OS X :: Time Machine Failed / Missing All Back Ups
Aug 20, 2009
I know this is going to sound crazy. I know it because I have searched all over the web trying to find an answer and I cannot seem to find anyone that has even had this problem.
Last night I decided to format my Macbook Pro and do a clean OS install. This laptop has very sensitive information for my freelance work so I am sure to backup with Time Machine and also with BackBlaze (thank God!). I completed a manual Time Machine backup just before I formatted and confirmed that all the necessary folders were on the external Time Machine drive. The latest folder there showed August 18th 2009 dating all the way back to the day Leopard released (the day I began using Time Machine).
I restarted the machine with the Leopard disk and chose Disk Utility to zero out my laptop's internal drive. Once it was done, I began the Leopard install. Once that was done, it asked me if I wanted to restore from a Time Machine backup. How handy! I didn't know that would be an option. Naturally I selected that I wanted to do that and then selected my machine (oddly it was the only one listed, more on this later) and it began to do it's thing. Said it would take about 2hrs so I went to bed.
This morning is when all hell broke loose. I sat down to the laptop to see that my dock had icons that I removed long ago and the Menu Bar had icons missing... I immediately got sick to my stomach. I checked a file I was working on just a couple days ago to make sure it was there... WASN'T THERE. I then pulled up the contents of the Time Machine drive and this is when I almost fell out of my chair... The last backup folder in the list was March 31 2009. I checked all over the disk... the spareimage was last modified March 31st.
I don't know what to do! I tried to explain everything in detail so you could understand that there is NO CHANCE that I could have done this. Luckily my files are backed up to Backblaze but my music and movies are not. I only back those up locally. And the hassle of downloading 60GB of data from Backblaze
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Jun 2, 2009
It was working last night. Now it says backup failed everytime. Whats going on? I've tried permissions, ejecting, restart, etc.
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Mar 25, 2012
My time machine is not backing up my files anymore. Everytime I start it, it prepares for a very long time (maybe 30min or longer) and then eventually does start. But in the middle of the backup, an error pops up saying that I need to verify the space needed for the backup. But there is definitely space on my back up drive and Time Machine also recognizes the external harddrive. I've tried re-backing up a few times already but it doesn't work properly each time. I can still enter Time Machine and see the older back ups.
Info:Mac OSX (10.5.7)
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Sep 8, 2009
I'm an idiot, pleased to meet you.I had 2 external drives connected to my Macbook Pro, both had time machine back ups on...I meant to delete one of these but deleted the wrong one, and dragged it into Trash. On realising my mistake I tried to drag it back out of Trash, as you would normally but after "preparing to copy" for four hours it told me the drive was full...It's a 500gb drive, and the Time Machine back up is the only thing on it, so presumably it's just trying to copy itself when the back up is still present on the drive, albeit in the Trash.
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Jun 2, 2010
We just came back from vacation 2 days ago; I checked time machine. It says latest backup is delayed; then latest backup failed; next backup when disk is connected. I have a WD external hard drive. I check to see that it is connected to my IMac and is plugged in for electricity. Restarted my imac - same problem. There is no lite on the WD; does it mean it died? Or what can I try? It is less than 2 yrs old.
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Jun 1, 2012
My orginial MacBook got stolen a few weeks ago and luckily my insurance bought me a new one. However, I have just managed to get hold of my external hard drive, which had my backuped time machine files on it.Â
So I went to my files from my time machine and this is what I did.Â
I went to the Time machine icon on the top of my screen and clicked on "Browse other Backup disks". I then clicked on my external hard drive and it opened Time Machine and then I found my latest update. I then clicked restored and the files got copied from my time machine to my new Mac. Â
The problem that I have discovered is that I restored my files incorrectly and that all I have just done is copied the files over and not restored my MacBook.Â
Now that I know how to restore my backuped files correctly, when I try and do it, I do not have enough space on my computer, because I still have the copied files on my Mac. I have tired to find the files without any luck on my computer. All I can think of is deleting my hard drive and start again, but I do not have the OS disks as Apple no longer supplies them when you buy a new Mac or it just didn't come with my new MacBook Pro. Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 16, 2012
This morning everything was fine, but then it happened out of nowhere.Usually my MBP does it Backups on a Synology DiskStation212j, but today it got some errors. [code] Since the backup is made on a NAS i can't use the DiskUtility to repair permissions..(My NAS doesn't have any Errors)
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 18, 2012
Had hd failure, replaced drive, restored time machine BU. Bu completed successfully. Most programs fail immediately.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 9, 2010
I just discovered that even though external drives can be backed up with Time Machine, Time Machine won't let you restore files from them if they fail. You can only restore files from a secondary drive if that drive is mounted, which is impossible if that drive has failed.
