OS X :: Adding Files To ITunes...Does It Copy The Media? Or Just The Location?
May 22, 2010
I am still pretty new to Mac and OSX and i had a question about itunes.
Ok, So if i add say 1 album and 1 Movie. Lets say the the album is in My Music folder and the Movie is in My Movies folder.
Now if i go to add to library in iTunes and add them then i am done. If i go and delete the 2 files from the folders i notice that the album and movie is still in itunes and still playable? How is that if i deleted them from the folders on my Mac?
Does iTunes actually COPY the movie and music i add to its own folder? so that way if i do delete it from my mac, its still in a iTunes folder somewhere?
Like with windows, WMP copies the location of that media, So if i add a album and later delete it from my PC and go and try to play it in WMP, it will say NOT FOUND or just no longer show it.
Reason i ask this is because i do not want to have double of everything on my HD and take up more space then i should...
I moved my iTunes media folder to an external hard drive to free up space on my iMac's hard drive. The new one is located on a hard drive attached to my Airport Express. Since then, I keep getting messages stating that certain items weren't copied to my iPhone because the originals couldn't be found. When I check, the iTunes media folder has reverted to the location on my iMac's main hard drive.Â
How can I prevent this? At best this is annoying, but it also is using up hard drive space unnecessarily. Is this behavior avoidable, or is it something that goes with the territory when you move your media folder to an external hard drive?
I recently changed the iTunes Media Folder default location to a different area on my drive. I waited a couple minutes and the files did not move. I was unaware you had to go into your settings and also select to consolodate files. Since the files didn't move I reselected my default location and kept trying to go back and forth a couple times. After letting it sit for a couple more minutes I noticed over 200 GB's of files were missing. I looked in each folder I tried to change the default Media Folder location to but they were not in either of them. I have also ran multiple system file recover programs and been unable to find them.Â
When importing songs into iTunes, the software by default is set to copy the music files to the iTunes media folder and convert them to .m4a format. This, of course, results in having two copies of each song after the import is done. Before I disable this option I'd like to know what you think are the pros and cons of having this option enabled/disabled.
Equipment: Mac Mini (Early 2009), Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Lion. I started noticing my Mac Mini was having trouble reconnecting my Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, slow processing (spinning pinwheel of death), and programs freezing. I did a recovery within Lion from the recovery drive and it seemed to work for a week or so. It started acting up again. So, I decided to erase the HD and reinstall Lion. I basically use the Mac Mini as a server for all my iTunes content. Â
My iTunes default save location is to my Drobo storage unit. Now that I have reinstalled Lion, I am looking for the easiest, most convenient, and safest way to change the default save location in iTunes and then importing the media. It would be nice if it was possible to just simply change the default save location to the folder I previously had all my media saved in and it would just magically appear in iTunes. Everything was organized perfectly, which took hours of time and attention to details. Â
Info: Mac Mini, 2 13 Inch Macbooks, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
I have a macbook pro with a 150g HD and only 30g remaining. I'd like to know how you find where all this mass is located? From my own findings it would seem that I have at least 43g of iTunes content found C Stride - Music - iTunes I don't fully understand why i have this and indeed if i can delete it as I thought i had all my iTunes content on an external so not to tie up my lap top HD (500g with 230g of iTunes content). But, when I look in preferences on iTunes the media location folder is no longer displaying anything?? It used to. 1. Can I get rid of the 43g of content on my HD? 2. Why is no media location displaying in iTunes? 3. How else can I see what is using 120g on my HD?
My iTunes media folder location is set to my iTunes media folder, which is stored on my external hard drive connected to my network via aiport extreme router. The problem is everytime I turn my mac off and back on my iTunes reverts the location back to my itunes media folder on my mac and I have to manually set it back to my itunes media folder on my external hard drive. Why does it keep changing?
I've followed several tutorials on how to get this done, as it seems so simple but it's not working on my end. I've moved the iTunes folder from the /music/ to an external hard drive. I'm opening iTunes, going to Preferences, Advanced, and replacing the iTunes Media folder location to the correct one /Volumes/Volume E/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media Â
I'm checking Keep iTunes Media folder organized & Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library, clicking on the "OK" button, and nothing happens.Â
Funny enough, Spotify finds it in seconds and I can play my music from that player instead.
At times I would like to gather all files of a certain extension (aif or jpg or xlsx or¦) in one location. By adding the extension parameter to the finder's FIND command, I can easily see them all, but that's only the first half. How do I now move, or copy them all into a single folder, say, on the desktop?
I have a number of iTunes libraries, and for the "supplementary" ones, I set the preferences so that iTunes does not copy the media to the Library, instead it just references it.Usually the original media is on a disk other than the one the Library is located on.However I have noticed that when I do this, and add media to the Library, it changes the modification date of all the original media files. This is very impolite and improper behaviour. Why does iTunes change the modification date? For a start, all my backups are made out of sync, because they now think these files have been changed when they haven't.Is there any way to stop this and make iTunes play nice?I haven't tried making the files "read only" but frankly one should not need to do that to avoid the problem (and maybe iTunes would spit the dummy with read only files?).
