OS X :: How To Use Time Machine With WNDR3700 Router

Oct 22, 2010

I plugged the portable drive into the router to test it and it showed up in the network at first; but afterward I reformatted to HFS+ for Time Machine. After reformatting, it no longer shows up in the router. I am guessing it is because it was originally formatted NTFS and the router must not support HFS+.

Is there a downside to reformatting to FAT32 so I can use Time Machine wirelessly? (I did some searching before and found that I would need to use FAT32 to get it show up with the router, but I don't know anything about file systems).

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Applications :: Trying To Connect Time Machine Through A Wireless Router?

Apr 16, 2010

I am the proud owner of a brand new MBP. Im still learning everything as i go but i simply CANNOT figure out my backup situation.

I purchased a Netgear rangemax dual range wireless router (WNDR3700) and a WD MyBook 1 TB external hard drive. i have been trying to hook this up to Time machine wirelessly but i just cant get it to work.

i have already tried hooking up the drive directly to my MBP and it works fine, but i want to do it through wireless router. has anyone experienced anything like this or has a way to help? i have searched the far corners of the net and found nothing

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MacBook Pro :: Backing Up Data From Time Machine / Router Not Detecting HDD?

Aug 11, 2010

I currently have a wireless router with a functionality called ReadyShare and I also have a 320GB external USB HDD. I would like to be able to plug my HFS+ formatted HDD into my router and be able to use it as a wireless backup solution for Time Machine. The problem is that the router doesn't even detect the HDD so it is unable to share it throughout the network.

Another solution I had thought of was to connect the device to a Windows tower downstairs and then share it throughout the network. The problem here is that there is no free (read: FREE) software that I know of that allows Windows to detect HFS+ formatted drives in Windows Explorer in order to share them.I do know of software that lets Windows read them but there isn't anything that I know of that lets them be mounted in My Computer and treated like a normal drive.

This got me thinking... What if I install the Boot Camp drivers onto the machine downstairs. If I recall correctly, the Boot Camp drivers let Windows do exactly what I am trying to do. But I don't know if this is possible due to hardware differences, etc.

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OS X :: Setting Up Time Machine On Network Drive / Hard Disk Connected To Router

Nov 4, 2010

Basically what I wanna know is: Can I configure time machine to back up to a hard disk that is connected to my router? I guess essentially I'm trying to make a homemade time capsule. Is this possible and if so, how?

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MacBook Pro :: Set Up Time Machine To Backup To An External Hard Drive On Wireless Router?

Jun 14, 2012

I have just set up an external hard drive to my wireless router and am now wanting to set up Time Machine to back up to the hard drive.  I can see the hard drive in Finder and can even send files to it manually.  I just don't see in setting up Time Machine any option to backup to that hard drive. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Using Time Machine On External Hard Drive/Time Machine Error Code - 43

Aug 23, 2010

I was trying to set up my Time Machine to an external hard drive. I didn't continue because it asked to "initialize" the hard drive which I had a lot of important things on.

I have another external hard drive I'd like to use but, my Time Machine has this error code of -43. What is this and how can I use my Time Machine on another external hard drive?

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OS X Technologies :: Can't Open The Program Time Machine Located In The Folder /applications/time Machine

Mar 13, 2012

can't open the program time machine located in the folder /applications/time machine anymore, message says program ain't working for unknown reaason, but I still can open time machine in the menu bar. any clues what the trouble might be? and/or is there any way to reinstall time machine only on os x 10.7.3? 

btw., on the system backup hd which is a mirror of the imac system, the programm still works

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Enter The Time Machine When Press The Time Machine Icon

Mar 9, 2012

I cannot enter the time machine when I press the time machine icon. I press and nothing happens, so I'm not sure even if it is backing up at this point. When i go to my Tme Capsule it has the folder there for back-ups and the most recent, but no access from the icon.

