OS X :: Possible To Show Open Windows In Menu Bar?
Nov 22, 2008
I know this is a Windows type thing, but it's something I like when I Bootcamp into XP. I switch between windows a lot, and it's nice how on XP in the taskbar at the bottom all the windows are displayed. I know I can do CMD + Tab, I know I can do the display all windows, but it's just a lot easier this way. I sit back in my chair a lot while browsing the internets and its easier if I can do it with my mouse. I was wondering if the active windows can be displayed in the upper menu bar, not the Dock, because mine autohides and it would be easier in the menu.
i want to know if there is an option or a hack that when i turn on my imac it will always show boot menu then i can choose mac or windows. Without always having to hold down the option key?
how do i get my aol homepage (or any website for that matter) to show up in the menu of sites that always show up directly under my browser bar where i can click for instant access?Â
Im running a 2 GHz Core 2 Duo iMac.Anyway, when I log in the osx menu bar doesnt always show. When this happens clicking anywhere in the screen or running an app prompts it to show up and then all is OK again.Ive only noticed this happen since getting a magic mouse a couple of weeks ago. Before this I had the wireless mighty mouse. Could it be related?
I've switched to mac very recently and have the following "beginner" question. I was not able to find an answer in any of the guides.
In OS X the Menu Bar is always on the top left. Now, I don't know all the shortcuts yet, so I have to click with my mouse on e.g. "history" (in safari) to find out that "shift" "cmd" "H" brings me back to home.
Now, I don't want to click with my mouse on "history" in order to view the menu. Just as in Windows I want to be able to open the "history" menu with a short cut. In Windows if I pressed "alt" it would underline the letter I would have to press in order to open a certain menu (e.g. "alt" + "f" for file menu).
I have a Mac OS X version 10.5.8, one of the 2008 black/white models. Yesterday, I was messing around with my computer because the hard drive will not show up in the finder (I already did the system preferences, doesn't work). However, I guess I must have deleted something because when I restarted my computer, the menu bar blinks in and out unless i get onto safari but I can't get into finder at all. Also, All of my items on my desk top are gone. And I can't get into Itunes (file locked, on a locked disk, or do not have written permission to enter it)
I'm assuming this means I need to take it in and get it fixed. But I wanted to see if I can do anything to avoid that because I am in college and have a paper every week so I pretty much live off of my computer.
Is there a way to only hide the menu bar, but keep the dock unhidden? I tried Menu Magic, but it hides both. Menu Eclipse can a put a black bar on top of it, but you can't maximize windows to fill up the space it takes up.
Basically I want a "Turn Hiding On" feature for the menu bar.
I have SL and I've just installed Dropbox. According to this page I should be able to see a contexual menu in Finder but I don't. Do you know how to enable it ?
I know your able to now redownload your previous purchases (ie. movies and music etc) through the purchases menu of the iTunes store but for some reason their is only one of my purchases in there but the rest are all missing.
I started using OS X Lion last week. For some reason, when I launch iTunes, the window has no close button, zoom button nor minimize button. Moreover, the Mac menu bar doesn't show up.Â
Info: MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I downloaded and installed the OS Maverick's recent 10.9.3 update on my 15" Retina Macbook Pro. However since then I am unable to use certain features, like when I right-click on the Desktop, the menu bar shows only two possible options. I cannot "clean up" the icons on my Desktop anymore. Futhermore, I cannot right-click on some places at all - in Finder for example, nothing happens when I right-click on blank space. Only when I right-click on the icons itself does the menu bar pop up, and that only if the viewing mode is in list, columns, or cover flow (basically not in the "icons" viewing mode).Â
If I understand correctly instead of showing the possible actions that you can't do in grey, it's simply not showing them at all? Either way it's really ugly, and the usefull clean up application is gone!Â
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
My computer is stating up very slow it take over five minutes to get the menu to show and over ten to start safari i have already cleaned out the history, cookies, caches and random files I no longer need what do I do next?
This is my first post here... even though, I've read a lot of the things on this forum, but never decided to post a question 'til now... now that i bought a macbook pro that is.
Actually I have some sort of annoyance with boot camp. It works as it's intended (with windows 7, which is a miracle, because everyone complains about that combination). But whenever I boot up and press "alt" to select the hard drive i want to boot, it always shows Windows. Can i change it for something else? and, how can I do it? Both of my partitions have names of their own... they're not generic... but still, they are not working, what can I do??
On Windows I noticed there was an icon in the bottom right (next to the clock) that I could right click and then restart in Mac OS X. Is there a similar thing for OS X that I can just click in the menu bar and restart in Windows?
I have Lion 10.7.2 and am running Safari version 5.1.2, hopefully I am good so far. I'm not sure what hapenned, I must have done something, but one day my address bar decided it wanted to play hide and seek and it won....the "show toolbar" option does nothing upon clicking it, neither does the "customize toolbar" option.
