OS X :: Should Get IWork 08 For 79.99 Or 09 And Use NeoOffice For Now
Jan 31, 2009
I want to know if I should get iWork 08 for 79.99 or get iWork 09 and use NeoOffice for now? I really need something for school and neo office isn't really that great. I also need the documents to work with Microsoft Office.
I have a: Macbook Pro running Mac OSX 10.5.8 (Office 2008) Word, Exel, PowerPoint, (Iwork 2009) Numbers, Pages will not save:. I tossed the Word Plist file and that did not work. I have run Virus Barrier X5 and found a about 10 files with Virus 'W97M/Pinky.B' "Quarantened" them and still have the problem.
The problem started -- I think -- when I was doing heavy editing between Numbers and Word. But I don't think it is related (though who knows at this point). Without these programs I'm rendered pretty useless.
props to Stuipdboy1000 on the heads up under Quick Links you can see iWork '11
Quote: Originally Posted by Stuipdboy1000
It's an official photo from the App Store page on Apple's website, not from the store itself. seems like Apple might have an iWork 11 release soon Apple edited the picture on the website to take out the '11 but it was there earlier
I need to update iWork on my Mac cos iWork 08 docs don't work on my new iPad. But iWork 09 is about 18 months old now so surely will be updated soon. Would anyone who is learned in the product cycle of Mac apps care to hazard an educated guess on an update?
I am having trouble getting comfortable with NeoOffice. One of the problems is the Tab key. I enter a lot of data in spreadsheets. I enter something, quickly tab over, enter something else, tab over, etc. When I enter text, the spreadsheet gives a suggestion. In Excel, the suggestion is accepted once I tab over. With this program, tabbing just switches between all of the suggestions. To move to the next cell, I have to use the right arrow key. Is there a way around this?
what's the different between I download iwork on app stores and buy iwork software?and one more question about Pages in iwork is that can Microsoft office word open the document create by Pages ?
I am using NeoOffice and for the most part I've been happy with it, especially considering it's free. However, I have had a few compatibility issues when sending a doc to a Word user. I am considering buying the iWorks as it's much less expensive than MS Office.
Just curious as to what others are using for office productivity, and which one they find to be the most compatible, without actually using MS office.
I have been using NeoOffice for the past few years and I've been considering buying Pages. Just wonder if any of you have used both NeoOffice for word processing and Pages so that you can make a comparison. I have a few gripes about NeoOffice. It takes a long time to load and I have had some formatting issues when sharing docs with those using MS Word.
Is there any talk of an update of iwork '08 during Macworld '09? I am a switcher to Mac as of last month and I really like pages instead of word. I've been using a trial version and I'm going to buy it, but I was wondering if I should stick it out by using google docs in the event that they release iwork '09. By the way, in case any admins are reading this post, why don't they include Apple software in the Buyers Guide?
So I used the iWork '09 trial for 30 days now and now I have a box version and I want to simply use the buy function from the trial to upgrade to the full non-trial version. It has: Quote: If you've purchased an iWork '09 box, you'll find the serial number on the Installing iWork '09 booklet. There's only one problem, there's no serial number on the booklet! How do I install using the buy function or do I have to install the full iWork suite again on my computer? Seems kind of silly. If so, do I need to then uninstalling one of my versions of iWork '09? And if so, which one? How do I tell the difference at that point?
Some of you might be wondering and about to comment on the fact that I should have just bought the online version and saved the hassle. The reason why I bought the box is because I could get it for $39 at my girlfriend's campus computer store.
I'm editing a book in which the author switched programs and from PC to Mac in mid-stream, so the styling of the footnotes is not consistent. The text of the book is now in NeoOffice, and I've been asked to bring all the footnotes in accord with each other. I wondered whether there is a command that will change them so they all are in the same typeface and size. (I know that by setting up a Footnote style, all new footnotes will be correct, but I'm talking about ones that already exist). The author hasn't yet finished with the book, or I'd just get her to give me a chapter or two at a time and change them manually. Time is too short for us to wait till the end, when she has done all her revisions. I guess you get the picture. If there is no way to do this, please just tell me. If you know of one, though, I'd be grateful. Hoping that this is clear. It's gotten rather late! By the way, I'm working on a MacBook (not Pro) 13" with OS 10.5 and NeoOffice 3.1.1.
