OS X V10.7 Lion :: Moving To A New User Account?
Feb 15, 2012
I'm creating a new user account and moving my personal data over to it, because I want a fresh start with default settings. Both accounts are administrators. Will I have any permissions problems after moving my files? I don't want to find out that I can't access my data on the new account because I don't have the UNIX permissions for it. Â
Edit: I don't know if it makes a difference, but I forgot to add that I am moving my files from the old account to an external firewire drive, and then from the drive to the new account. Also, I'm running 10.7.3Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 17, 2012
I want to move everything from my current user account to another account. Both accounts are administrator accounts. As I am typing, I am copying over files from each of my home folders (cmd-A, cmd-C, go to new account's public folder, create folder of same name, cmd-V). The Migration Assistant won't aid because that is only for multiple Macs. I want to move my account to another account on the same Mac.
iMac 24, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 640 GB HD, 2.66 GHz C2Duo, 8 GB Ram
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Dec 25, 2009
I spent about four hours with customer support between the phone and instant message support a few days ago. I have a dot mac account, and use the Mail app. It has stopped working. It works on my iphone, it works on webmail, but the Mail app does not. Other computers in the house using dot mac and Mail work fine. I can't get the Mail app to connect to any email accounts, such as gmail either. Phone support moved me up 3 levels of folks to talk to, we spent a couple hours on the phone. Finally, fixed. Like four days later, it's gone again. I don't quite remember what all we ended up doing. iPhoto doesn't work. It will for a while. Then I get an error message and it just hangs. This was months ago, I gave up. Support couldn't solve it, I think I asked here too and never got it figured out. I switched to Picasa and have been happy since it never seems to mess up. During the time when the iPHoto thing was bugging me, I totally wiped out the machine and started fresh.
All the problems returned in no time. So I know I can call support back. But I get the feeling this is all just going to keep happening. The computer was purchased in 2007, running 10.6.2 (imac). It's all updated, etc. If I make a new user account, is it possible IT wont have these errors? Or is this a system wide thing? I know having dot mac will move most of my things along for me, mail, address book, ical, bookmarks, dock items, etc. But what about Picasa? I spent months and months organizing that. I suppose there is no way to just shove it over to another user account as is? I have an external, which is a mess of duplicate files and a lack of organization. But I do have one, and I am going to guess that is how I have to move things? I just lose all of my organization and such? I'm starting to understand why people are moving to all web based apps. I am sick of nothing working. I love the Mail app though. But I don't want to have to "fix" it every couple days.
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May 24, 2012
I bought this new MacBook Pro a month ago. When I try logging into my guest account, it froze. I had no other alternative but to get out of it by pressing the power button. Then I tried open a new user account to see if it also has the same problem. Unfortunately it did have the same problem - froze after I logged in. I had done a harddisk check, there seemed to be no problem.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 22, 2012
Does anyone know the correct proceedure for migrating data from a corrupt user account to a new account on the same mac?Â
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Apr 28, 2012
I wish to move many GB of data (docs, photos, etc.) from one user ID to another one on the same Mac. I know I can use Time Machine and run a back-up, I can also copy the folders to (8 GB) DVDs.Â
Are there other options I can use? What would these be and what would be the benefits of using one method rather than another. Eventually I want to remove one of the user IDs after everything has been moved to the other one. I wondered if sharing folders would benefit and how is this accomplished? If one ID is later removed, then what happens with the sharing of folders?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3.4 GHz i7. 4 GB RAM, 1 GB Video
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May 31, 2012
Does anyone know how to unlock an user account in Lion X?
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 3, 2012
I have created user accounts on my iMac for each of my kids. Whenever we try to login to my daughter's account, we see the standard 'galaxy' background, then a flash of gray, then the background again and then that process repeats over and over. The DVD Player app is running, but I cannot figure out a way to kill it or get out of the endless loop. Everytime she logs in, I end up having to hold the button on the back of the computer to shut it off, then restart everything.
