OS X :: Is There A Way To Remove Scratches
Jul 6, 2009By accident I got some newspaper dirt on it.
I panicked and tried cleaning it with a tissue paper!
By accident I got some newspaper dirt on it.
I panicked and tried cleaning it with a tissue paper!
For some reason, there's a tiny scratch on the top of my Mac Pro.
I know it's metal, but is there any kind of scratch remover on the market?
At the bottom of my MBP, I noticed 2 thin hairline scratches. No matter how hard they may be to notice, just knowing they're there bothers me. Is there anything I can do to get the scratches off the aluminum?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've got a bad scratch on my aluminium macbookpro.
Is there a way to get rid of it?
is there any way to polish out a few minor scratches on the top of the display? top of the case with laptop shut, looking down at it next to the apple.
View 9 Replies View RelatedSO, in my attempt to install the BSE (BestSkinsEver) clear skin to help protect the macbook from scratches, i scratched my macbook from using a credit card (as suggested by BSE).... im really pissed off because i felt like i barely pressed on the credit card.... Anyways, i tried to see if i could just buy a new top component case (the top of the macbook) and just switch it out but according to my local apple store they only sell it as one unit (with lcd, etc...) which runs $800+.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI have, for some stupid reason, scratched the left palmrest with my nail so that scratchmarks have appeared. I honestly can't remember why I did it, but i think that I thought i was removing dirt from it that way.
What I basically wonder is if I might have scratched the first layer off, or if I really did remove some dirt. I didn't really apply much pressure so I think it's just dirt. So is there a way to clean the whole thing so that it looks white again instead of scratched?
So I just recently bought the unibody MacBook from somebody and just recently noticed a few scratches on the bottom of the MacBook, now they are not 100% noticeable but I wanted to remove them so does anyone know how to remove the scratches?
View 10 Replies View RelatedFound a small scratch on the lid of my fairly new unibody macbook. My first one But hey, it's probably bound to happen one of these days. Anyone have any bright ideas to remove it?
This is what I've tried so far in a logical step in a progressively abrasive fashion:
1. Simple glass cleaner (thought it was dirt when I first saw it)
2. iKlear Apple Cleaner
3. Klasse Scratch and Swirl Remover (German car polish)
4. Meguiar's Nxt Gen Metal Polish
I'm looking for something that will protect my MB from scratches but will not hide the aluminum look.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe disks arent totally ruined, btu there are definite "cat scratches" on all 12 disks I just burnt.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI just noticed after a few weeks of using it it has these perfectly evened scratchings over the top casing even though i primarily use a wireless keyboard. im not sure if its from anything specific. i dont wear sweaters, have any bracelets, or wipe it with wool. i just had n iKlear cloth on it thats about it. i doubt im going to complain about it to apple but i was wondering since it looks like it was ingrained into the actual aluminum perhaps its in the design or fabrication of it? i just noticed it in bright natural light but otherwise cant even tell its there. this is the only other discrepancy with the umbp17 i have aside form the oily key wearing.
View 10 Replies View RelatedAfter a lot of troubleshooting and re-installing Boot Camp and Windows XP I discovered that my Optical drive in my iMac has been scratching my Imac discs.My Mac OSX install DVD keeps getting stuck into wait mode when I try to use Boot Camp drivers. And today i noticed that my Applications CD is also scratched. How do I get them replaced?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Can I get my Mac DVD replaced?
I'm curious if anyone has a fairly surefire method to remove scuffs and scratches from an iMac G5. I picked one up from a friend for $50 that needed new caps in the power supply (check) and was pretty roughed up cosmetically. Now I've decided to keep it as a kitchen/guest computer but would like to get rid of the scratching as much as possible.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7) On my old MacBook Pro, I had a Speck hardshell, and it was great, but added a lot of bulk. So for my new MacBook Air 11, I want something that protects it from scratches without making it ugly and bulky.
The choices I'm considering:
1 - ZaggSkin - I like the fact That I can choose my own design
2 - ICarbons - Looks really sleek
3 - Wrapsol - Keeps the naked look with a matte finish, unlike the invisibleshield, which is shiny and reflective..
What do you recommend, if you have experience with any of these? Hows the quality?- I dont want it peeling up after a few months.. Or is there anything better?
