OS X :: Software RAID 5 On Leopard?

Jun 26, 2007

A quick question to all you developer's out there that got a hold of a Leopard-copy.

I would like to change my current X-serve setup. Unfortunately Disk Utility does not allow me to do RAID 5. Just RAID 0 or 1 + Concatenated (=JBOD). Did this change in Leopard?

Silly thing is I have a 3x300Gb config and RAID 5 (1X600Gb) just makes a lot more sense than 1x 300GB+ 1x300GB in mirror...

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PowerPC :: Internal RAID Card To Create RAID 1 Mirror Of System Drive For G5

May 16, 2007

I have a PowerMac G5 and need to purchase an internal RAID card to create a RAID 1 mirror of the system drive... one that will allow me create a Hardware RAID 1 mirror, not software RAID through OS X.

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Hardware :: Can A RAID 1 Guardian Maximus Rebuild Easily / Have Partitioned The RAID Set

Dec 2, 2009

I just bought a Guardian Maximus RAID1 kit and I have two 1TB drives in it. I'm using it over Airport Extreme as an airdisk (mac osx 10.6.2)

My question is simply: am I running a risk by partitioning it into two partitions? Should I ever have to rebuild the failed disk (which I understand is really simple with the Guardian Maximus) - will it have trouble doing two partitions? I'm using one 500gb partition for time machine and one 500gb partition as redundant itunes/media.

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Hardware :: Lacie RAID Shows Up As Two Separate HDs Instead Of A Single RAID HD?

Jan 28, 2009

I have a Lacie ext hard drive with 2 x 250gb HD that were one RAIDed into a single 500gb HD. I ran this update Lacie firmware update: http://www.lacie.com/support/drivers...r.htm?id=10053 And now my HD will only show up as two separate HDs of 250gb instead of a single RAID HD of 500gb.

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OS X :: Where RAID Icon Located In Leopard?

Oct 4, 2008

I hope this is the correct area to post this . . .

Anyway, I was wondering where the RAID Drive icon is located in Leopard, as it is showing up with the standard HDD icon for me.

I know this has no importance other that visual appeal, but I care for some reason.

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Mac Pro :: Get A Highpoint Raid Controller And Put Those 4 Drives In A Raid 5 Array?

May 1, 2008

I have a macpro with 4 x 1tb drives

Is it possible to get a highpoint raid controller and put those 4 drives in a raid 5 array (and then create partitions inside that array) - or do you need to have 1 drive by itself for the operating system, and then create a raid array using the remaining 3 drives?

Lastly, are the highpoint 3500 series a decent card? and fully compatible?

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Mac Pro :: RAID 5 Volumes - Create In RAID And Disk Utility?

May 20, 2009

I have a new Mac Pro Quad 2.93 with the Mac RAID card installed with four 1TB drives setup in a RAID 5 array. When creating the volumes in the RAID utility, you can not edit them, resize, etc. If one large volume is created in the RAID utility, you can then partition that one volume using the Apple Disk Utility, which then allows you to resize if needed.

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Mac Pro :: Move To A RAID Card / Will I Need To Recreate My Entire RAID?

Sep 13, 2009

I'm using the software RAID right now. Everything is set as RAID 10. I want to move to a RAID card� if I keep it as RAID 10 will I still need to redo everything?

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Mac Pro :: Snow Leopard Clean Installation On RAID

Jun 19, 2012

I'm going to update my MacPro Quad Core 3.2 installing Snow Leopard.The machine has a RAID 5 already installed and working perfectly.I'm wondering how the correct procedure is to rebuilt the RAID and install Snow Leopard on it.I don't want to install the update, I want to inizialise all the disks and get a fresh and clean installation.Do I have to use Disk Utility or RADI Utility?