Is there a way to sign in to her account without having all the applications launched that were running when she signed out? I think that might be the first step to fixing everything, but I can't figure out how to do that. Is there a preferences file I can kill? Or are there aliases in a folder somewhere that contain the items to be relaunched at startup? Her account is managed under parental controls.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 12, 2012
What do I do if I have a corrupt user account?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 14, 2012
I screwed up and deleted a user account with settings, documents, applications migrated from one Mac to another. I had two user accounts for my wife and when I deleted the one which I shouldn't have deleted she lost her iPhoto pics. Any chance that account is buried somewhere deep in my Macbook?
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5, Main syncing computer is MacBook
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Jun 1, 2012
I'm now unable to log in to an account, I get the following error: You are unable to log in to the Filevault user account ___ at this time. Log in in failed because an error occurred. I know my password is correct btw. This is an account on a partition on the drive of a Macbook Pro.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Mar 19, 2012
I've run into a nasty problem in that my main user account is no longer visible at the login screen, only the guest user account. Basically there is no way I can figure out to get back into my Air other than the safe Safari guest account.Â
I'm in desperate need for a solution as I need to access files for a conference call in 3 hours.
MacPro, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, Power Mac Dual 2GHz G5, Mac OS X (10.5.5)
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Apr 4, 2012
how do i delete a user account on the new lion software?
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Apr 11, 2012
How can I change my account password without using my apple id credentials to do so because that doesn't work. It doesn't prompt me to change my account password after entering my apple id credentials. It will not recognize my credentials.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), iOS 5.1
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May 1, 2012
After enabling the root user and logging into that account I tried to log back into my regular user and found that everything was set back to default. No files, pictures, anything... Â
Going into the Users folder I can see my account and it has all of the files on the desktop and such.Â
How do I log back into my regular user account with all of my settings?Â
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May 15, 2012
I've a user who has been given a company shared MacBook Air. The account name was previously our company name, but I've sucessfully followed the guide [URL] to change this. Thus, the username is now now his firstname & lastname. The home folder is firstnamelastname. However, the old username (our company name) is still showing up as the username for some email recipients and airdrop.I'm guessing the email name might be saved localy on a few of the users contacts since he's been sending a few emails before the user name was updated. Can this be confirmed in any way?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 18, 2012
I upgraded to Lion and now I have a guest user account on the log in screen. I want to disable this account. How do I get rid of it?
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May 18, 2012
I just migrated my old MacBook running Snow Leopard to my new MacBook running Lion. After successfully migrating, I am presented with a login for "Guest" only. That is the only account available to me for some reason. When I try to enter every password I can think of, I am given the password hint "guest". Entering that does not work. I've tried the usual Apple public passwords too. What is going on here? What happened to my migrated user account? I went through the entire setup configuration of Lion and even entered and submitted my personal data to Apple for registration. I just say, not impressed with Lion so far ...
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Jun 2, 2012
A machine we have has 4-5 user accounts on it. The login screen GUI just has one user visible and I can't figure out how to log with my user ID and password. There aren't many places to click & I've tried pretty much every thing I can think of to log in as a different user. Am I missing anything obvious? Is there a chance that only certain accounts are enabled for logging in after a reboot?
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Jun 2, 2012
I want to setup my wifes user account on my MacPro, she currently does not use this machine, and since I have 5 HD's installed on this machine, and the boot drive is SSD, with LTD space, I'd like to add this user account to another drive.
I then want to use migration assistant to bring all of her mail, and folders over.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Jun 17, 2012
I just noticed that my User Account Picture does not appear on my Login Screen in OS X 10.7.4 Lion. It never has and I just noticed on another Screen shot of someone else's login screen that their login picture is showing. I kind of like it. Can anyone tell me how to get it to display there? My computer was originally set to autologin when I first got it but I set it to require name and password.
