OS X :: Wireless Backup Using Time Capsule - Need To Modify Router Or Modem?
Jul 31, 2009
I was thinking of purchasing time capsule so that i can wirelessly backup my system. What does time capsule setup look like? Do i need to modify routers or modem or is it just simple plug and play?
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Apr 15, 2010
i live in a shared property - the wifi is provided by the live-in landlord. In a few months, I'll be moving out into my own place. In the meantime, can I buy and use a Time Capsule as a wireless backup solution, simply linking it into the existing network?
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Dec 29, 2008
I currently have a wireless network set-up through Comcast. I have a Netgear modem/router from Comcast. I just purchased Time Capsule and I would prefer to use TC as my wireless network router instead of the Netgear modem/router. Do I need to have Comcast supply a new modem without the router or is there a way to connect TC and the Netgear modem without using the built-in router?
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Aug 10, 2009
I did a search first and did not find specific answers. I currently have my wifi through a motorola surfboard modem/router combo (I do not rent it, it was given to me). I do not have a working modem only. If I connect a Time Capsule to this will I experience any issues? Is anyone else running something similar with no problems? Will it intensify my network?
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Jan 17, 2010
I have recently moved house and no longer have access to a DSL / ADSL line but have successfully plugged a wireless USB modem (ZTE MF688+) into my desktop PC. I have a mac book pro and a time capsule which were previously networked but I don't know how to access the internet as there is no DSL cable to plug into the time capsule. Is there any way to use the Time Capsule to access the internet without plugging a DSL / ADSL cable in?
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Jan 5, 2011
I have just got my 1Tb time capsule and there are a lot of confusing descriptions of how to connect it.
At the moment I have just selected "join existing wireless network" which is a ADSL 2.4ghz G Router that came with my internet package (Thompson TG585 v7).
Does this mean that all traffic goes via the ADSL Router and that I will not be using the 5ghz band when I back up so that all the data will follow a path like this and have slow data rates? :
MAC --2.4ghz--> ADSL Router --2.4ghz--> TC
or will I be communicating directly with the TC at 5ghz for backups and data transfer and 2.4ghz with the ADSL router for internet like this? :
MAC --5ghz--> TC
ADSL Router --2.4ghz--> MAC
If this is not a good setup, what setup would allow me to get the full speed to the time capsule and be connected to the internet.
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Jun 25, 2009
I have a Linksys Wireless Router and a Linksys Modem, the router is 6 years old or so 802.11b, how much faster would the Internet be if I had a combined Linksys wireless router/modem versus the 802.11b that I have now?
Would I see a huge difference? I am running my Macbook off it and an olde Toshiba laptop.
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Oct 3, 2010
Just to clear it up in my understanding. The time capsule is obviously used as an external hard drive. But also you use it as a wireless router too correct? You need to hook it up to the modem to use it as the wireless router just like every other router correct?
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Feb 13, 2009
I've had my time capsule for several months now, and the wireless has worked fine during that time. A few days ago the power went out in my neighborhood (turned off by electric company for maintenance work), and since then I cant get my network to function correctly. Specifically, my macbook pro, wife's macbook, and my mini can't connect wirelessly to the network if i have any security on the network. If i disable all security they work fine. It also works fine if i connect directly with the ethernet cable. Occasionally i can connect with the WEP or WPA security on, but the computer will randomly lose all signal and not be able to connect again. This doesn't happen if I have the security settings disabled. I have reset everything several times, reconfigured the network from scratch, etc. I don't know if the TC is damaged in some way or how to check it.
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Mar 23, 2009
I have several questions before I make my purchase. I've got 2 computers in my upstairs bedroom that are wireless. I currently have a Wireless router which is a Linksys WRT54G.
It's already getting on in age so I was thinking of replacing it with a better wireless router. I'm deciding weather I should go with a Linksys N or go the apple route.Will I get faster internet if I go with a Linksys Wireless N? What is the difference between G and N?I was thinking of getting a Time Capsule because I wanted an automatic backup of my data.Is a time capsule going to perform the same as a Linksys? Which router is better?
what is the difference between Time Capsule and Airport extreme. Are they basically the same with the only difference being the hardrive?If I get a Time Capsule then do I still need a Linksys router? Is it easy to setup a wireless network using a Time Capsule or Airport Extreme? Is it easy to configure as a Linksys?
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Sep 1, 2009
First, let me explain my network setup:
We have our modem >> wireless linksyss router >> rest of house. We have 4 laptops, 3 tivos, and then our phones/ipods (all wireless). We have my xbox 360 (wired) So here are my questions:
1) Once I move out could the time capsule be used as a wireless router? And if so would it work well enough?
2) Once I move out would xbox live work fine through the TC?