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OS X :: Using Time Machine Restoring On New HDD - Time Machine To Recognize The Backup

Nov 19, 2008

I just replaced my HD on my 15"MBP. The install went well until restoring my data from Time Machine. The apps came over fine but none of my data did. Yes, I checked all the boxes on the "restore from backup" menu.

Of course now when I start up time machine the backup isn't there. How do I get Time Machine to recognize the backup? I have it on two places - a time capsule and a separate external HD.

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Hardware :: Using Bridge And Router At The Same Time?

Dec 26, 2009

Is it possible to configure the new dual-band Airport Extreme to work as a switch (no DHCP) on the ethernet ports, but as a normal router (DHCP activated) on Wi-Fi?

My current setup is Cable Modem > Ethernet Switch > Airport Express

I have 2 Macs connected to the Ethernet Switch to use 2 public IPs (not shared). My iPhone, MBP and Wii share a 3rd public IP using the Airport Express. I would like to simplify my setup and use Wi-Fi N with my MBP.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Can Be Used As Wireless Router

Oct 3, 2010

Just to clear it up in my understanding. The time capsule is obviously used as an external hard drive. But also you use it as a wireless router too correct? You need to hook it up to the modem to use it as the wireless router just like every other router correct?

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Hardware :: Router Configuration On Time Capsule?

Feb 1, 2009

I am running a Buffalo Linkstation on my network. It works as a network server through a utility on the manufacturer's website. I cannot figure how to confugure the fierwall in my Time Capsule (I think it is the same as Air Port) to allow external internet connections to come in over Port 9000. Or as the manual for the Linkstation says " forward port 9000 within your router's configuration page".

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Hardware :: Setting Up Time Capsule As Router?

Feb 2, 2009

I have TC and wish to establish it is my router. Into it will be plugged a PC running Vista (trust me...it's gone in four months to be replace by an iMac!). I have a Macair that will link up wirelessly. Currently I'm running a home network through a Netgear DG834GB and connectivity is good.

My DSL service comes from Deutshe Telekom via a DSL spliter. Therefore, I suspect the Netgear is working as my router and DSL modem.

My initial trials of setting up the TC as a stand-alone router and through the Netgear have been a failure.

1) Can I run the TC as a stand alone router connected to the DSL splitter or do I require the Netgear as my modem?

2) If I need the Netgear, I need someone to walk me through the steps to configure the TC to operate via Ethernet connected to the Netgear.

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Hardware :: Connect Time Capsule With Old Router?

Jun 9, 2009

I am planning on buying a Time Capsule (Old version) but before that, I want to know if it is possible to connect it to my current router and set it up to 5Ghz only? Because since I would have two router I would like to set up one on 2.4Ghz for my ipod and other "G" devices and the TC on 5Ghz for my macbook only. Or do I have to get the new one for the Dual Band connection?

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Hardware :: Connecting My Time Capsule To Existing Router?

Jan 5, 2011

I have just purchased a new Time Capsule but struggling to set it up in the most effective manner. I currently have a Belkin Wireless Router / Modem that I was using to provide me with internet connection and my home wireless network.

Now I have the TC, I want to use that for my home wireless network but I will need to still use my Belkin router / modem to provide me with the internet connection.

Is there a way I can disable the 'router' element of the belkin unit and just use it as a simple ADSL ethernet modem to connect to my TC and then let the TC set up the network?

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Hardware :: Using Time Capsule Instead Of Cable Modem/router?

Dec 29, 2008

I currently have a wireless network set-up through Comcast. I have a Netgear modem/router from Comcast. I just purchased Time Capsule and I would prefer to use TC as my wireless network router instead of the Netgear modem/router. Do I need to have Comcast supply a new modem without the router or is there a way to connect TC and the Netgear modem without using the built-in router?

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Hardware :: Using Router And Time Capsule - Is It Faster Like Drobo

Feb 13, 2009

my wireless routers network ports are all used up, and i need more ports, is there a hub of some sort that i can get?

the reason is, im thinking of getting a second time capsule.

my first time capsule is being used mainly to transfer files from my macbook to my pc.

and i would like to get a second time capsule to use it mainly for data storage.

is it a good idea to get a second time capsule or just get something that is faster like drobo?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Wireless Router Not Working?