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Mar 2, 2012
I bought a new macbookpro and tried to move my large Iphoto library with migration assistent. The assistent created a new user account.It wasn't nessesary because I will be the only one to use this computer. The process of removing (not only the user, but also the 45gig home folder) takes forever... Now more than 24hours and I can't shut down system preferences.Can I interrupt this process, without affecting my admin account, and re-delete the user in the normal way? (Without the safe-option that overwrites 30 times the things I want to delete) And how? I know it's best to leave it alone, but time is a factor.
Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Apr 18, 2012
I disable the guest user from panel of preferences users and groups but in the login screen but in the login screen still remains. Why?
iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 1, 2012
Parental control is active, but no restrictions on which applications they can use; just website restrictions and time limits.Allowed them to modify the dock. Each time they log in various applications automatically start and removing them from the startup list does not seem to solve the problem, and one is not even on the list. The "re-open windows" check box is NOT selected when they log out and I watched them quit the applications before logging out.
Example: for one account iTunes Helper always shows up on the startup list... I try to remove it in their account and it just pops back up... this appears to cause iTunes to autostart each time the log in... annoying.
Example: same account, the System Preferences always start up... fortunately it is locked so the kid can modify anything. But again, annoying.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jun 13, 2012
I chose to delete a new user account that came over as part of a migration from my old MBP to a new MBP. It was a firly large account but it is taking way longer than the time it took to migrate over. There is no progress bar or time estimate so it's hard to know what's going on.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 10, 2012
Unfortunately, I got hit with Flashback on my imac. I've removed it with ClamAV and now I'm trying to clean things up and learn from my own mistakes. I've disabled Java and I am in the process of changing all my passwords everywhere I can. One mistake I had made was to use myself as administrator as my only account. I would like to change that, but one reason I hadn't done so earlier is that everything I've done and set up for the last 10 years is in my administrator account.
Is there a simple way to transfer everything over to the user account, rather than starting with a blank slate and trying to set things up from memory? And if so, should I then erase or delete things from my admin account? Which things and how do I do that quickly? I know I shouldn't have been using my admin account as user, but it didn't seem like a big deal back in 2002. Now I've been burned, and I want to get this fixed.
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Mar 1, 2012
Apple writes in its OS X Lion screen sharing description that: "You can remotely log in to a Mac with any user account on that computer and control it, without interrupting someone else who might be using the computer under a different login."Â
Unfortunately, this is not true in my case: When other users are using my 2011 iMac for webbrowsing or DVD watching and I log in on my own acount from my macbook pro, video will stop playing, the spinning wheel sometime appears. The system does not really crash, but wil respond very slowly and in fact is not useable until I as remote user stop my activities or log out. This is not how it should be, especially as the iMac's CPU, memory and network load are very low according to activity monitor's information.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 29, 2012
I just used Migration Assistant to move my files from my iMac to my new Macbook Pro. I didn't know about the Filevault problem so when I tried logging in, I got the error message and I am unable to login to my account (the only one on the computer). The support page says to make a root user, but how can I do that when I can't even log in to my account. I dont have a disc copy of Lion I can use to start up with, only a copy of 10.6.
MacBook Pro
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May 10, 2012
The apple Support documebt has a link that suggests that Legacy FileVault is FileVault 2.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 3, 2010
I have just lost my user account that I normally use. It happened after I changed my name for my user account in the Finder. I clicked Get Info and changed the name from Helen Andersson to only Helen. and after that nothing is the same and i cant go back either that I know of. When I start the computer now everything that I had on my desktop and in my Itunes, Icalendar, addressbook, and Aperture are not there. I have found them (well at least what i had on my desktop and my itunes but not the other information), so they are still on the computer but I dont know how to get back to my normal user account.
When I check my System preferences Account I only have one account so its not like I made a new one and have two. But I can also see that the one I am using now that has nothing on it is made today.
So please if anyone can help me get my iMac to go back to the old user and all its settings the same way I would very much appreciate it. Because this user has nothing and I have to start everything from scratch even my internet settings I had to download again to be able to go on the internet. This user has nothing.
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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