3) Could I access the content of the TC with my 360? (I really want to do this if possible)
4) If I had the 1TB TC and the backups didn't take up all the 1TB (obviously wouldn't) can I use the rest of the drive as a media server? Like to store my movies and all that?
5) Lastly, if I was going to use the TC with my current setup at my house could I use it like this:
modem >> wireless router >> TC
(>> = wired connection)
Would that be the best way to set it up? Would that also provide the quickest speeds?
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Nov 8, 2009
I have a new Time Capsule which I have connected to my existing Modem/Router as an ethernet device, so it is not running as the router itself. However I have set it up to run its own wireless network.
I am trying to do the first backup of my mac mini, with attached external hard drive which has my iTunes library. The size of the backup is about 380gb. I connected the mac mini to the Time Capsule wireless network, and started the backup, but is running quite slowly, at about 5gb per hour. So the full backup will take about 3 or 4 days at this rate. The initial backup of my MacBook Pro (about 18gb) took 2 or 3 hours, so a similar sort of speed. I've disabled Time Machine on the Macbook pro for the time being, until I get the mac mini sorted out.
I understand a backup over ethernet would be quicker, but the time capsule is not the network router, so if I just connect an ethernet cable from the mac mini to the time capsule, is that going to work?
Is my only option to use the Time Capsule as router? Or is there anything else I can try?
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Oct 15, 2010
I just bought a terabyte Time Capsule to take care of backups and files with my new Macbook pro, without me thinking about this stuff at all anymore, that is the Time Capsule concept, right?
When I try to set up Time Machine it asks wether I want Time Capsule to work as wireless internet router. Where Im living at the moment, I am connected to a wireless internet system, but I dont have access to the router, or access to use Time Capsule as internet router either, I want to maintain using the wireless internet, and Time Capsule as wireless hard drive only.
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Jun 14, 2012
I have just set up an external hard drive to my wireless router and am now wanting to set up Time Machine to back up to the hard drive. I can see the hard drive in Finder and can even send files to it manually. I just don't see in setting up Time Machine any option to backup to that hard drive.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 28, 2010
Just bought a new 1TB time capsule but having a few teething probs. I just want to set it up so that I can back up my Mac Book, wirelessy, but not use the TC to connect to the internet as I am happy with my current wireless router.
Is there an easy unerstandable way to do this as I can only seem to set it up as a network which I don't want, as I only have one computer in the house
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Feb 24, 2010
I am after a Router Modem for use in the UK with my ADSL. I want 'N' so I can stream my videos. The Wireless G I have is ok but stalls through films and rebuffers on the AppleTV.
I have seen the Netgear WNDR3700 but the reviews say the speeds they get are only 60mbps which I dont get as its supposed to be 600mbps.
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Apr 9, 2006
My modem/router keeps disconnecting, its not the line isp or anything in the house so it must be the modem/router so i am looking for a new one.
Things i would like
1) modem and router in one box
2) wired and wireless
3) gigabit wired
4) at least 8Mbit internet speed
5) obviously mac compatible
I am with Plus Net in UK if you need to know
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Sep 1, 2009
i have got already a time capsule 500g and now i move to sweden i just wonder is it possible to use time capsule as wireless modem for broadband or not by other words is it necessary to buy a modem or can i just connect time cap to?
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Sep 2, 2010
I have a Motorola dsl modem that I got from AT&T. I have a Time Capsule that I am hooking the modem up to, so that I can have a wireless network and backup. I understand that I need to set the modem to bridging mode (or so AT&T tells me) but when I do so I don't have any idea what settings to use for the TC when setting it up in Airport Utilities. I need some help since AT&T wants $50 to help me with my "third party equipment."
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Aug 9, 2009
Usually I am pretty good with this sort of thing but this one has me stumped. Right now I have set up my Linksys AM200 to do all the work and my Time Capsule to broadcast the network in bridged mode. However as I understand, using bridged mode prevents you from sharing the hard drive in the Time Capsule with MobileMe so I can access it over the internet. Does anyone have any experience who could help me switch things around? I have tried but then it does not work. I would need to have the modem bridge to the Time Capsule which would be doing all the work. Right now my modem is set up using RFC 2364 PPPoA. I see that there is a bridged mode only and RFC 1483 bridged. I believe that I should be using some kind of bridged mode. I also searched the forum and saw that it needed to be half-bridged. What would that be?
