OS X :: How To Move From Boot Hard Drive To Another In Terminal
Jan 5, 2011
I am on a mac pro and I can navigate my OS drive fine in terminal but I have 3 other hard drives how to I go from my OS hard drive to one of my other hard drives?
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Aug 13, 2008
I have my Macintosh HD (which I access often) and then the Untitled BootCamp HD (which I never access when I'm using the Mac OS... there's not point).
Would it be possible to move the Untitled BootCamp HD icon so it's off my desktop? Can I just put it in some other folder or put it in my Macintosh HD folder?
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Aug 4, 2007
i know that diskutil has alot of commands and im not sure how to use them, i would specifically want to know how to use eraseDisk properly. Or is there any other way to clean install tiger without using darwin? I know eraseDisk gives me a format to use but i never get it right for some reason. diskutil eraseDisk "Journaled HFS+" MacintoshHD bootable /dev/disk0 -- this works i got it right now but it gives me this error: could not unmount disk for zeroing
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Aug 28, 2008
2x160 GB drives in a RAID-0 holding my boot driveI want to move it do: A) Ideally 2x250 GB drives in a RAID-0 or B) A 400 GB drive.I've tried:Straight up copying/restoring in Disk Utilit Carbon Copy Cloner File-levelCarbon Copy Cloner Block-levelI can copy everything, but I wind up not having the system recognize the new drive(s) as a boot drive.
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Feb 19, 2010
I have a Dual 1.8 G5 and my hard drive has started to make a clicking sound every now and then. I believe it may be on the verge of dying anyday. Since i have space to put in another internal hard drive i am planning to get a WD Black Caviar 1TB and put it in.
Now my question is how do i move all my application from the old internal drive to the new internal drive.From what i have researched it seems that using a enclosure is the way to go but all the info i have seen is referring to replacing the drive rather adding a new one.I would like to move everything to the new drive and make that a master.What is the best way to perform this task?
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Jul 19, 2008
I purchased a new hard drive, my second Samsung 750 GB. My first one is partitioned, half for OSX half for Vista. Ultimately, I want to have a hard drive per operating system.
At first I thought the way to go for this, based on some stuff I read here on Mac Rumors was to use winclone to clone the windows partition,restore it to the new drive, and then I don't know what.I did the restore, there were errors in the log though..something about the wrong kind of partition. Basically it's become a pain in the ass, and I'm thinking there has to be an easier way.
It occurred to me, I might be able to use "Install and Archive" to move the boot volume to the new disk, moving the user files and network settings with it. If I did this would I be able to expand the windows partition using winclone utilizing the full hard drive? Or could moving the boot volume to the new disk mess up my Windows partition?
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Nov 7, 2010
I am running out of space on my Unibody MBP (June 2009 version). I just bought an OWC 120gb SSD, with the intention of putting it where my disk drive is, using their data doubler (which makes it fit).
I want to use the SSD as my startup disk, but have heard that if you use the drive which is connected where the old disk drive used to be as the start up disk, there are problems with the computer waking from sleep, unless you turn off hibernation.
So instead, I want to move my current hard drive to the disk drive slot, and put the SSD in the main slot.
If I were to do this, would I need to do any "extra" configuring besides setting the SSD as my startup disk?
After moving my harddrive to the disk drive slot, will it boot up normally, and then I can just add the SSD?
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May 1, 2008
I'm transferring my OX onto a new hard drive so am going to move the slots so the new main HD is in Bay 1.
Do I physically move them all first, then restore using the disk utility or do I physically move them after restoring?
In physically moving a hard drive are there any settings that need changing?
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Feb 3, 2009
i got me a new MAC after 10 years of windows. now i'm in the ****** situation that i can not even move a simple jpeg from my MACto a Harddrive. it says : `this item could not be moved because '' Motive '' cannot be modefied. In the old days this was an easy thing to do , move a jpeg from my PC to a connected Harddrive. now with that brandnew mac i can do nothin. does anyone else encounter such a thing and maybe solve it ??
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Dec 9, 2009
I'm thinking about moving from a Mac Pro with SSD. I'm not comfortable doing an SSD install on the iMac, so wondering how much of a drop off I'd experience going from an SSD to the iMac's hard drive.
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Jan 19, 2010
Currently, I have a 160GB Intel G2 SSD in my 15" MBP. When Intel releases the 320GB version soon, the 160GB will move to my wife's 13" MBP.
Except for the few titles, the software we use are identical (The software we have is all "multiple copy" versions).
To avoid reinstalling Snow Leopard and the programs again, I would like to just install the SSD to the 13" MBP and make some changes (e.g., changing accounts in Mail, loading different set of Firefox bookmarks, etc etc). It seems like the name and the password of the Admin account can be changed under "user accounts" as well.
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Sep 20, 2010
I have a win 7 installation on its own drive in my mac pro. I now need to move it to a new hard drive.
In mac I would use super duper or carbon copy cloner to just copy the lot onto another drive whilst making it bootable. How would I do this with the windows drive?
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Mar 23, 2010
I am planning to move my SSD drive from my MBP into an iMac. If i do this, will it boot, or will I need to format and reinstall everything? (i understand its a 2.5" drive, that isn't an issue I have a caddy)
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Apr 21, 2010
just bought a new hard drive from OWC 500 GB 7200rpm, want to install it in my 15in unibody macbook pro june 2009. Bought the kit that came w/ the inclosure so i can turn my old drive into an external.