Is there a way to add programs to the Open With Menu.For example, when you right click on a file you can choose to open it with the default application by selecting Open, or choose other programs to open it with by selecting Open With.Only a few of the programs that can open the files are listed.Is there a way to add programs that I use to list in that list.Right now, everytime I want to open something in a program that is not listed I have to go to Other... and find it in the Application folder. Which is not too convenient.Many programs that I use to open files are not listed for many types of file types, I open them frequently using the Open... window, and I was hoping that Mac would learn to add them, but it did not.
For example, I have VMWare with Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010 in it, my default application for WORD documents is Word for Mac 2011, but occasionally I need to open it in Word 2010 in Windows (Certain features that are missing in Mac Word), and I have to browse to fin the Word 2010 Application from the Application Folder.Another example is a program (from the App Store) called ResizeIt (which resizes photos), I have to browse for it everytime even though it is an application just for images.So, is there a way to edit the Open With Menu for specific file types to include these programs that I use, or do I have to keep browsing to the Application folder and finding it there?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.2 GHz i7 Quad Core, 8 GB of RAM
I'm working with OSX 10.9.4. My question is simple! I would like to clear out the "Open With" menu! I just received a new Version of Photoshop and now I have two versions in the open with menu, along with others that I will never use.
I have the newest version of itunes but I can't find the menu bar and it doesn't have the little box that it shows on PCs to show the menu. I am lost on how to actually open the menu to authorize my computer so I can have access to my cloud.
Im having trouble with VMware.. If I set the wireless network connection to NAT, the internet works, but my xbox 360 wont show up in the media streaming options in windows media player. However, if I change the network settings to bridged, I lose my internet connection (well.. sometimes it works.. 80% of the time it doesnt..) Connecting to bridged is the only way I can connect to my 360, and only some of the time where the internet will work. Is there a way to fix the problem with bridged or NAT so they both work together?
I have a macpro with OSX on one drive and windows 7 on a partition of another drive. Both systems work fine and I boot into windows by holding the option key down. What is odd is if I go to the system preferences startup disk my windows install does not show up. I did move my windows partition a while ago to a new drive. I used bootcamp to create the partition and winclone to move the data. It's not a big deal not having the option in the preference pain but would be nice. If I am in windows and go to the bootcamp control panel both OS X and Windows are there.
I have tried Onyx, CleanMyMac, clearing LaunchServices.plist and loads of other things (too many to list) but when I right click on any file, I get the same entries repeated in the open with menu. i.e. Right Click an .avi and get Open With-> VLC, Quicktime, Other... Vlc, Quicktime, Other... VLC, Quicktime, Other...
My Open With... menu has multiple entries of apps. Example; Right click .avi file, open with... VLC, Quicktime, Other, VLC, Quicktime, Other and over and over it goes. I have rebuilt the LaunchServices database with Onyx, and this didn't work. I have also deleted the LaunchServices.plist file.
I just went to open an image in the Finder with the "Open With" option. I noticed that there are several versions of most of the applications that can open an image. Most are the older versions of the applications. Does anyone know how to edit this list so only the current version of each application is shown? I have attached the menu listing so you can see what I mean by duplicates.
Is this possible? I find it annoying to have a file open in Preview and then having to either locate it or save it to allow me to open it in something else (like Acrobat or Photoshop). An example: I have just been sent a pdf that I need to open in Acrobat pro to merge with another one. Using Entourage the only things I can do are save or open, opening it results in it opening in Preview - which is usually what I'd prefer, but in this instance, I need to edit it, so I have to save it somewhere and then open it again from Acrobat. Preview is great, don't get me wrong, and not having to open up the whole program first in most cases is brilliant, but sometimes it's a pain that I can't subsequently open the file I'm previewing in a different program.
When right clicking I get a double 'Open with' menu. It's not double entries of programs, I literally get two working open with menus. Here's what I get: [URL]. I have cleaned up my 'Launch services' database, but it didn't work.
In my menu bar, I have my favorites, and some are actually folders. Since switching to lion, those folders are marked by a square. When I click on them, every site within opens up and knocks out whatever site I had up. For example: In YAHOO, I have three bookmarks within (Yahoo, Yahoo Mail, and Yahoo UK) When I used to click on the folder, I was given a sub menu from which to choose. Now all three open up.  In SAFARI 5.1.4. Running LION 10.7.3 MacBook Pro Dual 2.53 Intel Core.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), SAFAIR 5.1.4
I hate MS Word, but I find that I can't get rid of it just yet. I love Pages, but I need the thesaurus capabilities of word. I need to be able to right click on a word and have synonyms come up in that very menu, no opening dictionary or another pop-up.