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Feb 22, 2010
I am enjoying the magic of watching the hours get sucked into the networking hole. Maybe someone can save me. I have a 2wire 2701-HGB modem on ATT. I have it as my router and modem over wifi and wired. I just bought the Time Capsule, and my plan is to have the TC be my router; as well as extend my network since there is crappy coverage in my house. I can get the TC to join a network; but when trying to create a network, things get messed up. There seem to be differing reports about whether you can use the TC to bridge the 2wire network. Something about WDS and whether 2Wire supports that. I'm under the impression that so long as I turn off the router capability in my 2wire; as well as the wireless; and connect the TC to the 2wire with an ethernet -- the TC can be my wireless router. And as a noob, what I mean when I say this is that I am thinking my TC will create the network, and talk to the modem, handout the IP addresses and whatnot...the 2wire will just provide the pipe out? .......
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Jan 10, 2011
I purchased an airport express a while ago. After getting help to set it up through Apple, I started noticing that my internet connection would drop EVERY night between 8:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. - signal drops for anywhere from 5 min to 20 min several times. It appears to be okay during the day. I am an ATT user with their modem, a speed stream 5100. The power, ethernet, and dsl light say lit with the internet light flashing. After having this problem for about a month, I called ATT who sent out a technician. He said all was fine. It happened again the same evening. This was in mid-December. I purchase a time capsule as I decided the express may be faulty and didn't have time to return to an apple store. I am having the same problems. Internet fine during the day and drops in the evening. Could my modem be the problem? I have called ATT again as well as Apple and they all think it is hooked up correctly. If modem is bad, what should I buy to work with the time capsule?
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Sep 27, 2010
i know Internet Service Providers give away modem or routers these day but wouldn't be best if Apple made an Airport Extreme or Time Capsule with a built-in modems? if you check people questions on apple.com you will see have half of them want to know how to switch off the wireless connection on their Linksys and let Airport Extreme do that and the other half doesn't even know what Airport Extreme is for i know Apple has a habit of getting rid of stuff but anyone else agree this will drive Airport Extreme sales up? it would be the ultimate connection device for macs and no need for additional router.
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Feb 1, 2009
I am running a Buffalo Linkstation on my network. It works as a network server through a utility on the manufacturer's website. I cannot figure how to confugure the fierwall in my Time Capsule (I think it is the same as Air Port) to allow external internet connections to come in over Port 9000. Or as the manual for the Linkstation says " forward port 9000 within your router's configuration page".
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Feb 2, 2009
I have TC and wish to establish it is my router. Into it will be plugged a PC running Vista (trust me...it's gone in four months to be replace by an iMac!). I have a Macair that will link up wirelessly. Currently I'm running a home network through a Netgear DG834GB and connectivity is good.
My DSL service comes from Deutshe Telekom via a DSL spliter. Therefore, I suspect the Netgear is working as my router and DSL modem.
My initial trials of setting up the TC as a stand-alone router and through the Netgear have been a failure.
1) Can I run the TC as a stand alone router connected to the DSL splitter or do I require the Netgear as my modem?
2) If I need the Netgear, I need someone to walk me through the steps to configure the TC to operate via Ethernet connected to the Netgear.
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Jun 9, 2009
I am planning on buying a Time Capsule (Old version) but before that, I want to know if it is possible to connect it to my current router and set it up to 5Ghz only? Because since I would have two router I would like to set up one on 2.4Ghz for my ipod and other "G" devices and the TC on 5Ghz for my macbook only. Or do I have to get the new one for the Dual Band connection?
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Feb 6, 2009
Right now I have an old router/modem. And I want to buy a new one that has QoS...i found Linksys WRT54GL. But it has no ADSL modem...So I am asking you, Is it possible to connect this linksys router to my router/modem? But in way, that the router/modem will no longer be a router, but only a modem.
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Apr 3, 2009
i just got sent a new Modem/Router from Verizon
model number: GT704-WG
And i have a Wireless Router from Netgear is there any way i can make both the modem and router to work together using Netgears router because the one verizon sent me always loses connection and i just dont like how it operates. I had my old modem working perfectly with the Net gear router but i guess since this has a built in Router it automatically makes it use it
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Jan 5, 2011
I have just purchased a new Time Capsule but struggling to set it up in the most effective manner. I currently have a Belkin Wireless Router / Modem that I was using to provide me with internet connection and my home wireless network.
Now I have the TC, I want to use that for my home wireless network but I will need to still use my Belkin router / modem to provide me with the internet connection.
Is there a way I can disable the 'router' element of the belkin unit and just use it as a simple ADSL ethernet modem to connect to my TC and then let the TC set up the network?
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Feb 13, 2009
my wireless routers network ports are all used up, and i need more ports, is there a hub of some sort that i can get?
the reason is, im thinking of getting a second time capsule.
my first time capsule is being used mainly to transfer files from my macbook to my pc.
and i would like to get a second time capsule to use it mainly for data storage.
is it a good idea to get a second time capsule or just get something that is faster like drobo?
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