Mac Pro

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Mac Pro :: Raid Speed ... Raid 5 Vs Straight Sata HDs

Jan 28, 2008

ive put 4 of the hitachi 1tbs in my new mac pro.. and i really want to do Raid on them eventually.. and buy the pricey apple raid card.. i'll do it.. but speed wise:

How fast is a Sata connection straight from HD>Motherboard... ~75mb/s?
Is the Raid 5 config with all those drives much faster... around ~110mb/s?

Do you know if there is anyway to get a 5th drive into the raid 5 array? using the ODD space.. or some externals too... i need as much as space as possible...

And boot camp wont work with raid card anymore? I was thinking to have the startup disc be a raptor to increase speed on the apps, how would it integrate with the raid card, etc

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OS X :: Possible To Move RAID 0 To A Single Drive In The RAID?

Nov 16, 2009

I have a RAID 0 set up with two 1.5TB HDs. I am doing some reorganizing and want to take all the data on the RAID 0 and move it to one of the hard drives in the RAID 0 and create to single drives. Is there any way of moving all the data from a RAID 0 onto one of the HDs?

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Mac Pro :: Software RAID Versus Hardware RAID?

Apr 20, 2010

I am planning on getting a 2010 MP when they come and have a question about it. I am 90% sure that with my budget, I will not be able to after a RAID card. I am wondering if software RAID would be alright or if it's so bad it's not worth doing. Also, there is small chance that I could buy a RAID card later on, how would I install it? I will be using it for 3D animation with Maya and some zbrush modeling. Also I will be doing some Photoshop and illustrator and maybe some gaming on win 7 boot camp. Feel free to list any other pros and cons about either a software RAID or hardware RAID, I wana make sure I have all the details before making a final decision on it.

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Resizing Partition With Apple Raid Card

Apr 12, 2012

I have an Apple RAID card installed with the following configuration:4 x 2TB HD'sRAID 0+1Yielding a 4TB RAID setPartitioned into:Partition 1: 40GB StartupPartition 2: 40GB Backup StartupPartition 3: The remaining available disk space into a Data drive 

The idea was I would have a reserve volume I could load another system onto and it would come in handy. 

The problem is that I didn't know that the startup drive was going to have to have an accounting application running on it that needed to have its data on the same volume. This data is growing rapidly and I am in need of expanding the volume. I have a backup of the whole setup. 

From what I can gather from my searches, I should be able to resize these partitions but I wanted to know if anyone out there had a similar setup and had tried this. Right now there is no data on Partition 2 so my thought was to delete this partition from the RAID set and then expand Partition 1, doubling the size of my startup. This would get rid of my backup startup but I could achieve that with an external drive. 

My hesitation is because I can't find any reference to doing this with a RAID 0+1 scheme (I would have preferred 1+0 but the RAID card didn't offer it...).

Apple RAID Card, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Server software

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Mac Pro :: Setting Up RAID 1 Without RAID Card?

May 15, 2009

I have never setup RAID before and this question may be totally stupid for that matter.

Can I setup RAID 1 (or call it mirroring) without the RAID card? I have two 1TB internal drives in my Mac Pro and I want to mirror them. I don't want to spend another 700 bucks just to setup a mirror.

Disk Utility shows some RAID options, but I am not sure how to use them, or if they will work at all without the RAID card.

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Mac Pro :: Mirror RAID Or A Stripe RAID?

Feb 14, 2010

On my 2009 Mac Pro, OS X's disk utility seems to allow the provision of making a mirror RAID or a stripe RAID.

Is it possible to shove in 2 drives, make a RAID 0 for two of them, and then add in 2 more drives to make a RAID 1 out of that RAID 0? (a RAID 0+1?)

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Deleting RAID Set Failed With The Error: Invalid Request"

Feb 7, 2012

I have 4 Discs.Mirrored raid sets One Raid Slice is 'System Mirror'One Raid Slice is 'Data Mirror' There is a lock symbol on all 4 discs.  Status is online. I can't delete the raid sets.  I can't unmount them.  I am the admin but the Disk Utility says  "Deleting RAID set failed.  Deleting RAID set failed with the error:  Invalid Request"

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Replacing A Hard Drive Of RAID 5 System Just Ruined OS X 10.6.8 Server?

