OS X :: Recovered Files In Trash?
Dec 4, 2010what are those files for?
should i delete them every time i see them in my trash?
what are those files for?
should i delete them every time i see them in my trash?
when i turn on my mac trash has recovered files in there, however trash was empty of last shut down.
MacBook Pro with Retina display
I have these recovered files in my trash that will not empty out ... Any thoughts as to how to get rid of them?
View 24 Replies View RelatedAfter every reboot or restart, I just started seeing a new file named "Recovered files" in the trash containing fonts. All fonts in there are system fonts. I remember this happening in OS9 but I never had this in OSX before. I close all apps before shutting down.OSX 10.5.8 Dual 2.3 GHz PPC G5 5 GB DDR2 SDRAM NVIVIA GeForce 6600 256 VRAM
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have recovered files sitting in my trash bin and cannot delete themĀ ...
View 5 Replies View RelatedAfter every reboot or restart, I just started seeing a new file named "Recovered files" in the trash containing fonts. All fonts in there are system fonts. I remember this happening in OS9 but I never had this in OSX before. I close all apps before shutting down.OSX 10.5.8 Dual 2.3 GHz PPC G5 5 GB DDR2 SDRAM NVIVIA GeForce 6600 256 VRAM
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just woke up and noticed that I have a Recovered File in my trash can. It has a "Temp File AAA", ProJlib, Imllib, something else, and another folder containing some quicktime stuff and a bunch of other things. I am not sure what it is as it wasn't there when I went to sleep a few hours ago. I clicked get info and all the stuff says it says last activity was on oct 28 at 5:27 pm. Is this from the daily scripts the mac runs around 3 in the am? I secure emptied the trash already too. Also, Onyx says my weekly and daily scripts were run at 7:15 and 7:30 am....today. Is that normal for them to run just as I turn on my cpu from sleep?
View 4 Replies View RelatedOn a fresh boot of my G5 Power Mac (latest version late 2005, 2GHz), there are usually several fonts in the trash in a folder named Recovered Items. All of the fonts are fonts I have disabled using Font Book, some are normal fonts and some are system fonts that throw up a message to the effect of "Are you sure you want to disable this font?...." when disabling them with Font Book. In this case they are always fonts I will never use, Korean, Chinese or Arabic etc. Is this something to be concerned about? I have noticed no problems running the system or in any software, so I just empty the trash and get on with my work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedEverytime I reboot, there are recovered files in my trash. Its not a big deal, but its been such an annoyance. Is there any way to stop it from happening...? I take of my computer (everything updated, run maintenance every couple weeks, etc.)
View 1 Replies View Relatedi have started to get two fonts showing up in my 'Trash' - recovered files folder. the same two fonts show up every time i restart.
mac os x 10.5.8 - ppc
I now have a file in my trash, that I didn't create or move to trash, that is titled "Recovered Files" with sub files titles "Entourage Temp" and "plugtmp". Is this one of the new and amazing features of the 5.6 update?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was trying to delete one file , so i dragged to trash, then all of a sudden I realize my entire Drobo (3TB Huge) was highlighted and deleting to my trash! So now I have a trash folder full all my Drobo's content and I can't figure out how to get it all back to "put back"! I'm afraid that I am going to inadvertently empty trash and lose my entire Drobo's contents! I need to figure out how to undo or put back ... come on Apple. Why'd you make this so difficult?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn mac we have option to delete items securely from trash, while deleting it warns that: once deleted items will not be recovered. I want to know that is there any way by which items deleted "normally, (not securely)" from "Trash" can be recovered?
View 6 Replies View Relatedim using the new msn 8, and each time i use messenger then turn off my computer and turn it back on or restart the computer, i keep getting recovered files in my trash.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhenever I start the Mac, there is always a folder named "recovered files" in the recycle bin...even though the bin was empty before previous shutdown. There is a "wkresources" in the folder. What is this? I really want to see a clear bin when start. Can I do something to change that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I recently installed Microsoft Office 2011 Home and Business. Its great I "LOVE" it. Which is odd for me because I hate 2008 and only had little using time with 2004.
I noticed though that whenever I log into my computer there is a file in the trash called Recovered Files. Just wondering what all of that is about. I'm assuming that since it is in the trash it is safe to delete?
I have a hard drive that is in the process of dying and had to use Diskwarrior in order to rebuild the drive; luckily, it seems to have recovered my files.
I looked in Users/Library/Pictures to find my iPhoto Library file, however it doesn't seem to my newer photos that I imported into the library.
Is there a secondary/hidden location that the original files are stored in? Where exactly can I find them?
Despite having several files in the trash, its icon never changes (always shows an empty trash) and the "Empty Trash" option is dimmed (that is, cannot be used). OnyX ws the only solution but it's temporary. What's the fix I should apply to Mac OS X? Also, why is it that every time I want to move a file to trash I must enter my password? It's annoying to say the least.Please help me as I don't want to go through the royal pains of installing everything again, Windows-style. I think Mac OS X should be better than that.
MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
how do i recover files from trash after trash is emptied?'
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I had about 40 short videos on an SD card and I thought I copied them to their appropriate file. Well, incidentally, I didn't get them copied, and I went to clean off the SD card. I selected all the files, and "moved" them to the trash. I did not empty the trash, but I opened the trash and they are no where to be found.... I was curios if my MacBook Pro might send those types of files to the trash in a different format, or do they send a bulk of files like that somewhere else? Here is an example of how the files read "IM000003.AVI" the number changes with its position... I am prepared to eat my mistake and not have those vids anymore, but I would sure like some direction if anyone has any.... they gotta be on my computer somewhere....
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was cleaning up my jumpdrive and accidently put a locked safegaurd file in the trash so when I went to empty the trash it emptied everything but that. Then I went in and moved a copy of the safegaurd file from the trash to the desktop then to the jumpdrive. Now the file is safely back on my jumpdrive, but I have useless files in my trash that I can't delete. How do I do it??
Anyone know what I can do?
Yesterday I ran into a problem I did not know existed. I am quite new to mac.... I went to check "Last Week" in search side bar, in finder. I thought it was just history, so I deleted it all. It went into trash. Then I realized it acctually moved all the apps I used, files, prefs and so on into trash. I thought I could just restore items to its original locations. Peace of cake in windows, just click "restore". I found out I could not do it on my Mac. Yes, I know I could drag them back, but I did not know where most of the files originally came from. I searched the internet - found nothing, only that it is impossible to do. Is it true? I can not restore files I moved to trash? I tried time machine - did not work. The only way I could use - to restore the system using time machine when booted from Leopard disk. Is this the only way to restore something I moved to the trash?
View 24 Replies View Relatedy iMac is running Leopard and Windows 7 RC1 in Bootcamp.
From Leopard, I deleted some files on my Win7 partition, however, now Trash won't empty those files. It doesn't come up with any error.I have tried holding the Option key went emptying Trash, and have tried running repair permissions via Disk Utility.
When I delete a file it doesn't go to my trash can it just deletes....and when I tried to delete an imovie event it wouldn't let me
Did some weird setting change or something?
I'm on Snow Leopard and I'm using a:
Model Name: MacBook
Model Identifier: MacBook3,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
I have been using Time Machine to backup my MacBook Pro, and today, my handy little Passport drive ran out of space so I dragged my folder, from my external image, to my Trash. When I emptied it, I got an error message (Code -8003) seen here: It is around 350 GBs or so, and I have deleted the folder once before, without any issues. What am I doing wrong and how can I empty the trash here? I also browsed through Console, but with my basic knowledge of it, didn't see any messages pertaining to it.
View 7 Replies View RelatedThis may sound simple, and I did search the forums. One thread suggested holding down "Option", that did nothing. "Command" "control" or any combination of the Three also did nothing. Another Thread gave a program called "Force Empty Trash". It is only tested on 10.3 or something, I run Tiger 10.4. I Ran the program anyway, and the Trash emptied, but then the Phantom Files Returned. The files in question are Corrupted iTunes music folders that had nothing in them, but I couldn't access them. "File Cannot Be Read Or Written I Tried Deleting them, and most moved to Trash -- one was stubborn. A Repair of Disk Permissions Made it enter the Trash Bin -- and that is where they Remain. I rebooted, and attempted an Empty, but It tells me "File Is In Use" despite the fact that; A: iTunes is closed, and B: It was part of a different iTunes Library (I moved, and re-added everything after dealing with the corrupt folders) So now I am at a Loss as to how to get rid of these files. They are not locked, and are set for me to "Read & write" in the Permissions. Is there a program that would Tell me what Processes are linked to the folders? What could still be accessing them? I was told maybe I have a Virus, if so, what are the best up-to-date OS X Virus scanners?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've been having this weird issue for a few weeks. In my main user account I get 9 0 byte files that show up in my trash. If I open trash and click delete files it goes through the motions (makes empty trash sound, closes trash window) but the files remain. The only way to remove them is to do a get info on all of them which pops up the get info window for a fraction of a second, closes it and the file disappears. Trash lists the file type as alias. I can't drag them to the desktop or anywhere outside of trash. I tried doing a secure erase just in case they were remnants of old files or something. The file names are seemingly random symbols. The file names seem to be the same each time, although they seem to move in different locations (higher, lower in list). The creation date is the same for all, December 31, 1904 4:00 pm. I have a screen shot attached. This issue is only happening in my main non-admin account. My other admin account this isn't happening.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm a recent mac converter. Hope someone can help me out.
Now in XP I was able to remove certain files from the trash bin. I never actually emptied the entire trash bin, but once in a while would delete the oldest files from the trash bin and keep the new ones.
Is this possible in OS X? I was only able to empty the entire trash bin, but not certain parts of it.
How do you recover files or pics you have emptied from the trash bin.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI didn't secure empty trash, is there a way to recover the file?
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