Feb 13, 2009

I've had my time capsule for several months now, and the wireless has worked fine during that time. A few days ago the power went out in my neighborhood (turned off by electric company for maintenance work), and since then I cant get my network to function correctly. Specifically, my macbook pro, wife's macbook, and my mini can't connect wirelessly to the network if i have any security on the network. If i disable all security they work fine. It also works fine if i connect directly with the ethernet cable. Occasionally i can connect with the WEP or WPA security on, but the computer will randomly lose all signal and not be able to connect again. This doesn't happen if I have the security settings disabled. I have reset everything several times, reconfigured the network from scratch, etc. I don't know if the TC is damaged in some way or how to check it.

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Hardware :: Get A Time Capsule Or A Linksys Wireless N Router?

Mar 23, 2009

I have several questions before I make my purchase. I've got 2 computers in my upstairs bedroom that are wireless. I currently have a Wireless router which is a Linksys WRT54G.

It's already getting on in age so I was thinking of replacing it with a better wireless router. I'm deciding weather I should go with a Linksys N or go the apple route.Will I get faster internet if I go with a Linksys Wireless N? What is the difference between G and N?I was thinking of getting a Time Capsule because I wanted an automatic backup of my data.Is a time capsule going to perform the same as a Linksys? Which router is better?

what is the difference between Time Capsule and Airport extreme. Are they basically the same with the only difference being the hardrive?If I get a Time Capsule then do I still need a Linksys router? Is it easy to setup a wireless network using a Time Capsule or Airport Extreme? Is it easy to configure as a Linksys?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule With Modem / Router Combo

Aug 10, 2009

I did a search first and did not find specific answers. I currently have my wifi through a motorola surfboard modem/router combo (I do not rent it, it was given to me). I do not have a working modem only. If I connect a Time Capsule to this will I experience any issues? Is anyone else running something similar with no problems? Will it intensify my network?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Can Be Used As Wireless Router? (Xbox 360)

Sep 1, 2009

First, let me explain my network setup:
We have our modem >> wireless linksyss router >> rest of house. We have 4 laptops, 3 tivos, and then our phones/ipods (all wireless). We have my xbox 360 (wired) So here are my questions:

1) Once I move out could the time capsule be used as a wireless router? And if so would it work well enough?
2) Once I move out would xbox live work fine through the TC?
3) Could I access the content of the TC with my 360? (I really want to do this if possible)
4) If I had the 1TB TC and the backups didn't take up all the 1TB (obviously wouldn't) can I use the rest of the drive as a media server? Like to store my movies and all that?
5) Lastly, if I was going to use the TC with my current setup at my house could I use it like this:
modem >> wireless router >> TC
(>> = wired connection)
Would that be the best way to set it up? Would that also provide the quickest speeds?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Backup Speed When It's Not The Router?

Nov 8, 2009

I have a new Time Capsule which I have connected to my existing Modem/Router as an ethernet device, so it is not running as the router itself. However I have set it up to run its own wireless network.

I am trying to do the first backup of my mac mini, with attached external hard drive which has my iTunes library. The size of the backup is about 380gb. I connected the mac mini to the Time Capsule wireless network, and started the backup, but is running quite slowly, at about 5gb per hour. So the full backup will take about 3 or 4 days at this rate. The initial backup of my MacBook Pro (about 18gb) took 2 or 3 hours, so a similar sort of speed. I've disabled Time Machine on the Macbook pro for the time being, until I get the mac mini sorted out.

I understand a backup over ethernet would be quicker, but the time capsule is not the network router, so if I just connect an ethernet cable from the mac mini to the time capsule, is that going to work?

Is my only option to use the Time Capsule as router? Or is there anything else I can try?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Network With ADSL Router?

Dec 22, 2009

I have a ADSL router wish is configured in bridging mode and I want to use my Time Capsule as router.

