OS X V10.7 Lion :: Restoring Multiple Drives From Time Machine To New MBP
Jun 18, 2012
I have an old MBP that I am replacing with a new Retina Display MBP. Last night I did a full backup of my entire MBP (there are actually 2 hard drives in it, I took out the optical drive and used an OWC kit). Today, I restore that backup to my new MBP. I set it to restore everything. However, it only restore the one drive as my new MBP does not have 2 hard drives. I know the 2nd drive is in the Time Machine backup. So how do I manually go in and retrieve those items?
In my Mac Pro I've OSX 10.6 on my boot drive in Bay 1. Bay 2-4 do also contain hd's with loads of data. When putting a new drive in bay 1 and restoring from Time Machine - is it possible to only restore data from hd at bay 1? If yes, how?Â
Currently, I have time machine backing up my iMac on to an external drive.
I also have a third drive filled with movies and music. I would like to set iTunes to play directly off of that drive but I don't want to risk losing that stuff.
Can I set time machine to back up my iMac on HD2 AND ALSO back up HD3 to HD4?
Currently I keep my time machine backup on an external usb hard drive which is a seagate hd in an enclosure I bought a while ago. I want to maintain a second copy of the time machine back up.
Is it better to buy an external RAID enclosure, put the current drive in there, get another drive, and then just have time machine backup to that drive?
Or should I just get another enclosure and another drive? If I do it this way, can I automate the time machine backups across two drives in any way, or I have to manually run it twice?
Here is what I want to achieve: I have my MBP with a 500GB hard drive that I want backed up to an external 750GB drive (A). Then I have an external 1TB drive (B) that I also wanted backed up to an external 1TB drive (C). Or: Internal -> drive A Drive B -> drive C
Can Time Machine do this all for me or am I going to need a 3rd-party app to help. I know I can easily use TM for doing one of the backups, but will it handle both? If not, what's a good 3rd-party app that will help me accomplish this?
I would like to always have one external hard drive attached to my iMac for Time Machine backups, and another external hard drive off site - periodically swapping the two. The though is that if there is fire or theft, it won't help to have a hard drive onsite attached to the computer, because both the iMac and the hard drive could be lost. Is Time Machine smart enough to allow me to configure two drives, so that whenever I plug in one of the drives, it can figure out what needs to be backed up?
In my office one of my iMac's suffered a complete system crash. I am reinstalling OS X Lion as I write this post. The iMac was backed up to an external hard drive using time machine. After the new install of Lion how do I grab my user files from the machine backup?
trying to restore from time machine. I restart holding down the command and R key but the menu does not start. I also tryied verifying my hardware restarting holding the D key and the diagnostics does not start also?
I just bought and installed snow leopard and when i did i restored to factory settings so i could start fresh. However i wanted to restore my itunes back to how it was, but i can seem to work it out. If someone could tell me an easy way to do
I am trying to restore iPhoto from my backup and it will not allow me to open it from Time Machine. I'm following the protocol from Apple but still get the same "cannot open from Time Machine" message.
It's an IMAP account, and someone accessed the email from an iPad - almost the entire inbox was emptied.Â
I have TM running and I have restored the INBOX.mbox file to the finder just in case. And here are the steps I have followed:Â Tried to restore all the emails into the inbox in question through TimeMachine in Mail.Tried to restore the entire INBOX through TimeMachine in Mail.Tried to restore email via importing the recovered folder.Tried to do a test import of 1 email through TimeMachine in Mail.Â
All failed.Â
The sent items are still OK and present, and the account is in active use, so if I could just restore the inbox emails that would be the best.Â
I understand that when they are restored they will need to upload to the server and populate there, but 2 hours should definitely be enough and there is no visible activity in my mail to indicate that is happening.Â
Info: Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3), 16gb RAM
I have wiped my hard disk clean and reinstalled Lion. I don't want to restore the whole shebang from my Time Machine backup because I want my apps to be installed clean. So my first question is about restoring my mail. I understand that I should make Mail my current application, then click on "Enter Time Machine."When I do that, I see "Today" which is my current setup - nothing much on my computer. I try to go back in time, but I can't because Time Machine thinks "Today" is the only existing backup. How can I get Time Machine to restore Mail from my hard drive before it was wiped clean?Â
This morning I thought I was deleting the keychain password to one account, when I accidentally deleted all of my keychain storage items. I followed the directions from the Support Community to restore the Keychain Folder using my Time Machine backup. I even restored the .plist files. Â
However, now when I open a site in Safari, only the user name is pre-populated, but not the password. When Safari asks me if I want to save the password in my Keychain, an error message pops up telling me "A keychain cannot be found to store password."  I'm given the option to Cancel or Reset to Defaults. I'm not sure what to do. I'm even afraid to restart my Mac fearing I won't be able to log in or connect to my wifi network.Â
I also cannot get any of my emails through the Mail application. It keeps prompting me to enter my password, but then won't allow me to hit the Okay button b/c it's grayed-out.Â
Info: MacBook Air, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), 3rd gen. iPod; 2nd gen. Shuffle; 3rd gen. Nano
I have two Western Digital drives for backup, one with pictures and one with other files. When I select the disc for backup on Time Machine how do I select both?
