OS X Mavericks :: Incorrect Storage Info?
Aug 22, 2014
When I navigate to about this Mac and then to storage info, it reports a completely wrong size for photos, audio, and movies. It reports as having 82 gigs of photos, 16 gigs of audio, 13 gigs of movies and 11 gigs of apps. Yet my hard drive capacity is 120 gigs. Other applications correctly report that I have 79 gigs free space.
I have reformatted my computer and started using command + R and disk utility to erase hard drive and reinstall OS X.
I DID NOT install or MIGRATE my applications and installed OS X as completely new.
I have used omnidisksweeper.
I have reindexed my hard drive using terminal commands AND also using this support page method: Spotlight: How to re-index folders or volumes
I have used disk utility to repair hard drive. I have an attachment of the incorrect storage being reported if needed.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 28, 2014
iTunes is showing me bizarre dates in the "Date Added" column. Examples are "6/29/14180", "1/5/145", and "12/29/12364". I should note that I'm running the latest version of iTunes and the latest version of Mavericks, but the iTunes library that I'm using is the library on my Snow Leopard drive (because I don't know a simple way of importing all of that music--25,000+ songs--into the Maverick side).
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Aug 20, 2009
I've read a few threads in here but it's still not clear for me what the limitations of a NAS really are.
What I'm looking for: storage that will be easily accessible for the 2 computers on our wireless (router) network.
Will any NAS do this? Any recommended brands? And, more importantly: can I treat a NAS drive exactly like a regular drive?
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Feb 3, 2012
How do I check how much storage I have?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 29, 2014
So I go into About This Mac > More Info > Storage and I get a reading of 92.42 GB of Apps!
I have attached a snapshot using Grab of all my Applications. There is no way I have 92.42 GB of Apps on my MacBook Pro. So... What the?
Why am I getting such a high reading?
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Oct 15, 2010
I have a few questions about hard drive formatting and transferring. I currently have an imac i7 running snow leopard. I want to set up a workflow for archiving my personal files as well as client files. I do a lot of video work and I really like to save my stuff. I currently have a raw 1tb 7200rpm samsung running with a harddrive thermaltake reader. I would like to use the samsung 1 tb as an archiving disk. I have looked into drobo and those nice arrays, but I cannot afford it currently. What format should I format the 1tb? I want it as safe as can be. I plan to just store things. So I assume it will only need to be mac accessible, since I understand fat 32 only allows 4 gb transfers.
Should I format my storage drive to Mac os extended (journaled)? And that leads me to my second question. Natively I had already copied a bunch of my stuff to the 1tb harddrive when I first got it because my pc laptop was dying. So it is now a Fat format with stuff on it. I let the harddrive copy onto my desktop overnight in preparation of reformatting the drive. I hit get info on the folder on my desktop and compare to get info of the drive itself. There is about a 3 gb discrepancy between the folders. Where did the 3 gb go? And why? And HOW should I transfer files to make sure ALL of the documents are transferred?
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Aug 28, 2014
our email display name has incorrect name however the email address is correct. how do we edit the display name.
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Jul 1, 2014
Issue is after update to 10.9.4 Odessa, UA timezone detect as +3 Moscow time!
But it's wrong, cause Odessa has +2 timezone.
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Nov 8, 2009
I am pulling my hair since friday trying to get my MBP's time machine work with a 1TB drive connected to a early 2009 AEBS. First I spent half a day doing the first backup by connecting the hard drive directly to Mac using USB and later when I connected that drive to AEBS, time machine would not recognize the drive as the same one and I had to spend a good part of yesterday backing up my complete drive again.... and just when I thought I can rest easy knowing that my eternal dream of getting time machine work wirelessly, I saw time machine complain that there is not enough free space left to backup my paltry 103 GB worth of data on just second day.
Turns out, the Time machine backup volume (volume created by time machine on the AEBS disk) shows that the used space is 1TB.... but the size of the sparsebundle is only 103GB and my airport drive mount itself shows plenty of free space (800GB).... I have tried to search for similar problem, but I couldn't find much help... can anyone help me out here....
Btw, when I tried to repair the volume in disk utility, it says something about incorrect allocation blocks and then says it cannot repair and I need to backup and reformat the drive or something of that sort....
