OS X V10.7 Lion :: Moving From MobileMe To ICloud - Keychain Cannot Be Found
Jun 9, 2012
I am part way through moving my accounts from MobileMe to iCloud. They are all set up on one of my Macs. On the other Mac I am getting told that "Keychain cannot be found for XXXXXXX".
I think I blew up my MobileMe. I had recently moved my Mac over to Lion, so was ready to make the switch from Me to iCloud. I found the process somewhat confusing over the course of things (which took place in stages over several weeks). Somehow I ended up with two AppleIDs. Fortunately, all my purchases were with the old, main one. But when I moved to iCloud, it moved it with the new one. I ended up deleting the iCloud new accound off my iPhone and iPad and reinstating the original ID there. But probably lost all that was in my Me account (I think a couple of photos and some files that were on the iDisk). I'm mostly posting this so others will possibly check their accounts before making the move to iCloud. Others might not be so lucky to not lose anything important in this switch.
I have an old pre-Intel G5 Mac desktop and want to keep using Mobile me Mail and Entourage because they work so well and I have been using them for 10 years. I cannot get the mail system to work having moved everything else to iCloud. Followed the instructions but it just does not work and the mail.mac.com server will not accept my password. Any ideas?
BACK UP YOUR MobileMeDATA before 6/30!!How to back up MobileMe data.If you have a non-supported Apple device or Mac (iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 2nd Gen, and/or any Mac running 10.6 Snow Leopard, 10.5 Leopard)Ready to move your MobileMe email address only to iCloud?
1.You will click on Next Not All My Devices Meet Requirements 2.Read and accept the Terms of Service 3.Click OK.Notice when you look at you inbox, you will see the following.Located at the bottom left corner of your email account at me.com.You can still access the MobileMe email on your devices.
1.Your MobileMe email address will not be moved to iCloud right away.
2.The email account will automatically move to iCloud after June 30th, the ending of MobileMe.
3. The MobileMe email address can be accessed at url.. Email settings on the iOS device or computer don't have to be changed.5. You can access your mail at url.After June 30th, ALL iCloud features will be avaliable to those whoes devices meet the system requirements.For those whoes devices don't meet the requirements, they can still goto url...After June 30th, the rest of the MobileMe account will be moved to iCloud.Mail server information.If you still don't have a supported Apple device, you can use icloud.com to access your data via the web using one of the following browsers: Safari 5 or laterFirefox 5 or later Internet Explorer 8 or laterChrome 12 or later.
You can also use the Apple Discussion To Manually Set iCloud mail on 10.6.8: Apple Support Communities. The steps there can be used to set up the account manually.Please know setting up the mail account on the Mac that is not using Lion or an iOS device that is not on iOS 5, is AT WILL. Apple doesn't support iCloud on Non-Apple devices.Not ready to move to iCloud mail yet? You can bypass the move to iCloud screen above by clicking the cloud icon on the top left corner.Then click on the dock item you would like to swich to.
Info: iCloud, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Setup iCloud on 10.6.8
I'm on 10.6.8 and chose the option to keep my email working after the iCloud move. It isn't working however. Do I need to take some additional steps to make it work again? I can't set up iCloud because I'm still on 10.6.8 and don't see it in the systems preferences.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Core 2 Duo), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
After moving Mobile Me to iCloud, I am having 2 problems with the Mail application. On my Laptop running Lion, I'm not able to send email using my ".me" account. Error message says "connections to the server 'p99-smtp.mail.me.com' on the default ports timed out." The incoming mail server is now showing "p99-imap.mail.me.com." I do appear to be receiving mail to my .me accounts. On my Power PC G5 (running OSX 10.5.8) I am no longer receiving mail from my .me account.
I installed Lion on one of my MacBooks and am moving to iCloud from Mobile Me. I need to keep using 10.6.8 on my work MacBook for use with Adobe applications that I use daily. Will I stilll be able to access my Mail account on the MacBook that isn't running Lion?
Info:MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
the emails I have not deleted from my mac-book will not be available after I switch to iCloud? Also, I have an iPhone4 and an original iPad. Will these, along with my mac-book, still be compatible? IE synched?