I have three Macs backing up via Time Machine. They are using an external hard drive connected to one of the machines. These back-ups take place on site every day, but I also want to use the same back-up system to back-up to a second hard drive which can then be stored off-site.I have initiated first back-ups OK using this system, but now when I look to change the back-up drive once a week the machines don’t seem to recognise the earlier back-up files on the external drive and start to make a new back-up each time. The back-ups are all large and I can’t afford the time this is taking. How can I make my drives recognize the earlier back-up files and just perform an incremental back-up rather than a complete new back-up each time.Â
Can I include external drives to be backed up using Time Machine? Not only do I want to back up my IMac, but I have several extenal drives for one iPhoto, one iTunes and one for other files & documents. How do I know if they are included in the backup process?
I'm trying to do a favour for a friend. She has a 320Gb external WD hard drive which she used on her Macbook to backup with Time Machine. It is not partitioned and she keeps the "Backups.backupdb" folder with other personal folders she throws in there. Recently she sold her Macbook and all that was left was this hd. She now only has access to her work pc but it won't recognize her hd as she's apparently formatted it with option "Mac OSX Journaled". So she gave me her hd to backup and then format to FAT32.Â
I've been a Mac for a long time but have never used Time Machine, I simply copy my important files into an external hd as I feel it's cleaner and I've never really had HD problems with any Macs I owned. So basically I have no idea how this works. I managed to copy all of her personal folders into my hd as well as the one labeled "Latest" on the Backups.backupdb folder ("Latest" is actually an alias). But I can't seem to be able to copy the rest of the backup folders. I can copy them into my computer hard drive, but each folder (I'm talking about the ones labeled with dates, there are 35 of them) is around 70Gb. Now, of course that doesn't make any sense, as it would be impossible to have 35 folders of 70Gb each in a 320Gb hd. I can only assume they use aliases as well, but when I try to copy them individually or as a whole (enclosing folder) Finder says I have no space available for that (even though I have more than 320Gb available).Â
Now, in my mind it's completely idiotic to keep any folders other than the Latest one. She doesn't even own a Mac anymore. But she's freaking out that I'm going to lose her entire life (she's that kind of person). I don't want to open the Time Machine app because like I said I don't use it on my computer and these are not my files, so I do not in any way want to sync with this hard drive or backup to it. I'm on a 21" 500Gb iMac running 10.7.3.Â
I have a Time Machine a a multiple partition. The TM disk didn't properly disconnect and now have disk error. I'm repairing disk through Disk utility. It's taking forever to fix. The drive is 400GB.I can stop repair but it's been repairing for an hour.
I just replaced my HD on my 15"MBP. The install went well until restoring my data from Time Machine. The apps came over fine but none of my data did. Yes, I checked all the boxes on the "restore from backup" menu.
Of course now when I start up time machine the backup isn't there. How do I get Time Machine to recognize the backup? I have it on two places - a time capsule and a separate external HD.
I'm trying to setup a macmini server with four different firewire drives (has this working in 10.6.8 working great) however in lion server you can only have ONE timemachine backup destination.apple put an Share items/Backups folder with a .com.apple.timemachine.supported file in it. and set permissions to a group com.apple.backup_access However i can't dublicate this setup and have the system accept an extra folder on another drive.Â
I have a question regarding Time Machine functionality. Here's my situation. I have two hard drives in my Pro: one that operates as a Boot drive, and one for storage. Right now I have Time Machine set up to backup my storage drive, but I was wondering if it was possible to have plug in a second external drive and use it to back up the Boot drive. I searched for a similar thread, but couldn't really find anything. Has anybody successfully done this?
I upgraded my old PBG4 to a new MBP yesterday. On my PBG4 I have an external drive with Time Machine backup. I noticed in setting up the new machine that I could migrate old user data to the new mac, and one of the options was via a Time Machine disk. Does this work, even if you're going between machines?
The old computer is a PowerPC laptop and the new one is Intel. Are there differences in things like drivers and stuff or would all the data and settings transfer over no problems? I always figured that the restore from Time Machine was to restore a backup onto the same machine (i.e. recover from a crash or OS corruption) but don't know if it works from going between an old machine and a new one?
I'm running on an iMac and my system recently crashed. I went through the whole process of trying to reboot in Safe mode, then running Disk Utility, then 'fsck'. Looks like my drive should work, but it still freezes upon startup.
So. My last option is to reinstall OS X from my install disk. Not a big deal since I've been running Time Machine backups on an external drive. Here's the problem: my install disk is 10.4.10 but my backups are from Leopard. I upgraded to Leopard online without purchasing a disk.
Is there any way to do a full system restore from my Time Machine backup without the 10.5 disk?
Can I reinstall 10.4, then upgrade to Leopard (or Snow Leopard), and then run my full restore? Would I then need to clone my system to a separate drive before restoring to my internal drive?
Somehow I have deleted my contacts from my address book and I have mobile me so it has wiped them out on my iphone. I have a current back up on Time Machine. But I can't remember how to restore the contacts.. I know it is an easy process but...I can't remember..
I only own one Mac computer - a MacBook Pro. I use Time Machine to back it up. If I had to send the laptop in for service I would be without my data for possibly quite some time. So I'm wondering - if I owned a second Mac (maybe an iMac), could I plug in my Time Machine drive and access the data? Could I selectively restore files and folders to the iMac?