OS X :: Router Connection - How To Either Find That Number On My Macbook Or Reset A New One
Apr 19, 2009
I have lost the sign on password for our router. At one time it was the phone number but then it changed to some 8 digit number which unfortunately I did not save anywhere...duh...any suggestions on how to either find that number on my macbook or re set a new one?
I get internet through my apartment's LAN cable which they provide. I've got a few devices so I need a router. Can I just get any wireless router and plug in that LAN cable and it will work?
Recently I have been having issues loading internet content. When I try to load almost any website, my internet browser acts like it is searching for my wireless router and can't find it. However, when I use my PSP to connect to the internet from the same spot, it works perfectly fine. The PSP usually says there is a 70% connection, which is better than it has ever been. My router and laptop are on the same floor only a room away.
I have other people in my house that share the router: 6 computers; 4 are laptops that are used more often than the 2 desktops, 4 iPod Touches; 2 of which are never used. I had everyone turn off Bluetooth on all devices since none of us use that feature and that didn't help all.
I honestly don't know what the problem is, but if I had to make a guess, it would be all of the things that our devices can connect to with AirPort. There is Motorola, 2WIRE017, 2WIRE160, 2WIRE417, 2WIRE730, MartinWirelessRouter, NorzWireless, NETGEAR, schooly, and stackdaddy. I think all of these wireless connections are disrupting one another, which is what I thought was causing the problem. The only one I ever care to connect to is Motorola, so is there a way to prevent my computer from even recognizing anything else?
What is the best router to have for my iMac 27", 3.06 gig? I currently have a Belkin N1 Wireless Router, but it has been acting up lately, dropping my connection, requiring disconnect/re-connect.
i have a router connected to my mac via ethernet. With my windows pc the router works as expected but when connected to the mac it drops the connection frequently. Does anyone have this problem?
I have a MacBook Pro running OS X (10.6.8) and I have a Netgear DGN1000 wireless modem router. My laptop wireless connection keeps dropping out lately but the internet connection itself is okay - my provider tested and no dropouts show up so it is just the wireless connect from my laptop thats dropping out.
just got a new MacBook Pro the other day and got it all set up and running fine, last night the internet connection failed and now everytime i enter the password it says invalid password. The thing is my pc works fine
I cannot connect a macbook to the d-link di-524. Macbook model: MB403LL/A 13.3". When I try to connect thru the AirPort the connection gets timed-out. As far as I understand the problem is with the security system. The DI-524 is set-up for WEP 64bit HEX and i tried using the laptop set-up for WEP password with 40-128 bit range with HEX configuration. When I remove the security system from the router, connection is easy.
I have lost my iPod touch for half a year. I want to find my serial number on my Mac. I have searched on the internet but the guides is for Windows. My iTunes version is 10.6 (40)
I have a 15" Mac Book Pro (the one with the keyboard that matches the outer uni-body and track-pad). I am having difficulty in finding the actual model number that is associated with this machine ( as it is second hand). I found the serial number and all the other essential specifications to wit I would have interest for scheduled up-keep. The model number, however, escapes me?
My Macbook Pro got stolen today, I was wondering if there is a way to find the serial number with my Apple ID which I used to register my MBP.I need the serial number for the police report.
I have created a number of Apple i/d's that now seem make my records confused. I'm often forced to reset passwords; like today: I tried to log in to use my icloud email address and had to reset the password - again even though I had used for my apple ID minutes before!!. This repeating problem has become a real headache and I want to kill off the old unused apple i/ds and start afresh so i can link my information etc over all my hardware. can this be achieved if I present all my prior information for deletion?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), new IPhone 5S
For some unknown reason my mail program is just now asking for a password when I attempt to send an email. I verified the password with my ISP. When I go to the Mail program/Preferences/Accounts I see a screen that has three sections. The third section offers "Outgoing mail server (SMTP)" but offers no box allowing a server number such as 587... Why is that option missing? What is likely causing this sudden request for a password?
I was having difficulty with a piece of software and instead of force quitting and rebooting I just powered down. When I powered up all I get is a blank white screen with the Apple in the middle and the continuous circle. Computer is very warm as well.
I do not have my mac book pro with me right now? I need the serial number to contact apple customer care. Is there any way I can get that number? Can I use iTunes for searching it?
I have two apple computers. One has lost connection to the internet although lights for both on the netgear router are on. Is that a problem with the computer or router. ?
My room is the farthest away from the router that we have in my house, and as a result, I get fairly slower connection than everyone else. Would a wireless router(if this wouldn't work what will) let me put that in my room(without plugging it in via ethernet) and show me an increase in speed?
I brought my router from the city to my cottage and I wanted to get wireless, however, when I hooked it up to my modem, it didn't work. Is it possible to hook up any old router to a non-wireless internet connection?