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Sep 8, 2014
I've noticed over the last while that the clock in the top right of my log-in window screen is about 20 minutes behind the actual time. When I login, the desktop clock changes to the right time. How to adjust the log-in window clock?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Sep 10, 2014
On my previous version of 10.6.8 when ever I opened any folder it would tell me along the bottom of the folder how many files were in that folder and how many MB were left available on the hard drive that the folder came from?
How do I get this back?
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Aug 29, 2014
In "About My Apple" under the storage tab, what does the yellow bar "other" mean? Other takes up most of my storage and I'm out of space on my disc so I'd like to trash some things.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Jun 23, 2014
I'm having big problems with USB mass storages. After upgrading to Mavericks my Mac doesn't see some USB storage devices (mostly USB sticks and Android phone's memory cards via USB. My external USB 3.0 hard disks work fine) at all even though the devices themselves (for example my Android phone) are clearly recognized according to the System Report. When I plug them in, they don't show up on my Finder or on Disk Utility.
I've searched everywhere and it seems like some other people are having the same problem, none seems to offer a definite solution. I've even formatted my HD and reinstalled Mavericks from the recovery partition. Now it mounts a USB stick that was in one of the USB ports at the time of installation but still doesn't read anything else! The funny thing is when I boot into Windows 8 on my Boot Camp partition, I can mount any USB devices including the USB stick and the Android phone I'm having problems on Mavericks without any problems. I can even see then when I boot into the recovery so there's clearly something wrong with Mavericks.
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Sep 10, 2014
I was shocked to see that my hard drive was close to full last night when I checked on its capacity. Mainly because I just wiped clean a month ago and reinstalled with the current version of Mavericks. It would appear that my problem lies within a massive amount of storage used classified as "other". My HD holds 320 GB and of that, "other" is taking up 161 GB along with my Audio, Movies, Photos and Apps taking up a combined 120 GB. This leaves me with about 40 GB left of free space.
I am unable to pinpoint the location of these "other" files. Totaling up the four subfolders in my HD (System, Library, Users and Applications) only amounts to 120 GB which can be traced back to my Audio, Movies, Photos and Apps. This leaves 161 GB floating around used somewhere that I haven't the slightest clue of where it is. I have used Grand Perspective and a disk space analyzer from the app store and they both only recognize 120 GB being used by the hard drive.
To make things a little more interesting, when I first noticed this "other" issue, it was taking up 145 GB and over the course of an hour or so after multiple restarts it has worked its way up to the 161 GB it is at now. Is there some type of glitch here?
I have tried restarting in Safe Mode to reset any stuck processes, but that didn't work either. I have searched similar problems but most people have found massive log files which they were able to pinpoint using a disk analyzer.
With a clean wipe and reset only a month ago, how can the "other" be this big already?
I have a 2007 iMac which ran great with snow leopard...I currently have the latest version of Mavericks 10.9.4
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2007 iMac
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Aug 26, 2014
I just recently bought my mac about two weeks ago and it came with 120 gb of memory, but I just checked today and it says I only have 96gb left, I haven't downloaded hardly any apps or transferred my music. How can I find out what is taking so much of my memory?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 28, 2014
how do you remove back up data from the memory storage? my storage data states that i have over 80gb of data used for back ups and i dont know why as i use a external hard drive as a time machine .now my 250gb flash storage is nearly full..
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 3, 2014
Here is what my time machine preferences look like now:
And it has, as I said in the title, been staying like this for a long time.
MacBook Pro with Retina display
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Aug 31, 2014
I had to delete a Yosemite partition I created on my mid 2012 macbook pro because the 16gig available filled up fast.
I check my HD and it was almost full to capacity, it shows I had 2.2 TB of photos and 1.5 TB of audio.
I don't know if this photos and music kept adding each time I sync my iphone or each time i log on to Facebook.
Anyway I would like to FREE UP THE SPACE but how, and would I need to have 3plus TB of external DH to do this, or what??????
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 4, 2014
This box keeps settling in the middle of my screen whilst I am watching things on inlayer. It will not accept deny.
