebang from my Time Machine backup because I want my apps to be installed clean. So my first question is about restoring my mail. I understand that I should make Mail my current application, then click on "Enter Time Machine."When I do that, I see "Today" which is my current setup - nothing much on my computer. I try to go back in time, but I can't because Time Machine thinks "Today" is the only existing backup. How can I get Time Machine to restore Mail from my hard drive before it was wiped clean?Â
iMac (24-inch), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 28, 2012
Is time machine already/still supported on current OSX 10.7, or is it already deprecated as it was introduced several releases ago? When I try to activate Time Machine on my all new OS X Server, I get a dialog "Choose destination volume for client Time Machine backups:". I choose a volume, and the message is displayed "This disk drive may not support Time Machine backup over the network. Get more information about compatible drives."
"More information" links to [URL] which just provides commonplace advice to not disconnect drives while the drive is in operation. The support article is marked as archived and no longer updated after 10.5. The promised information is not provided. Is there anything obviously wrong with the setup?
Mac Mini Server, OS X Lion 10.7.3, 2x750 internal disks as RAID1, new of this month
External drive: 3TB USB3 Maxtor, single partition (repartitioned for GUID), connected via one of the internal USB2
The external drive is also used as Time Machine for the Server's local volume. I have read recommendations to use separate partitions per client, for time machine solutions using a third party NAS. Instead I chose the original - am I wrong to assume that the OS X Server's Time Machine service is able to manage multiple clients?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 17, 2012
What if a Time Machine backup was created on a Mac with a large hard disk, e.g. 500GB iMac - and I buy a new MacBook Air with a small SSD hard disk e.g 128GB. What happens when I need to use the larger Time Machine file to set up the new MacBook Air? What happens to all those files that can't fit on the smaller SSD drive?
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Jun 29, 2012
I have received warning from Disk Utility that I should repair permissions as several files show incorrect permissions and, more than that, my 750GB shows "769GB available".Â
1. If I use Command+R and rebuild the disk from a Time Machine backup, will permissions be reset or will the files just be copied as they are now?Â
2. Is there a way to verify the TM backups to check the files therein?Â
3. Suppose, just for the sake of an exercise, that I reload Snow Leopard; can I still use SL's Time Machine to read a Lion Time Machine backup?Â
MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 4, 2012
Since upgrading to Lion, I have been having problems backing up to Time Machine using a LaCie external disk. Time Machine worked fine before the upgrade to Lion. The backup usually starts correctly, but after backing up around 1GB, I get the following error message: "The disk was not ejected properly. If possible, always eject a disk before unplugging or turning it off". The disk has over 80GB of space available.
MacBook Pro 15, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 9, 2012
Moved all my movies audio etc and stored on external HDD, but as I have lion and time machine it saved a local back up so that when time machine was synced it didn't miss anything.Seems sensible, so next step was to sync time machine, expecting that the local back up would disappear when it shifted to TM. It didn't...why in gods green earth is the local back up there even though TM connected the whole time and up to date? Â I've restarted, loaded all updates and verified disk. How do I get to the "it just works" part without having to Delete this double up (32GB "backups") via terminal etc....
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 5, 2014
I have a question which I am quite unsure. I am shopping for a HDD drive (Western Digital My Book 3 TB) and was told that it cannot be reformatted to be compatible with TIme Machine.
I would like to verify if it is true.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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May 22, 2012
Ever since receiving my iMac back from the genius bar my external hard used by time machine randomly ejects. Apple Care had no answers for me. They told me I would have to research it then I would be able to fix it?
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 30, 2012
I have a external HD which has always worked fine under snow leopard. Since upgrading to lion I keep getting the following message The identity of the backup disk has changed since the previous backup.The disk may have been replaced or erased, or someone may be trying to trick your computer into backing up to the wrong disk. And after this the drive disappears from the desktop appearing agian only after restart. What can I do do rectify this? Delete and re-intialise the drive?
MacProQuad2.6 4gbRam, Mac OS X (10.4.8)
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Feb 10, 2012
my TM wil not back up! It states that this backup is too large for the backup disk. The back up disk requires 573.50 GB but only 225.23 GB are available. The TM needs work space on the backup disk, in addition to the space required to store backups. Upen TM perferences to select a LARGER backup disk or make the backup smaller by excluding file.Â
Okay I;m sorry but obvioulsy I dont get this. I've never called Apple for help! I have every product they sell practically including Protection Plans I never used and no one will help me with this. My MAC is starting to have black or white screens and i can hear it running but it will not do anything so i have to reboot it, it screws up Enturage and then I have to rebuild that ( 5 times this year) anyway... I would like to back everything up- can I delete everything on the Time Capsule or Time Machine; god I dont even know what it is called Im so MAD... help if you can please. I'm going to have to take this to the genius people at the store and probably buy another computer but like before they will not save my files.
Mac OS X (10.7.3), time cap or Time Machine
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Dec 6, 2010
So I bought a brand new WD 1TB Elements (USB) to use with Time Machine. I've never used a Time Machine before. I have a MBP13 with a 250GB disk, using the latest Snow Leopard, all updates installed. Formatted the drive to Mac OS Journaled (extended) and set it to use with Time Machine. Works until about 15-17GBs is copied over, than it fails:
1. If I start over it fails very soon after, no matter how many times I retry
2. No matter how many times I reformat it, it always fails
3. I tried one trick I googled - deleting the "inprogress" file - does NOT help
4. SMART status is verified
5. There are no problems if I verify/repair the disk.
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Mar 9, 2012
I cannot enter the time machine when I press the time machine icon. I press and nothing happens, so I'm not sure even if it is backing up at this point. When i go to my Tme Capsule it has the folder there for back-ups and the most recent, but no access from the icon.
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Dec 11, 2009
whenever I run Time Machine on my PowerBook G4 (1.5 Ghz / 1Gb RAM / OSX 10.5.8) it will eat up GB's of hard disk space while 'preparing the backup'. After that it finishes the backup, but I don't get the space back. I'm talking about the internal HD, not the external target disk of course. Does Time Machine use the space to generate some temporary files? Any ideas how I can get my disk space back
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