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2 x 2.66 Dual Core
Is it possible to copy/export/burn a TV show from iTunes to an external media (DVD disk, memory stick, etc) such that it can be played on a different computer? I'm starting to think the answer is 'no', based on other discussions here, but thought I'd ask in case I'd missed something.
I've recently purchased a MacBook Pro, I now wish to sort my music collection out and store all music on the network drive which can be accessed via the cloud, not apple cloud incidentally.  The thing is I have a variety if music files in various locations on the pc laptop, the old network drive.  Is there any way I can find the location of the music file through iTunes So I can locate it on the network drive and transfer to the new cloud drive?  I see there is a consolidate function in iTunes, would this do the job for me?Â
I moved my iTunes Media folder to a second hard drive to free up space. I followed the Apple Support instruction for doing this. I have 200+ missing songs that I have to manually located. Â
Is there a way to do a group rather than one song at a time? I have over 2,000 songs, podcast, and movies. I am surprised just these fews can't be located by iTunes after I made the move.Â
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 4 HD,3GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 5770
in my itunes file in Windows directory, there is a compilations file. this file has albums in it that should not be there, but with other albums by the same bands. i have tried relocating the albums, but then itunes cannot play them, and when i locate the file it is automatically placed in a new compilations folder.
in short i am asking how i can change the location of a file in the itunes library. Any ideas?
Recently switched computers to a MacBook Pro, and have my other iMac's desktop drive now in an enclosure. It failed while inside the older machine, but seems to operate just fine as an external hard drive. I would like to access the iTunes/iPhone recent backup/restore files, as well as the Contacts/Addressbook files. I understand that, using the Finder's "Go," command, and holding the option key, present the crucially hidden "Library" folder...Â
Can this be done with an external hard drive, therefore presenting the needed files for extraction, or "drag-and-drop" style, into appropriated folders? If so, what commands would one use to show these files? By simple navigation, they are not shown in the main Library- Application Support folders. (I was able to locate and transfer the regular iTunes Library .xml file, for Apps & Music; however, that isn't the iPhone backup files)Â
i recently bought a 320GB WD passport HD so I could take advantage of time capsule. Should I also add my itunes music library so I can free up space on my aluminum macbook?
I have a MacBook Pro with Leopard and the latest iTunes.
For some weird reason iTunes starts to add every file twice. And I don't mean that it just keep the original, it actually adds the file two times in the iTunes Music folder.
I just added 300 Beatles Songs but now it added every single song twice...I have 600 songs now. This happened now and then before and its REALLY annoying. Especially when I need to delete every single file manually. The show duplicates just shows both files but I still need to highlight every 2nd file and then delete it.
This morning I tried to play one of my albums and it told me it wasn't able to locate the files (on my external disk) so I located them manually and for some reason it has created a new iTunes folder in the root of my HDD (even though the iTunes prefs still pointed at the external disk) and moved the files in to that.
I deleted the album from the library and then imported the files from the new folder. It imported them fine and copied them to the exiting iTunes folder in the ext HDD but then immediately copied them back to the wrong iTunes folder. Then it told me it couldn't find them again!
I've now discovered 4 other albums that it's doing the same thing with and no matter what I do I can't get them to import, stay on the ext HDD and remain connected.
I've re-installed iTunes and restored my library file from before I upgraded to 10.1.1(4) but it's still doing the same thing.
I want to move the location of my iTunes library music files. At present they are all on my time machine . I want to move them all to my imac. Can I do that and keep all my playlists and play counts?
its 1000s of songs . Originally I used the time machine as a networked drive but it can cause the songs to pause so I'm thinking it would be better to have the songs on the internal imac drive
how can I move the songs so I can re-open iTunes and the playlists (with plays in the 100s) find the song in the new place?
I've been trying vigorously to connect my itunes library with my Time Capsule Media files.So that I can keep the music I acually listen to on my Macbrook Pro's harddrive but have the rest of my music stored onto my time capsule and listen to when I am at home.What I thought to do was put the music i listen to in the itunes library folder on the harddrive and then change the media location to the TC media file folder.Turns out my idea was wrong.. any others care to elaborate on this issue? I'm pretty much confused with this and i haven't been able to find it on the forums anywhere
I have imported a number of Caf del Mar CD's to iTunes, and iTunes keeps scattering the tunes into several different folders in iTunes Media. It also has trouble finding album information, unless it has been downloaded from iTunes Store. Previous versions of iTunes I have tried didn't have this problem.I've tried to tidy the files manually in iTunes Media, but that usually results in duplicates, so I stopped messing with it. I actually wouldn't mind iTunes blowing up my albums into a nightmare file structure of hyper categorization in iTunes Media (Album, Album Artist, Artist, etc.) if only it recognised its own mess when I transfer the library from one iTunes library into another.
