OS X :: Software Updates Install Button Unresponsive?
Oct 30, 2009
Since before the Magic Mouse update, I cannot install any new updates anymore. Software Update finds and downloads the updates just fine but when I click on the "Install" button, it greys out for a few seconds and then nothing happens, i.e. the install process is never triggered. The same thing happened for the Magic Mouse update, iTunes 9.0.2 and the latest Parallels update. When I wanted to create a new account to see if the same thing happens there, System Preferences wouldn't let me authenticate. When I clicked the lock symbol, nothing happened. I also repaired disk in Disk Utility and although errors were reported and repaired, it hasn't changed anything. Downloading the updates from Apple's website produces the same results, the "Install" button is unresponsive. I'm pretty much out of ideas here as I can't even log in as a different user. I'm on a mid-2007 MBP running 10.6.1.
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Jul 4, 2008
What is the cause of this is it software or hardware? I'm puzzled as to how it's possible for it recover overnight so that it's reliable again the next morning.
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Sep 7, 2009
I've noticed that when I try clicking on the trackpad's button, most of the time it will register the press and other times it doesn't. The button, physically, doesn't feel any different whether it registers the click or not. The button "clicks" down like normal and doesn't feel loose. Also, when I click and hold on the button and try to move my finger around the trackpad to highlight text or drag a folder, most of the time, the computer acts like I let go of the button and pressed it down again multiple times. While it does this, my finger remains on the trackpad button without being lifted. I recently upgraded my Mac to Snow Leopard but the problem occurred even with Leopard installed. I'm unsure as to whether or not this is a software or hardware issue. Could it be that there's something lodged under the trackpad button to cause this? If so, how would I be able to check under the button?
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Aug 21, 2010
So a while back I had final cut pro installed, and eventually deleted cause I no longer needed it. I used AppCleaner when removing to try and make sure I got it all.
Well every time I do a software update it wants to install "Pro Applications Update" and "Prokit Updates" Which are updates for final cut pro and its related apps.
Any idea how I can stop it from wanting me to install these updates for something I no longer have?
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Dec 15, 2009
I'm on 10.6.2 and got notified of a few software updates today including the superdrive firmware fix.
Ran the updates and rebooted and then did the superdrive firmware and rebooted.
I have an MS sidewinder mouse that has five mouse buttons all recognized by OS X. For the past year I have used mouse button 4 to launch expose and mouse button 5 to launch spaces.
After these updates Spaces will no longer launch when mapped to any button on the mouse. I've verified that the same button (button 5) works to launch other things such as Expose.
Can anyone else confirm this and is there any kind of fix or workaround to the issue?
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Dec 28, 2006
When I boot up with the XP disk I get to the selection screen for either Home or Pro (MSDN version) and I can't make a selection because the keyboard is non-responsive. I've tried several times with no success. I've got a MacBook c2d with the latest OS and firmware updates.
Boot ROM Version:MB21.00A5.B00
SMC Version:1.13f3
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Mar 14, 2012
When I check for software updates only itunes and random other updates show up but not security updates or safari update. When i check installed updates I realized my last security update was 2011-004 and I still have safari 5.0.6.
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Jul 4, 2009
My iMac hard drive died and I got a new one installed from Apple and my dad's friend installed Leopard for me and he started to download and install the updates from Apple and I don't know if he stopped the install midway but when I tried to download and install them NONE of them install. I called Apple and they told me to try something in Disk Utility with "verify disk" and it didn't work still and then they sent me something about trying to Archive and Installing but it seems really complicated. Is there anything else I can try?
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Apr 24, 2010
I ran software update and when the updates were finished downloading it told me to restart the computer. So I clicked restart. When I got to the blue screen with the turning gear it stayed on that screen for a while. Not just a minute or 2, I think at least 10 but possibly even more because I left the room for a while since it seemed to be doing nothing.