I took everyone's suggestions and downloaded NeoOffice instead of using TextEdit. Since my entire document was in TextEdit, I just decided to copy and paste all the text into NeoOffice. Little did I realize that my book I'm writing has grown to 98 PAGES! Obviously, as soon as it got the document imported, the entire thing froze up. I haven't been able to get it to work well at all. I'm using a Powerbook G4 1.67ghz 1GB RAM, Radeon 9700. I can't believe that such a computer can't handle simple word processing tasks, and I'm convinced that it's a software issue.
I'm running Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.6 with all latest updates.
I've reached the point where I think it's time to finally wean myself from Classic applications (and data file formats) that I currently use on my old PowerMac g4 (still running 10.3.9).
I have both a white intel iMac and a new MacBook Pro which (of course) don't run Classic (at least not without a lot of haggling with Sheepshaver, etc.), and the g4 is 6+ years old and can't last forever.
I'm looking at iWork but it looks like a mess compared to AppleWorks, which I've used for years (I also still use an OLD copy of Microsoft Works running under Classic to maintain some databases that go as far back as 1987!). And iWork doesn't even contain a database module (granted, Filemaker Pro exists for that -- but for my usage, it's overkill).
I've downloaded and am experimenting with both OpenOffice and NeoOffice. They look very similar.
When I start typing a word, it tries to finish it for me (for example, if I want to just write the word "commit" it tries to sort of finish it for me by adding on "commit-ment" unless I press the Space bar-its sorta annoying-how can I change that?
I know this probably has been answered elsewhere on this forum...but I can't find it. I already own iWorks 08. Is there enough of a difference/improvement between 08 and the 09 that would make it worth getting (I am a cheap Presbyterian you know)? From what I have read it seems that most really love the 09 Keynote.
If so, does Numbers now include the Panes feature that Excel has had for yonks (where you can have your header row and/or first column stay visible wherever you scroll within the sheet)?
I just got the new 27" iMac and want to install my copy of iWork '09 on it. Do I need to somehow "deauthorize" it on my old Mac for it to install? It's a single user license so how does Apple regulate it from being installed on multiple Macs?
I have been a PC all my life and I am going to be switching to Mac very soon. Im sure this is always asked. But im trying to figure out if I should get iWork or Microsoft Office 2008 for mac.
Im in high school, so I will be using it for school work. I will be using it for college as well when I get there. As far as I know I wont be doing any advanced work.
I like the fact that if I got iWork it would be made my apple so it runs smoother than office. However, Im hesitant about getting iWork because most people do use office and I might learn one thing at school on office and I might not know how to do that on iWork.
Ive also hear that iWork isnt half as good as office and that a lot of things are missing from iWork that office has.
I also wanted to know if I can make iWork automatically save my douments as a .doc.
I downloaded the trial version of iWork, but because of my job its going to be much easier if I just use Office. So since I don't need iWork and I don't want it taking up hard drive space how I can uninstall it? I can't find any information about removing software/applications anywhere.
i purchased iwork 08. do i need to repurchase for 09 or is there update. has anyone used numbers 09 and is there a reason to update? can i get numbers without whole iwork?
I bought last month an iWork and installed in my mini. I sold my mini to buy a macbook pro, but I did formatted the hard drive. Can I install the iWork on my new mp, if its registered in my name?
I have recently purchased a MacBook, so i'm new to the platform. I believe the main "office" type package is iWork which will open DOC, PPT and XLS files. My question is should iWork come pre-installed or on the Mac Applications DVD? I have just loaded in the Mac Applications DVD and it seems to have "Macintosh HD" on it, which i've now installed. But no iWork.