An example: I downloaded Cafe del Mar - Essential Elements featuring 13 tunes, two of these can be found in the files Cafe del Mar/Cafe del Mar Essential Elements, iTunes also created the folder Cafe del Mar/Cafe del_Mar Essential Elements containing 0 tunes!?! and the rest of the tunes are found under Rue de Soleil in the root folder, indicating ONE of the artists as the criteria for creating a folder of tunes!?!
I am trying with every fiber NOT to hate this program, and would appreciate it if someone could explain to me how I can move an iTunes Media library of aprox 54 gb from my desktop via an external harddisk onto my laptop. I have tried 4 times, and everytime the result varies. Sometime I transfer 3000 files, other times 4000. Which files follow and don't is random. I lose files tranferring to the external harddisk and lose even more files from the external disk to the new library on my Lap. Do I have to transfer song for song or can this genius program actually transfer a larger amount of files without losing half the files and duplicating the rest?
iTunes freezing up a lot, can't add files/play media.Try to update to latest version, then App Store opens very slowly and just stays at blank gray screen. Both require force quit. I have read instructions by Linc in other discussions, and I have already tried the following:Â
-Logged in as Guest:Â Seems to work great.
-Logged in my profile in Safe Boot:Â Still have issues.Â
BTW, if I update iTunes under the "GUEST" login, will that update also show under my own profile?
I'm using iTunes 10.6 and Lion. i have a two problems. i recently moved my iTunes library to my portable hard drive. i have changed the new location under Preference/Advanced to "/portable drive/MUSIC". I have checked 'Keep iTunes Media folder organized" and unchecked 'Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library. 1) After moving my music and and consolidating, some of my music are in the right folder, which is in "/portable drive/MUSIC" folder, but a majority of the music are created into a NEW SUBFOLDER music folder. e.g.: /portable drive/MUSIC/music/ ?? Why is that happen and how can I move tell iTunes to just put it in the main and 1st MUSIC folder. Do you know why it creates a subfolder name music? 2) When importing new music, it doesn't automatically go into the designated folder but instead retains in the original folder that was imported from? e.g.: i import music from mac hard drive into iTunes and when I click on Get Info on the track, the location is still at /my mac hard drive/duran duran instead of /portable drive/MUSIC/.  How do I get it to organized the music into /portable drive/MUSIC/
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Is there a way to add files to multiple iTunes libraries simultaneously?
I currently store all my media on a network drive; so I don't want to copy the same file to multiple locations. Instead, after the DVD is ripped I'd like to have the movie added to two different libraries. Simply copying the iTunes library from my primary computer won't work. The library on my primary computer, has all my personal song ratings and playlists. The second computer is connected to a TV to be used as a HTPC and is more of a family computer. I would like to be able to maintain different playlists for this computer.
Essentially is there an easy way to make sure any new files added (or modified) to my primary iTunes library are also added to another iTunes library?
I have music files in both media folder and on another drive, not copied to media folder. I know I can highlight and delete individual and multiple files in iTunes. Time consuming.What i'd really like to do is tell iTunes I want it to only see the files in my media folder.I want undo what I did when I told it to bring these other files into the library.
My internal hard drive is FULL so I am planning to relocate the entire iTunes media folder of music and movies to an external hard drive. I found this article which describes the exact process:Â
But here is my problem... Step 11 starts me down the path of organizing the library and consolidating the library. Keep in mind, I have long used the option to keep my media organized by Apple's naming convention and suggested location. But when it comes to consolidating, I am very hesitant. The reason being, I have media files, which I do not want to incorporate into iTunes. Like stuff relating to old jobs, my own crappy mp3 files, home movies of the kids, etc. I fear that consolidation will seek out every possible media file which iTunes is capable of reading and suck it inside. I do not want that. All my media files for iTunes are already inside the iTunes Media folder. I just want to move that external.Â
Another important goal for me is to maintain my precious playlists and the "date added" of all existing media files in the iTunes library... I love sorting music by date of purchase (or date encoded) and would be VERY upset to lose my long history.Â
I had deleted my files from iTunes media folder, but as luckily I had the same files located in other place I just copied them to the iTunes Media but iTunes rejects to play them (in my iTunes Library). I'm only able to play them if I go through the procedure as followings: Play - "iTunes unable to open this file because the original file not found. Do you want to find it?" (or smith like that) - Find - Open and then it plays, but I have to perform these actions with every file separately and I have quite a lot of them. Oh, and after that first popping-up window the next one appears "Would you like iTunes to find other missing files from the same location as [the file's name]?" But when I click on "Find" it says "iTunes were unable to find other missing files". Why? How do I accomplish the same task but with all my albums at once without necessity to add them one by one? Does there some way exists to tie the tracks from my albums with original files without importing them to my iTunes library?Â
When I'm importing some file with optimized media, it is create in many different folders referent another jobs that haven't any relation with job about media that I'm importing. So, I need to manage it to save in the right location according to media subject.