Jul 2, 2012

My system is MacPro 2009 with 10.6.8 server and Apple RAID card. Last week, RAID util just notified me of one drive is not viable, so i decided to replace the drive today. The configuration of my system is... There is an Apple Raid Card for HW Raid system Bay 1 = 640 TB drive with Mac OS X 10.6.8 server installed Bay 2, 3, 4 = 1.5 TB drives set up as RAID 5 below is what I did to replace the degraded Bay 4... 

1. I shut down the system

2. replaced the corrupted drive with the new hard drive

3. tried start the machine again.Now my machine refuses to start up with the blinking question mark... I guess that the system fails to recognize the new drive or cannot find the system files... 

4. So I put back the degraded drive...

5. The machine still won't start...

6. I tried to use the 10.6 server installation disk to boot up the machine to check if I can fix the system via disk util; but, everytime I do this, I got kernel panic...  

7. resetting PR Ram didn't help, cannot boot up via safe mode as well (since the system file is not accessible now, I guess...).

8. booting via 10.6.2 server installation DVD still gives me kernel panic...  

Why would my system corrupt by just replacing one degrade drive? The Mac OS X is not even the part of the Raid system... How am I supposed to fix this issue with out the installation disk?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Pro :: How To Use Raid 0?

Dec 12, 2010

I have a silly RAID question, and I can't seem to find an answer via the search.

I have 4 disks that I want to put in a striped raid. One of those disks (disk 1) has data that I'd like to keep.

If I put these 4 disks in the striped raid will I lose the data that is on disk 1?

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Mac Pro :: How To Know About RAID?

Aug 5, 2008

Currently I have a stock 320G drive installed with a 750G F1 Spinpoint installed as a Time Machine. I have maxed the 320 out so I'm looking to get a bigger drive.

Question: looking at the F1 Spinpoints, should I do 1x750 with 32M cache? Or 2x400G in a software RAID0? The 400s have a 16 Meg cache, so 32M total.

What's better? Do you think I'll see a better performance boost by striping over 2 drives with 16M cache each, or sticking with 1 drive with a 32M cache? And with the 2x400, I'll gain about 50 Gigs of storage over the 750G drive.

2x400 is $156
1x750 is $125

Is this a decent boost for only an additional $25, or should I just save a drive bay and get 1 drive?

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Power Mac G5 :: Add A Second HDD As A RAID?

Oct 19, 2007

My Mac is beginning to run low on free HDD space. I'd like to add a second internal HDD to boost space. However, I don't like having a completely separate HDD icons because I can never remember which files are on which disk, not to mention a lot of copying between the two.

I'm considering adding a second HDD and combining the two into a RAID setup. Do I have to reformat my existing disk, or can I just add the second HDD's storage onto my existing disk with Disk Utility?

If I can just pop in a second HDD and add its capacity to the existing one's, that'd be ideal. Having to clear off the existing disk before joining the two would be a chore, though.

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Mac Pro :: RAID 0 And ITunes

Sep 25, 2010

I have a RAID 0 set up on my 2009 MP. I am using two 2TB Caviar Blacks and have my boot drive on a OCZ 120GB Vertex. I have 50GB of iTune music on that drive and want to move it to the RAID 0.

Is it as simple as using the preferences on iTunes and choosing the 'Data' volume (name of my RAID 0) and assigning iTunes to that drive? Is this the guide I need to follow?http://macperformanceguide.com/Setti...ing-iApps.html

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Mac Pro :: Raid 6 Versus 60?

Oct 8, 2010

Okay, so... To make a raid 60, you make a raid 6 first then stripe that. If you started with a 4 disk raid 6 array and increased your number of disks to 8 when you stripe it, I have no trouble visualizing performance and capacity advantages.