My wife has a MobileMe family account email address - I want to make sure I don't lose her email when I switch to iCloud.  Anything I should know or do before I switch?
I did the move to icloud, even though i don't totally understand it. however, now on my imac, i can no longer access my mail on my macmail program. what do i do?
In the past, if I didn't move forward when Apple moved forward, all that happened was that I did not have access to new features.This time, with the demise of MobileMe and the introduction of iCloud, if I don't move forward I lose features, but even worse, even if I do move forward, I still lose features. In particular, the lack of syncronization under iCloud of Mail's Rules, Accounts, and Smart Mailboxes means that on our several machines I have to manually do updates multiple times, which of course leads to multiple mistakes. In my view, what Apple has done has the look and feel of customer abuse, something usually attributed to another large tech company. I can't avoid losing functionality, whether or not I move forward with Apple.Â
I'm sure this is a very basic question, but having just made the Mac switch a week ago...I am lost. when I did a forum search, I found out how to access keychains, but I'm not sure if I found something particular to my question- please forgive me if I overlooked something.
I was downloading microsoft software last night and all of a sudden I began getting these little pop-ups that say "A keychain cannot be found for safari" with the option to cancel or reset to default.
Safari keeps giving me popup windows saying a keychain can't be found. It's only just started doing this but it's really annoying. Could it have anything to do with the fact I installed a new flash player? That's the only difference I can think of.Also on another computer it keeps asking for a password to access the keychain. It only does this on one user account though. Any assistance is gladly accepted!
I´m hesitating moving from mobile me gallery to icloud because I´m afraid of losing my pictures. (I have 30 albums) If mobile me gallery is compressing the pictures? When I tried to download them as zipped files. The picture I opened was only 880 KB. How do I make a backup without reducing the quality of the pictures? Will I find my pictures in icloud if I move to icloud without having backup?
At transition, I initially want to keep my me.com/mac.com email and then (later) seamlessly move to Lion and full iCloud. Will this be possible and if so, can anyone see necessary tweaking to ensure that my retained me.com email will continue to forward or receive from external email accounts? Â
Accessing the URL me.com/move is not possible- browser redirects me to Find My iPhone. When I attempt to enter my legacy MobileMe address in the iCloud System Preference panel, I am prevented because it is taken despite the fact it is assigned to me. Infinite Loop of frustration: being constantly redirected by support documents to a page that does not exist.My me.com email address is verified in my Apple ID settings page.
This Macbook Pro has been running Mavericks from the beginning and has gone through at least one other upgrade. After upgrading to 10.9.4 today, this popup keeps coming, sometimes with an application/account name sometimes not. Of course "login" is fine in keychain and many applications/Web sites using "login" keychain continue to work, including those implicated in popups. I tried "Verify/Repair" in Keychain First Aid. No error found. I tried to repair file system in Disk Utility. Nothing changes.Â
I've had my MobileMe account since 2003. Had my three Macs since my first G4 and added to them as I could afford.I also have an iPhone 3G. All have access to my MobileMe.
I also have my website on MobileMe. Can I ask, what happens, as I got a warning to switch, as my MobileMe will end soon, if I can't have Lion on my computers?My 11 years of connection to MobileMe will all be lost?Â
I live in Greece and Mac prices are through the roof here. This is a forced upgrade tactic, I feel. Will there be no alternative to online mail for the lesser mortals without Lion?Â
Could I have an answer, and not get deleted again, as, as the email states, time is running out.Â
info: PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), G5, Mighty Mouse
I have no desire to upgrade my MBP 2010 to Lion, yet I have a MM account and use AddressBook, Mail, iCal, Facetime. What should I do? I'd rather sit it out 'till Mountain Lion is out. Can I still use said 3 apps?
I have a MBP 1,1 Core Duo which will not support Lion. I also have an iPad. I cannot upgrade to get iOS 5 features. I also am having problems seeing my me.com mail on my MBP in Mail and don't want to have to use Safari to get mail. What are my options short of buying a new Mac
When I launch Aperture, it keeps asking to use my MobileMe keychain. Why is this and how do I permanently disable it (I searched in the Keychain app but didn't find it?