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Jul 9, 2009
I have an external HDD that just failed. It was one of the HDDs that has been regularly backed up with a bigger HDD that backs several HDDs using TimeMachine. I can't seem to see the method for restoring the drive data to a new drive?
The computer is a 2.44 ghz iMac running 10.5.7
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Mar 30, 2012
I bought a new drive and need to get my Time Machine files off the old failed drive. I'm sure there are plenty of discussions about this but I can't find any. (I so dislike the new design for the support communities.)The old drive sometimes lets me access TM so I want to take advantage of one of those times to get everything across. I know it is a very slow process if it can be done
Info:Mac Mini 1.83ghz, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Great for a while.
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Apr 15, 2012
Tried to restore my address book (10.7.3), but I terribly failed. What files do I actually have to restore? Tried the all the metafiles (library) and both com.apple.addressbook.plist, but no success.
PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 1, 2010
iMac 2.66 GHz, 640GB hard drive, 4 GB RAM.
I have a Western Digital external hard drive used by Time Machine. Worked perfectly for a few months. Now every day, I get a message that a backup failed because the disk appears to be read only. I launch Disk Utility, and run Verify Disk It finds nothing wrong. I ask Time Machine to back up again, and it does and continues hourly for the rest of the day. The next day, the same thing happens all over again with the read only problem.
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Apr 27, 2012
The OS X 10.6.x Server running Time machine, it runs daily backup to external HD, it is fine, but for couple of days, it failed, is there any logs or message that I can read what is going on? The external HD connected with firewire 800 and it still have enough space, so I think it is not a space problem
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Sep 12, 2014
Time Machine reported it failed backup due to the shortage of disk space. But I see the total space of partition is 192GB,the whole backup snapshot estimated is 177.56G.Â
The massage said that " failed backup, 52.85 GB is needed for backup but it's only 25.17 GB available." Â
I know it's 166.35GB of ancient snapshot still exist, but why not OSX to delete it automatically and release more space for new snapshot?Â
By the way, I can't delete those ancient snapshot in Finder manually, perhaps permission denied.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 11, 2014
Since the harddrive of my IMac was full, I added an external harddrive to the system for my photos. I use another external harddrive for time machine back-ups (backing up both the IMac and external harddrive with my iPhoto libraries). Recently the EHD with my photo libraries crashed. I now want to restore it from time machine onto a new external harddrive, but am not quite sure how to do this.
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
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Jun 26, 2014
What can be done if Time Machine failed to save certain data to external hard disk, but I do have the old hard drive? I have a new IMac 10.9.2. The old IMac was hit by lightning/surge. Restored data from external LaCie disk but some information is missing. Apparently Time Machine did not save it to the external disk, or we just can't locate it. We do haves the old hard disk and will put it in a box to be able to access it.
Is partitioning the answer?
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Jun 19, 2012
I am using a Seagate Free agent as my external back up. Lion 10.7.4 on iMac 2.16Ghz Intel/3GB..I back up using this Seagate drive every few months and keep it in my bank lockbox in case of an issue with backkup drive connected to computer 24x7.My primary backup drive crashed and is now off to a data recovery service as I have looked to find the data on second drive and there's nothing! in the Time Machine folder!
iMac Intel 2.0 DC, 2 GB RAM, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 20, 2012
I'm having a strange problem with Time Machine. Any backup older than 1 week seems to go missing when viewed from Time Machine. Time Machine preferences shows my oldest backup as February 13th, 2012. But, when I enter Time Machine only entries back to March 14th, 2012 are shown. When I use "sudo tmutil listbackups" all my backups are shown including the one from February 13th. Why aren't they showing up in Time Machine? The disk still has 89 GB available and I can see that the log is adding incremental backups and deleting old ones from February that are no longer useful (daily-backups removed so that only weekly ones are visible).
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Time Machine
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May 18, 2012
I cannot find the Menu that will allow me to start a new backup plan. When I access TM thru Preferences, System, TM - I get the TM Icon with ON-Off/Select/Options. When I access thru Appliations, I get the black screen history selection display. Where's the Menu everyone is talking about? How to start a new TM Backup from scratch?