However, I'm having trouble visualizing trade offs, speed or capacity differnces if you compared a 8 drive raid 6 vs an 8 drive raid 60.

If you are not Nanofrog, but you did stay at a holiday inn last night, you are welcome to reply as well.

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Mac Pro :: SAS RAID For BootCamp Only

Dec 17, 2010

LSI 9240-8i SAS RAID for BootCamp only. Will it be bootable for BootCamp? Anyone using that card? I need to connect 4 SSD drives to work with my Mac Pro for Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.

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Mac Pro :: Unable To Know MP 08 Raid?

Feb 24, 2008

Ive heard conflicing statments that the raid is software/hardware. anyone know for sure what it is (Im not talking about that card you can buy).

If it is software raid does this take a toll on the processors? is it serious or does it not matter at all.

IF it does matter. should I buy a exteran raid card? is there a mac compatible one. I just need basic raid0.

I just bought 2 samsung spinpoint F1 750s in anticipation of my new mac. But just want to make sure that raid is a wise decision.

for those who are thinking about replying about the dangers of raid. I know. I have time machine. if the raid goes down then so be it. such is life. I will have backups.

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Mac Pro :: Unable To Know Raid 1/0?

Nov 8, 2009

OK I do some Video Editing and Motion Graphics with FCP and Adobe After Effects.

I have a Mac Pro 2009 with 4 1TB Drives and 2 1TB Lacie Fire Wire 800 Drives.

This is the setup i have

1st Drive Mac OSX

2nd Drive is Windows 7 OS

3rd & 4th Striped and Mirrored to the 2 Lacies External Drives that are Striped. (raid 1 + 0)

My first question: is this a bad system? should i set it up a different way?

Second: is If a Drive goes out in the Raid 1+0 how will i know and how can i put a new drive in to fix it? How does this work?

Third: I set the RAID up with disk utility, is this ok, bad or good?

Fourth: IF the the OS Drive goes out will and i replace it and format it, will the RAID 1+0 Still be there? some where i read that its OS dependant?

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Mac Pro :: Hdd Recommendation For RAID?

Feb 19, 2010

I've never set up a RAID before. I'm about to purchase an 09 MP through Apple and was looking at the Apple and CalDigit RAID cards before I started reading these forums. If the experts are saying that the Areca ARC-1212 works better than both of those at half the price, I'm sold.

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Mac Pro :: Found An Interesting Raid Box

Oct 7, 2010



well it is a newer piece of gear came out in 2010. uses a different raid engine. The JMB393 CHIPSET. IT IS SMALL low cost. I may buy it and test it out. uses 2.5 inch drives. 5 wd scorpio blacks run about 300 bucks and this is 130. if you get fast read /write over 200mb/s it may be a good piece of gear for some.

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Mac Pro :: How To Sleep With Raid Card

Oct 9, 2010

I'm running my MP all the time because the Areca Raid card will not allow me to sleep it. It is actually a bit annoying because I sometimes sleep in the room and the MP 4.1 has relatively loud CPU heat sink fans.

Has anybody figured a way to make the Areca cards sleep?

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Mac Pro :: Finding Raid Controller?

Nov 18, 2010

I have been searching for a good raid controller with ports for both internal & external drives. Does this exist on the mac side?

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Mac Pro :: Erase Raid From HDD (still Using SSD For Boot)?

Nov 28, 2010

I have a 2009 MacPro. SSD has the boot and apps from the 2nd Optical Drive. Original 1x4TB drives are in Raid 0 and have all the data (home folder etc). They also have the original OSX and apps which are no longer in use since everything boots off the SSD.

I want to erase the 4 raid drives (disconnect raid all together) (data all backed up to a drobo). Use first 3 drives as new storage and the 4th as bootcamp.

however, when I try to erase the raid data drives, it says it can't unmount the disk (yes, have no apps running other than disk utility from the SSD apps)

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