I came back in the room after a while and the computer was on the desktop. Should I be worried that it took so long to go from the blue screen with the turning gear to get to the desktop? Do you think my updates installed correctly, and would there be any way of knowing if they didn't?
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Jun 7, 2010
A security update (from like March or something) and Safari 5 just simply won't install. They are both downloaded, but when I click install it either shows a spinning loading thing for a few seconds, or the install thing for a few seconds, but then it just restarts.
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Jul 5, 2010
I've noticed that all of a sudden my MacBook Pro stopped installing updates. Lately, the only one that was installed up to the end was an HP printer update. Updates from Apple or from Microsoft Office will not get to the end of the process. It doesn't matter if I try via Software Update or directly from the Apple site. What happens it that the process goes up to the point I click "install" (after choosing the volume - which is the main HD), then nothing happens - no dialog box, nothing. I can click "install" a hundred times (the button remains available). Then I have to quit the installation process.
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Mar 2, 2012
I updated to 10.7.3 and now if I try to install a .dmg file, it mounts but when I select the pkg file, it opens up the a terminal window and does nothing.
FYI, I have tried numerous .dmg files from various vendors w/ the same issue.
System Info
2011 MBP 17''
2.2 i7
16gb RAM
120GB Vertex3
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 30, 2012
I receive message that "None of the selected updates could be installed. An unexpected error occurred." after the mac software update has downloaded the updates. I've run a permissions repair and trashed the updates in the library.
Mac Pro 2.8 GHz-Quad-Core Intel Xeon, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
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Sep 18, 2009
I had Apple Soundtrack 1.0 installed and then I removed it. Now its been about a week and software update has been coming up and trying to have me update the files, even though I removed the application already. How can I remove whatever is left that makes SU think it is still there? I'm using Snow Leopard, with all updates. The two updates in question are Pro Applications Update 2005-01 and 2006-02.
It claims it is for users of Final Cut Studio 5.1, Final Cut Pro 5.1, Motion 2.1, Soundtrack Pro 1.1, DVD Studio Pro 4.1, Shake 4.1, Live Type 2.1, Compressor 2.1, Apple QMaster 2.1, Final Cut Express HD 3.5. I don't have any of these installed and I'm assuming something was left behind, making it think it is still here. I could leave it since the files are so tiny, but it's just annoying that it keeps popping up every 8 hours or so.
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Apr 9, 2010
I just installed Windows 7 Home Premium and the Boot Camp 3.1 Update on my MacBook Pro.
What other updates do I need to install? Are there things that I need to do/uninstall?
The battery seems to be draining a lot quicker than when I'm on OSX, is there anyway to fix this?
There's also some weird noise coming from my MacBook Pro when I'm on Windows. I can't really explain it but it's like some kind of a scratchy noise. I ejected all my disks, so I don't think it's coming from the super drive.
The scrolling of the trackpad seems go really fast and just a little stroke makes the page scroll all the way to the bottom. Is there anyway I can fix this?
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Apr 14, 2012
How do I install updates on my Imac?Once they have finished downloading do I need to save them some where or open them for them to work?
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Apr 26, 2012
I keep getting a message saying "Software Update can't connect to the update server. Make sure you're connected to the Internet, and then try again." I'm connected to the Internet, so that's not the issue. I've tried rebooting, and using Disk Utility to repair permissions. I've also tried waiting and trying again later. This is the third day in a row I've gotten this message.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 5, 2012
Software update 4.0.6 has found Safari 5.1.7, iTunes 10.6.1, Java for Mac OX X 10.6 Update 8, iLife Support 9.0.4, and Remote Desktop Client update 3.5.3.
Have tried to download & install as a group and individually. Have downloaded Safari and Java to the hard drive and tried to install them. Also I've purchased Lion and tried twice to download and install but it reports an error at 4.1 GB and aborts, driving my downloads into pay-per-extra MB on my cable service.
Have also tried safe boot and disconnected (home) network.