For some reason Time Capsule is complaining about my setup. I've tried all kinds of different settings but I haven't had much success.

The ADSL router must be configured correctly because I have a Netgear Wlan router wish works just fine with the same setup. The Netgear is to be replaced with the Time Capsule now.

I've been struggeling for hours and I'm out of ideas

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Hardware :: Using Time Capsule For Backup With Another Wireless Router?

Apr 15, 2010

i live in a shared property - the wifi is provided by the live-in landlord. In a few months, I'll be moving out into my own place. In the meantime, can I buy and use a Time Capsule as a wireless backup solution, simply linking it into the existing network?

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OS X :: Connect Time Capsule With Linksys Router On Network?

Aug 17, 2010

Our company is currently running an Apple Time Capsule that has ~40 users wirelessly connecting to it. Now we recently opened up a new office space that will potentially have more than 50 users that need to connect to our network.

Seeing this we then purchased a Linksys WRT610N wireless router so that we can facilitate more than 50 wireless users. My question therefore is: how do we set this up so that the Linksys router connects to the TC so that we will subsequently be connected to the Internet as well as our network - no matter what SSID (TC or Linksys) we're on. I've been bearing about bridge modes and WAN ports but this is new to us so a brief explanation/procedure would be appreciated.

Keep in mind that we would like to keep the TC as our main router with the Linksys connected to that as well as increase the TC limit of the 50-user connectivity limit.

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MacBook Air :: Restart Wifi Router Every Time Turn?

Feb 21, 2012

Every time I switch on my Macbook Air, or wake it up from sleep, I lose my wifi connection. If I restart my wifi router, the signal comes back, but once my Macbook Air goes to sleep, I always need to erstart my wifi router again. This is the process I go through several times each day: 

(Wifi router is on.)

1. Turn on Macbook Air. It recognises my wifi network but has no internet connection.

2. Restart my wifi router.

3. After a few minutes, I get an internet connection on my Macbook Air. 

Previous laptops and desktops have not had this problem. Do I need to change any settings in my Macbook Air? I'd be grateful for any help. 

I have a 2010 Macbook Air (bought second hand) running OS 10.6.8. I am using a D-link wifi router.  

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Apple Time Capsule As Wireless Harddrive Only, Not As Router

Oct 15, 2010

I just bought a terabyte Time Capsule to take care of backups and files with my new Macbook pro, without me thinking about this stuff at all anymore, that is the Time Capsule concept, right?
When I try to set up Time Machine it asks wether I want Time Capsule to work as wireless internet router. Where Im living at the moment, I am connected to a wireless internet system, but I dont have access to the router, or access to use Time Capsule as internet router either, I want to maintain using the wireless internet, and Time Capsule as wireless hard drive only.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule - Main Router Or Ethernet Bridge?

Feb 27, 2009

I think this has been debated somewhere, but what's the best option? And what are the pros and cons of each setup? Actually I put my Netgear in "modem only" and setup the TC as the main router and configured PPPoE settings on it. Should I have chosen bridge mode instead?

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Hardware :: Multiple Time Capsules - Daisychain Or Spidered From The Router?

Jun 10, 2009

1 Time capsule which acts as a central server with the files shared by the Macs/PCs.
The TC is connected via its WAN port to a SpeedTouch router (with 4 ethernet ports) which gives all the PCs access to the internet.The SpeedTouch handles the DHCP addressing for the Macs/PCs and the Time Capsule.The Macs and PCs connect to the network with a mix of ethernet to the TC, ethernet to the SpeedTouch, wireless to the TC, and wireless to the SpeedTouch.The TC has one wireless network (for one end of the house) and the SpeedTouch has another wireless network (which serves the other end of the house).

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OS X :: Wireless Backup Using Time Capsule - Need To Modify Router Or Modem?

Jul 31, 2009

I was thinking of purchasing time capsule so that i can wirelessly backup my system. What does time capsule setup look like? Do i need to modify routers or modem or is it just simple plug and play?

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