Mac OS X (10.5.6), Leopard
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Jan 10, 2010
I thought I would share a cool realization. I am now eligible for any iPhone upgrades and most likely will be getting the new one coming out this summer - whatever it may be. I realized today that most likely it will have 64GB of storage - the exact same size as my Macbook Air - I think it is so wild my future phone/pocket computer will have the exact same storage capacity as my main laptop. I could potentially mirror everything on my Mac that is on my iPhone in the future.
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Jun 5, 2014
I am doing some research for FileVault 2 on Mac and noted that there are full disk encryption function.
I would like to know where is the encryption key location for full disk encryption in FileVault?
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Jun 30, 2012
Equipment: Mac Mini (Early 2009), Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Lion. I started noticing my Mac Mini was having trouble reconnecting my Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, slow processing (spinning pinwheel of death), and programs freezing. I did a recovery within Lion from the recovery drive and it seemed to work for a week or so. It started acting up again. So, I decided to erase the HD and reinstall Lion. I basically use the Mac Mini as a server for all my iTunes content.
My iTunes default save location is to my Drobo storage unit. Now that I have reinstalled Lion, I am looking for the easiest, most convenient, and safest way to change the default save location in iTunes and then importing the media. It would be nice if it was possible to just simply change the default save location to the folder I previously had all my media saved in and it would just magically appear in iTunes. Everything was organized perfectly, which took hours of time and attention to details.
Mac Mini, 2 13 Inch Macbooks, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
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Jun 9, 2012
I am unable to get into my account info on the iTunes store to check my account info. I keep getting a message that it is unavailable and try later, but this has been going on for weeks.
iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iOS 5.0.1
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Feb 28, 2009
I was flying by the setup of my Macbook and i accidentely registered it under the wrong name, now I fixed my login, and computer name, but my public folder still has the wrong name. Any way to fix it?
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Mar 12, 2010
My sister's Macbook is set to go to sleep after 16 minutes of no activity.
She went out for half an hour and when she returned the macbook had shut down.
The date is showing as January 1st 2001 and the clock began the time at 00:00.
Everything else on the computer is fine, but she cannot correct the date and time.
When she tries restarting the computer she is given a warning that the date and time are incorrect but still cannot fix it.
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Jun 20, 2010
I recently moved from Illinois to Ohio. Now, when I go to either google maps or the time zone settings on my Macbook Pro, it thinks I am in Illinois. Google maps will update eventually to the correct location, however the the time zone in OS X will not. I have tried deleting .plist files and rebooting.
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Mar 19, 2012
In the last 2 weeks, when I try to search - take for instance at Amtrack - I put in the date I want to travel (March 22) but when I click search it comes up with January 23 and then won't search because it is in the past.And it's not just with this website, I have other travel websites that act the same way.This is getting pretty annoying and as I am a secretary for about 6 people, I need to make travel arrangements, but I can't find an anwer.I cleared the cache and reset Safari and it didn't help.I checked to make sure my date and time settings were okay.
IMac, Mac OS X (10.5.5)
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May 4, 2012
How can I correct screenshot times on my iMac? Using Leopard 10.6.8 - Have had this iMac 3-1/2 yrs, screenshot times have never been correct.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6)
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May 14, 2012
I hav a 500 GB internal hard drive on my Mac Book Pro running Lion.
In any Finder window or "get info" on my hard drive, it says I have 465 GB available (only 34 GB actually used). In Disk Utility, it says I only have 121 GB available and 379 used.
When I "calculate all sizes" of the folders in the root directory, it's less than 280 GB, so there must be 100 GB of hidden files somewhere.
I also suspect that these hidden files are taking up a lot of space on my Time Machine. Yes, I've already run disk utility, repaired disk, emptied trash, restarted, etc. but something weird is going on.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iPad, iPhone 4, BlackBook, iPod
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May 28, 2012
There are hidden duplicates in my iCloud contacts - old ones for contacts where I've updated info. They don't show up in the regular contacts list ("all contacts"), yet they always show up when I enter a name into an email address and in iPhoto's Faces names. I can't change them to the correct names in iPhoto. And I can't find them to delete the old data.Anyone know where these are stored (old contact data that's been deleted or updated)? And, how can I access that place?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X(10.4.2), iPhone4, iPad2, iOS5.1
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