Here's my question
is there a way i can move all my data to my new hard drive before putting it into the computer, so once its in its ready to go? I don't have the leopard disc w/ me. I left it at home and didn't bring it back to school w/ me.
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Aug 14, 2008
I've got a MacBook Pro and a PowerBook 15" Al 1.67ghz.The hard drive in my PB has just gone bust, and I don't have the restore disks for OS X 10.5.Seeing as my MacBook Pro has 10.5, would it be possible to move (via CCC or the like) the OS X from my MacBook Pro onto the new hard drive I've just replaced in my PowerBook? If so, how would I do this? Is it possible to boot from an external hard drive on a PowerBook?By the way, just so you know, I have paid for both Mac OS X licenses.
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Oct 1, 2009
I have a brand new MBPro15. The SMART status says I have a failing 7,200 RPM HD. Apple sent me a DIY for replacement. I am unable to run time machine for a backup. It receives and error each time. Most likely due to the failing HD. I was able to get all my important files backup to an external HD. Except for all my bookmarks, calendars, settings, etc. I do have a .Mac account with sync. I am hoping I can pull that data off and onto the new OSX. Is that possible? IS there any other way to transfer this important info before I replace the HD with the new one? Can I just make a clone of my current HD and put the OSX on the new HD? Or is a best to do a clean install, than transfer important settings and bookmarks?
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Jun 6, 2012
I have a MacBook Pro and recently removed my optical drive and replaced it with an internal hard drive so that I can have more storage. My iTunes library is on the original hard drive. I am getting close to running out of space on the original hard drive and would like to move my library to the new internal hard drive.What is the best way to do this?
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Sep 10, 2014
I have a mac book, and for some reason i can't move files onto my hardrive? I can use it, watch movies ect. So surely that means that its formatted to be compatible with a mac?
iPad, iOS 7.0.2
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Oct 5, 2010
I have an i7 iMac and I installed Windows 7 on it and was wondering down the road when I move onto a new machine, how to I take that partition with me? For example, I use time machine to back up my Mac files so at any time I'll be ready to start anew, I can I do this for my windows partition? BTW, the partition is 500GB on a 2 TB drive.
I'm hoping there's a way to give the partition it's own hard drive when I get a computer that can handle multiple hard drives.
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Jun 22, 2009
I want to get a mac but one thing that concerns me is my itunes. I have a massive library and if I get a mac I will need to copy the library to my external hard drive from my pc then copy it again to the mac. How could I do this without losing my playlists, rating etc? And also if you have all your photos in iPhoto can you access them without opening iPhoto? If you can how? Because I have played around on Macs in the Apple Store and couldn't see where they would be!
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Oct 4, 2009
I just got a second hand macbook pro which came with a full Adobe Suite. I very much want to keep all the programmes, but dont want them taking up space on my internal hard drive. Can I simply move them over to my 500GB external hard drive? Or would this damage the application? and would I be able to run them just the same from the external HD location?
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Feb 24, 2010
I moved mail from an exchange server to my computer to get around using to much space at work. I then dragged that folder to my desktop which created a .mbox file. When I try to move the .mbox file from my desktop to an external hard drive it wont move. a grey circle with an exclamation point appears. I tried doing it with Entourage close as well and got the same issue. Does anyone know the proper way for me to move the .mbox file from the desktop to the external hard drive?
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Feb 10, 2012
I've installed a new drive in my Mac Pro. I now have to move my iTunes Music folder into the new drive and junk the old one. I know that I can use iTunes/File/Add to Library menu item to get iTunes to locate the new Music Library; however, this is going to leave me with two entries for every track, one good and one broken after I remove the old drive. I think I should junk the old library and then have iTunes rebuild it from the Add To command...
Info:Intel Tower, MacBook, two mini's, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2x 2.66 GHz, 9 GB, 60 GB SSD, 3 ea 1-TB HD's
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Feb 27, 2012
When I import photos from my iPhone to iPhoto I created a folder for photos that I want to move to my external hard drive. I hooked up my external hard drive to my MacBook Pro and tried to copy and paste the pics from that folder to my external hard drive and its not letting me copy anything to the external hard drive and I have no idea why. How come I can't cut and paste to my external hard drive?
MacBook Pro
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Mar 1, 2012
How do I move or save uploaded pictures to my external hard drive - as my mac is saying that my internal drive is getting full or something like that?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), external hard drives
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Apr 1, 2012
I have an iMac (Mid2011). I have too many files on my hard disc and am trying to move some over to an Elements Hard drive I have connected but when I try and move them over nothing happens and it just gives a can't do sign.
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Apr 14, 2012
how do i move a file or folder from my mac book pro to an external hard drive? the hard drive is formatted just for the mac.
i backpacking and taking loads of RAW pics so i need to get them off my mac onto the hard drive. it seems i have to copy them, only some times then some pics dont work!! pain in the arse!!! im quite new to the mac and loving it, but on the old p.c it was easy as!!
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Apr 22, 2012
My mac is starting to become slower because its almost reached it 500GB limit. How can I transfer all of the files (*Excluding Applications) from my mac onto the hardrive, but removing them off my mac in the process so Im effectivly wiping my mac, and accessing all of the files off the external hardrive.
Mac OS X 10.5.8, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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May 1, 2012
I need to move a mpeg to an external hard drive, but I don't know how.
Adobe Premiere Elements, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 7, 2012
How do I move photos from iPhoto to an external hard drive?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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