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iLife '11; Microsoft Office fo MAC
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Dec 4, 2014
With previous versions, a reminder popped up if you have not run Time Machine in 10 days. That seems to me missing once I upgraded to Yosemite. Is there a preference adjustment I missed?Â
I am using Yosemite 10.10.1 which I believe is the current version on my MaBook Pro
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May 26, 2012
My time machine was working perfectly with Snow Lepoard and prior to my upgrade to Lion I turned off the time machine located on an external drive.Â
After my successful upgrade to Lion including all my files and applications I wanted to use the Snow Leopard backup but it was no longer showing in time machine at all.Â
Is my Snow Leopard backup gone forever? I would like to have it back.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13-inch, Mid 2009 - 2.53 C2D 4GB
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Dec 9, 2014
Ever since upgrading my 2012 Mac Pro to Yosemite, I cannot get the green Time Machine icon to stick. After the first Time Machine backup, which took many hours, the icon suddenly appeared all by itself. Then after a reboot, the icon reverted back to a generic internal hard drive icon (my Time Machine disk is an internal drive).  I went into settings and re-selected the Time Machine disk, then the icon came back by itself. On the next reboot, it was gone again.Â
I've run Disk Utility and everything appears fine. No, I've verified there is no custom icon set via the Get Info window, nor do I care to use a custom icon as a band-aide to this problem.  I'd like to find/fix the root problem. (I'll only apply a temporary custom icon if this a verified bug in the OS.)Â
Originally, this machine came from Apple as refurbished with Mountain Lion installed. The Time Machine icon was always proper. Just a few days ago, I upgraded from ML to Yosemite when this problem started. Otherwise, AFAIK, Time Machine backups are working fine.
Mac Pro (Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 3.33 GHz 6-Core with 32 GB RAM
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Jan 30, 2009
Is it possible to back-up the contents of a NAS drive to a FireWire or USB2 drive using a Mac and Time Machine?
I know there are methods to get TM to back-up TO a NAS but if, for example, someone had their iTunes library on a NAS for access over a network- could TM be used to copy that drive for safe-keeping?
The path of the back-up would, basically, go like this:
Sorry if this seems a simple one but searching for an answer just yields dozens of results for backing-up TO a NAS drive, not copying/saving the NAS itself.
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Feb 15, 2010
Recently, I've figured out that when backing up, time machine only backs up some files, but not the entire thing... I see that this is a way to keep the size of the back up on a low level, true, but isn't it a bad way to back up your files?! Shouldn't it be full backups of the entire library?!
Second question; when I will set up my new mac machine I will buy this summer, is the integration really that easy and files do not get lost?! I am a bit skeptical as a few months ago I integrated data from my old computer to my mac (without using time machine, just regular back ups, manually) and some files were not being imported, god knows why.
Stupid question; when integrating the old files from time machine to a new mac, do they integrate system preferences / applications too? Cause I really have done lots of cool tweaking and it would suck to do all that stuff again...
Also, can I select the files I want to import or does it automatically import all the files from time machine to the new mac? A problem is that there is lots of (cookies, temp files etc.) stored on every mac and now, the quetsion is, does time machine import all these old/makingsystemslower/* little files too?!
What about the problem of leopard > snow leopard recovery?!
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Mar 14, 2010
If I do a time machine backup - does it back up everything on all accounts or just the one I'm currently logged in as?The reason I'm asking is, I just bought a (used) iMac with a 250GB drive, and I have ordered a 760GB WD green drive. Can I just back up using Time Machine and then restore via Time Machine? I have four accounts on here - I'd rather not have to go through the pains of reinstalling everything.
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Sep 15, 2010
I am new here and i have to say desperate. I need to do a system restore from time machine but the mac doesn't see the time machine back ups. I have tried to repair disk and all was ok.
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Dec 29, 2010
I have 2 seagate external hdds. one has manual backups and my photos, mp3s etc from my pc. the other one is brand new empty. this is my 1st mac.. so I was wondering what to use to back up time machine? or the memeo (comes with seagate) or any other backup software? I want to use the harddrives in both pcs and macs. mac reads my ntfs hdd but can't write it (I know there are some apps that can make the mac write on ntfs.) also I wanna back up my windows xp under parallels.
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Feb 11, 2009
In the audio world, bit per bit is important. When TM makes back-ups, are they bit per bit of the original?
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Mar 9, 2009
I'm trying to do a back up in Time Machine. It's been going for like an hour and it still says "Preparing Backup."
I haven't changed my files around much and it really should only have a couple of kb worth of new data to back up.
My last successful backup was yesterday. It's done this a few times since then. I tried to stop the back up and restart it to no avail.
I also went into my backups folder and deleted the "in progress" backup then tried to backup again and it's still not working.
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