MacBook Pro 17, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
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Jun 12, 2012
My software updates (e.g., Adobe Flash, Amazon MP3 Downloader) download but won't install. The installation just stalls at the beginning.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.5)
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Jun 26, 2012
Every time I try to update the software (when the Software Update" panel opens up), I can download the software but after downloading it says "Unable to install software" "An unexpected error occcured".....
I have plenty of HD space (100G available out of 320G), and I've tried repairing permissions, restarting etc but I still get the same error message.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 23, 2010
I have a mac OSX version 10.5.8 and i was trying to install the ilife 11 i just bought and was super excited about but when i tryed to download ilife 11 it said i needed to update my computer, so i went and downloaded the updates but my mac still says its the same version! and ilife wont install... I tried to go back and install the updates again but there not there it says I'm all updated! but 10.5.8 is not the latest version right ? What should I do?
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Sep 8, 2009
I am planning to clean install SL on my macMini. I've applied firmware updates as they became available under the "Check for new software" (under the apple). Will I have to reinstall the firmware updates, and how do I do that and how would I know which had to be updated?
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Mar 6, 2012
late 2008 macbook pro wont update beyond 10.5.6 without major freezing issues. kernel extensions are all power pc. update to x86 and failure happens.
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Jun 12, 2012
It downloads today's two updates to Snow Leopard (iTunes10.6.3 and AirPort Utility 5.6.1) and then proceeds with the progress bar which reaches a point 2/3 of the way and never progresses after 30 minutes. At that time, it keeps alerting that the installations failed.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Intel/2.53 GHz - 8 GB RAM
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Jun 12, 2012
Clicked restart and was presented with a screen that said "none of the software updates could be installed, an unexpected error occurred" I clicked OK, was left with blank screen that did nothing. So I powered down, and restarted, now I'm presented with a Unix screen indicating "unable to find driver for this platform" and a window instructing me to restart.
Restarting in any mode, shift, command, command s, etc will not move me past the Mac OS version not yet set screen. This is a mess. I installed Lion over the Internet and do not have a startup disk I can use to recover and reinstall to even restore from my Time Capsule ... Isn't there a way I can install over the Internet?
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Aug 5, 2009
I recently performed an "erase and install" on my MacBook. Do I need to reinstall firmware updates like the trackpad update and such?
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Sep 6, 2009
I have a late 2008 aluminium macbook, recently "clean" installed snow leopard, everything cool apart from the recurring issue with adobe acrobat pro 9 64bit pdf printer driver, anyway. How do I know whether or not I have the apple firmware updates from this site [URL]. Is there any way of checking or have they just be integrated with the snow leopard install. Also is it still ok the drive makes a noise when you either turn the macbook on and / or when the macbook comes out of sleep. Apple fixed this with a firmware update for the imac and etc, has there been one for the Macbook?
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Jun 15, 2010
i can't seem to update my macbook with any of its updates. I try to install and restart the ones that need to restart, but it doesn't even move a inch when restarting. I've left it for like a day complete to see if the restart would move in the bar, but it just stays in the beginning.
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Jun 17, 2010
I have a new MBP 2010, therefore I imagine my OSX disk has Boot Camp 2.1 on it though I'm not sure. I've installed Windows XP in Boot Camp but had problems on the tail end of the install when my OSX disk started clicking and repeating when trying to install the final drivers off the disk. It had got about half way through. The disk is clean and unscratched so don't know what to make of it.
So I tried looking for the Boot Camp updates online and discovered the v2.1, v2.2 etc. on Apple's website. I downloaded these. v2.1 is large 215mb and the other smaller, a minor update. I downloaded them a couple of times in case they were a faulty download. They were not.
I double clicked on the v2.1 to get the drivers installed. The window comes up asking you if you want to run it. "Run" then the window disappears, there sounds like there is some disk activity, then the computer settles down again as if nothing had happened. The drivers are not installed or updated as the Device Manager still shows its question marks on the affected entries.
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Apr 22, 2012
I've already tried the MS help website suggested in the error window and there is no assistance available there
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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