What do you guys use to keep your Macbooks relatively scratch free?
View 17 Replies View RelatedI slid my laptop under my bed last night just before I fell asleep. I've pulled it out this morning and there is a huge scratch all the way across the lid. Does anyone know of anything I can use to perhaps buff it out or something?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am just trying to cover a few scratches that bother me a lot. And before you all play the moral card on me I do not intend to commit fraud or anything just something to make me feel better about scratches I didn't cause. So what type of paint should i use?
View 24 Replies View RelatedA couple months back, I noticed that the right palmrest of my unibody MacBook had a collection of fine scratches, like someone brushed it with steel wool (it can only be see in certain lighting conditions though). At first I thought that one of my siblings had caused the scratches by wearing a metal bracelet while borrowing my MacBook. However, more recently I've noticed that the left palmrest also now has the same type of scratches.
Since I discovered the first scratches I've been careful to make sure that anyone who uses my MacBook takes off any jewelry that might scratch it so I'm sure that that's not the cause. Otherwise I can only think that maybe the moisture or occasional sweat from my hands has reacted in some way with the aluminum. Seems weird but I don't know what else to think. I didn't think aluminum would wear easily either but could that be it? Any ideas would be appreciated.
does your Magic mouse have any swivel marks or look alike scratches on the top of the mouse where you scroll or the "trackpad" just by normal use. You can see this by putting it up against direct light from a lamp or flashlight and looking at it at an angle. Mine has started to develop them and I just wanted to know if this is just normal usage.
View 8 Replies View RelatedA couple months back, I noticed that the right palmrest of my unibody MacBook had a collection of fine scratches, like someone brushed it with steel wool (it can only be see in certain lighting conditions though). At first I thought that one of my siblings had caused the scratches by wearing a metal bracelet while borrowing my MacBook. However, more recently I've noticed that the left palmrest also now has the same type of scratches. Since I discovered the first scratches I've been careful to make sure that anyone who uses my MacBook takes off any jewelry that might scratch it so I'm sure that that's not the cause. Otherwise I can only think that maybe the moisture or occasional sweat from my hands has reacted in some way with the aluminum. Seems weird but I don't know what else to think. I didn't think aluminum would wear easily either but could that be it?
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View 5 Replies View RelatedI've just noticed that in my Finder window sidebar, under "Shared", I have a character called Thomson listed. I don't know any Thomson and I bought the machine, an MBA, brand new. However, I did have an engineer instal the machine in my apartment and can only assume he's the mysterious Thomson. Anyway, whoever he/she is, I don't want him/her on my machine as Shared & "connected as guest". The point is, I cannot find a way to delete Thomson!! Can anyone help? I've tried System Preferences>Security and Accounts and there's no trace of Thomson there. Right clicking on Thomson in the sidebar of Finder only gives me the option to Open and Get Info. Most annoying, this. There MUST be a way to delete a Sharing but totally unwanted guest....
View 13 Replies View Relatedi had parallel on my macmini 80gb 10.54.4 and i have now uninstalled it as i want to go to bootcamp,how do i uninstall or trash the windows xp as i cannot seem to see it under finder?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan I remove the 80GB HDD and put in like a 40GB SSD? What in the Rev A box? What adapters, etc?
View 8 Replies View Relatedfor a while now I've had a problem that is driving me up the wall. I cannot remove an icon from my dock (as in dragging it off or right click, and hitting "Remove from Dock") without the Dock locking up for a second, crashing, and restarting.
On restart, the icon I wanted to remove is still there.
Here's a video:
I tried going into ~/Library/Prefernces and deleting com.apple.plist and the other db plist file but besides resetting my dock preferences, the problem persists. Do you think it could be an issue with Dock.app itself (on my system)?
Any idea how to remove Windows XP from my new Mac? Don't think I need it and I just don't see how to remove it.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI never installed a debugger and I am wondering if this apart of the normal infrastructure of the ibook g4? How do I remove it?
View 2 Replies View Relatedso i downloaded little snitch for the mac and didn't like it so i removed it from the application folder. it is still existent in my tool bar up top and i can't go to preferences in it but it still has pop ups saying what application is trying to do what and it tells me that i need to upgrade it. point being i just want to completely get rid of it. how do i do that?
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